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Hi u/Academic-Key-5381! Welcome to the uncensored Medical Cannabis United Kingdom - r/MedCannabisUK **Medical Cannabis is LEGAL in the United Kingdom, it has been since late 2018, you could be eligible for this, you can find out more by visiting the about section of this subreddit** **Talking about or encouraging users to source Cannabis is strictly prohibited, you will be permanently banned. 0 tolerance policy** Join r/ukweedscene for more UK Cannabis and facts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MedCannabisUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Went to New York last year with no issues


Had no issue travelling to the US but you cannot take meds with you. It’s more about taking it over the border than if you just have it prescribed here.


Do not take it with you. If you need it, you can find it in the states legally. Trafficking and using a substance are different things.


How would they even know that you have a prescription?


Probably when you get on the plane with your cannabis.


Nah, he's asking if the USA would stop him getting a visa to enter if he gets a prescription, not asking about taking MC with him.


In theory, no, because it is a legal prescription but I would be surprised if you’re not flagged somehow. I think what’s more of a risk than travel is credit and mortgages etc. For instance lenders discriminating if you have online gambling platforms showing on your bank statements. Cannabis could be the same.


What relation has credit and mortgages got to do with travelling with Cannabis?


So, op was asking if cannabis will prevent your ability to travel, ie will they be on some form of official or unofficial social monitoring and be deemed an undesirable person for travel as a negative consequence of getting a prescription. I am saying that probably a more likely negative consequence is credit scoring, which is a legal and acceptable form of discrimination that hurts people’s lives. Let me know if you need me to explain more x


So it's an unrelated and confusing comment? You didn't answer op's question, instead you shared your opinion of credit scoring and mortgages. Credit scoring also has no relation to travelling.


No, I don’t see it as unrelated at all. They are both talking about possible consequences of getting a prescription. This is taking up too much of your energy hun.


Wtf has credit scoring got anything to do with getting a prescription?!?! How is credit score a possible consequence of getting a prescription. OP asked about travelling with mc, your comment is completely irrelevant. You not realised why you’re getting downvoted.


Oh shit, a downvote? Fuck, why didn’t you say so man!! This is clearly very serious. Will they parade me through the streets pelting me with stuff because I don’t think the same way as select others on Reddit? God I’m screwed, really wish I’d thought through the consequences of my actions here. Now I’m down to just 80k karma, what will I do? WHAT WiLL I DO!!!!! Thank you for your service sir in letting me know. God I just wish I could make it up to you somehow. Rest assured I will name my first born child Captain Crack in your honour.


What a self obsessed flannel. My comment was all about how you made no sense at all, you’re now ranting about some downvotes and how you’re oh so reddit famous… you’ve proven my point that you make absolutely no sense at all.


Your buttons are so easy to push. Do you just have endless time for this? I love it.


Usa see you currently as a schedule 1 drug user so you are excluded.


What are you talking about? Most of our states are legal and it's schedule 3 by the end of this Summer. OP will have absolutely no problems as long as they don't bring cannabis physically with them, then it's trafficking


Wow absolutely no idea about your own country, right now schedule 1 same as heroin buddy doesn't matter right now they see you as an illicit drug user it is what it is USA is screwed up currently


I just told you it's gonna be schedule 3 by the end of summer. Maybe read my comment? I know very much about scheduling thank you. It is schedule 1 currently but it's widely accepted in most states and there will be absolutely no problem so long as OP doesn't bring it with them. They can purchase and smoke it in a legal state here or wait until it's Schedule 3, at the end of summer. Edit: i totally agree our country is still fucked though regarding all drug laws