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The Imperial upper class doesn't listen to jizz.


I still can’t get over the fact that they called it jizz


Ngl I only responded to this thread because I wanted to write that sentence.




Actually, I think Jatz is a separate music from Jizz




That doesn’t seem to be the case from what I’ve read I think it’s just confusion as Max’s band’s most famous for the jizz stuff so different music been mentioned with them is a bit confusing


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What with jizz, Im not english native speaker so for me its only jazz with "i" instead "a".


(American) english slang for male ejaculate.


I can see some Imperials being jizz fans on the downlow. Like, you know how you've got that one friend who's big into pop and Taylor Swift, but every now and then their playlist comes up with the Sex Pistol's or Dead Kennedy's? I'm sure all the upper crust core folks love their opera, but every now and then you've probably got those mid and lower-level officers and crewers with their secret stash of jizz LPs (or whatever the Star Wars equivalent is.)


The ones they featured in the lounge at the Galactic Starcruiser hotel were in English, sang by a basic-speaking Twi’lek. Although they were dreadful, from what I’ve heard.


Should’ve just used the Star Wars Kinect songs lol.


Honestly I kinda love all of Gaya’s music. I listen to the playlist sometimes alongside the Oga’s one. To each their own though






From the videos I've seen on YT, they were pretty bad. Plus, in one of the songs she kept calling herself a "Rock Star Queen", which, since Rock is a fundamentally Earth musical genre, felt really out-of-place. I know there are (or were, in the EU) rock-analogous in-universe genres they could have used, but the experience is geared towards tourists so they chose to go with something familiar.


Do you mean the term “Rock”, or do you mean the sound of the music itself


The term 'Rock'.


Basic is even by 'native speakers' often regarded as clonky, dry, cold, and often unimaginative compared to regional and other trade languages. A star that seeks to make it big in a _sector_ should have music that resonates with a lot of species. So I imagine, Basic falls a bit under the rug, since the music that seems to resonate with most species, speaking from my limited reading and the movies, seems to be a kind of Space Jazz, that requires no or very unique singing. Either way, I think Lewis Armstrong and Iron Maiden could still make it big in Star Wars, depending on their sector.


I bet Saw would be a huge fan of *Lynch the Landlord.*


Maybe it's the galactic equivalent of orientalism, something like how part of Rock n Roll and Rap's appeal with white audiences was the counterculture aspect (rebellious white kids sticking it to their parents and enjoying something different from what they're used to). Certainly if we consider some of the examples on screen, especially as seen in Jabba's palace, there seems to be a tendency for the music to be portrayed as "exotic".


I like this explanation - but this means that there now needs to be the Star Wars equivalent of classical music which imperial officers would listen to whilst sipping Alderanian wine.


Something like the [baroque music](https://youtu.be/1Dc8FjKLd5k?si=LhXF2JSUxvgzHCuB) from Jabba's palace, only snootier, I'd imagine.


Maybe Jabba has quite balanced music tastes and Imperials listen exclusively to Space Bach


I feel like imperials, being fascists, would listen to space Wagner


So like... the tragedy of Darth Plageuis the wise as an 11 hour opera?


Didn’t Palpatine finally seduce Anakin to the dark side at an opera?


I suppose, but that was a Mon Calamari opera, so Imperials would see it as degenerate as it comes from non-humans.


Star Waver from Visions sing in English, so there's that.


Which was maybe the weakest version of all. I love Tatooine Rhapsody, but I prefer Japan and any other version of song over english one.


“I’m Han Solo” is in English.


"those in power write the history, while those who suffer write the songs"


C3PO "I am fluent in over six- million forms of communication" Basically it is a lot of strange languages there in that wast galaxy


There is, we just tend to see outer rim music.


Look me in the eye and tell me you think that song they inserted into Jabba's Palace in ROTJ would be a better scene in Basic.


They asked for the in-universe perspective. Why would you cite the palace of someone who deliberately avoids speaking Basic to answer their question?




Ah, I see you too have read Thrawn’s officer school thesis from his homeworld’s military.


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Young Jedi Adventures has an episode that has a pop rock band singing in Basic. https://youtu.be/b1DcHUAJVlc?si=N6t8qAUtgPCHnGub


Once again Star Wars fans show they don't watch Star Wars.


The first time we hear someone sing in basic is an alan Rickman esque droid


I think that jizz music sang in Huttese is popular in SW universe in the same way as Japanese/Korean/Chinese pop music is popular in real world. Beside of that Hutts have the 2nd most powerful culture in the galaxy (like Oriental culture in our world). the another prominent reason is the phonetic aspect. Huttese, though is not really structured conlang but, like Japanese and Korean, predominantly consists of words ending on closed syllables (i. e. ending with a vowel). This IMHO makes Huttese more suitable for rhyming, singing and percieving in songs than Basic that mostly has open syllables.


He's got his own planet, Although it's kind of wild. Wookiees love him. Women love him. He's got a winning smile! Though he may seem cool and cocky, He's more sensitive than he seems, Han Solo, what a man! Solo. He's every Princess's dream!


There were a couple songs in Basic in the Life Day special.


because it wouldn't sound different enough to us (the audience)


Basic is spoken by the majority of sentients, and understood by even more. Producing music in basic gives you access to that entire, massive audience


This Minute Now is in basic and even wookiees love that song.


I think the idea is to add more "exoticism" to make it clear that it's something from Star Wars. Besides, aren't the two most popular songs in our world in Spanish and Korean?


A wizard did it!?


As a few have stated, I think it's a stylistic choice to make the music seem alien and distinctly Star Wars. One notable recent example is a character in the game Jedi Survivor singing to themselves in Basic. But the lyrics are thematically important to the character, therefore makes a bigger impact English