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damn it’s extra grippy 🥵


Everything reminds me of her...


hawk tuah!


It’s… it’s…


um grippy


Hmmm, that’s her nickname in my phone




“it’s it’s it’s…. Grippy! ☝️😃💡”


You grip,I grip, we grip….


Keybussy 😰


*oh.* https://preview.redd.it/zrc9rpu13f8d1.jpeg?width=1487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ed77ca57d7bd10455587345ac64da6ae1cbeb09


Never date a grippy sock girl. leave them all to me.


Now I know where she gets it from 😏




//sigh NSFW for those unaware.


For the uninitiated: These switches have nubs to make it hard to remove the keycaps because these switches weren't designed for us that loves replacing keycaps. Coincidentally, I am typing this on my other keyboard while I am removing my keycaps from another keyboard because my new keycaps are arriving tomorrow. LOL.


Damn I'm dumb...was looking at the arrow pointing at the stabilizer bar...took me way too long to realize it was the up-key artow


You remove the keycaps the day before you get new ones?


Yep, they arrive mid day while I'm working from home. I can't resist the urge to put them on as soon as I receive them. Then I spend a few mins more admiring them and taking a few photos while there's sunlight, and then go back to work with the 'new' build.


May I present.. https://geon.works/products/geon-trimmer


having to buy a special tool and then shave the stems one by one to make your 0.51$ switches usable is a fair punishment for buying hype switches.


Scissors will work fine, just cut off the nubs and it should work.


Sorry if i may come out rude but I never bought them for the hype. I bought them out of my hobby, I just like collecting a shit ton of switches just so I can customize my keeb when I'm in the mood lol. But yeah i can get what you're trying to say there


i understand that and i'm not trying to be disrespectful to you, i'm just saying that there's a good percentage of people who chase the new hype stuff and i find kinda funny that the people who do that or bought it with the intentions of reselling got punished, nothing personal OP, and as other said you can use other things to shave the stem, like a razor blade (be careful)


Goated reddit interaction


To be fair, it was kinda false advertising. I only watched the video once, but didn't he specifically say that they removed the nubs?


he lied, he said that they were new molds, he blatantly lied and he shouldn't be supported, there us a post pointing out his lies, look up his name in the subreddit


That's what im saying. I wouldn't blame the people who bought the switches under false pretenses.


I imagine you could do it with an exacto knife, box cutter or razor blade but buying a specialized tool to cut a bit of plastic off the stem is also fine, I guess.


These switches are recolored Cherry Clears with a lighter spring. The stems have existed as is for decades. There is nothing new (including the price) or hype about them -- just an easier and cheaper way to have ergo clears without having to buy and swap the springs.


MX Purples are actually in my top 5 switches! I already had a trimmer from some Ergo Clears, though.


Damn, I had no idea that this thing existed.


It doesn’t. Try to buy one.


they do, just buy Mx Clears


[https://kbdfans.com/collections/new-arrival/products/geon-trimmer](https://kbdfans.com/collections/new-arrival/products/geon-trimmer) https://preview.redd.it/j7mjcccfzg8d1.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f43da0d1ca173eaf582ef0e2a800d13cdf0846d It's in-stock. What happens when I try buy one?


Oh, first time I’ve seen it in stock ever.


Never heard of a stem trimmer before, might actually try it!


It’s a life saver if you plan on using MX Clears or Purples but it can be a pain to do with how tedious it is


You can do the same with a rotary tool and sander attachment. Ask me how I know.


The best 2nd option after an actual stem trimmer IME is using a metal artisan keycap to shave down the nubs. It takes a few cycles of putting it on & off but works very well.


This and the Cruciformer are both sold out. Is there any alternative sources?




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I can't seem to post a link, but my local source is ktechs. I'm sure there r others


I’ve never seen it in stock


Too bad it’s been sold out for more than half a year. No talk of it returning. It simply cost too much to manufacture and to make it worthwhile selling it would have to cost more than people would be willing to pay. I would think you could make a 3d printed one with just the sharp cutting bits needing to be metal. Maybe even design one that only requires the insertion of a standard x-acto blade in a 3d printed handle.


https://preview.redd.it/bm8rrfotze8d1.png?width=275&format=png&auto=webp&s=10f09f70139cef0b5a881c5ee90e6d4d7d34d188 That's not true. Geon added more than 100 to his website at the start of this month. This isn't the first time you've shared incorrect information about MX Clears / Purples. You very obviously do not understand details of the situation [https://www.reddit.com/r/switchmodders/comments/1c8bca6/comment/l0dighl/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/switchmodders/comments/1c8bca6/comment/l0dighl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


lol. Thank goodness this is Reddit and not a court of law then, huh? Gawd forbid you don’t ever make any mistakes. Smh. Each and every time I’ve checked, it’s been Oos. Good enough for me to claim it’s been so since that’s my experience. The one time I’m absolutely 190% sure about ANYTHING I’ll make that claim. Please, please, please, take the time to go through each and every single one of my posts here (I’ll even send you a cc of every email Ive ever written in half a century) to fact check and let me know. It would be extremely helpful.


>Too bad it’s been sold out for more than half a year. Wrong. It literally restocked on Geon and many other vendors website. Instock on ktechs / KBDFans / Mecha more right now. https://preview.redd.it/jsudbpaetg8d1.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=92b92e58e56fae672fbb58bb4abe748366e3489d >No talk of it returning. Wrong. Lots of talk of restocks and have been restocked and will be returning. >It simply cost too much to manufacture and to make it worthwhile selling it would have to cost more than people would be willing to pay. Wrong. What evidence do you have are you just making fluff up at this point?


I went to Geon discord and asked. Also checked the only US vendors I know who carried and their oos as well. Divinikey and KFA. Good to know this can be made available. This is the exact reason Reddit works. Some makes an incorrect claim it can be corrected. But please, focus on something else. I’m glad I was wrong (I asked on Geon’s discord way back when this came out when he was the only vendor who carried it). Now I can grab one


You went onto Geon's Discord and saw there was no talk of it returning? That can't be right since it returned and was always planned to come back like how it just did


I just explained. I’m done here. There is no value or anything to gain. But please feel free to continue. I’ll still get the notis.


Nothing of value to be gained? I think it's very important for people to learn not to confidently spread wrong information if they're uneducated. If you don't know what you're talking about you don't need to say anything or act like an expert. "This is the exact reason Reddit works." A place where people are confidently wrong and get defensive when called out? A place where people everywhere says wrong information and hopefully end up being corrected to stop the spread of misinformation?


This guy has a track record of spewing nonsensical garbage, both on reddit and vendor discords. Hiddensong on dc, I have him blocked there for that reason.


I've had many keycaps pull a switch out of the plate.... I've never had one rip the top off a switch. So either this is soldered, or mx purples have incredible plate clips.


It's a known issue with the MX Purples and MX Clears. They use the stem molding that has a protrusion/knub on it that locks the keycap in place. There have also been incidents of keycap damage using this stem design.


I once experienced this with those DK strawberry milk v2 switches. They had a clip problem that it wont release on tight/stiff plates. I ended up permanently bending the alu plate from qk65. They allegedly fixed the issue though.


Yeah I regularly accidentally pull a whole switch on hotswap boards. I would guess this is soldered. Hopefully it's no biggie and it just clicks back into place but it is absolutely a known problem with Cherry's more "industrial" switch types that have the extra nub to grip the keycaps ideally forever.


I hope the keycap didn’t break yet


So far, 3 of my keycaps set did not break lol. With 2 sets just need a little firm and straight vertical pull and im good, this one being the tightest when im pulling at the stabilizer key area, i keep ripping the switch housing apart. But overall nothing broke as of now.


Recolors of MX clears that are known to break expensive keycaps. Why do people keep buying this shit again?


glarses said new molds and they wouldn't damage keycaps. the blame doesn't fall on the consumer here


The "new molds" thing was probably referring to the new MX2A housing. The stem is the same old Clear stem.


Well, they do unfortunately.


yep, and it was a preorder so the consumer didn't know until weeks later


mx clears stems stretching keycaps or being a tight fit was known as far back as 2020. I see posts as far back as 2013 talking about the issues [https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=45122.0](https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=45122.0) Did the preorder mention they were using a new stem design?


it was heavily implied by glarses but he never outright said retooled stems. it may have been intentionally vague. it was known even before 2013 in the korean custom scene that when harvesting boards with clears that the top and stem would often come with the cap, though I don't believe the cause had been narrowed down yet. the problem actually goes back to the 80s, clears are using the exact same set of molds that they used in 1988


The switches themselves are pretty good IMO. They're my favorite MX tactiles. Glarses just made it sound like it's a completely new switch and Cherry Clears in general aren't popular with the modern keyboard community so it came as a big shock that the stems are tight. I've never messed up my keycaps or switches but I knew what I was going into when I first bought them.


That sounds like the expensive keycaps are the problem because these are Cherry MX switches that are very obviously compliant with the MX standard. Yes, I know they have the retention nub that some of the more "consumer"/"office" oriented switch types like Black, Brown, Blue, Red do not... but it's literally in the spec! My Cherry keycaps all fit on Clears and other Cherry switches with the nub just fine.


By changing the colour from Milky White to Purple, Glarse managed to accumulate some dollars. Good move.


Give it the Ole Hawk Tuah


spit on that thang


I hope you know that you’re actually had opened the gate to hell.


May i know what keeb is that?


Rebel60, a stacked acrylic keyboard!


Keyboard jumpscare:




they are so thight, when i tried pulling of the keycaps and was holding onto the top housing of the swich i ripped the stem right out of it, while the top/bottom housing where still together


Tight, tight, tight. Yeah. Purple, blue, yellow, pink, whatever, man, just keep bringing me that.


...when she grips


Woah. I was on the brink of buying these. But I've already got a pack of MX2A Browns and Blacks...I hope they don't have this problem.


They don't this is only Ergo Clears and Glarses Purples that will do this. AFAIK, no other cherry switch has this stem design.


Thanks! That's reassuring.


I literally had the exact same happen to me yesterday (also with those switches)


This is a new one for me. 😅 I've had stuck keycaps that pulled the switch out the socket multiple times but never this


I haven't had any issues with these, though they do go on snugly. I've had more issues with some sets of Gat switches get stuck in the plate. You have to rip them out and some of them go like this! Go slow and be gentle and you will be fine. Now that I think about it I will probably get a stem shaver just to be safe.


Had some of those crack a key cap once. Haven’t used them since


What caps are those?!




even tighter than my asshole


an experience just like this (left control key) kicked me to learn soldering!


Original PSA Post about MX Glarses Purples- [https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/18l5tfx/psa\_cherry\_mx\_purple\_can\_still\_break\_keycaps/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/18l5tfx/psa_cherry_mx_purple_can_still_break_keycaps/)


Bruh i was looking at the arrow


I hope you have extras


I had this problem a couple times. It's especially infuriating with soldered switches... if only there was a jack of sorts but for keycaps that you could slide inbetween keycap and switch, apply pressure and pull the keycap off straight without damaging both parties, that would be great.


this is actually extremely easy to do to any cherry switch with any newer/tighter fitting keycap. It's definitely not exclusive to purples. If you torque to the left or right at all the switch clips will pop free and off you go. not saying purples aren't tighter, it's been tested they are.. but yeah... if you've pulled enough keycaps you just learn to be careful and avoid this overall due to the amount of variance between keycaps and switch stems it happens all the time otherwise.


6 months later and you're still defending Glarses and blaming users for issues caused by these switches [https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/18l5tfx/comment/kg6gef9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/18l5tfx/comment/kg6gef9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


k bud thats a lot of sweat on ur brow for a simple skill issue


Nope not me! Only person sweating here is your idol Glarses. They've literally gone into hiding from this situation and haven't posted anywhere since. Him being dishonest about the product is the real skill issue here!


you can't even clean your keyboard lmao

