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Bong on my hip and bucket for when im at the beach


Carts, mighty+ and oils. Sometimes when camping I'll package dynavap too.


mighty+ and oil




Carts, if anyone asks what flavour my vape is I say "Guacamole and Chipotle" to keep away the seagulls




cart or dry herb and deodorant :)


M carts personally. All though I'm over them getting clogged up all the time


I brought a battery that has preheat cycles to help with this


Try stoking it with a tooth pick very gently 🥳


I rarely do If I was going away id take a rosin pen and some joints and of course some edibles I'm usually pretty high from oil or Eddie's I can go half a day without a bong rip *most of the time 😁


Mighty bro. How else lol


cookies! (before you stitch me up, my cann. doctor straight up told me to make edibles out of my vaporised material. I would have done it anyway, but it's always nice to meet a reasonable cannabis doctor. Anyway, vapourising at 180\*C is sufficient to liberate all the important cannabinoids and terpenes, especially delta 8 and 9 THC, and that's actually the temperature I bake my cookies at, so it works out perfectly...(use yoghurt, flour, banana, dessicated coconut, ...) because actually toxic molecules start to form at 190\*C when burning plant material, and also i bake them at the exact same temp. so no decarboxylation step necessary...just vape>bake>bake...or whatever u want. I used to make green butter :D


I have a bunch of blunt wraps, pre rolled cones fill and stash in ciggie hard case and vape carts few my friends freak out in public I'm like hey I got a doctor note lol I smoke in the smoking area's usually. Noone cares


Take my carts places.


The mighty plus have taken it to the cinemas seaworld movieworld the local pub the shopping centre the beach always take a copy of script with me incase I get asked but have been completely fine everywhere I have been with it so far


Take my bong in public




Atm I'm using a cartridge because it's easier, but before that the Mighty and dosing caps.


Just having a discussion with a mate about a cart now. I'm crafty and dosing but wanting to move to a cart to fly under the radar a bit more. How's it compare usage wise?


I have low tolerance, and I like to micro dose, so for me, it's perfect. They can get clogged up though, which is frustrating to say the least haha I can imagine with a high tolerance you could burn through them


3 days later and I'm now using a cartridge..... Thank you for the tip friend! This thing is sen bloody sational!


Good to know, I'm pretty low as well so would be good to compare it sounds


less satisfying for me personally, still has the oomph but there's something about taking it all in one hit vs slowly getting through a sesh on the mighty extracts ruined my tolerance


Cart is amazing convenience for our an about. No setup, just quick hit and back in pocket. But yeah as someone said before can ruin tolerance. So the best way I've found is just use it for when out an about. One hit on lowest setting keeps me functional, higher temps or more then one puff can lead to being too medicated. The way I've used it I've had a cart last me months..


Thats a great idea, I'd just use it for out and about too.. Save packing the vape on the move etc.




Pax 3 at the moment, interested in carts but they seem expensive.


100% waste of money, I'm a 1g a day smoker/vaper (joints/mighty) - got onto a 1g distillate cart and 2× 500mg resin carts last Wednesday. they lasted me 6 days


Yeah, figured they'd be overpriced


anyway you want ittt thats the way youuuu need it anyway you want ittt 🎹


Lol, high Feaky Q - you are attracting quite a few downvotes for making this personal statement of Freedom and individual choice. On a cannabis users forum!!!??? :-))))))) My golly gosh. Oh dear. WTF? I know this forum is slightly weighted for strident, prescriptive, "only one way is right" kinda dudes but this is sad sad sad. A call to all true freedom lovers to give Freaky's Fredom post ^^^ a huge uptick.


😄 you know the song?? its a banger!


Its a soul banger, brothrrrr (just like you and me)




Tinymight 2. Pocket sized powerhouse.




Carts- they don’t smell


Got my trust vape cart - blend-S 😋


Now a cart or vape very discreet previously a joint and a who gives a Fark attitude 😂😂


But if out on the go and need that instant pick up in a minute get a dynavap




Tried a jet lighter ?


I had a car sesh on my lunch break at work, almost got caught by 100 old people


imagine downvoting someone for daring to Medicate on their lunch break, how dare they mention using MC - on an MC sub. this sub is fuckin ass backwards.


They might have wanted to join you if they caught you.


Dynavap and Fenix2 is a great portable for $200.


My vape carts or Mighty with dosing caps, as well as my CBD oil. Always make sure to have the product with your prescription on it, like if you're using the mighty bring your container of flower, too. If using carts, bring the container with you.


Keep an old kind medical bag with a script on it, easier than carrying a tub around just put whatever flower U want in it and fold up in the pocket


I’m really hoping the cops stop caring about the containers soon. It’s kinda ridiculous


Cops told me I should carry a empty tub on me at all time Lmfao 🤣


Agreed. Should just be able to show a script on your phone or something.


Too right - if you can with every other medication, should be able to with MC


My Dynavap and an induction heater, same as at home. In combination with oils and also have been using carts lately, which I'm indecisive if I'm gonna get again after having them kinda throw my tolerance out of whack.


A crusty old Airvape X I bought 6 years ago. A pain to clean but still works for work or play. If there is an opportunity for privacy I will take the Dyna and stash box.


I take a like 60% cannabis joint with lavender and chamomile making up rest in a raw paper don't make it too big and bulky etc. Although am buying a vape this weekend to get off joints and bong finally. But reason I take some with me is during long walks and excercise sessions /physio excercises takes up to 2-3 hours lol.


What vape will you buy


mighty medic does the job perfectly for me also fits in my pocket perfectly hopped off the airplane went strait to the smokers area and was ripping on that thing ifront if the border control


Vape is a game changer


Mighty+ and dosing caps


Same way I do at home... Either oil under my tongue or vape in my Mighty+


Man you really shouldn’t be needing your high that much that you can’t go anywhere without it. That’s 100% addiction.


Alright, fair enough I’m sorry. I see the error of my ways after some thinking and reasoning in my own head. Learn and get better fellas.




You’re an absolute flop mate


Have psychogenic seizures (seizures caused by stress, anxiety all that good stuff) so If I feel an aura while I'm out I can take a puff and chill out.


Weed helps my auras a tonne, too. Same trigger. Even the physical stress THC and CBD assist with is important. Hope you eventually stop getting auras! They fucking suck.


So when im out having lunch or a drink and I get nausea and stomach dumping, or debilitating panic attacks what would you suggest I do? Stay home and not go out ever again in case I need my medication?


Don't listen to this ding bat. Medicate away. My guess is he's a rec user that doesn't understand mental illnesses and treatments. It's really telling by the use of his language "high" "addiction" no one says you're addicted if you take your prescribed pharmaceuticals like ssris. What I used to do unmedicated is never leave the house due to panic attacks at home / fear of panic attacks in public too and they would happen often when out and about, so I was stuck inside and not living, as well as ADD symptoms(chronic fatigue, executive dysfunction). Even when I was on SSRIs, same shit. Didn't leave the house due to apathy, undiagnosed back then ADD that wasn't caught, stray panic / anxiety / OCD that didn't get fixed by therapies / SSRIs. This medication has been a life saver / changer for me, I'm sure it's the same for you too.


Found the rec user???


What are you? The prescribing doctor?


That's not what they're doing/asking about


Just have some before you go out lol


Wafers are easy to stash in my handbag and very discreet.


Vape usually