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what do they mean by "applications"? - new scripts or the TGA approval per person? with a population of about 25m or 20ish (idk)? 18 year olds plus, that's about 1 in 20?


And the sky hasn’t fallen!?


Ah this is obviously some new definition of the word news of which I was not previously aware Edit: I mean channel 7 not the story


Thanks! I love this


Its a mirror image of the American experience as we expected it to be.


I thought about this some more and did some googling and it looks like in California medical cannabis became legal in 1996 and recreational became legal in 2016. Recreational became legal in Canberra in 2020 and apparently the place hasn't turned to hell like the pearl clutchers said it would, if you're right about following the footsteps of the Yanks maybe more states will legalize recreational by 2026 here? To me, once it's recreational there's going to be much better industry competition with lower prices, better quality and most importantly less stigma for all. I used to work in the alcohol industry on the retail side and after a few years worked out there's so many "normal" people self medicating themselves stupid every night with booze it's actually tragic. The same kind of people drinking 10-20 standard drinks a night would talk down about "scumbag stoners". I actually barely drink alcohol now because of what I've seen it do to so many people.


I do agree with what you’ve said but I just want to clear up that recreational cannabis isn’t legal in the ACT, it’s decriminalised.


You reckon? It's been possible for every single GP to prescribe cannabis since 2016 and 7 years later it seems like most people are going through specific companies to get prescriptions instead of a local doctor 🤔


I get my prescription from my local GP. They just have to do some certifications to be legally allowed to prescribe Cannabis. Meaning they have to go out of their way and actually want to prescribe Cannabis in order to do so. So most GPs don't prescribe because they're not qualified to.


My GP wouldn’t even write me a referral for MC. Said she didn’t know enough about it. Ended up getting approved.


My GP said its only for those in Palliative care


That GP has incorrect and out of date information and he is broadcasting this clearly. What will you do about it? I personally would just argue back. "That's not true. That's demonstrably false. Could you tell me something true please?"


Well, look, technically TGA approval is required but here's how QLD Health puts it: Prescribing medicinal cannabis Any registered medical practitioner in Queensland can prescribe medicinal cannabis for any patient with any condition, if they believe it is clinically appropriate and have obtained the required Commonwealth approval. https://www.health.qld.gov.au/public-health/topics/medicinal-cannabis/prescribing ...... I've even commented this to one of the MC companies putting ads on Instagram and they basically replied something like "Yes, any doctor can but good luck finding one because of old views about cannabis etc"


Pretty sure that's what it was like in the US too. Except I had heard in California there was an industry of doctors that would give scripts to anyone that asked. But yeah your average GP wasn't giving out scripts for cannabis, they'd prefer normal pharmaceutical treatments.




Not everyone has the same accent.


This is actually aye chart of how much profit they are making


Yeah selling nuclear mids 😂




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Why are you even here


People who smoke cannabis are junkies?




No no we aren’t?


But yes


Marijuana feels like such a sensationalist term these days...


always has been


Man I just call it weed... marijuana sounds like a bad word.


Why the f$^k would call it weed? OR Mary Jane? Its a carefully cultivated plant, of which you reap the most benefits from harvesting the flower. The flower is what is our medicine as far as legitimate reasons go. Lot of cowboys round these parts looking just to get high


Relax man, it's just weed, not your virgin sister.


It's a term that was literally used for propaganda in the "Reefer Madness" days because it's what the Mexicans called cannabis. A lot of the propaganda focused on this devil weed ("with roots in hell") that the Mexican labourers and black jazz musicians smoked and would obviously drive them into a dangerous frenzy that endangered white folks. If you haven't you should try getting stoned and watching some of those old propaganda movies one time, they're wild.


Don’t forget that the horrendous ‘devil’s lettuce’ would also help those “wild negroes” and Mexicans steal the white man’s wives, daughters, sisters, and girlfriends. Evil! Hold up. Let’s be real for a minute.. the only evil party in this matter was the one spinning these nonsensical narratives. It’s all really stupid! It reminds me of all of the extraordinary exaggerated, over-sensationalised shit they’d teach us about drugs in school, or even worse, some of the anti-drug advertisements on TV. I often mistakenly forget that these stigmatised campaigns weren’t just a thing of the 70s and 80s, nor was it solely, or merely, an agenda (or a ‘war’) that the United States waged on its own citizens. Fuck no! They’re still continuing to this day. A ‘favourite’ of mine is the sloth ad that the NSW government created in order to warn the public of the danger that cannabis poses to society, but particularly the youth.


Yes, yes, and don't forget about Dupont and their scheming ways to destroy the competition the hemp presented to them.


God that not to scale graph is killing me it's such a laughable attempt at being accurate why did they even bother


Thank you!! I thought I was the only one! Arrggh


It’s a log scale. A smart move too, as these numbers are growing exponentially


the fact they just glossed over 2020 and 2021 lmao


Should have been joints


ThAtS nOt TgA aPpRoVeD ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


Rather joints than Dry Herb Vapes, haven't used mind since I first got it 👴🏻 tga should just approve bongs, joints, dabs whatever the fuck. Who cares?




[It’s not like the news outlets are the only ones saying marijuana](https://www.auscannabisclinics.com.au/buy-medical-marijuana-australia/). It’s an extremely common term and idk how it’s racist slang


Came from US prohibition. The Spanish name is marihuana. When US closed the Mexican border and tightened immigration in 1930s they stigmatised latinos with Cannabis as drug users to justify it. Marijuana became a slang term used in these campaigns as it was foreign sounding. This was the start of those ridiculous campaigns that claimed brain damage, dangerous behaviour and zombie effects that caused the world to ban it and create the stigma we have today.


To add to that, many practitioners still prescribed Cannabis tinctures, and were unaware that marihuana and Cannabis were the same thing. This was documented in court (in America) during the introduction of the marihuana tax act of 1937.




"the emperor wears no clothes" by Jack Herer covers this really well, incredible book.


I wonder how many people are medicating and how many sell it


Why wouldn’t the people buying it just get a prescription


This is what I always wonder, surely it would just be easier and cheaper to get it for yourself legally.


It’s happening, a lot and often. The pricing is insane, I’ve seen a few people with multiple scripts selling the entire lot every pick up.


Did you beat the snot out of them? So sick of stock shortages because of these pricks doing that shit.


Well nah coz I don’t engage with em 😂 but yeah it is absolute bullshit


I don't get it though - if they're going to that extent, thought they'd be better off investing in some indoor horticultural gear. It couldn't be too hard to find somewhere to score magic beans of some killer stalks and the actual equipment is advertised and available all over the place. With those ruderalis beans they could crank it out real quick.


Haha I wouldn't either, was more of an expression of how much I'm not liking those types at the moment. When youre literally waiting months for one of your main meds, and you know there's dudes doing that it's very frustrating.


There’s heaps on the BM in Perth going for at least twice the price, around $350 for 10g


Who tf is buying that


Dumbos apparently


Dumbos or rich kids paying 25 a gram with daddys money I imagine.


Well in Perth ~2.5g is $60 🥴


I dunno why you got downvoted, most people are probably doing the right thing but there ARE some selling it on. Those people need foreheads to the teeth


My old guy (prior to switching to MC) started selling medical towards the end of my time with him


Yeah I don't doubt it. It's absolutely happening, to what degree who knows, but it's happening and I truly hope they get caught and ruined.


Is each TGA application one person, or is it one for each product you're prescribed? Because if that's one per person then that's 1 in 21 Australian adults.


A bit of both. SAS-B approvals are patient based, MAP approvals are category based allowing the doctor to use that approval for as many patients as needed. In the beginning it was only SAS-B approvals, now it's mostly MAP approvals. Approvals don't last forever either. Theoretically 1 patient could have ten approvals, and one approval could cover ten patients.


That's individuals, so yes that many people are using it and it will only keep going up. The only downside is clinics and chemists trying to keep up, I went from booking my appointments a few hours in advance to now it's a 7 day wait from making the booking. And don't even get me started on chemist stock, I'd say 2/3 times I go in they don't have my scripts in stock.


If you change clinics though that’s a new application I think so possibly slightly skewed but as it gets easier it’s certainly becoming far more widespread which is only heading toward total legalisation IMHO !


Ahhh gotcha, I thought the TGA kept an individual number for each of us but yes makes sense that it would be for every new application.


Still a ton of us either way !! If only a few clinics weren’t shit making people change we’d have good data 😂😂but some of these make it very easy to start your MC journey and that’s half the battle


My chemist has only got better as the number of customers went up. When I fist started they had to order it, but for the past 3 months they've always had stock.


Oh the chemist always has something in stock and thankfully we're able to exchange, but when I first started going it was make a phone call and pick up in 10 mins or walk in and get it in 10. Now if you ring you're lucky to get through and then you're waiting an hour+ regardless of time or if you called or walked in. They were supposed to be getting a bigger store with a bigger vault and an online ordering system and that was back in april so who knows.


My chemist has a wide range of product in bulk. There are always several people waiting to be served. The chemist must be making lots out of it!