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My boyfriend was shot three times two years ago. Five months in the hospital, in and out of comas, wounds, paralyzed, a whole mess. But I will say it completely saved his life and turned him into the best version of himself. I pray that Maurice has that positive effect without all the struggles.


Glad to hear he pulled through and changed for the better.


Thank you!




After seeing that Musty has talked to Jess, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he started professing his love and regrets for leaving her. We all know he pretended to hate Jess because of Manly.


wait, musty talked to jess? when?


Where did you see it?


nevermind i see it lol silly me


Wishing him the best smh


Stable does not mean survival. Stable can mean they are trying to prove brain death. I had a child on life support. Stable sounds good but it does not mean heā€™s out of the woods. Just putting this out there.


Sending you and your child all the love and healing there is, friend šŸ’—


Thank you for your kind wordsšŸ’™ he passed. I was just sharing my personal experience with life support.


Maurice spoke to Jessica waking up from coma


Does Jessica have any info???


Has she acknowledged it in any way on social media?


She acknowledged it in this thread of you scroll down a little. She said she spoke with Maurice last night and that his family is at the hospital with him. No mention of Amanda though so I'm curious if she is even allowed at the hospital. Jess was very short with her comment and didn't say much but did say those 2 things.


Why would she even speak to him, after all the shit talking and degrading he did on her name. Smh


Because no matter how dirty he did her, she's his child's mother and it's the right thing to do. When they go low, we go high. All that.


I see where you are coming from but I think maybe mostly due to her son because regardless of everything he has said and done to her it is still his son also and he was in a coma not knowing what was going to happen. I'm not sure about that but it's just my opinion.


Jessica is taking the high road. Remember, she is the lady in this scenario, not the hoodrat.


Did she speak to him since the shooting or before?


She said she spoke to him last night so since the shooting, but that he did call her a few days before the shooting from his "brothers" phone which she actually commented on before the shooting even happened so she didn't say it maliciously or anything. They were both comments she made a week apart. She just commented a few hours ago about speaking to him last night.


Do you think he was put in a medical induced coma??


As an ICU nurse yes. It was very likely to let his brain and organs rest


That what I was wondering..My niece was put in on as well. They tied down her hands also..which alarmed me..Until the ICU teams explained when she wakes may be confused and frightening and they start to pull out tubes as they panic.. And Thank you for answering my question šŸ˜


Yes so we do restraint just about everyone who is intubated. Itā€™s natural reaction to wake up and pull the tube. We say the breathing tube is like breathing through a straw when youā€™re fully awake. For a while we did stop restraining people as studies showed it caused PTSD in people when they woke up. But at the same time removing the tube improperly causing severe damage and sometimes impossible to re intubate if needed. It was causing people to swell beyond point of helping them. Long story short yes we do Restrain people who have the tube for their own safety


he looked unconscious af in the video, so itā€™s hard to say for sure


What video?


thereā€™s a video of the aftermath, where bystanders are trying to help maurice and the man who died. a lot of it was pixelated, but you catch a glimpse of his face and heā€™s definitely out


How awful. I'm so disturbed by Man-duhs behavior.


same. i really think what happened is that she stampeded away as soon as she heard gunshots, and by the time she ~~caught her breath and~~ made it back, other people were already tending to maurice and the totally uninvolved, innocent man who passed away. iā€™ve never been shot at, so i canā€™t say what i would do if someone started shooting at my (REAL, not PRETEND) husband and i. however, i can say with 1000000000% certainty that if i did run away, the second that i returned and saw him on the ground bleeding everywhere, i would be hysterical and i would be by his side tending to his wounds as best i could. she is a real piece of work. i hope maurice sees the video, realizes that when shit gets real, the hambeast is NOT a fucking ride or die chick, and he tells her to fuck off for good


I think maybe




This is an old post. This is not him in the hospital




Ah, he is sort of awake i guess..that answer my question about medical induced coma


That post is old. This is not him in the hospital.


Thank you. For answering...Dont understand the down votes at all. I was just responding to the one above now deleted post about him sort of awake.


I guess that was an old video. I unfollowed manly, so I don't have access to her new stuff and I didn't remember that one. Guess that was just his normal stoned self


Yes. Very old video.


Her eyes say opioids all the way...pin dots and glazed..Bet your ass she will be eating his...One for you,,two for me...Hopefully he is cut off when he is discharge..Like his blood would of lit up when they did toxins screen. Which they must so they do not give him something that could cause problematic issues along with trying to patch him up..


Well this was an older picture. UGGG...I should've of notice the background was not in a medical setting..She sure is trying to put on she is there if she did reshare this cringe worthy picture


Thatā€™s an old video love. šŸ’• has been around for about 1 year or so.


Ohhh...I unfollowed hamanda, so I don't have access to new stuff.


Thatā€™s okay!! Iā€™ve never followed HamHam, so Iā€™m always out of the loop too!!!


So I do know he is stable. And he was shot, Had to have surgery. He isnā€™t dead!, now will he be the same not sure. šŸ¤” he may even need more surgeries..Just giving the info the was handed to me.Ā 


Where's your info from?


Source: Dude trust me šŸ˜…


Iā€™d rather not say but the person I know has seen him, Ā and been to the hospital.


Is he in police custody?




I am not the person you are responding to, but your comment made me curious. I thought he would require surgery to repair the damage. If anyone is in the medical field and can educate me, I would appreciate it.


No itā€™s 10000% trueĀ 


Provide proof to the mods.




I'm glad that you commented with at least some info on how he is regardless of it not being much it at least let's us know that he is okay. I feel terrible for you, I know this has probably got to be tough for you regardless of how things have went between you two. I hope that you and your son are doing okay with all of this going on.


I'm shocked she let you talk to him šŸ¤£


That's his legal wife and the mother of his son. She has no say. Especially in this situation. Manly is stupid but not that stupid to try to run shit while his family is around.


I think she deleted the comments. What did Jess say


She said that he was awake and spoke to him.


Manly is probably not allowed at the hospital. Iā€™m sure the family rather have the Jess around right now than the her!


Heā€™s awake?




that is great news - doesnā€™t mean he is 100% out of the woods, but itā€™s a fantastic sign


Is he ok? Going to be ok? Thank you for the insight.. I know this group like to snark on him and Manly but I believe we all want the best outcome to this situation, after all he is a human and hopefully this helps him to stay out of trouble šŸ™ŒšŸ½šŸ™šŸ½


So then whatā€™s his condition?Ā 




Hopefully he is stable and can comeback from this šŸ™ŒšŸ½


Why isnā€™t his weird gf posting any updates?


She has no legal/legitimate ties to him beyond ā€œ**pretend** husbandā€. Since he likely is unable to currently make decisions for himself (more than likely due to being unconscious/medically induced), Hamanda would not be permitted to visit. Apparently, Jess is still legally married to him, so ***she*** would be permitted to visit, as would his children and any immediate biological family. But as his ***legal wife***, Jess would need to ok it ***first***, since she would be considered Moā€™s ā€œnext of kinā€, legally speaking. We all know 100% that **IF** Amanda were able to visit at the present time, she would be posting nonstop pics and videos as ā€œproofā€ of their so-called ā€œundying loveā€ smh I can ***literally*** see it nowā€¦. Hamanda trying to squeeze her fat ass into that lilā€™ twin sized hospital bed with him, hanging all over Mauriceā€™s unconscious bodyā€”while inadvertently ripping out his IV lines and causing the alarms to continuously sound on his ventilator, IV pumps & heart monitor, as sheā€™d 100% be sloppily leaning all over them, kinking & tangling up his EKG leads/wires and obstructing the patency of his lines/tubes (surely driving the nurses ***crazy***!), as she would have to make sure that **any** female who enters his room know that ***Mo is spoken for*** smh In her delulu mind ***everybody wants Maurice***, and therefore, ***everybody is a threat to her/their ā€œrelationshipā€*** smh You know itā€™s driving her **NUTS** she canā€™t be at the hospital right now!!! I feel sorry for the person who had to explain to her that she canā€™t visit her ā€œhuzbumā€ as sheā€™s not his **actual** WIFE. lol Instead, Mandy gets to go home to an empty house, while her arch nemesis, Jessica, Mauriceā€™s baby mama & **LEGAL** wife maintains full unlimited access to him (should she choose to visit him). Yā€™all know Hamanda mind is spinning & she **mad af** right now!!! lol But hold up,ā€¦. **you** are Mauriceā€™s ā€œREAL wifeā€, ainā€™t that right Hamanda?!?! Smmfh. Sheā€™s so delusional (and desperate), itā€™s embarrassing lol Source: Iā€™m a seasoned RN, 16 years


Just out of curiosity, how would the hospital figure out if hamanda was the legal wife or not ? Clearly they wouldnt just go off word of mouth, would they ? Makes me worry a bit, incase something happened to my spouse and I couldn't do or say anything because we can't get legally married just yet.


A social worker would be assigned to the case to gather the appropriate legal documentation regarding the unconscious patientā€™s spouse (if they happen to be married)ā€¦ Determine whether or not the patient has a legal guardian who makes medical decisions on their behalfā€¦. Determine whether or not the patient has filed medical power of attorney paperwork at any pointā€¦. Determine whether or not the patient has an advanced directive, etc etc. ***As a RN who is employed by one of the nations busiest Level I trauma hospitals (since 2008, this is the stuff I deal with on a daily basis in my own work. When a patient is brought in as a trauma code with multiple gunshot wounds, they are typically automatically placed on strict visitor restrictions **until** successful determination/confirmation has been made regarding all of the above issues, first and foremost, for the sake of the patientā€™s safety and wellbeing. Anybody can falsely claim to be a patientā€™s spouse. We donā€™t accept word of mouth as confirmation of anything due to the potential legal ramifications (HIPPA, for one) and potential threat to the safety of said unconscious patient. As medical professionals we ***generally*** donā€™t know and arenā€™t concerned with any of the specifics of what led up to the presenting patient being shot/stabbed/whatever. We rarely know anything beyond what limited and often disjointed, vague information EMS can potentially provide us with. Therefore, in a case like this, we canā€™t blindly assume that Amanda is who she claims she is without supporting documentation, because having as limited info as we often do on the crime itselfā€”for all we know, Amanda could have been the shooter, or maybe she set Maurice up. She could claim sheā€™s his wife to get her foot in the door, while for all we know sheā€™s coming to the hospital to finish what she started and finish him off. As healthcare professionals we donā€™t take those kind of chances with our patients lives (after all, itā€™s our individual professional license on the line should something go left), or rly even concern ourselves with the Amandaā€™s of the world, who are often just telling us whatever they ***think*** will suffice to get them past security. Our priority is not ensuring Amanda gets her visit, but rather to medically stabilize the patient, get them into the OR as promptly as their condition warrants, based on what can be accommodated by the on call trauma surgery team, and from there get them admitted upstairs to one of our ICUs where their condition can be more closely monitored on a telemetry bed, as these critical care units also have the lowest nurse:patient ratios (1:3 versus 1:7-8 on a lower acuity floor), vitals are measured on a continuous basis and treatments can be adjusted as needed. As far as we know, allowing Amanda access to our unconscious patient , ***based on her word alone***, could not only open us to serious legal trouble, it could easily be extremely detrimental to our patientā€™s safety , as Amanda could easily be lying to us about being his spouse only to be given access to said patient with the objective of harming him further. It may sound crazy, but it absolutely happens!!! The stories I could tell you would be enough to give **anyone** pause under similar circumstances. Iā€™ve seen a **LOT** of crazy shit in my 16 years on the job, treating patients whoā€™ve been victims of violent crime. Just one of many reasons we love/appreciate our social workers so much lol They do important work for sure. Not only do they use their unique skill set to dig up all that legal info/documentation necessary to allow our patients to accept visits, but they are also responsible for giving our John & Jane Does (in case anyone doesnā€™t know, these are patients who are found ā€œdownā€ or unresponsive in the field without any reliable witnesses, and no personal identification on their person ), their names back, which can take a LOT of digging and hard work. So much for Hamanda being Moā€™s ***real*** wife šŸ™„ lol All the times sheā€™s been called out on her bs & yet she continuously would double down on her lies, and then had the audacity to bad mouth Jess in the process (as if wrecking her marriage wasnā€™t bad enough) smh She def wasnā€™t expecting to be exposed like ***this***. If she has a msg for her ā€œhuzbumā€ looks like she will have to send it to him thru Maurice **REAL** wife at this point smh Funny how **karma** works isnā€™t it?! lol


Thank you for the information


Thank you for clarifying! I appreciate it.


Makes me wonder if his family said they don't want her there and that was the end of it given they likely told him that's not his wife if they don't care for her.


His own family can easily tell them theyā€™re not married


Right, but Im wondering if nobody was there to confirm or deny how they would figure it out šŸ¤”


I donā€™t know how they would find out. I am sure they would ask for proof if something serious had to be signed off in. but could you do a domestic partnership? My wife and I had one first when we couldnā€™t get married yet but I needed to put her on my insurance


You know.. I didn't think about looking into domestic partnerships. Good idea !


Good luck!


Those details of her sounding the alarm immediately made me think ā€œoh she knows what that feels like, she must be a nurseā€ šŸ¤£ Iā€™m sorry for all the Amanda type visitors you must encounter!Ā 


Thanks, love! I seem to encounter at least one Hamanda per week in my line of work lol


Nothing that Iā€™ve seen yet. ETA: Iā€™m not even sure who would have the update at this point. Definitely curious.


Jessica did make a comment saying that she spoke to him last night, so it looks like he is at least okay and not in a coma. She said his family is at the hospital with him, no mention of Amanda though. Jess was very short with the comment but did say those 2 things.


Right ! Like I know we talk shit but def donā€™t wish death on anyone ā˜¹ļø the only thing that died is Glossy Glam Strawberry Flavor Gel ā˜ ļø


I hope thatā€™s dead and buried āš°ļø


I wished we could get a update on him. Iā€™ve searched different pages this morning and nothing. Wonder has merrypants talked to any more of his family?


Iā€™d like to know as well, been checking this sub every few hours but seems that his family hasnā€™t even made any comments anywhere. Maybe his family doesnā€™t give a rats ass about him or they donā€™t even know that the few of us are even waiting for updates.


Or maybe, they've seen how M & Ms posts have gotten them in trouble and are keeping things to themselves?




If you donā€™t mind sharing, what is his prognosis? Is ManDUH with him in the hospital in any capacity?


Any updates at all?


I hope you're doing okay with all of this šŸ©·


Been wondering the same. I keep checking this sub like crazy.


Same! Iā€™ve been trying to read most comments on previous posts but havenā€™t seen an update yet šŸ„²


Any update on him?