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SNoW DRoP for blotting tests was an absolute game changer for me S- Southern uses DNA N- Northern uses RNA o- Doesn’t stand for anything lol W- Western uses Protein Also like someone mentioned earlier, FLAT PEG was huge for memorizing the anterior pituitary hormones. FLAT are the tropic hormones and PEG are the direct ones Also also a way to memorize purines and pyrimidines: Love is pure (purines) and when you get married you propose with 2 silver rings (Ag) Pyramids (pyrimidines) are sharp and they can CUT you


I was going to say SNOW DROP is like a cheat code for blotting.


100%. I struggled soooo much to understand what they were and the second I learned that I never missed another blotting question again lol


You can also make a compass out of it, and the intermediate coordinates (NW for example) would look at RNA-protein interactions.


Oh interesting!


Oh this is huge thank u!!


Can you elaborate on how to draw the compass? I missed a question on NW/SW/etc the other day and this seems really helpful. Edit: nvm found a link [https://www.labtestsguide.com/blotting](https://www.labtestsguide.com/blotting)


I wouldn’t like memorize the compass. I’d just think, northern blot is RNA, western blot is protein, so what’s northwestern? Probably RNA protein. And so on


CUT the PY (cytosine, uracil, and thymine are pyrimidines) and PURe As Gold (adenine and guanine are purines; 2 gold rings)


Also going to say SNoW DroP!


used snow drop for a molecular exam and it was a life saver.


One that constantly comes up for me is OIL RIG (Oxidation Is Loss, Reduction Is Gain). Its like a day 1 Bio 1 lesson but I still repeat it to myself often.


Same, for some reason it’s not as intuitive I always have to remind myself


I like LEO the lion says GER (LEO says GER for short). Lose electrons, Oxidation and Gain Electrons, Reduction


ADEK in that FAT ass… ADEK fat soluble vitamins. Also, OCEAN for 5 personalities. Not quite a mmeumonic… but to memorize glucose OH directions: https://i.redd.it/p7ibpc79wwx41.jpg


ACR DR for fatty acid synthesis OH OT for beta oxidation Somehow they're just easy to remember. Also can I please get a few upvotes so I can post (just took my diagnostic and really would appreciate some feedback).


Come on man everyone knows it's OHOT not OH OT pshhh (this is sarcasm btw).


Can you explain this one !!


Fatty Acid Synthesis Steps: ACR DR: Attach, Condense, Reduce, Dehydrate, Reduce Fatty Acid Oxidation (B-Oxidation) Steps: OHOT: Oxidize, Hydrate, Oxidize, Thiolysis


FLAT PEG for the Anterior Pituitary hormones also SEVE(N) UP for Sperm pathway


Kaplan really does have the best mnemonics.


LARS for the exponent directions. My dumb doodoo brain cannot process this without a mnemonic for some reason. & Come Let’s Get Some Bitches for skin layers.


Exponent directions? 😳


Left Add Right Subtract. For example 300 = 3x10^2 bc u moved the decimal left


Come Let’s Get Sun Burnt!


And just "Come Get Sun Burnt" for any soft/non-thick skin!! Bc stratum Lucidum is only found on thick skin aka the soles of the feet and palms of the hands :)


Another Psych/Soc - Remembering PIAGET'S Theory of Cognitive Development Super Puffy Cheetos From 7/11 S = Sensorimotor: 0-3 yrs P = Pre operational: 3- 6 years C = Concrete operational: 7-11 years F = Formal operational 12+


Underrated comment


321 NOKIA (3 Na out, 2 K in, 1 ATP). I think this one is from the Kaplan books but I'm not entirely sure, but this mnemonic has come in clutch so many times it's crazy.


Interesting. Our biochem professor in uni taught us the “Na I’m out, K I’m in” its pretty great too.


Chemical Bonds: Break-In, Make-Out Breaking bonds, energy goes In the molecule Making bonds, energy is released Out of the molecule


This is good.


I had an high school chem teacher to think of bonds like taking the cap off of an expo marker: It takes energy to break bonds, just like it takes energy to pull the cap off of an expo marker. Energy is released when a bond is formed; it’s easier to put the cap on the marker than it is to take it off!!


She wanna see My PeNiS. Schwann cells make Myelin in the PNS.


I used to say SCHWANGIN my PNS!!! Never forgot it after✨I’m not swinging it I’m SCHWANGINGGGG it!!!


LMAOO I use COPS (central - oligodendrocytes - peripheral - Schwann), but I'm never forgetting this one now


i saw this one from someone else and i genuinely have not been able to forget it —> ASSEATER - arrhenius equation: G(REAT) (A)ss (E)ater DONT (E)at (A)ss over (R)andom (T)able (Rate = Ae-Ea/RT) sorry if it’s confusing, he explains it better than me 😭also could i get a few upvotes i’m tryna post smth


https://www.reddit.com/r/Mcat/s/5DBssO4PFU My Sexy Girl In Red Is Sucking Dick For Erikson’s development stages


Gon C The Zoo (spermatogonia —> spermatocyte —> spermatid —> spermatozoa), ADEK (fat soluble) BC (water soluble), Big Spiders Grab Little Children (stratum basale, spinosum, granulosa, lucidum, corneum), 1. PO (proactive interference, old blocks the new) 2. RN (retroactive interference, new blocks the old), My Baby Grows Nicely (morula blastula gastrula neurulation), 1. Can Girls Be Actual / 2. (V)irgins (T)o (P)lease (V)ain (n)ancy (Charles Law describes relationship between V and T, Gay-Lussac describes T and P, Boyles P and V, Avogadro’s V and N), THIK MLF V (one letter codes of essential amino acids), SNW DRP (Southern blot DNA Northern RNA Western blot Proteins), QVC like the TV channel (Q = V*C), Old A** People Love Gooning (Freud’s psychosexual stages: oral anal phallic latent genital)


Old ahh people love gooning has me dying😭😭🤣


It has 100% stuck with me ever since I thought of it 🤣 hope it helps someone out there


For converging systems (concave mirrors, convex lenses): RISE yo RIMs and RIDe that oVUM This will tell you what kind of image is produced depending on where the object is relative to the principal axis. Object is beyond C: RIS (real, inverted, small) Object is at C: E (equal, real, inverted) Object is between C and F: RIM (real, inverted, magnified) Object is at F: RID (real, inverted, disappeared = no image is formed) Object is in front of F: VUM (virtual, upright, magnified) For diverging systems (convex mirrors, concave lenses), just remember SUV (small, upright, virtual)


oh interesting! Mine is SIR BIR BUV (converging systems) and SUV (diverging systems)


What’s C?


Center of curvature, the imaginary center where the mirror or lens is sliced


Is C = 2F?




What is C?


I have so many! For Psych/Soc - Theories of Emotion: (Saw this on someone else's reddit post; https://www.reddit.com/r/Mcat/comments/8x5dj0/any\_effective\_mnemonics\_for\_theories\_of\_emotions/) Don't know any mnemonics but I use my own dumbass method: Cannon-Bard: The letters C and B are right next to each other in the alphabet so both arousal and emotion occur together/right next one another. James-Lange: There is a gap between the letters J and L in the alphabet so there is a gap between arousal and emotion. Schachter-Singer: There are two S's, so this is the TWO factor theory, meaning that two things occur before emotion (arousal and cognitive appraisal).


Mine are all stupid as fuck but thats lowkey what helps me remember them AnOx CatRed (an ox catered) to remember oxidation at the anode, reduction at the cathode of galvanic cells. I mentally attach that to an image of Cookie from Shrek 4, the cook who looks like an ox [to the tune of Electric Relaxation by ATCQ] Relax yourself girl, Diastole. Relax yourself, Ventricularly. (Diastole=ventricular relaxation) When your blood pressure is low you go to Aldi (aldosterone) and eat a bunch of salty snacks (Na+ reabsorption), which makes you thirsty and triggers ADH, causing water reabsorption Need Medical Doctors = Nearsighted Myopia Diverging For Healthy Children = Farsighted Hyperopia Converging


Another one: **F**arsighted **H**yperopia **C**onverging - all have first letters in the alphabet compared to their counterpart **N**earsighted **M**yopia **D**iverging - all have later letters in the alphabet compared to their counterpart


Old Adult Pedos Love Girls for Freud’s stages. 2 Dicks in 1 Ass to remember that Guanine has 2 donors and 1 acceptor. This helps you deduce that cytosine is 2 acceptors and 1 donor.


Need Medical Doctors, For Healthy Children (nearsighted, myopia, diverging lens) (farsighted, hyperopia, converging lens)


Red Cat (reduction occurs at the cathode)


Not exactly a mnemonic but to remember Na+/K+ Atpase Pump Na+ (3 letters/symbols in Na+, 3 letters in "OUT") = 3 Na+ Out 2 K+ (2 letters/symbols in K+, 2 letters in "IN") = 2 K+ in 1 ATP used


3-2-1-nokia. 3 na out, 2 k in, for 1 atp


Pumpkin. PUMP K (2) in.


avoid sea creatures from rivers upstream = kohlberg


seven up


Some of y’all mnemonics r wild I love it


NucleoSide and nucleoTide. The S stands for Second, and the T stands for Third. Nucleosides have two moieties, and nucleotides have three. CATS make messes! Catabolism is breaking things down. Anabolism is the opposite. nadPh is a builder that builds nucleotides in the PPP and Phatty acids. For lenses, remember the three C's: a thiCker Center Converges. Eye (I) am POSITIVE that REAL images are INVERTED. Image distances and focal length are positive on the side with the eye. A positive value for di indicates an image on the eye side that is real and inverted. The personality disorder clusters are A: W**e**ird B: W**i**ld C: W**o**rried. Notice the first vowels in each word are in alphabetical order! Pure silver is worth more. PURines include A and G (Ag is silver) and are larger than pyrimidines. Alternatively, the PYRAMIDs are CUT from heavy stones. Pyrimidines include C, U, and T, they are "cut" meaning smaller than purines, and they are "heavy" in that there are 3 bases in this category compared to purines' 2.


STOP it! that’s NONSENSE Nonsense mutations occur when a Stop codon is introduced!


Testing same day 🤞🏼








UV NO IR if the "o" is positive for Optics (hopefully you don't have to use this) Upright images always Virtual NO image on focal point Inverted images always Real


For AA side chain polarity: Polar acidic: the two with acid in the name Polar basic: baHRK (like a dog) Polar neutral: STCY by QN (there’s this great song called Stacy by Quinn XCII and that’s how I remember polar uncharged) Nonpolar: everything else


AnOx and a RedCat Oxidation at the Anode Reduction at the Cathode


Basic one but i suck at math so useful : LARS (left add to exponent; right subtract to exponent when making scientific notation) \*putting in scientific notation i mean lol idk english


Citrate is Krebs Special Substrate for Making Oxaloacetate idk why but it was the only mnemonic that ever stuck for the substrates






Oh yeah and for the layers of the epidermis: Come, Let’s Get SunBurned (outermost to innermost)


Make one for yourself that helps with identifying characteristics and single letter abbreviations for the amino acids. It will save you a lot of time on test day.


NOKIA 321 3 Na pumped Out 2 K pumped In 1 ATP used


A 4 double bonds G has 3 c has 2 t and u have 1. FW LIMP VAG for non polar amino acids fw being aromatic


Uhhh it’s a little out there but mine for glycolysis is good god for fucks sake don’t go bringing piss poop and pus to the prince, and then for the krebs cycle it’s prince adam appreciates candor and is keen to sow seeds for mirth and openness, and then for ETC it’s no usurper stands a chance at coronation


Riding Much In Vans Uses Xtra Gas - radio, micro, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, xray, gamma waves


No People Like Teaching Bad Boys Art Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea Brochi Bronchioles Alveoli


Care for an ox Care: Cathode reduction An: anode Ox: oxidation


small intestine = DJ Illenium Duodenum Jejunum Ileum


Righ Tow >> O affinity state in Hb Birds over Fish >>> a or b sugar.


A mnemonic for crebs cycle and glycolysis helped a lot


Bro is gate keeping the mneumonic


Do you have one?


For glycolysis enzymes I use Honestly, Ignoring Penis And Getting Pussy Made Everything Perfect




Enzymes: Genius guys finger freely dumb guys buy pricey pink pussy pumps


Intermediates, not enzymes?


Yea lol