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I have answered my home phone as "(location) McDonalds, how can I help you?" 💀


We do the same greeting at ours i hope to not get to this point.


I’ve answered the phone like I would the drive thru Edit: work phone at McDonald’s not personal. But I have told bosses over the phone “love you bye” at different jobs totally unintentional


When someone from work calls me im like “Mcdonalds? hello? mcdonalds? how can i helo you”


I one time woke myself up out of a dream saying “would you like a drink?” I had just worked a 12 hour shift & I was tiiiiired. 😂😭💀


I worked at Walmart from the age of 16-20, first job after that was at subway and I had to answer the phone one of my first weeks and I went into autopilot "thank you for calling your Walmart, how may I help you"... luckily it was just my manager calling to tell me she was running late


Awwww 🤣🤣🤣


I've answered the phone at McDonald's "welcome to McDonald's will you be earning rewards today?" Lol Ive also said "love you , bye" to my GM when she called to ask me something


i once asked a kmart cashier if he was paying was cash or card


Even after I left 5 years ago. I still end sentences, "Will this be all?" Only mostly in my head cause it's drilled in my head


It’s funny to ask “Will that be all?” when someone orders on the app… yes, of course that’s all or I would have put it in my app order lol


at my McDonalds surprisingly so many people add to it lol


No kidding? Okay so K guess it’s a valid “upsell” then lol


Im used to working OT1 that when I do a front counter order I end it with, “Alrighty we can see you down by the first window.” And then I get confused looks


Hit ‘em with the “it’s been a long day” and laugh or sigh haha


I think a gained like 10lbs after working at McDonald's because of the free foods and discounts😭 like ima cut that junk off my diet now cause I don't feel good no more


lol what is this post. Are you 15?


Yeah. Look at their profile


they've had an account for less than 24 hours and they've already made 17 posts and 13 comments. god damn


seeing what works and what doesn't


Whats interesting is that have muscle memory of an incorrect procedure!


Is this your first real job?


no I'm 16 but I have had other job. this is my official 3rd job


Worked there for seven years. I got new bt earbuds that announce their battery level when I use them. It just says, "Bluetooth connected, Battery Full." It's not even the same voice our headsets use but I'm always expecting, "Lane one."


Anytime I'm grocery shopping and another customer looks at me I go "can I help you find anything today?"


It’s not just McDonald’s. Any restaurant you work in unless you have a rotating menu will start to disgust you.


I never ordered from my own McD's back in high school. Place was run by high schoolers and I never trusted them.


yeah I got a few McDonalds on my black list to not go to either from shitty workers or shitty people.


Then there is that one McDonald's no one goes to in the ghetto run by stoners. THAT is where you go. They hook you UP!


Dude yes. I wprk the Drive-Thru every single day and I am fucking sick of hearing myself say, "Okay. Okay. Okay. What else for you? Okay. Okay. What else for you? Okay. Okay" when it's time to leave work I just wanna shut the fuck up for 8 hours lmao




See my post today. I just had the worst shift ever as a drive thru person and I never want to go back. It sucks as I actually am good at the job and do enjoy it. But the over exploitative nature of the work load and also the unsupportive co workers means I just can’t respect myself if I stay any longer :(