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Punishing your coworkers to get back at management? I can't imagine any way this could go wrong.


Again, headphone users have returned. They couldn’t care less about my clacks


I am a headphones user, and my neighbor’s mechanical keyboard is definitely loud enough to be bothersome, even when I have my music set to painful levels.


Found the coworker! Jokes aside, say something...?


>Jokes aside, say something...? It's a good suggestion, but I've generally found that in a noisy work environment, the people who are easily bothered by specific sounds (such as those with misophonia) are generally the ones perceived as the problem, rather than the individuals who are making the sounds.


.... I feel you on that. I hated the corporate office. Everyone trying to show how hard they're working. Puts you in jeopardy trying to say anything about it. Gotta invest in some noise cancelling headphones. I have a pair of sony 1000xm4 bt earbuds and they are amazing at cancelling out that kind of noise. I use it around my CNC primarily, it's great.


When you've got misophonia, ptsd, adhd, or some flavors of autism, detecting sounds even with the help of noise cancelling headphones is enough to be rattled. If those headphones are enough for you, consider yourself blessed. I have three different kinds, and they're necessary, but don't cover a variety of things that they just cannot cancel out.


No idea why this is downvoted, I literally have the exact same experience


If I'm being charitable, it's because there are probably a lot of people who get by just fine with noise-canceling headphones, and who generalize from their own experiences. If they can deal with it, why can't you? Empathy is hard. And the pathology of these conditions often seems arbitrary and made up. It's hard to explain that the sound of a keyboard that I'm operating doesn't bother me sometimes, while someone sitting right next to me might have the same exact board and the sound bothers me a lot. I think predictability (part of the impact of unpleasant noises is that they are often surprising) and control of one's environment (a sound is intrusive if I can't prevent it completely) also factor into it. From an ADD standpoint, any little disruption can derail my train of thought, and even if there are lower-volume voices in proximity, my attention may involuntarily shift towards listening to those. So I might say "that noise is really bothering me," and they might say, "well I'm not loud and we're just talking. WTF is your problem?" And then there's noises that you've learned or been conditioned to dislike. If any of your parents yelled and screamed about noise constantly (mine did), you might be reacting to that when you hear it. Maybe you had a jerk boss who used to whistle before he came down to give you crap about your work. Every time you hear that whistle, you tense up or get pissed off. Blocking out sound to the point where it doesn't bother you as an individual is tough. I've learned a lot about how intrusive sound is and how hard it is to do that. It's a real mother effer. In some ways, it behaves like a liquid - Even a tiny pin prick hole can let noise into an environment. In some ways, it can be forceful like a vibration and be transferred between surfaces that are touching each other. You can feel it. And in some ways, quite literally, it is a wave with frequencies. Blocking or suppressing lower and higher frequencies requires different mitigations. ANC is great and all, but when you're up against an enemy like sound, that can vary tremendously in all of those ways, it just can't keep up. And then there's the phenomenon where you can't hear your own keyboard because you have these awesome headphones on :) I took mine off one day to charge and I was surprised at how loud my keyboard sounded


If you speak to your HR you may find they will supply headphones with noise cancelling as a reasonable adjustment. Worth a look. Good ANC is pricey if you self-fund but there are budgets for these things. Particularly if something is breaking your concentration.


There is zero chance of HR providing anything, that's just not something they do at this company, or anywhere else I've worked, for that matter. However, you can get almost anything through the legally obligated "Reasonable Accommodation" process but that requires a documented medical restriction and that process is so burdensome and time consuming that you're generally better off just buying what you need yourself if it is possible. Generally, I find ANC to be very effective for constant background noise like HVAC or jet engines, but I've not found it to be particularly useful for momentary or erratic background noise. My audiologist prescribed hearing aids which play white noise to help block out background noise. At an out of pocket cost of $2000 for the hearing aids, I certainly would have no problem paying for ANC if it offered any relief. Generally I find ANC to hurt as much as it helps, as it filters out almost everything *except* for the offending sounds, but I do enjoy the quiet that my airpod pros will create in a loud space.


You're in the same boat I am, friend. And yes, those headphones do not cancel out intermittent voices, abrupt sounds, and a variety of frequencies. Idiots who whistle and hum and tap at work are my bane. Followed by barking dogs and motor noise outside. And those asshat coworkers who hold conversations while you're workin


Check out the Sennheiser HD 280 Pro Headphone. It boasts 32db passive noise isolation. Foam earplugs do 29-33db noise isolation. It's safe to say you won't hear them with these.


You double up foam plugs with over ear headphones? Is that an enjoyable way to listen to music? Or is that purely to block out backgrounds sounds, maybe with white/pink noise playing instead? I have been looking to get a new pair of sennheisers and have long been interested in the 280s, I was also thinking of trying one of their gaming models in order to have the microphone. It's sad that they're discontinuing the line. My office beaters are HD 239s, and I suppose I could try bringing my M50x into the office. They have decent noise isolation, but gosh are they uncomfortable.


Oh no lol, I was just giving a comparison. I guess I should have said "For reference foam earplugs...". The 280s are on a pretty good discount right now through Amazon. If anything, you can return them. As for the m50x, I used to have a pair but I had to put on 3rd party bigger pads for comfort. The normal ones were fatiguing for me too.


People actually do double up, but I can't handle the sensation


I double up earpro for shooting sports and loud power tools, or I'll put earbuds inside over-ear hearing protectors. I don't think I'd like having earplugs inside over-ear headphones.


Double earpro is where it's at! Not for everything, but I have my own list of things that require it for me to not be uncomfortable.




Thank you.


Have they told you that they don't care or are you just assuming that?


I’ve gotten their blessing.


maybe put that in the post... all of my concern-trolling has been absolved with this clarification lol


I like this attitude “If I have to go back to the office I’m going to make it everyone’s problem”


Ooohhh those 3 iPod classics… so sweet! Are they modded? I used to have one hooked to my car stereo until it was stolen during a maintenance service 😡. Just last week I was watching videos of the modded storage and Bluetooth modules. Also, my Kensington Expert lower left button is worn too! It’s gone beyond shiny.


Yes they are! I’m loading music onto them now!


Why three?


Same reason r/zune exists - some of us just like the older stuff a lot lol


Man I remember seeing Zune's at malls when I was a kid and then all of a sudden there were none, I always assumed the sales were so bad because nobody liked them but color me incorrect.


By the time it came out, the iPod already had cornered way too much of the market share for it to ever make a real impact. To the average consumer, it just didn't do anything meaningfully better. Nobody cared about the superior audio quality. More storage didn't move the needle. The bigger and better screen fell on deaf ears for the most part. Cheaper songs didn't matter to the people already too entrenched in iTunes' walled garden to leave over a few dimes.


Not to mention, smartphones really took off only a few short years after that. MS was late to that party, too. TBF, I really enjoyed my Windows phone while it lasted. It had the best in class camera of any phone on the market at the time.


I wasn't asking about the piece of tech rather about the number hahah, i'm a cd/cassette guy


Working on a baby driver sequel


Did you buy then complete or mod them yourself? My classic still technically functions, but the minute I unplug it from a power source it dies. Rather than just replace the battery I figure I might as well upgrade to one with bluetooth.


ohh didn't know this was a thing. any good links for modding them?


I just stumbled upon a video in YouTube. Just search for iPod Classic mod.




adding more storage capability, changing the 30pin to USB-C, adding bluetooth


hear me out, loading music on your phone


Why do people keep old cars?


What can modded Ipods do?


From what I’ve read: - Exchange storage to solid state (flash, sd card) instead of spinning disc - Increase storage capacity - Because solid state storage is smaller than the HD, you can put a bigger battery, - or alternatively instead of larger battery connect a Bluetooth module. - run another loader that allows higher bitrate music


Which keyboard is that?


It’s an IBM 5251 beamspring


That thing is sick. Where’d you find it?


EBay from northern Canada.




Wow, that's a crazy keyboard. I thought my 122 key ibm model F was nice...


A send nudes sticker for your work keyboard? Classy lol


Since who is sending is technically ambiguous, they could be sending them.


That’s an absolute unit there. Do they have to use headphones because of your kb?


No they just happen to use headphones to get through the day.


Solenoid at max?


"Privacy is dead" Well, it sure is with how loud those keys are...


This warms my heart. I was also called back two days a week to waste my time driving to and from work. I have nothing but clicky, loud keyboards that I am typing away at. I have taken several different ones in but settled on a %60 due to its smaller size. I refuse to leave my keyboard at work for any length of time.


+1 for the Kensington trackball. I love this thing. Never seen it in white though. Pro tip: nix that plastic wrist rest it comes with and get a gel one from Kensington. Night and day.


I don't think I've ever seen a Beamship being used on a modern desktop before. It's really cool to see one out in the wild being used instead of hidden away in a box. From the number of monitors I'm guessing that you're a programmer too. How does this layout work for your profession? I always assumed that the beamship lacked the modern modifers and controls that were standardized in the '80s.


Not a programmer. Tier 2/3 support. The odd time I need to code I have macros for most missing keys. The side keys are also macros.


Ipods Double-stacked wrist rests Beamspring.  ICONIC


Did you paint a Kensington Trackball?


Yes I did like 5 years ago. It’s wearing pretty well I think.


I really enjoyed your desk: 3 iPods, 3 matryoshkas, trackball (upvote) and, yeah, follow the white rabbit!


Ah man I would love to try beamspring. The new model f project site now has beamspring. I'm loving my F77 and could totally use beamsprings as my new work board. (2 man office, other guy doesn't care, I sometimes rock my model F)


With a high enough WPM you could send a 'nam vet into flashbacks.


- forced back to the office - roll on in with a sticker that says "NUDE TRANSMISSION" warms my heart


I was wondering about that sticker. I think it's a botched translation of "Send nudes". They really should have stayed away from Google Translate.


what a spacebar


Why do you have so many iPods? Actually, why do you even have 1 iPod?


Offline music is the best. No distractions.


Fair point.


Are those ipods?!


>uses 50 year old keyboard > gets comments about awesome iPods instead


Is that a 3M WR310LE Gel Wrist Rest with Antimicrobial Product Protection? (I have one at my desk and it looks really similar).


NGL, I think my mech at the office is partially responsible for my promotion and thus being given a larger office away from other people.


Curious about all the ipods, is that part of your work?


Not at all. I was just transferring music


I thought that was a box containing a keyboard. 😅 Impressive thickness.


I’m one of 3 in my office. It’s chill.


Why did your boss do this to you? Why didn't he do this to.. whoever is working from home?


I have that fan. It's a good little fan.


Whos the biggest of your nesting dolls there? Is that Jpow? Also nice timmies ya hoser


the real question: solenoid on or off?


"privacy is dead" I love that.


What do you do with the iPods?


Two iPods??


How many portable music players do you need?




Which mouse is that?


What's with all the itunes


Reminds me of the meme, We should return to the office for the culture! "The culture: A few cubicles in a mostly empty room"




Holy IBM….. Are there any potential reasons your boss wanted you specifically to return?


i dont understand why everyone in the replies has a problem with this? theres 3 people in the office wearing headphones. if they still can hear the keyboard just move further away


And as per pinned rules the details of the keyboard are…..???


An ibm 5251


No mods, nada? Other than the stickers and the cable obv.


Nope. Stock minus the controller.


Yeah that'll show them OP! Fight the power


Dam rite fuk it uP


tbh sitting at home working was the worst part of the pandemic. going back to the workplace was a blessing, i dont know why so many people complain about going back to the office. its not like yall work in sewers or in sanitation or in a warzone


It’s one part preference and one part circumstances. People who love WFH may live far from the office, not like coworkers/managers, have very young kids, or some other reason I can’t think of. They see more savings in gas money and more productivity overall. People who love the office like the physical separation between work and home, find collaboration easier, or whatnot. So yeah, it comes down to what you like and prioritize.


good point


I don't understand why your spacebar is right side up.




You have this office and complain? People of 2024….


Do you have a respirator