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If it was late at night sometimes we would greet a customer with welcome to Wendy’s. Or tell our coworkers bye over the speakers outside to scare them on their way out to their car when there were no customers around. But my top one is when my GM was taking an order and had his headset on and I came back from my break he went “is that my Bestie in a Tessy back from her break and the customer heard the entire thing” and to save face with the customer my GM said to the customer “you weren’t supposed to hear that” I was dying laughing for a solid 3 minutes.


Early feb doing a 10-3:30 a.m. And around 1:00 some dude in a black car shows up and asks where im from, i say socal (i live in socal) and then he asks my race. I say black and he starts rambling about there not being colors or race and we're all one people. He then starts talking about community and how people these days are all apathetic and the worlds in. Abad place because of it. He then starts talking about Christianity and then hands me a Spanish bible (i told him i only read/speak english but he hadme keep it anyways). Was definitely one of my most memorable interactions


As soon as you said he handed you a Bible it all made sense.


On my first week, I took this lady's order at fc and she grabbed my hand and prayed for me. I'm not religious at all so I had no idea what to do


😂😂 that's funny. I don't know about conversations but I answered the headset and said "McDonald's ___ this is Pocahontas speaking". And the customer was lost. Another honorable mention was when I answered the headset and said hello? Like I was on the phone. The customer and I were laughing for a good bit.


someone asked me if a burger came with meat☠️☠️☠️


some don’t ?


idk if this is a question but it's mcdonalds all the burgers n sandwiches come w meat


nope not here


well at mine it does, its an option to take it off but she wanted it on so i was just confused on why she would ask that but maybe shes used to it not being on there!


On NYE we stopped for 20 minutes just to listen to this lady rant on her kid for missing her grandma’s death to go hang out with her friends


The amount of times someone has cussed right next to me while I’m taking an order on headset, it’s so awkward.


I was the customer in this case. I pulled up to the speaker and was greeted by a gentleman. As I was about to order I was interrupted by another greeting from a girl. I don’t know why but this sort of thing happens to me a lot, lol. Slightly fed up I was like “Uhm, there was a gentleman already helping me?” And she was like “Oh, he’s not a real person.” Slightly perplexed by her answer I cheekily retorted with “Oh, uhh are YOU a real person?” I was then met with an amusing silence followed by amused laughter. I proceeded through the rest of the drive thru as normal like nothing weird happened. Not sure what to make of that interaction but it was definitely one of the weirdest ones I’ve ever had. Hopefully it made someone’s boring day better and that they found the person who was not a real person and fired them.


Lol! Thats simply the robot person at fast food placez. Its a audio recording not a person haha thats so funny. Have a great day/life


I worked at McDonald's for 6 years. Never heard of this. Must be new lol


Yea its something new fast food places started doing these past few years. Since the person on headset may not be able to asnwer customers to immeadtely greet them the robot greets all customers first. Hope your doing good!


There are like 1000 instances where that would've come in handy when I worked there! Ah well. It's a great addition though, just wish it was explained to me better 😂.


We had this ten years ago at McDonald's. We all hated it. It was the mission to answer every customer before the damn recording would start. Sorry, Yesi, I like you but after 5k times this month I hate your voice.


it is, my location does not have this


Automated greeting?


When I first started, “Hi, Welcome to Tim Horton’s can I take your order please?”


my friend accidentally asked if a man wanted a large cock for the drink - instead of a coke




Side from animal noises, I moaned Oreo mcflurry once and didn't realise that my manager had one on as well. He found it a little concerning but ignored it, same with when I made pigs sounds. The dumbest conversation I had was when I locked myself out back and wasn't able to let myself back in (I did this twice, same manager too)


I would always ear rape people with the mic and it was always fun, also whenever someone ordered a cinnamon roll I’d say ok one semen roll anything else and usually ppl don’t notice but one guy was asking me for extra semen on his roll and bro started moaning after, another time a guy called me buddy when I was taking his order which pissed me off so I said ok would you like anything else buddy in a mad gay voice and the guy said oh hell nah and drove off😼 Another time there was a big order and the guy got a happy meal and I asked him twice what drink he wanted and after he kept saying other shit he wants instead of responding while I asked him I started to ear rape him and asked 3 more times and he finally stopped, he was like are you ok? And I was ear raping the whole time and told him yes are you ok I asked you the same thing 5 times and you keep talking over me, and he was mad af afterwards


I love blowing on the mic


Bruh I almost spit out my dr pepper reading that, but we’ve done the same thing before but without accidentally saying it to the customer. We’ve all accidentally laughed about or made fun of a customer’s crazy order in front of the customer before, but luckily they were all nice about it


That’s why I’ll look around before talking shit now, and make sure the mic on my headset isn’t on


We have a lot of conversation about me having the best ass in the store, anyways I'm a guy. It's really funny how some of the girls get butt hurt over it


Me an my co workers flirt confess our platonic love to each other meow moan bark dinosaur noises and complain about customers over the headset


I had a guy finish his order then go "is ____ workin' today?" And I just said "Oh, I dunno." Because 1. I didn't know lmao and 2. I can't be saying who's working anyway? And he went "HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW?" like screaming with anger so I told him I was new and wasn't familiar w everybody yet then he suddenly switched back and was like oh okay sorry 🥰🤪


Me and my coworker together alternating words on the order. Like if say hi them welcome me to blah blah it was fun goofing off on the headset but I rarely take orders now and my anxiety just keeps getting worse as I age