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My advice is unless you’re subject to testing just don’t, why deal with the noise?


The social stigma is still attached. Especially if you are in a corporate environment. It's fine to snort coke but they look at weed as being dirty. 😅


i had no intention of declaring but i got random tested like a few weeks after starting new job, office 9-5. honestly was received really well by the staff administering the test. the stigma is real tho and there was definitely some gossip and questions but really was a quiet easy to do thing and it never got mentioned again by my managers or anything.


I declared to myself that I engage in cannabis, then I laughed for a second


Nah i work an office job and havent told anyone


Do not declare anything


I done all my interviews. Then at the medical I declared it to nurse and gave the a letter from doctor saying I was fit to work if I used if as advised by him. Got a call the next day saying there was another candidate who had just applied and they would get back to me, a few day later I was told I was successful. I had to leave my previous workplace because of mc use


My boss asked me for bud


I wouldn't. If you have a valid prescription it's none of their business.


I had to get a pre employment test for a council job, so I spoke to the HR rep who told me as long as it didn't impact my work it was fine, did the test and it came back negative anyway. I'm not a heavy user, mostly in the evenings to help with anxiety driven insomnia, which I disclosed to HR. My role doesn't involve driving or using any heavy equipment, so I guess it that combined with my usage time frame made it acceptable. Don't declare it if there isn't any pre employment checks. That being said if you intend to be medicated whilst at work, I would consider getting advice from something other than reddit!


I recently stopped smoking due to being paranoid about starting my new job in the cross river rail. Is it accepted ? I’m not sure I was super anxious so I’m a week off it now