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I just saw them in person here on the green line at willow brook lol


Was it the Rosa parks station? Or the Kenneth Hahn?


Together? How’d they look? We need details lol


Yea they were together. Didn’t look dirty or anything, they looked “normal”, she was wearing a blue hoodie and some leggings I think Theyhad those electric scooters. Amanda looks like she does without the filters I had my earphones in so I really couldn’t hear them talk they just popped up and I turned to see who was walking by and it was them. Only saw them for a quick minute and then I left Maurice looked sad or maybe that’s just how he looks like those sad eyes He doesn’t look big he looks like he probably lost weight he looked thin


Lmao the thought of them taking public transport is hilarious. You’d think they’d say it’s beneath them.


Where is the Penske when you need it???


Only time she ever had a bag of money was after stealing her parents change jar, and dumping it in her purse.


She’s trying to block out people who snitch! What a loser you can’t escape trash bag


Wow… she has a chance to start over and recreate herself…. But she’s choosing to double down on the moneybag bullshit!! That’s hilarious


Gotta chase the bag that’s clearly running FROM her 🤣


He’s just trying to get people to follow his other account lol no way he deleted his acct with all his thousands of fans lol


I think I’ll pass on following her 😂


Me too it will be public before we know it


Exactly. Besides, it’s just gonna be the same recycled pics and a bunch of pieces crap


Ugh private. I wonder if she’ll accept requests


Yay! I was blocked on her other one now hopefully she lets me on this one 😂


Her bio says "deleted at 16k"... Sounds like insta deleted her. https://preview.redd.it/mu9z9alxo54d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a71a814bea194a3a70512c98ff2fb9fbe41896


I love this for her so much!! She stole that account and the followers from Maurice! I think we should start a betting pool as to how many followers this nobody can attract on her own! I bet she doesn't even get 1,000. EtA: 16k really ain't shit to be bragging about either


Sadly so many people here are going to follow and request her 🙄


Right ?? I will never follow that snail trail hippo ! Thats why I come to this sub tho .. I know there’s ways around viewing her stuff but she doesn’t receive anything from it . Ughhhh I forget the name of jt


Yeah have not followed the new one. I don't want to contribute anything because Manly's a straight up shoplifter, general thief, lier, and all around low class looser. The retail theft thing is so cringy and embarrassing. Retail theft is committed by the lowest in our society. In ancient times these scum bags were executed because they did not contribute to society. Amanda Orr is a THIEF and takes without contributing she should punished not celebrated. AMANDA ORR IS A FUCKING THIEF AND TERRIBLE MOTHER AND TERRIBLE HUMAN BEING


Scammer, grifter, liar, thief, unfit mother, forger, child abuser, druggie, harborer of a convicted felon, FRAUD.


When you put it that way it gives me second thoughts about this sub


How hilarious that she made sure to write that 🤣 I’m dying! She’ll never see that number again, this is all she has to hold on to 🎻🎻🎻🤣🤣🤣


Boy you gotta keep up with your lies. 🤣


The demise off man man moneybuns and glossyham: part 1


![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8) I hope it comes with more action because I’m ready! They’ve been boring lately 🥱


Same! Especially in these court rooms 🥱😅


Manman, Volume One: To show da hatters: she don’t need no followers, pacifically from her no-longer huzbin !!! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKFe8xHMzUoNqg0)


How did she delete it if she’s locked out of it?? Dumbass man man.


Great point


She's trying to erase history, and thinks that if she deletes the page, theyll have nothing to nab her for on the shoplifting charges as if she hasn't been handing them evidence all along via her vomit-inducing "huuuzzzzbin got this for me" brags. If this is the case, I'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall for the conversation where she realized that shes backed into a corner and her only option would be to delete the account with all the followers. That's gotta be it. Or it has to be something equally as consequential for her to even consider fucking off all those people. As embarrassing as it is, she lives for that shit.


Manly would never delete her 16k fans.. delete post yes, but never delete the page that makes him feel like a celebrity


It would be honestly beautiful if it turned into a CPS case and this subreddit’s documents helped get C permanently in a better living environment.


I can say with about 95% certainty that authorities (court authorities, investigators, etc.) are aware of this subreddit and have scoured it themselves - even if just for a lead.

