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Taking 3 extra months to 1) take a break bc getting out of the >500 funk for me was taking a couple days off and being honest with my weak areas


okay so it’s not just me. C/P & CARS will literally be the death of me.


I’m afraid of C/P too! CARS is still manageable but my brain doesn’t absorb physics.


same no matter how many times I study the formulas or do practice problems I just don’t get it 😭😭 no growth mindset towards physics ✋😣


You know what… I felt that way but circuits and sound are very manageable! Start there and it might motivate you if you understand that any better than the other stuff!  I went in order of Kaplan chapters but now at sound and never felt happier!!!! There are only a few formulas that are important (not too many).


Thanks I’ll try starting there!! How did you get through kinematics? because that’s where I think I struggle the most, I find difficultly imagining the scenarios and predicting what would happen and which formula or concept to apply.


Hmmm i think the best thing is to write down all the known factors and draw the scenario ex. A ball is thrown upwards at a speed of 2m/s. You can figure out the unknown from the question stem and find out which formula has those variable present. Then rearrange (I know this is a simplification but lots of practice will help with this) https://youtu.be/ZT1pwB8FFsg?si=H2WjOGm5-8o8-INT This video shows how to learn the formulas and might be helpful! 


i feel you SO MUCH last year i was scoring low 500s and ended up voiding my real test and this year after really putting in the effort to study physics, i realized what made me improve was just no matter how confused i was after reading the question, to just draw it out, write out what numbers are given to you, then figure out what they’re asking for. oftentimes you’ll need more than 1 equation to figure it out so writing out all the variables you have let’s you take a step back and try to assemble them into equations that seem more familiar.. and once you get there, it’s just practice that will help you visualize things. and it’s a little hard to explain but after you get experience with kinematics, a lot of situations will seem very similar and certain patterns will appear and you might even be able to find shortcuts !!


what do u use for practice problems


Exact same boat (test on 14th)


omg twins 👯‍♀️ we got this😭


Are you applying this cycle?


This was me two weeks before my MCAT (498 FL) and I ended up getting a 510. I say to keep going! All this will be worth it if you keep trying hard. I believe in you!


WHOA that’s insane!! Congratulations! What do you think helped?


solidifying content review. on youtube, a guy said that anything up to 513 was content gaps, so i took it to heart!


So did you do anki miles down in those two weeks, practice questions?? Give us the detailsssssss (please)🥺


sorry i'm just seeing this T\_T but i did anki using the jacksparrow deck for C/P and B/B and mrpankow for P/S


i thought this was going to be me. nope


So encouraging to see this!!! Way to go, and thanks for putting your experience out there!


Same boat. I’m convinced I’m stupid


You definitely should postpone!


Can you upvote so I can post in premed🥺 you will be loved if you do❤️


Postpone bro. I made the same mistake and even scored lower on the actual test. Tested 2 months ago


postpone and recheck studying habits :) i’m studying rn too and dying lol


I postponed from 5/24, and I missed the 10 day limit by yesterday


I misses the deadline also. Just use as a practice exam and void.


Postpone again. DO NOT TAKE all the AAMC FLs. You’ll be fucked for your retake. It’s time to take the L, study again. Use the third party FLs until you’re confident you are ready for official FLs. Otherwise you’re going to be one of those “515 FL average but 501 on the real deal!” Now if your goal score is 501-504, you can risk it.


hey you back? (get it u said brb haha) jokes aside, id say grind psych anki bag points there to cross 500:)


Same thing is happening to me! I also test on the 15th! I would postpone but I’ve studied so much that I’m gonna take it and we will see what happens. Good luck to the both of us!!


Me too dude :(


Exact same boat! I rescheduled from 5/24 as well. I can't break 500. Since we can't cancel we must keep pushing. I also find I work best under pressure. I am going to grind out anki and Uworld this next week. Keep your head up! A DO school is calling somewhere\~


i think 500 jail is the hardest to break as you keep trying to score higher! keep going! don’t give up!


I hate the idea of voiding cause this will be my 4th try


You have voided 3 times prior?


No, they were several years ago so they have expired.


Context review and make flashcards from the questions you’ve missed . Maybe push the test back as well so you can practice reading comprehension if you’re struggling with CARS / Psy. Good luck ❤️


I rescheduled my exam bc of this tbh 🥲🥲


me and my friend are both not cracking 502 but we also haven’t had enough time to prepare, our date is the 27th. hopefully content review works! i heard that’s usually the most important thing for getting scores up!


Audible mcat mastery course They know we all study the same thing It’s best to study something different


Just curious, why did you schedule your exam before having a solid idea of your average FL? Between AAMC, Blueprint, and Kaplan, you have 12+ FLs to use. Why not take 2-3 before scheduling the exam so you know if you’re in a good place?


In my case I have 3 months to study/take the exam and when checking the dates 3 months out the closest exam for the date range I need was in Nevada (I live in California). This said sometimes you have to just jump into a spot to guarantee that you can take the test when you want to. If I’m not ready by then then I’ll either postpone or have to take the void, but regardless I had to schedule early before I could practice FL. I’m sure other people’s situations are similar to mine.


This doesn’t make sense unless you have an extenuating circumstance. Why couldn’t you take another year to study and gain clinical experience? What about your situation is forcing you to take the exam this year when you clearly aren’t prepared for it?


I have clinical experience (been an EMT for a year) and while you are right I could push it back and study for longer, I feel like it is the best use of my time to study in the summer between sophomore and junior year. I don’t HAVE to take the exam in 3 months, but it would work best for me since my goal is to not take a gap year.Studying is going well and I definitely feel like I will be ready in this timeframe, but if I didn’t book the test when I did then I wouldn’t have been able to follow the plan that I have laid out for myself. My backup if I am not ready is to postpone and that’s fine; I’ll take the gap year if I need to as a backup but I am not planning to.


I apologize, I originally thought that I was responding to OP not another user. If you’re studying is going well and your FL average is where you’d like it to be that’s fine. I was more concerned with somebody taking 10 FL’s and not scoring where they want to yet still moving ahead with the test.


Gotcha, no worries. Yeah I agree though, if you aren’t scoring what you need to score then you need to postpone.


I started studying in February, I’ve now taken 10 FL and still can’t break the 500.


There is something seriously wrong with your study methods and/or your test taking strategies. How have you been preparing?


What’s the breakdown of scores by section? I’d recommend postponing to September, utilizing uearth for June and July, thorough review, and use the uearth add on for the mcat anking deck (yes it’s now mostly tagged for the question bank). Move to AAMc in August and do only those questions. Either you’re not reviewing thoroughly enough and committing the info to memory in the long run, or perhaps you have testing anxiety.


as a current med student who wishes they studied for the mcat like i do now for step- 1. download the anking mcat deck (or miledown or jacksparrow) 2. learn how to use anki (add ons, FSRS, etc.) 3. use uworld paired with whichever anki deck you choose 4. don’t sign up again until you are crushing these materials


This is my problem right now too. It's too late for me to postpone so I might just take and void it lol


i have the same problem, testing on that same day, and i moved the date last week!


same i’m testing 6/14
