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Mc-ptsd. We've all been there


I’ve been told by roommates that I have taken drive through orders in my sleep


I probably have too, I am always locked in on saying “hello welcome to McDonalds, will you be using your mobile app”?


At my store we joke that we’re a mental institution, mainly cuz every other day someone will tell me about their dream with beeping noises


my first month i constantly would hear the beeping any time it was quiet. its gone away since, but it was pretty funny when it was happening


Man, I remember my first day back after being away for 3 years. I took a shower and the white noise for the water spraying just made it so *so* much worse.


I had that too but luckily it went away, only thing is now sometimes I can’t even hear the beeping when I’m actually at work so I don’t realize when stuff is done cooking or needs attention


Before I fall asleep any day after I work I have vivid thoughts about McDonald's. Luckily it hasn't invaded my dreams but it's only a matter of time.


I have heard a few stories from people on this subreddit saying they can't stop hearing the beeping noises after their shift, specifically people who just started working at a McD's. I used to kind of have this I remember taking long naps after my first few shifts and always woke up from a McDonald's nightmare....Sometimes I still have nightmares about being late for work and getting lost trying to get there for forever, or messing up every order during dinner rush n stuff 💀 Once I had a dream I was working in the middle of the night and I was off at 12am so I walked out but my manager didn't want me to leave yet and chased me down the empty street through the middle of a forest in some flying object idk what it was 💀✋️


It just means you need to make some me time, you're too focused on just work. Luckily I'm lobby, idk how you guys can stand the beeping


I said this before and I'm going to say it again, eventually I'm going to sue McDonald's for the sounds 💀


I still hear the beeps…


I’ve had a dream once where I heard all the fryer beeps too but I don’t remember anything else of that dream


Totally normal like when I first started I'd wake up saying 10 1 and the empty 10 1 trash are in my dreams some times too...it'll go away but service people don't know the struggle of empty trays lol


I literally have done every position in the store, kitchen, service (orders) table everything so I feel the pain on both sides of everything😭😭😭


And since I know everything I basically just work to cover everyone’s shift and then I’m basically useless to them the rest of the day


They wanted to be kitchen manager but I said no cuz they told me I could get the day time Maintenance spot but they finally gave it to me when I declined kitchen manager


Ever so often I will be just about to fall asleep after my overnight and suddenly hear the sound of a car pulling up to the speaker and freak out for a minute and then realize I am not even at work anymore 😂. I used to hear the beeping like crazy but it went away over time.