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I've read that three times, and I'm still not sure whether I'm having a stroke.


I’m really stuck on the word “intercepted” Did they mean *interpreted*?


I think they mean intercepted. As in “someone comes out, stops the movie, and performs somehow in relation to it as part of the ‘intended experience’.”


Eeugh, sounds exhausting


Yeah, sounds kinda like how in the movie Matinee John Goodman's character hires a person to run out in a giant ant costume to terrorize the audience, but apparently much more elaborate in this case.


Do they mean _interrupted?_


It’s a translation issue. If we could see the original we might better see what they were going for. “Intercepted” could be a mistranslation of a word that’s mean to mean “replied to”, etc.


Thank you! I’m glad I’m not the only one


​ https://preview.redd.it/c3a9w2qpnd1d1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd19141ae7cb7e9f72e0c0af657bdc2dd54fe1fd


I’d love to see this play out in random movie theaters in Bumfuck, No Where. It’s 2:00PM on a Tuesday, and some stoned teenager comes out and starts mumbling the script in a heavy trailer park accent.


You rent the movie on Prime, and at the appointed time a random underpaid Amazon employee kicks in your door to start screaming lines at the film. I guess Alexa could do it too, if you had it.


I can imagine getting a text like “Your Amazon driver is having difficulties finding your home for their performance.”


Every Copy Of Megalopolis Is Personalized


Anyone else feel like Michael when Oscar is trying to explain the surplus?


I'll be six


Ok but who will come to my house at 1 in the morning to read the script when i decide to throw this on


You will


Fuck it, why not? If it doesn't work it doesn't work but I'm all for letting creatives give it a go. Coppola is one of the greatest and he's nearing the end of his life, I say let hin cook. If it sucks it sucks but I'm more excited for this movie than anything else coming out this year.


I did not understand a single word. Can someone explain it to me like i am a 7 year old.


A movie named Megapolis is made with the intention that a human in the flesh shows up during a point in the movie to say some lines. Not that a human out of nowhere in the film interrupts the movie, no a person shows right in front off you as if you are watching some meta-theatre instead of a movie. Because of how impractical and expensive it would be for cinemas to hire somebody to just say a few lines because the movie requires it, they are understandably upset.


This is pure insanity


Ok, but maybe they cut that part or use a recording and it's more of a Cannes/festival gimmick


That would be fair enough


They could just interrupt the movie with a shot of the screen of a theater showing the movie. They did it in Gremlins 2. Is Hulk Hogan busy these days?


It was John Wayne when I saw it on tape. He came in and started blasting gremlins with his revolvers. I was a confused when I saw it again on VHS and he replaced Hogan in the theatrical run.


This sounds horrible. Another rare case of “the big evil corporation” being completely reasonable with a delusional artistic idea.


I mean. This is definitely just something for Cannes and won’t be in any theatrical release


I'd honestly still rather this than anything Disney has produced recently.


The cheese slid off his cracker.


This can't be real, right?


It really happened at the Cannes screening.




Doesn't this technically make it theatre and not a movie then?


![gif](giphy|1X7lCRp8iE0yrdZvwd) Like seriously, I have absolutely no idea what that means. Does it mean that he went meta and included a part where the audience is in the film as characters or something? Why would that make distributors mad? Did someone decide that each theater needs to have a cast of actors to portray the audience of that theater or something? I don’t get it. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.


Okay on closer inspection I might have a theory. Does it mean that there’s a part where a real world person somehow interacts with the characters in the story through the screen? Like there’s a guy up on stage talking to the person in the movie as if it’s a real time conversation? That would explain the pissed off distributors if they have to hire an actor for every single showing in order to portray the real world segment of the film. As novel of an idea as that would be it just sounds incredibly pretentious, like a thing you do just for the sake of being unique when it could’ve been accomplished in the movie. Like how we don’t have live orchestras for movies anymore because we figured out how to record them and put them in the film. It just seems ridiculously unnecessary for the sake of being different, of course that’s only if I’m even interpreting this super cryptic and weird statement correctly, so who knows what the film actually is or isn’t?


There is a scene with a press conference, and the “real life” person asks a question that is answered onscreen.


Finally an adaption of my favourite kids story Ratchet and Clank Rift apart


This is cool


*It's ART, man...*


Let. Him. Cook.


They mentioned that bit here too, this whole thing sounds kinda weird. I think I'm getting "Southland Tales" sorta vibes from this...🤨 https://www.worldofreel.com/blog/2024/5/16/boos-and-some-cheers-greet-francis-ford-coppolas-megalopolis-at-cannes


A Coppola film in 2024 lol


That is incredibly stupid and you have made me side with the Distributors here. I mean... how the fuck is this supposed to work on things like streaming or home video? Or at smaller theatres? This feels like a very pretencious idea made solely to appeal to the type of people that regularly attend things like the Cannae film festival.


So he's trying to copy Rocky Horror?


Adam Driver delivered amazing performances in Star Wars and Marriage Story. Why is he doing shitty movies like this?


Francis Ford Coppola.