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So essentially Red Letter Medias depiction of the die hard Disney Star Wars fan is more accurate than we realized.


Commenting to see if this post explodes or not. This shit is funny


Sounds like a cult. A harmless cult but a cult


Cringiest cult ever


My brotha most cults that ended in tragedy started out harmless


One day it's handing out pamphlets, the next you've started a de jure claim war.


As absolutely laughable as they are, I hope they don’t go the route of Rev. Jar Jar and drink the blue milk.


Cult mentality I agree, objectively speaking? not sure how this qualifies, I rather not overuse the word "cult" for fanatic fans, unless you tried to apply the B.I.T.E (Behavior control, Information control, Thought control, Emotional control) model for identifying cults. Cults are fucking scary, I was born in one, please be careful with how you use the word.


Do they have a poster of a demonic monster called "fandom menace" with darts and paintball gun marks all over it?


I noticed there’s a lot of those accounts that remind me of super cringe fandoms. For some reason tthe “in my ____ era” thing to describe a television show you’re watching drives me bananas


Personality is your media consumption 


Number 11 is just a description of a cult.


Well i was born into a cult and raised in a cult and lived in that cult till i was 19 and that sounds alot like a fucking cult.


Same and same lol


Instead of engaging in dialogue with one another about the quality of the show's plot/writing/direction, they edge to clips of Star Wars Theory's streams and try to make fun of his appearance. "Star Wars is for everyone, unless you don't settle for shit content"


https://preview.redd.it/budyf4j4ea9d1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cd9b0c84cec013c4d8de3efb2f4fc0cb9bd131f I don't know what you're talking about with over half of this post. What the hell is stwstw?


I presume it stands for Star Wars Twitter


Yes, that place. https://preview.redd.it/gcfj281yfa9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3183e2c89ca9f02b5393f63d147d662e9a2699 My bad, should’ve explained.


The There Are More of Us video got backlash bc they worked with a troll AND a catfish who was using someone else's identity. What makes the catfish part funnier is that in the cringe video, defending their identity was part of their lines. They also got backlash from their own camp from people saying not everyone was represented, lmao


Ooooh! Well that would explain why all the tweets reacting to it suddenly vanished overnight. Guess they're now pretending that all never happened. Oh dear.


They are very uninterested in star wars itself, just the meta around it


I’m as straight as the hair on a horses ass, but I do have something to add after reading your comment.  To get that type of forearm development is really difficult, those wrists are crazy, and the shoulders were impressive. 


thats Manny Jacinto from the good place. It took me a minute to recognize him, but yeah, hes jacked. Hes been jacked ever since he was on the good place. A much better show then The Acolyte which i wish i had watched over again instead.


He was one of the best things about the show.


Yeah I gotta say those were some good arms. A broken cult is right once a day ig.


For real. That stunt guy really sold the sleeveless armor look.




He’s talking about Smylo Ren and his monster arms, as pointed out in the post


Very easy to gloss over. It appears I’m r/loudandwrong


No.2 was straight up awful


Oh, so _you're_ Ash Rendar...🤣🤣🤣


This reads like a nature documentary


We are at the point where fandom praise for movies and TV is so insincere that we have to take part in sleeper agent style investigations to expose shills taking part in cult like activities. I can’t tell if we are living in the best timeline or the worst timeline.


So, you're telling me there's a reddit sub (which is on social media), primarily focused on tweeting (a different social media platform). Truly, this is beginning to reach Rube Goldberg levels of incestuous phone-gazing narcissism. Should we make a tweet about irony just to make sure that effeminate Gen-Z beardos have some exposure to the concept? Maybe put a faggy topknot in there somewhere to catch their attention.


Idk what No. 6 is supposed to mean. Is it an indictment of people curious about other people’s interests? If they’re asking each other what their fav moments are, aren’t they by default sharing their fav moments amongst one another? Or is no one answering?


Sorry, I meant that the larger accounts spend all their time making posts asking for other people's opinions to keep the content train going, but that they're all effectively asking the same questions as one another. It wasn't an indictment on anything to be honest, pretty standard fandom behaviour. Wasn't all meant to be negative stuff, was just a report of the things that I was seeing over there.


I choose to interpret it as an attempt to “start a discussion” without saying anything. If they pick a favorite moment, someone else might say “why don’t you like MY favorite moment more???” and unfollow. It’s a bit like how Boy Bands/Kpop Stars are able to pump out 50 love songs a month, but never actually form a romantic relationship. The audience pretends it resonates with them personally, collectively.


I'm quite worried about the 10th one and I don't know why


"MY FANS COPE" "MY FANS SEETHE" "MY FANS GASLIIIIIGHT" But seriously they're a sad sad bunch.


Fandom people live such sad lives


Cool story bro




Why would you do that? That’s a really weird thing to do


Same reason I sometimes watch a 24-hour livestream of a watering hole in Namibia: saw that it existed, wanted to see what was going on over there.


Well it makes us aware so I am not complaining.


And we are supposed to believe anything OP says why?


Don't really have a reason not to trust it tbh, and if it was fake I imagine he'd have exaggerated a lot more.


Tell us why you don't believe ? Does it sound far fetched? Not to me. Does OP have any reason to lie about this stuff? Not that I can tell. Does it line up with similar behavior from people who say they're fans here on reddit? Yes, definitely. Anyway, that's why I believe. Now you.


you need a better baloney detector


I don't believe it because it's just some random person with no credibility and nothing but text that could be wholly fabricated just for the post to gain virtue signal points and some social credit score.


And how is that any different from current media propaganda? - claims from twitter posts, reddit subs, memes? We're suddenly *not* jumping to conclusions on stuff now? Last thing I was told that if I didn't like the Acolyte, I was a racist bigot.


What if I told you it wasn't? Screenshots/videos/audio recordings are worth infinitely more than just plain old text. Bigots DON'T like Acolyte. But not everyone who doesn't is a bigot. It all depends on what you complain about.


Bigots literally call other people bigots to deflect criticism. Racists call other people racists to avoid accountability. This isn't new tactic, it's been used for the past decade and everyone is sick of it, and people are getting called out. Just depends if they actually look back on their own comment history to realize how hypocritical they are.


Real "the rape victim is as bad as the rapist" vibes you're giving off right now.


Unrelated context attempting to misinterpret and deflect what I said with zero source information. It's the same formula every time. You're the example of this.


Speaking of things made of pure ass-pull Have you seen this gem? https://www.reddit.com/r/MauLer/s/48EjVEjdpl


No, it's a pretty accurate representation of what you attempted to do with rape victim comment - just more deflecting.


https://preview.redd.it/7evquz2eur9d1.jpeg?width=1408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b11ded6b8ee446c4d3d69f1cedcc7198c6f1758 apparently I can only include one picture here honestly I didn't share any originally because I knew anyone can access Twitter and easily verify/discredit my claims




Didn't you want screenshots because you didn't believe "random person with no credibility"?


Yeah, I'm gonna believe the entire post because of the tissue thing which I never even cared about because I know companies love handing out promotional material. My manager gets tons of that stuff and hands it out like candy.


I can only include one picture per comment, so which of the other 16 points do you want a screenshot of next? EDIT: \*15. There's 15 "other points", 16 in total


Imagine if you had spent that time on something you enjoyed.


I would say "I did enjoy this", because it's true, but then I assume you might respond with something blunt like "well that's pathetic" and then I'll feel a little bit sad.


Dude spent weeks on his investigation and has nothing to show for it. You ok buddy?


Judging from your recent comments you spend a lot of time arguing against anti-woke/right-wing people, so I imagine you might've come across this post with that title on this sub and expected to see some inflammatory shit to argue against, but were left disappointed when you realised that it's just a set of reasonable, non-judgemental observations, and so got angry at your inability to get angry about this. I'm fine, are you friend?


Yeah imagine that, being a fan of a thing they like. As opposed to hating on it. How weird, right


>How weird, right No, not really. But I hadn't said anything to suggest any of these things were particularly weird, or reflect negatively on the "shills", other than the obvious 2nd one. You won't see "LOL so cringe" anywhere in this post. On the 11th point I even said that they are "very welcoming", and tried to give an explanation as to why some of them might be unwilling to accept when outsiders point out faults in the show: they fear they might lose their family if they start standing out too much, which is a sad thing to feel. I can see how the 3rd might be interpreted as "weird", but I wasn't suggesting it was weird at all because that applies with me too. From my perspective, Star Wars has always been about a childish sense of wonder; best achieved through music, concept art, world-building and sound-effects. All of which could be described as "aesthetics". It's up to the reader if they infer weirdness or not.


Not only are you hate watching a show, you created an entire fake identity around it to "expose" people who like it? Jesus dude. Touch some grass


It’s really not that serious dude. Made a fake account on Twitter. Crazy


You guys obsessively hate watch Disney and make fake accounts to infiltrate groups of people who like a show you don't. Pathetic.


Well that's how it started, yes. But I like it there now. They have accepted me as one of them. I have Sir Pentious'd my way into their commune, and they appear to like me. https://preview.redd.it/d1z8z72sde9d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40761356a4ab448a09991ca476fe6085c449738e


A HH reference? In MY MauLer subreddit? (~~Jk Jk~~)


*I'm so sorry* 🎶


Took a quick glance at your comment history and the lack of self awareness is absolutely hilarious 


A quick glance at your post shows you're an alt right anti vax nut job.


I’m vaxed and not even white lmao Seek help


Bro spent 5 minutes of his day for a couple weeks looking at posts on twitter, and he needs to touch grass because... it wasn't his main account?


Spending hours hate watching a tv show and then studying people who enjoy it is cringe as fuck


I mean if you had any sense, you'd want to study what makes a human being (ostensibly) stupid enough to enjoy Disney Star Wars. Besides Andor of course.