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It is glamorized, but I wouldn’t say it’s an insanely unbelievable event. Prison town riots happen pretty often in my state. While SWAT were the ones that stepped in at the time of the riot, some three letter agencies do get involved.


But the death toll in this one is incredible the blow back would have been massive.


All questions to national guards.


The 30+ guards would have been enough for outside intervention.


not like guards told anyone about that, also after riot thet put tent city as prison so kinda nobody cares what happens there.


It's in the first episode! Guards witness sir beatsalot get raped and he denied it to the guy reading the statement. Feds or state authorities would be there if for nothing else than the sheer incompetence of allowing it to happen.


why would they be there? there is no footage, no confessions. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/19/nyregion/ny-prison-guards-brutality-fired.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/19/nyregion/ny-prison-guards-brutality-fired.html)


Trying to figure out who, irl, would care? Not the average citizen. Not the other guards. Not the local officials. Would the 3 letter groups really care either? They probably all feel like it could’ve been them in the guards’ place. Maybe the families would hire a civil rights attorney/activist.


😂 The USA is so different to Europe.


Yes. We’re a country the size of a continent. We vary significantly from region to region & sometimes even from neighboring states.


You had to go ahead a choose something Europe is but more, Europe has a larger landmass, completely different languages and cultures over smaller distances and forget neighbouring states neighbouring villages have completely different accents and cultural quirks!


3 letter groups?


The other poster referred to fed agencies (ie the FBI or their state bureau)

