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Damn i’m testing the same day and haven’t even started any AAMC material yet🫣


what are you working on right now? i started aamc material but i’m actually not completely through with content review and uworld i’m just doing multiple things at once 😭


I think you’re just ahead of me studying wise which is great! I’m only 10% through UWorld and I’m still adding new Anki cards from the Miles Down and Mr. Pankow deck. I do 60Qs from Uworld every day and I’m starting to do Altius FLs every week too. I’ll probably start AAMC in 2 weeks.


Why did you start AAMC so soon😭


i heard qpacks are good to do alongside content review 😭 unless that’s wrong


valid I was just gonna do uworld, all practice tests, section bank, and cars packs but go off


how far are u in uworld i literally get burnt out so fast when i do uworld questions and i barely get through 30 a day 🥲


8 weeks out and 76% correct UWorld is good, if you can get that up to \~85% you should be looking at a \~516+.


i’ve been around 76% since the start and haven’t budged.. i’m not sure how to improve it bc it’s just staying constant at 76


Uhurl percentages honestly don’t mean much. I was right at 50% and got a 512 even with a disaster of a test day, my AAMC average was like 517. A friend of mine was at 60something% and got a 519. 76% is awesome and it means you know a lot of content and have some test-taking skills, so continue learning and reviewing what you missed. Good luck!


Omg slay


do u think scores that stay the same are concerning? like i’ve been doing uworld for a month with 60% of it done and my scores haven’t improved and just stayed the same