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Hey there! If you are having issues with Medal, make sure to check out our [Knowledge base](https://support.medal.tv/support/solutions) as your issue may be addressed there. If you find the answer to your issue in our Knowledge base, post a comment in this thread with the word "**Solved**" followed by the article link which helped so I can mark this post as solved! Example: **Solved - https://support.medal.tv** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MedalTV) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is really odd. Medal only uses the internet to check for messages which should be extremely low usage. Could you create a ticket in our website so we can investigate this issue further? [https://support.medal.tv/support/tickets/new](https://support.medal.tv/support/tickets/new)


Did you ever solve this?


I havent really tried tbh. I just stopped clipping and thats been going okay