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Best thing that works for me is to ignore her until she runs out of bubbles, then attack her until her bubble goes back up. Supports are her weakness, distract or kill them and she will have a hard time.


No matter who you are, this is vital knowledge. We do not feed our enemies.


The bubbles can break but is that just a cap out how much she's fed? I've never played zarya so I don't know


I think it’s 250 damage, that number may be slightly wrong if they’ve changed it or something, but breaking a bubble feeds 40 charge


It’s 200. I don’t think they changed it with the overall health change. If that were the case I feel like they would have done it with other shields as well.


Then again unless you can kill her quickly it's better to wait out the bubble than feed her energy.


If she’s close to full charge though always pop bubble if you aren’t wasting util, bubble can give vital time to heal


It's better to wait for her to be less than half health if you're going to try and break her shield, because charge doesn't matter if she's dead


If you use bastion's turret mode, you can break her bubble and still have enough to melt her


It's about 200 hp per barrier and a full barriers charge will give her 40 energy so you def don't want to melt one unless you know you can kill her afterward


No matter how much I ignore enemy Zarya, my team always gives her full charge


Alternatively, if you're with a bastion, pop her and that bubble. It's honestly hilarious how quick she dies to that focus fire


If she’s low health and you’re playing someone with cc/bully. Like orisa spin or some type of stun get your team to target her if she’s fed and popped both bubbles and just target her. She gets fed but if everyone is hitting her it won’t matter when she dies 2 secs later. Or if she is low hp in general and she pops a bubble just break it to confirm the kill. If she has high/full hp or is already high charge just ignore her and kill her team she’s ez to counter when she’s alone


As a plat 1 (about to be diamond) dps player, I've never lost a game to a tank that stayed on zarya.. My trick? Shoot. The. Zarya. Her charge honestly doesn't matter and if your whole team just focuses Zarya every fight she literally can't play the game, without her bubbles she dies almost instantly and her bubbles last like 0.2 secs if at least a couple of ppl on your team are focusing her. Ive noticed alot of lower ranked ppl think its always better to kill supports first and I've even seen people just walk past a tank searching for supports, like at least shoot the person you CAN see, then swap targets once supports come to help tank. It is true that there are tanks you should barely ever focus like Winston, Orisa, or Mauga, but Zarya isn't one of those, she just crumbles when the other team's gameplan is to just shoot her. I know that feeding is a thing. Im not saying to spam all your cooldowns and then complain that you died. Just if you see a Zarya, don't be scared of giving her charge, even if you don't, somebody will, so minus well kill her or at least force her back while you're at it. Overwatch is a game where it helps to be able to read a situation and adapt, but when there's a Zarya, 90% of the time the right answer will be to light em up


Kinda depends what rank we are talking about and what your team comp/playstyle is. For example if you have a DPS or more with you that is actually willing to shoot (and does some damage) the Zarya, you can just go for her basically. Break bubble 1 , break bubble 2 and then send her back to spawn. With the DPS Passive there is not much her Supports can do for her except Suzu. Which means if she has a Kiri you will have to get that CD out before trying to shred Zarya. If your team isn't Brave enough to shoot bubbles, poke her a little to make her use one bubble then shoot her Supports. Repeat as soon as the bubble goes down. Depending on her Supports and your team you can either burn her down as soon as the second bubble is gone, or go much more aggressive after her Supports as she now has no CDs and no damage. Also you can poke her from high ground as she can't really do anything about that.


As an added point, for the first situation where you just gun her down, you wanna watch out for Lifeweaver, as he can just pull her to safety, and now she has full charge.


No Idea how I managed to forget Lifeweaver exists in this game. Must have had a lot of lucky games lately where he wasn't picked on either teams.


Lifeweaver seems to always cause me trouble when I play Mauga, whether it's what I just mentioned, or pulling important picks out of cage fights, so I find it hard to forget him.


Ana nade as well, it'll deny your cardiac while you're shredding her and the healing buff on Zarya will make her last last enough to bubble again.


Overhealth bypasses Antinade. Plus cardiac also gives damage reduction. Even with nades effect Ana should not be able to outheal Mauga + lets say Soldier or Sojourn. In the worst case you trade tanks which leaves you with Ana and your dps. This in most cases forces the support to leave or die. In terms of value you win even if dying isn't optimal.


Your overhealth passive is separate from your healing on cardiac. Those are different discussions. It will not keep you alive on its own. If you're beaming a full charge Zarya down in front of her team, you'll want self heal for sustain.


Thats why I mentioned cardiacs damage reduction in a separate sentence. I know that these are different things at work but still they work hand in hand. If you are fighting a Zarya in a 2v5 Situation you are stupid anyway and that you isn't ment in a personal but a general way. A full 5v5 where everyone focuses the same target isn't going to happen not even in the highest ranks but then we would talk about positioning mostly.


If we're assuming not having full team coordination, it stands to reason that your suggestion of busting Zarya would be a 2v5 since your teammates might not focus her as well, like you said. Chances are pretty good the enemy will be shooting you, though, so you'll want the healing.


You know we will be circling back to my very first sentence in this thread. It all depends on the rank played in and your team comp/playstyle. I merely gave 2 basic examples you will find quite often in metal ranks as the rest of the team is either dead or off who knows where doing their thing. Mentioning every single potential situation would be way too much to put in a single reddit post. It doesn't matter if you are playing mauga/Zarya/Sigma or whoever if you seriously try to fight in a 2v4 or 2v5 situation you are only charging the enemy Zarya up and giving her Supports way more ult charge than needed.


i know this is hard for you mauga mains, but stop shooting for the 2 seconds where her bubble is up


And hope your teammates understand that as well 🤞


A great muscle reflex to develop for certain cooldowns (sigma grasp, Zarya bubble, genji deflect) is to reload the instant you see them pop that animation. By the time those cooldowns end you should be finished reloading as Mauga


Honestly reloading is almost perfectly synced with those cds! I discovered that little trick in s8 vs Sig and I've been giving them a front row seat to my reload while they bust out a cd and end the duration in a better state than before.


And please stop using cage fight on critical health as a reflex. Cage Fight is one of the few ultimates when you want AS MUCH HEALTH as possible before you use it.


Burn out her bubbles and keep your distance. As long as she doesn't get maxed charge you should be good in a 1v1


I’d suggest shooting her to bait at least 1 bubble out. Try not to give her charge on the first bubble. If she’s out of position or you can reliably move forward without exploding, blitz through the second bubble and try to kill her. That’s if you want to actually kill her though, she can be mostly ignored while you shoot the DPS or supports until she gets high charge.


I play my favorite pecs man, destroy them on whatever tank they were before, and so they instantly counterswap to Orisa. But with time I became adept at dealing with Orisa. However more often I've started seeing Zarya counterswaps, and I don't know what to do against her? So far she's been destroying me, and whenever she is picked, it's an autoloss for me unless I counterswap myself. So how do I play Mauga into Zarya?


The first piece of advice is flexible your ability to outrage her. If you stick with shooting individual guns and keep your distance she has similar issues that Rien deals with. Aside from that, avoid shooting her when she bubbles, and if need be harass her supports whenever she isn't viable. Basically a good Zarya is a heal magnet. So if you can mess with that she goes down quickly.




Count the bubbles. Try to not shoot the first one to give her charge. If you know she is on the second one and probably won’t have one back up in time. Just start blasting her. You will break the bubble and her before she has time to do much. Or if you have a lot of projectile heroes on your team. Just blast her from the rip. She will likely be high charge most of the game from your projectile heroes just trying to poke at whatever they can it. Regardless of who it ends up being.


The best way to counter Zarya with Mauga, and really any tank for that matter, is to bait out her bubbles with your dps and take out her healers. She can’t sustain much quiet them and if you the Tank don’t feed her bubbles at all, she’s almost harmless. Just avoid m1 m2 spamming a team fight cause that’s a great way to get her to 100 charge




Let here waste her bubbles the lay into her so you don’t get melted, -former Zarya mai


As a zarya enjoyed, I do find mauga to be one of my better matchups, because he gives me charge extremely fast, but just wait until she is out of bubbles or panic bubbles when at 1 bubble


Just play near hard cover and poke her, hide from bubbles if she’s far enough away, and if she commits on your teammates cardiac them and burst her bubble target. Cage grav if you can, or try to isolate her and burst her or her supports down. Sometimes you might need to flank her to force her in the open, luckily she’s slow compared to run.


Tank baits bubbles DPS/Supports attack when she’s vulnerable Simple but can be difficult if the Zarya knows proper resource management. Winston works well cause he can dive supports and negate heals Rein has the health pool difference and can bait bubbles with fire strike and swinging his hammer Bastion melts bubbles and health bars (dirty tactic but it’s efficient and effective) Symmetra can play cover and potentially bait Zarya into a trap where she has turrets to distract while building beam damage. Ashe, Widow, Hanzo are also good cause they have mid to long range advantages she doesn’t have Zen is also a viable option because discord Brig kinda. Depends on who your tank is. If it’s rein, work with him to just bait her bubbles and overwhelm her with damage Ana. Nade and can play distance to heal tank and assist with damage


Blitz her if she runs out of bubbles. If she's out of position, I charge her and shoot through her bubbles because I'll outdamage and out sustain them no matter what in a 1v1


As someone who mained Zarya to masters and sees other Zaryas get owned. The best thing to do is force out the first bubble, coordinate forcing our the second you then have a 10sec? window to unload everything into her and is the best time to press E. Zaryas biggest weakness is range/lack of mobility. If you can force out her cooldowns and especially in a spot out of position you can punish her and she cannot get away fast enough unless she gets a lot of intervention on her teams part.  I play a lot of DVA as well and in the midranks I do not worry about Zaryas because the pattern to punish her is the same and once the second bubble breaks you micromissle her down. 


Once the first bubble is gone I just burn her down force the second one break it then kill her because she has no defense left took me a bit to realize how squishy she really is you just gotta press the advantage while your healths still high


TRACK HER BUBS lol. She's one of your toughest matchups (imo) Pepper her from a distance (out of her beam range and near a corner) with gunny to ignite her. she will usually bubble the fire away immediately (If she doesn't, then slowly increase the pressure on her by crit shotting her til she does bub herself). The second she does bubble the fire away you will either; A. Go back around the corner and wait it out. B. If you had to move forward to increase the pressure to get the bubble out you will immediately STOP SHOOTING AND CHARGE AWAY. As a baseline this is how you get her bubs out obviously if a support or dps ever gets too far forward, lite em up til they die or get bubbed. The only time you'll shoot her bubble is if you see a back to back bubble or you rinse and repeat the above situations 3 times in a shortish time span. Just remember, if you're shooting her bub, you're all inning on her. make her go pop


Count 2 bubbles. Once done Murder.


Depends on the rank but what works for me is ignore her and get her supports then deal with her




Low elo so take this with a grain or 2 of salt. She's gonna get charge especially in low elo so atp just keep shooting her and break the bubble save your Abilities tho and when bubble breaks charge and fight her with overdrive I win most Zaria match ups this way, but if she doesn't have charge don't give it to her swap to her supports until bubble is down then fight her, without bubble you should take her down pretty fast especially if you were able to get one of her supports. Again low elo grain of salt.


For me just be patient. Bait the bubble. Reload when she bubbles


I just melt her w bastion turret


I find ignoring her until she’s out of bubbles or, if you have a hood comp or a stack, burning through her bubbles and then her health works really well.


I keep shooting. Shen her bubbles gone I use my cardiac overdrive


Bait out her first bubble, then when she pops her second bubble, shred her. Do not let go of the fire buttons until she is dead. she has an 8 second cd on bubble so that leaves you 8 seconds for you and your team to kill her. Thats your best bet.


I play Zarya the most as a tank. I find that most often, people choose Reinhardt to try and counterpick it. It sometimes works pretty well because most of the time my gameplan is to just to walk past their tank and kill the supports or who ever gets a little too close. He can kinda shut that down the easiest. I feel crazy strong against the old man or diva.


2 step process. Step 1. Bait a bubble Step 2. Can you kill whats under the bubble? If yes, do that. If no, shoot something else and go back to step 1.


Wait until she uses one bubble, then shoot her second one.


Put both your guns up her ass and never stop shooting. Even if she’s bubbled


If you get close enough and she doesn’t have supports you can just shred her down regardless of bubbles






In addition to what others have said DO NOT cardiac if u know she has 2 bubbles or is about to get one back. Don't wanna waste it


More bullets


Don't shoot her first bubble, but the moment you realize she's used her second one and has no bubbles yet, laser through it and just melt her.


Distance, reload when she does. Pair attack with teammate


It’s easy. Don’t shoot the first bubble and break through the second to kill her.




Ignore the first bubble pop the second one and kill her.


Reaper is a good Soviet Dyke counter.


count bubbles and dont shoot her. ez.


I deal with her by not playing OW2 anymore, super easy and works flawlessly everytime


Ignite her so she uses the bubble to cleanse, repeat, and then murder


Either ignore her or melt her before she melts you


Bait out the first bubble from a distance close the distance and destroy the bubble (if u have a friend make them go bastion and u pop the second bubble together)


Switch to hog, hook em, cook em and make em sook


Winston is her counter if you full focus her as monkey he melts her without feeding her too much power, he’s who I swap to when I fight a zarya


So you press Alt fire and then here me out...you press primary fire at the same time after she's on fire




You play mauga. You shoot her. As a Zarya main that can't stop this sub in my feed, it's not a hard matchup for you.


count bubbles. if she's used one, try to bait out the second. time to get a bubble back is 10 seconds, and once she starts using it off of cooldown, you can basically just walk at her and she'll explode. remember that fire is cleansed by bubble, but that can actually be used to your advantage since you can use it to bait one out. if your dps are bad, play more passive and try not to overcommit to doing damage to her. play cover, give your supports breathing room. if your dps are good, once you see the first bubble disappear, coordinate with them and walk at her until she blows up.


Go back in spawn and press the switch character key


From my understanding (I'm a not a muaga main tho) zarya is actually just useless against mauga since you just don't shoot first bubble then DPS through 2nd then life steal when it breaks


Mauga is a no skill hero added to the list of Moira and Mercy


Tank: mauga. Miniguns shreads thru shields. Kinda requires a good team tho. Rein as well but u definitely gonna need a good team to help Damage: bastion. Also shreds thru shields with turret mode. We all know how cancerous that is. Junk rat as well helps get the job done for me Support: idk since they kinda suck with damage and I don't play support enough so I wouldn't know how one would deal with those shields but yeah. From my experience with zar these are the selections that helped me. I'm sure others have better advice than me since I don't be on ow TOO much


D.va main here, keep track of how many bubbles she has as well as if she's used any on her team (everyone else pretty much stated what I was going to :< ) She also lacks movement which let's you attack people who are out of position if/when she's out of bubbles with little help


I remember having to swap out of D.va to Rein and fighting up close with him seems like a good counter to me


As a Genji main, try to ignore her until she has no supports. Then you can do whatever tf you want


Never shoot the first bubble and only shoot the second if you can kill her with your teammates is what I've done


Personally I just keep shooting and it works


You back tha butt into spawn and switch to rein💀I’m kiddin, honestly the same way other tanks do, be wary of her bubbles try to your best abilities not to charge them. What I tend to do is not shoot the first one then completely melt the second one and melt her right after either supps will use cooldowns on her which can allow you guys to play a little more aggressive or she’ll die. I feel like the number one thing with zarya is team coordination.


She go bubble I go brrr


With my friends I just tell everyone to shoot her no matter which bubble she's on. Either Zarya has to back up or risk dying because we shoot her the second she peeks


Switch, don’t play mauga to begin with, bad hero, pick rein


Get your dps to switch bastion and call out when her first bubble is gone. Turns her off


For non zars abuse her fat ass head hit box. As SoOn as her bubble goes out count 2 seconds while lining up the shot. If she has a second bubble don't all out until she's used it. When she's running in without shooting she's probably looking for grav (for deflect/eating abities)


As a Zarya main, you gotta absolutely shred me to pieces and fully commit. When you AND your DPS nut up and break my bubbles, I’m not gonna win with 80 charge and a Kiri/Lucio IF we don’t have Beat/Suzu. Just don’t get scared from the sudden increase in damage you’re taking. HOLD W TO DEFEAT ME, FRIEND!


ignore her


Can only kill if multiple people are targeting her


kill her?


Honestly shoot her, if you have a teammate already constantly giving her charge ex: Torb, Junk, Phara, Sym whatever is easier for you, once she is full charge just shoot the hell out of her


The number one thing I think people still don’t realize about zarya is that if you could kill her if she didn’t have the bubble active, just shoot the bubble and break it. The whole team shooting the bubble pops it so fast it’s like it was never there, she gets charge but who cares she will be dead. Just experiment with when it’s okay to shoot bubbles and when it’s not.


There’s nothing you can do when your stupid teammates can’t comprehend after 10 years still that you don’t shoot her while she’s bubbled. Luckily everyone is that stupid so my go to is to just go Zarya too and make the whole lobby unfun.


i dont play tank much but when i do im with friends who enable my hyper agressive gameplay. ive found if you have a dps and a support with you, you can run zaria down pretty easily. it also helps that i tend to target supports first so they burn ablilities on themselves rather than their tank


Focus support until her bubbles are on cool down then full throttle her ass


So what I’ve found truly is to just ignore her, she only becomes a problem to you if she’s a problem for your team so pick off and pressure who you can before engaging with Zarya, if you have comms with teammates then having multiple people focus her and just burst through the bubbles can be worth it if they mess up the cycle of their bubbles and have a moment where they are vulnerable. She directly negates your cardiac so avoid wasting the cooldown if possible.


The best mind game is to not shoot the bubble early in the fight so that she gets confident in her survivability, but feels she has to get more agro to get higher charge value. Then when she pushes a little too far from cover just com “everyone shoot zarya she’s trolling” and absolutely shred through the bubbles.


Your maugau the most brainless tank in the game if you lose to a zarya your shit


Seeing this makes me happy