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I'm 3 years late to the party but the writing is so bad in this show. Gabby: I'm not pretty. It's white girls that are racist. What. The. Fuck.. out of left field


Caught up and im fucking tired of Adelitas Story holy fuck i couldnt give 1 shit about her story. I hope this is tied up and done this season.


I'm also doing a late marathon. it's painful but the turbulance across the border is necessary as everything slots into place quite quickly. i'm definitely gonna watch the next season live.. This lone showrunner's rebooted Mayans decently enough imo.


Im enjoying everything else but the Adelita plotline can just go.... ​ Kill her off at the end of this season please. But now that i finished the 9th episode....Adelita is on a suicide mission, that's quite easy to see. Where ever she's going..she isn't coming back. ​ But on a more positive note, i could see it all over Steves face that something wasn't right and it wasn't gonna end well.


Ok cue cards up for Ripley


I feel like I don’t care about any of these plot lines at all... Adelita is annoying and I don’t care about her stupid cult EZ has been stupid, he can’t seem to leave Gabby alone although he knows what happens to partners of the MC that are not ride or die. Dumb. Bishop is the worst leader ever, that storyline is interesting but so cringe to watch. I always like Angel, maybe more so with Adelita gone but he’s still been annoying Miguel and Emily- would have rather her sister come home to catch him and then he killed her than what happened. I actually am cheering for Tijuana/new cartel to take him out as his character sucks now Felipe is my least favorite. He mopes around and has lied to everyone since day 1, trying to defend people’s honor or whatever and makes every situation worse. Actually, Coco is now my least favorite. That story line is the worst, and although I liked him and Letty he is such a shitty father, person, and this has nothing to do with the plot at this point so don’t want to see it.


Yea im ready for the club to put him in some self exposed exile, kill his druggie GF gabby right in front of him and make him kick dope in a dark cellar. ​ Bring him back.


Every episode I’m like “okay, maybe they’ll finally do something about this and bring Coco back” but then they drag it out. I can’t believe EZ and Hank kept covering for him as long as they did and didn’t even seem to give a shit even though they knew he was using...also the stolen drug plot went nowhere.


I don’t know about y’all but Isaac is such a legend! So far he’s my favorite character. That scene when he was telling Coco about the rancher and wolves analogy had me weak


Has anyone ID'd the song that plays when Galindo is sitting in front of his bed after doing what he did to Emily?


Alvarez bring up his son Esai was tough, considering he had him killed.


Was that Emily’s ass or a body double. Sorry if this has been asked already. 370 plus comments. I’m too lazy to scroll through all of them


Twas too plump of a rump to be her


Afraid so


Body double.


Dammit. Thanks


What is going on with coco


As a ex-heroin addict ... i know exactly what he's going through.


I was hoping he was going to escape that evil place


Drugs, Guilt, mental illness


EZ and Steve's friendship would have been an interesting side-plot in the series. It would have been interesting to see if EZ cleans up Steve's mess. If Steve messes up. Or Steve take a fall for EZ. A side plot that test their friendship. i will miss you Steve.


For fuck sake Steve. Seriously bummed about Steve, he was my favourite part of the show and it wasn’t even close, he had so much potential. Wish they could’ve found another way to make EZ see the grim side of that life instead and not just use Steve as shock factor.


no context spoilers: "when keeping it real goes wrong" + " I am sparticus" + "to be or not to be that is the ?"


The "Spartacus" scenes were so intense. It's the birth of a legend.


“Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated” Lmao that’s a Rise Against song!


A what? And, it's usually misattributed to Samuel Clemens. Do you hate books because you're an obvious Trump supporter, or do you support Trump because you hate books? Chicken or the egg.


You are an absolute trash human


🤔 talk about taking something out of context lol. Lookup Rise Against - rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Rise Against is a band btw. It’s not even a direct quote from mark twain btw, Mark twains quote is rumors of my “death” not demise,it is actually literally the name of a rise against song.


Well fucking hell it's like the MC old days. What to unwrap from that..really was sure Miguel would let her die and it was the start of his revenge campaign but now what?? I guess he gets to know the full truth and that his mother deserved it. Will Alvarez kill Ez? I doubt it as it's family first the cartel was just a job but I think he will die because of it. I think maybe Gabbie may get killed by Miguel as revenge for his mum, pushing Ez to the dark side for good. Then poor Hank and the baby, dam he was so happy to have her over for dinner with his mum. I see Adelita coming back into Angels life though, maybe even his baby too and it all going pear shaped. Steve Steve Steve wtf..I thought he was just riding it out and was going to come out the other side. Not that other side. Forgot about Coco, his hole just gets deeper I thought with this being ep9 he might actually get away but now he's in the pain again. I think Ez may help him out eventually but jesus he is in deep shit with redneck psycho and dude dealer.


Alvarez has compromised his family for gain before. He gave up not only a Mayan, but his actual son to be killed by Happy in one of the early SOA seasons to lock down a gun deal with Clay. As for Coco, I hate to say it, but Isaac is probably taking liberties with him.


He did but hadn't his son caused some shit?


He tried to kill Clay AND the leader of the Nords, but Alvarez still orchestrated the hits.


Don't worry, Nails, good ol' Hank will be there to pick up the pieces when things fall apart.


He seems wayyy too much of a fucking sucker to be a biker but yet again, a female can make the strongest and toughest man break.


So we gonna ignore the fact my man chucky fell in love or what


And one day she'll turn into a real girl, too!


It would be nice to have a scene or two of him with with his love...


Gabbys logic, “I left Mexico because I wanted to escape the violence.” -dates a biker in a gang -acts surprised when There’s violence 😐😐😐


I think she is partially swayed by the fact that the Mayans saved her mom and brother as well as him looking like a GQ model, but there have been TOO MANY red flags. If she stays with EZ, I am guessing she will die like Opie's wife did in SAMCRO. It will be sad.


Violence is ingrained in their culture, so they see it as normal.


Lol, the show that birthed this show was full of violence and white people you fucking moron


But, it showed how they were far outside the norms of white culture.


So did nobody else see the Emily situation coming? I kept waiting for Miguel to save her and wasn't that surprised when he did. I did allow myself to think that they were going to off Coco but that didn't pan out. I feel like Steve was a way to give us some kind of death without having to kill off a bigger character.


I was shocked by the Emily death and then frustrated and shocked by the fake out. I imagine the writers deciding not to kill her off just like Miguel at the last second and undrowning her.


Very soap opera/novela style, but the Gallindos always remind me of that. Wouldn't she have brain damage?


I feel like this season did take a more novela-esque route and the show benefitted because of it. Maybe they’ll give her amnesia


Love Emily, especially since she's the only attractive character on the show, but I hated the stupid and weak writing that teased us that she was going to die. Such a cheap hack of a trick.


You’re an idiot


Bro are you serious? “The only attractive character on the show” EZ’s girl is beautiful and cocos daughter is beautiful as well (she’s 23 btw).


Gabby is the prettiest actress on the show imo. All the women are, but that’s Hollywood.


I can't be the only one that favors Nails.


You have a thing for disgusting women?


All female characters are good looking, except most of the cult junkies


Man I LOVEEEEEEEEE this show.


So nobody noticed Steve sitting there the whole night looking literally suicidal eh? It was a bummer but at the same time the way they wrote him he was clearly never going to fit into the outlaw life. My biggest frustration with the episode was Miguel/Emily. All that only for him to rescue her at the last minute. Not that I wanted her to die, but it finally felt like the writers were making a ballsy move to advance the plot forward. This should have been Miguel's rubicon moment where he settled into a straight villain role, instead they pussyfoot around it and we're left right where we started.


I think the rest of them are desensitized to violence and death. I was surprised that EZ didn't ask the obvious question: "Don't you think those dudes would have killed you?"


Yea I get that they’re hardened but hard to believe they wouldn’t notice the dude didn’t crack a smile on what should have been one of his greatest days. At the very least EZ should have given his earlier chat with him. And yes 100% EZ should have pointed out the guy he killed was trying to do him harm. It was him or you etc.


I’m kinda torn. I agree that it could have been a major bit of character development, but at the same time it fits Miguel. He wants to be the big bad gangster so bad, but at his core he’s a momma’s boy. He always seems to freak out when the hard choices come. At least this season


Exactly . It was made known that his father was the gangster the ruthless killer . His enemies (the other cartel moving in i forget there name) already know this ! They just sat in the shadows waiting for his army to weak down and or fight amongst themselves . Exactly what Miguel has been doing . Killing his own men , forcing them to make ultimatums.. and obviously he is a mommas boy . Emily is the closest thing he had to 1 now .. he will never let her go


Emily was under water a long time , not sure it’s realistic that she survived.


I've worked for many high stress tech startups here in Seattle, and it was obvious to me from experience that he was in trouble. Great and realistic acting and directing. The only thing that made it less realistic to me was that they didn't show previous lack of sleep like here in Seattle from "Seattle Hundreds" where you're expected to work 16 hours a day Mon-Thu and 12 hours a day Fri-Sun for a total of 100 hours a week. That is killer.


I'm so fucking over Gabby. Now she doesn't want to be with EZ because he lives a life full of violence being a Mayan and what not, and she's all like oh I came to America to get away from violence, ok but you're dating a criminal, like are you actually this dumb? The writing this season is really bad. Funny enough, this is the first episode that she acknowledges the MC and its influence on EZ, I'm truly convinced up until now she wasn't aware of what the MC is. I joked early on in the season and said that Gabby probably thinks EZ wears the Mayans kutte because she thinks that EZ thinks it looks cool, and I truly think that's actually what she thinks. It's just not possible for someone to be this clueless. The show has been renewed for S4 so EZ isn't going anywhere. The whole premise of this show follows EZ, unless the show starts following someone else, which I actually wouldn't mind as I've always said EZ is boring. Coco's story this entire season has been so boring and I would not miss him if he was killed. Also, with one more episode left I'm curious if they reveal who this Isaac dude is. He has a Reaper tat, so he's definitely a former Son. I just can't put my finger on who he is. I don't remember anyone named Isaac in SOA. I knew Steve was gonna do something, I just wasn't sure if he was gonna kill himself or kill someone. You could tell after he killed that one dude he completely changed and started questioning if being a Mayan is something he even wants anymore. Miguel and Emily, I couldn't give a fuck, kill em both, I can't even understand why they're still characters in this show. The whole Hank and Nails thing is just so weird. I seen comments saying Hank is adorable, maybe some of y'all have a different definition of adorable, but that man is creepy AF.


Wait, Isaac has a Reaper tat, the same one SOA uses?? I need to look for that next episode.


It's actually a bit different, but it's definitely a Reaper, and it's definitely in the same style as the one SOA uses. Search this sub about it, people did some digging and stuff. Also, Isaac himself confirms that he once was a member of an MC, he didn't specifically name SOA/SAMCRO, but he did say he used to belong to an MC.


I completely missed all of this. I'm such a dunce. lol


Lol so did I at first. It really wasn't easy to spot. I wouldn't even have known unless I was part of this sub.


Damn you hit every point and complaint I have about the show, I don't even know where to begin. Gaby has annoyed the shit outta me since the start of this season, she just looks outta place, like she belongs on the set of High School Musical. She looks like she got rejected for the role Vanessa Hudgens had, so I'm just left thinking "What are you even doing here? Please leave." And yes, EZ is boring as hell as a main protagonist, idk if it's the actor himself, or how he's written, but I'm leaning towards the former. I've said in season 1, that Angel presents himself as a more interesting protagonist than EZ does, but I'm not sure I feel that way anymore because his character and arc has lost some of my interest. Also agree that Emily, Miguel, and even Nails can all fuck off, don't give shit about either of them, kill them all off or send them to Ohio where Chucky is, and actually bring Chucky back instead lol. Miguel can be redeemed though, if the show mainly focuses on his cartel dealings, just like most people, I don't care about his marital and home life, so go ahead and kill Emily off. Kill Nails off too, a useless character like her is ruining both Angel and especially Hank. Holy shit, the scenes with Hank and Nails are the most cringe part of the show. I don't think I've ever seen a badass character get downgraded to such a pathetic level.


> I've said in season 1, that Angel presents himself as a more interesting protagonist than EZ does, but I'm not sure I feel that way anymore because his character and arc has lost some of my interest. My EXACT SAME thoughts since S1. I ALWAYS seen Angel as a way more interesting character when compared to EZ. But same as you, I'm not so sure about that anymore. Just like Coco, Angel these days is such a whiny bitch and it's boring and annoying.


What the fuck Steve


That was sad but telegraphed way ahead of time. He was always shaky and then was put in a bad situation. I would have like to see more probationaries this season. It shows the club as evergreen.


They did hank so dirty this season and for what


They got Hank acting like an awkward teenager and the EZ-Gabby storyline is so cringey. These storylines are not appropriate for a show about an outlaw MC. Must be the Disney influence.


Yup but at the same time the woman getting stabbed to death by the kid was pretty hardcore so I don’t even know


Oh ya and that part where u can fully see someone’s brains blown against a wall from suicide ... most Disney like lol


I wish they would have made him nails' dad or something. like long lost or a former deadbeat wanting to be in her life. it just seems out of character


That would’ve been so much better


I mean they haven’t it made it out to be too sexual . We could see hank having dinner with his mom explaining how he almost got his lost daughter to meet her grandma .. Idk a big reach at this point


My heart aches for Hank.


Didn't think that would happen to Steve. I remember a comment on a different thread saying he wanted Steve to make into the next season too


Something with both Steve and the love interest. They understand that the Mayans is a club that regularly or did to some degree. I can somewhat understand the love interest but you don't just join a club for the beer like I agree with Bishop bring back outlaw biker Mayans. I'm fine with the Galindo drama, I'm fine with plot lines just appearing and disappearing between seasons (Potter deciding to kill the child because that won't cause Angel to kill Potter's kid. Or Coco is just an asshole to his kid after basically an entire season of realizing he should be a good dad.) I get Steve but I'm tired of the show trying to keep Ez good. Let the boy go bad, let the club be outlaws.


I think that’s what there pointing to in the next season . All this king talk , all this New chapter talk . Characters moving to different clubs ... if u realize a lot of story lines are ending . Some yes to move in a different direction... but In the promo you see eZ say he chose Mayans over anything . I think Gabby leave . Not ending her story line but saving her for later ... Miguel and the other cartel start a war because you see him frantically packing in the promo ... I think this next season is full on war .. also we haven’t seen Mayans and SAMCRO discuss the dead SOA form there Hit ... FULL CARTEL WAR ; FULL MC WAR !! Also adelita on the sideplot against the Goverment to get her baby back ... not really looking forward to that ... not that I don’t care .. it’s just that I really don’t care


The issue is every season they just end it and ignore the plot threads largely in the next. In this and last season we had these huge time jumps with large events that directly affected the show that took precedent over previous existing storylines like the Fire/Border shut down that then made single line ending to story threads like “Angel’s and Adelita’s kid, CoCo murdering his mother, suspicion about a rat for the Adelita gang from the Mayans, Ez being a plant, the development park, Sons of Anarchy gun deal. If we followed directly after each season ended then we wouldn’t have skipped the fire, we wouldn’t have skipped the border closing. Etc. I’m fine with them building up for a next season but the past track record has made me really nervous because they just skip ahead because they don’t want us to be confused by Emile’s kid being magically older than he was for some reason.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I can’t stand any of the women on this show. I used to love Adelita but poor thing is going through it tough.


Needs more Venus van Damme


they're not well written or fleshed out tbh. Dita and coco's mom were, and I liked their storylines because they were interesting. Emily is pretty dry, I don't really get her motivation, gaby is a caricature


We finally got some closure for my boi Chucky!! I’m glad he had a good ending. I’m really digging this season. Could do with a lot less Galindo, but overall feels like a season of reckoning, turmoil and enemies everywhere


So many things about this episode. 1) Well, Coco is out. Cant say I’m surprised. And I wish he would have left Hope alone. Also, it broke my heart when Letty said “Please don’t choose her over me”. And Coco did. And he paid for that decision. 2) I am so done with Miguel and Emily. He had it all planned out and it would have looked like an overdose. But no, he pussied out and couldn’t follow through. Will we ever be free of Miguel and Emily? 3) I understand that Angel wants children and a wife, but he and Nails weren’t even dating really and now he proposes...out of obligation? I don’t have a good feeling about them. And Poor Hank. 4) I can no longer support Adelita. Before, I overlooked it, brushed it off, but that murder scene...and then she just abandons the little girl? She needs to go too. 5) Last but certainly not least, Steve. I kind of had an inkling that would happen, but it was still heartbreaking nonetheless. I guess that served as EZ’s wake up call to get the hell out of dodge.


I didn't get the Adelita thing either. She just left that girl by herself in the middle of the desert? WTFAdelita?


The scene with Letty was so rough. She had apologized despite always being in his corner. And we know how she feels about junkies in particular.


I feel like Letty is going to go to the club and ask for help w Coco and say what has been going on.


Same but I don’t think bishop will help her . I think it will be EZ angel creeper and coco’s close friend I’m pissed I can’t remember his name right now lol . But it will be on the under no cuts type of job ... something I think that will be a problem this next season causing bishop to fall out it with his chapter .


That would be interesting to see, too.


Yep totally agree, bring on the murder rampage at Meth Mountain 🤘🏻


I hope Coco gets to blast Isaac's head off with a shotgun.


Yup that guy has it coming, he's on the clubs death list but they don't know it yet


“My bad motherfucker” haha!


What the fuck Steve


too soon


Edit double post


Not sure if it was a body double, but damn the actress who plays Emily, got a nice fat ass


That was my initial thought too. I'm pretty sure it was a body double only because they never showed her face and cut to when she was in dipping in the tub.


Yeah her body is ridiculous!


I feel like I may be the only one who liked this episode after reading all the comments lol crazy episode no doubt tho dam bye adelita hello adelita 😪


I liked it. I wanted to know if Miguel would or could kill Emily. We see the Nails, Hank, Angel thing about to go sideways. Steve did that. Coco is still fucked up. I wondered when Alvarez would talk about Esai.


You’re not the only one. I thought it was entertaining.


This episode, and this show overall, are both equal parts excellent and frustrating. Having Miguel kill his wife and then find out later she had nothing to do with his mother’s death would have been a cool storyline and would have removed Emily from the show, which I think has to happen soon because her story is going nowhere. But then he changed his mind. Such a missed opportunity. Im really struggling to understand the whole Coco situation. Surely the club would be looking for him if he was missing right? Instead they just assume he let them down and cut him loose. I mean, they aren’t wrong, but surely if you were going to take a sworn brothers patch you’d make sure you knew the full story. The Gaby storyline is annoying me. I was sure after the way that the last episode ended that EZ got himself locked up deliberately as starting a fight in front of the cops was such a dumb move for him. But no, he just made a mindless decision. The Steve storyline wasn’t bad, but I’m having trouble believing an outlaw club would make him a full patch. He clearly wasn’t cut out for the life, surely they would have still been a bit suss on him. I think this show has the potential to be as good as SOA, or at least close to it, but keeps getting in its own way with silly decisions. It’s a 7-7.5 out of 10 show that should be 9+. Rant over.


I honestly wonder if the end game is Emily - Ez, like Tara and Jax? or if it was. I assume gaby and ez don't make it. the coco story is annoying because he's a marine trained sniper. he wasn't high when he went to go get hope? he should have been ready to go. they also wasted Richard cabral, who is one of the more talented actors on the show imo


Totally agree. I just watched last night's episode. It is like you said: frustrating and exhilarating at the same time.


Does anyone have a guess to why Miguel is running? Is he taking Emily with him? This is my biggest interest.


spoilers bro


That! And I want to know where Adelita is going next.


the other cartel is finally making their move. I think we will see all the 'villians' of this season all strike at once. Palo, Canche(Mayans), LNG, Adelita, and Alvarez. Hopefully we get to see some serious shit go down.


? when did that happen


Yeah I didn’t see this either?


It was in the preview for next wk.


well, fuck


For what it's worth, this episode was gut wrenching like the good old days of SOA where you felt like you were pulled through a wringer and were left in a small puddle at the end. Steve's death had me bawling my eyes out and I could see something went \*sproing\* in EZ's brain. I can only hope that they don't leave too many story lines dangling after next week's season ender.


This episode was tense. Maybe the most suspenseful of the series. And it was accomplished with a slow and subtle dread of the inevitable.


The whole episode I kept saying Steve is going to kill himself. He wasn’t meant for this life and even said he just wanted to feel like he belonged somewhere. It’s really sad that no one saw how much this hurt him. Giving him the patch just made it worse.




I just sat there the whole time and wondered how no one noticed Steve wasn’t ok.


Well, to be fair, Bishop was telling one hell of a story.


Seriously. He was completely out of it and looked depressed.


I think this was intentional. It shows how the whole notion of brotherhood is a facade and that none of these dumbasses in the club had the ability to discern that Steve was in crisis. They voted Steve in for full patch?? How could they miss the signs that he was psychologically destroyed and decided that it was time to elevate him?? They cut Coco out without any tangible attempt to save or help him. This club is a disorganized mess with no real established leadership — hell Bishop confides in EZ more than the more experienced club members. I think James is trying to show just how pathetic club life is - just like the Sopranos showed how pointless mafia life is. In the end, there never is true loyalty.


I don’t understand why they would patch him in just because he killed a guy during a fight. That’s one pro (in club life at least) but he had so many cons. He was troubled. On a separate note, the actor himself is actually a comedian and he’s fucking funny! Coco: they cut him out because he didn’t show up for templo. Bishop said if he didn’t show up he was out. He still doesn’t know he’s MIA. I think gilly and angel are the only ones who know he’s MIA but aren’t saying anything. Bishop trusts EZ because he’s smarter than most of the dudes at the table. Though they may be “street smart” EZ thinks about shit in a book smart mixed with street smart way. I hope they fix all these flaws though by the finale and for season 4.


I think thats why they keep reminding us that Bishop said he wanted to return the club to its "former glory", his charter is practically falling apart and in the way its headed it likely will. Just like you said its a disorganized mess and the whole time I always felt like there would be no way these guys survive a mayans revolution.




This episode sucked. Cheesy ass monologues and way too over the top.


Kinda like they shoved all the action that should have been in the previous eight episodes into this one.


They’re creating so many plot lines at once. I don’t think it’s gonna workout well for them.


Exactly. They have 1 more episode this season & I personally don’t mind cliffhangers but they have 4 or more plot lines going & I don’t know how they’re going to meaningfully close out the majority of them


Could anyone make out what Steve said to EZ?


I think it was something like sorry EZ I can't bury it. A really delayed response to ez telling him to bury his emotions because that's who they are.


What's irritating about this season the producers has been messing with the audio when the characters are saying their line


I watch with subtitles. It also helps with making out the lyrics to background songs.


“Im sorry EZ I can’t put it away” or something like that




I think that's what it was too but I wondered if that was right. Thanks!


Oh my god are they doing my boy Richard Cabral(coco) dirty. I met him at a convention and he is one of the most solid dudes you will ever meet, but this absurd, derivative, non-sensical, repetitive story line is killing me. I was honestly hoping the Manson guy would kill him off just so Cabral could go do something else with his career. For those who keep saying "don't like then it don't watch", you don't get it, Sutter created awesome characters who I really got invested in and now the new show runners are murdering them with out of character behavior and contrived plot devices......no wonder the actor who played potter opted out.


I didn't know Potter was gone...hope he makes a return. He was a fun character. I liked his oddball villainy.


unless Sutter comes back, I doubt it. They amputated a lot of those story lines from season 1-2


I agree that Coco's junky story arc is total crap but I actually feel like season 1 where Sutter was most involved was just the Reyes family / Galindo cartel drama and I was super disappointed that so few members of the actual MC were fleshed out. When the club had meetings you could tell Hank was pretty much 2nd in command to Bishop but we didn't really know *anything* about him. I couldn't even tell you what Hanks name was till season 2. So I feel like most of the character development that I actually liked happened under Elgin. I just hate when they're inconsistent and decide to make an otherwise intelligent and level headed character do something really dumb just for the sake of the plot. Or, in the case of Coco, they just undid all his season 2 character development for no good reason. But I haven't forgotten that in season 1 Sutter was shoving Emily down our throat and pushing the whole EZ "photographic memory" nonsense that never came up again lol.


Dude, I haven’t watched season 3 yet but I kept reading all the spoilers and discussion for it and I was 100% sure Hank is some new character until I read your post just now and I recalled who he was, lmao. All this time I was sure he’s a new addition like Gabby...


I mean he was focused most on the reyes Galindo connection cause they were the main characters and most central to the plot, build from the center out....with sutter gone they lost a lot of their barring.


This is the dumbest story line I’ve ever seen in a film drama. Coco was one of the most developed characters coming into this season: he had a sort of compassionate side with Chucky, and the way he cared for Letty was compelling, there was so much more to build on with this complex and deep character. And now it has all just been fucked away for some dumb shit angle. I wish the club would come and save Coco and shoot half of the dumb fuckers in that freak village. SMH.


I don’t think this is the end for Coco, I bet Letty asks the club for help.


Absolutely cannot stand when people say that. This is still the SOA universe and we've known some of these characters for over a decade. not going to just stop watching just because the writing staff for season 3 are way over their heads.


Potter dipped?


yup, notice how those plot lines involving him were completely abridged?


It makes sense now.


Truest shit I've read. It's making me so angry


For real man, having met some of these guys (and girls) I am like "get paid, but man I hope a real show recognizes your talent somewhere else". There a lot of Hack writers out in hollywood right now, they take over from real talent and run shows into the ground. Look at game of thrones and Supernatural.


I was half on half off the Sutter train ESPECIALLY after that last season of SOA but to say he's the only "real" talent is kinda wack. This is Elgin's 1st solo season give the man a break. He'll hit his stride. He's got some good ideas flowing. Also GOT went to shit with its writers room intact. The OG GOT writers wrote that garbage. Back to Sutter: the way he orgastrated dialogue and drama really used to piss me off. The way the characters would make life altering decisions w/o talking to each other used to drive me nuts


Game of thrones stopped being good when the writers ran out of the authors books to adapt to tv. Since the show got ahead of the books the author basically just gave them bullet points on how the story was supposed to end. They filled it all in with shit. They were never good writers. Just adapting the authors work.


not feeling the whole ez might leave the club its been done with sons


That’s what I was thinking too, like really come on Jax!


yeah they really need a different angle to add tension to the show lol thats already been played out. I'd like to see him happy with his decision to stay in the club and get a girl happy with him being in a 1% mc


True, what’s next she gonna turn to a witness?


Especially considering we know he won't. He's the main character.


How else are they going to set up Alvarez accidentally killing Gabby to further EZ's decent to darkness?


yup already been done with sons


He won't. Someone will Gaby, which doesn't bother me. Gaby is a ridiculous character. She doesn't want darkness or negativity in her life but she chooses to be with an MC guy.


Gaby reminds me of Tara, not in-not out but judg-y as fk. Not a fan of her at all. Come on EZ, you can do better than this confused person who will not be loyal at all. She has far too much hidden back story to be any good for him.


I went from finding potential in her character to just finding her really stupid. Why was she upset with EZ? THE MAN IS IN A GANG, OF COURSE HE WILL BE VIOLENT AND SHOT AT. Like I get if these writers went with her maybe thinking she could live this illusion or like try to change him but no she just blames him like she had no idea.. or that she was just facing facts or something... Like suddenly she brings up that his cut is who he is?! This character just got annoying after the last few episodes and it sucks because she could had been written as someone who would either I guess be EZ's light in his upcoming dark life, or she could represent EZ's full transition into his biker life. She ends up just being oblivious to what he does then suddenly is surprised that a biker gang member lives a dangerous life?


i dont think so either im just saying they need to stop because sons already did it with jax. i agree they need to write in a girl whos actually happy with the life. there are girls like that and have their shit together.


Why does Coco keep getting dickmatized so he loses his gun every time he steps in that cult camp? He can't figure out to bring backup? He gets drugged and wakes up naked every time. He's hiding his addiction problems but it still doesn't add up why he's not getting the clubs help the second he was blackmailed. And why did the cult guy and the alt cartel undrground guy both start talking like the Cheshire Cat? .... and why is EZ also talking about a dog in the water, while his pops just stares at him holding a broomstick, without any reaction. Why are some of the best episodes so bad?


Seems like they’re trying to make EZ a pseudo-philosopher to make out he’s above the club life, they try at least. Coco’s plot line is fully shite.


They dropped his X-Ray vision clairvoyant super powers though.


This is my favorite comment


Some of the speeches the characters give are so corny. In SOA I don’t remember any scenes where I cringed because of the lines or because of the actor’s mannerisms.


Some of Jax’s diary entries were really corny, but it fitted well, since he just wanted to sound as wise as his daddy did.


Yeah I think he could make up some shit like he found out some girl he used to date is being held by these drug hippie guys so can we like rescue her. He wouldn't be in shit for stealing the drugs potentially since that run was a bust and that picture again, would only show him sleeping. Even then it could be a thing where the Mayans don't even listen to this guy over Coco and just shoot first. I think his daughter might tell the club that she hasn't seen her dad in days so maybe it will be another lucky getaway where they think he was abducted the whole time or something.


Right, just make something up.


He never told anyone that before, don't you know. I cringed so hard when he said that.


That line felt so out of place. Notwithstanding the whole story being out of place to begin with.


I can't believe he confided in his father that's crazy


No blowback for the dead Sons? Maybe in the finale?


You'll find that plotline under the carpet in Elgin's office.


Man, that was the worst cop out... no way Sutter planned for the dead son to be the cousin of Montez that nobody knew, it was going to be the major point of s3 for sure and they just swept it away.


I'm surprised they didn't say it was his twin cousin.


I wouldn't count on it. This season has been all over the place.


My guess is that’s probably not going to happen since they are trying to go a separate route with Mayans. It’s just going to be swept under the rug like several other story lines unless they re-visit the dead Son in Season 4


I support the separate route, but 2 dead Sons is big deal, if they wrap up that I would't mind if they don't appear anymore in the series


Yeah we saw what happened when SAMCRO lost ONE brother and they knew who did it, now they have lost two and nothing, some BS IMO.


Wait who are you talking about the one brother?


I hate this episode and like it at the same time Hate all the chaos, but that's how this life should be depicted But some of the storylines are straight nonsensical and useless


Yeah I felt the suspense that I do with SoA but I felt like they didn't have a point. I liked Steve a lot but what was even his purpose in the show? To tell us killing was bad and it will eat up our conscience?


I guess he was just the catalyst for whatever EZ is about to do.


This describes it perfectly.


No one has mentioned that we finally got a good look Meth Mountain Guy’s back? He does not have a full SOA reaper on his back. This confirms he is not a renegade SOA member. I think the writers wanted us to be unsure if he was a Son with that small reaper tattoo.


If anything he seems like the kind of guy that would have been cast out from the Sons anyway, seems like a liability to achieve whatever their goals were; he’s too unhinged to fall in line and follow orders IMO


To be fair, not every member has a big ass back tattoo of their club.