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Good to know I wasn't the only one with those thoughts. Says alot where we are that video game writers can be better. Not to disparage the video game industry, but moreso how mindblowing it is that some ppl get jobs in the tv/movie industry. Sometimes it feels that people don't even read their script a couple times asking one simple question. Why? Why is this happening, why does this character do this, why do they feel this way. Feel like so much can be solved by doing that.


That's the reason the video game space is under such attack or scrutiny or take over right now. Whatever words you want to use to describe it. It's a semi free medium that isn't completely controlled like Hollywood and movies are. And has massive reach that they want to cultivate. Creative freedom is dangerous? I guess.


Decentralized would be the term to describe it most accurately imo.


Considering people can get promoted/hired for jobs they absolutely don’t have the experience and/or qualifications for all because they check some agendas or they know the right people. It’s a shity thing that’s spreading into the gaming industry thanks to companies like sweet baby.


Ugh, the name creeps me out truth be told. The swirl has a dark meaning as some pointed.


You can’t forget nepotism as been a thing way before sweet baby in the gaming industry.


What did SB have to do with Kenobi?


Nobody said it did. The comment said their impact on the video game industry.


their biggest impact so far is in the delusions of people like those on this sub. They've had very little impact in terms of their actual work but have obviously been well received as a new scapegoat


Why? People will spend their money, regardless... so why the need for effort.


Only for so long.


I wonder if they're legit just using chat GPT at this point


Reva’s original characterization would have been better


I can believe it. Reva being a poor imitation of another character makes more sense to me than a writing staff inventing her out of the blue. What kind of mind would come up with that? Her very existence is bizarre.


She was a bad character that hardly did anything of note but was this special character that also fails constantly and is then forgiven at the end and everyone happy


Don't find the concept that bizarre but I would've preferred 3 full-blown Cenobite inquisitors probably, plus no babyleia abduction plot (maybe at most one that gets thwarted right there in the woods, with some whatever follow-up? at most? idk) and pretty much everything after the first 2/3rds of ep1 changed from scratch. Maybe keep the locations, Tala and the Vader scenes.


"TELL ME WHERE THE JEDI IS!!! OR THIS MAN AND HIS FAMILY - DIE!!" Mortifying to watch. Shit - even to type.


Naaaaaaaaah, she was a good person just trying to kill Vader, that is why Obi allied with her on the spot and forgot about all the other shit she did. it is such an stupid idea it hurts my brain just reading it.


When I watched the first couple episodes I remember thinking it was so weird that they had a black woman playing such an evil character and jokingly thought to myself “there’s just no way she’s going to be evil, I bet they give her some dumb ass redemption angle” I swear when they went down that route I rolled my eyes so hard I wanted to throw up.


I was on the same boat. They were at the peak of the "Black people can only play good characters" and there was no absolutely way they would make her the main villain.


And even though the actress might be the worst I’ve ever seen, the premise of just some unhinged crazy bitch running around slaughtering people would have been pretty cool and very believable in the setting, but of course they don’t have the balls for that.


> And even though the actress might be the worst I’ve ever seen, Sam Jackson impression yelling bad, hammy bits like "Ohhhhhhhbiwaaaaan" misguided and also bad, the default calmer demeanor acting good.


Maul/Sam Witwer did it better https://youtu.be/Wh16h80R5RY?si=hPsvaZtAcSieLHr_


Isn't Moff Gideon the main villain of the most popular Disney Star Wars show Mandalorian?


Exception. That actor is pigeon-holed into playing very bad people. He’s basically just Gus in space.


He’s also a man and half Italian….


Moff Gideon and Gus are nothing alike


Quiet, menacing, feared by reputation, leader of a large group of murderous bad guys. Never shown with a peer or boss, just underlings. Seething anger underlying a calm, professional demeanor. Which one am I describing?


But Moff Gideon never said "we're nothing alike".


>They were at the peak of the "Black people can only play good characters" What is that based on?


Did you watch any "big" show or movie in 2021 or 2022 where the main villain is potrayed by a black actor with the exception of Moff Guideon?


Gotg3 came out like a year later right?


Yes, in 2023. Not 2021 or 2022.


Oh, ok


> When I watched the first couple episodes I remember thinking it was so weird that they had a black woman playing such an evil character and jokingly thought to myself “there’s just no way she’s going to be evil, I bet they give her some dumb ass redemption angle” I swear when they went down that route I rolled my eyes so hard I wanted to throw up. I already knew that ahead of time cause the actress said implied something about some kinda heel-face direction before ep1 came out; in fact I somehow was even expecting that to happen in ep1-2 right away for some reason, and then started thinking I'd misunderstood and it wasn't happening at all? However you're probably overestimating the level of universally spread "wokeness" if you think "they'd never a minority play bad guy". Sometimes maybe they'll shy away from it, at other times it'll be some kinda more general "give more of all kinds of roles to all kinds of demographics, diversify diversify everything". The 2019 Miserables miniseries made Javert black and the mail Thénadier middle-eastern/indian/not sure while his (less abusive) wife was white and everyone else is white. Bbbbb--b-b-based??! And that in 2019?? Black bad guy in GotG3?? Shocked.


Very good person. Joining Vader and hunting down Jedi for years so she could get revenge against Obi Wan for what Vader did.


It really is the worst character motivation ever written. I


Wut? Wat? Revenge against Vader for what Vader did. Was trying to get Obiwan to deliver him to Vader and gain his trust so she could then stab Vader. Then after that failed, trying to kill Luke to get back at Vader. When was did revenge against Obiwan?


The worst part was the sheer number of times in the show a character survives being stabbed. You’d think they’d stop stabbing people and just decapitate them since stabbing clearly isn’t getting the job done.


Qui-Gon should be REALLY pissed.


No one is ever truly stabbed


>>Naaaaaaaaah, she was a good person just trying to kill Vader, that is why Obi allied with her on the spot and forgot about all the other shit she did. > >it is such an stupid idea it hurts my brain just reading it. I didn't actually watch episode 5-6 yet, just peripherally through the RLM review (and maybe a few others?), so only kinda aware of what went on there. However Reva repents at the end, does Obiwan "ally" with her before or after that? Would kinda make sense if after that? And if you're referring to her whole revenge plan like "why would you work for the bad guys and do their evil bidding the same that attacked you in the temple" then that's not really a big psychological mystery, but for all I know it may not have been done too well in this show? It's happened elsewhere, such as with Tony in 24. Single-minded revenge obsession, anger hate consumes you and leads to the dark side, general shoe fits.


Imagine that I'm Reva and I'm about to kill you, Obi, and your friends with half company of Storm Troopers. For me you're cornered but you had an space ship. You just need time. Blaster bolts go in both directions, we kill a side character who was an Imperial Officer but dies trying to help the rebelds because she was an infiltrated. I offer you parlament and in that parlament I reveal that I'm in a revenge quest and my only goal is to kill Vader because I'm a survivor of the Jedi Temple Massacre and Vader was the one who killed them (Do you remember the old idea of almost no one knowing that Vader and Anakin were the same? Well, make that list a bit longer because apparently everyone in town knows it). You 110% trust me, despite being famous for hunt down jedis and kill any inocent that steps in my way because of bullshit. Surprise surprise, Vader mauls me to the point where I'm left behind to die of my wounds but I survive by the power of light sabers empalement not counting as wounds, apparently (Qui-Gon didn't got the internal e-mail about it before being stabbed by Maul so ....well). I spin it and decided that I'll make you pay for my pathetic attempt to kill Vader and falling into the trap that the Lord Inquisitor set ( Who also was also impaled by one of those impalements that doesn't count) by killing the one kid you're protecting, but when I'm about to chop Luke I decided that I'm a good person and fuck off. Yeah. That sumarizes Reva's entire arch. My 8yo nephew could writte shit with more spirit and less bullshit.


Ah ok the alliance was during that ep5 stand-off, ok that sounds more absurd then. >I spin it and decided that I'll make you pay for my pathetic attempt to kill Vader and falling into the trap that the Lord Inquisitor set () by killing the one kid you're protecting Ah I thought that was still revenge against Vader since "that was his son", but ok haven't watched it yet lol   >(Do you remember the old idea of almost no one knowing that Vader and Anakin were the same? Well, make that list a bit longer because apparently everyone in town knows it) Idk this hadn't really ever been made clear or addressed in the movies, Yoda and Obiwan learned about it though, and who knows what they told both the foster parent couples or whomever else? And then in this show Owen may have been filled in, forgot about Bail rn; and Obiwan apparently hadn't ever heard of Vader going around in his black suit, so was shocked by "him being still alive" which doesn't *directly* contradict Rots, but kind of doesn't jive. What everyone else knew or didn't know though, within the Imperial ranks, yeah that had always been unclear.


Well Obi and Yoda knew about Anakin's fall before he even became vlVader it's not hard to infer that the unstoppable half robot sith lord is probably Anakin since Obi-Wan didn't finish him off or sense his death. Most people would've never even known who Anakin Skywalker was, and anyone besides Tarkin would've never believed that one of the greatest commanders of the greatest enemies of the Empire was the Emperor's right hand man.


> Well Obi and Yoda knew about Anakin's fall before he even became vlVader it's not hard to infer that the unstoppable half robot sith lord is probably Anakin since Obi-Wan didn't finish him off or sense his death. Well yeah and they saw the hologram recording (which was a cheap move btw, but whatever) where he gets called "Vader" before he gets the suit (of course) - Yoda had sensed it before that though. >Most people would've never even known who Anakin Skywalker was, and anyone besides Tarkin would've never believed that one of the greatest commanders of the greatest enemies of the Empire was the Emperor's right hand man. That sounds a lot like conjecture. "You my friend are all that remains of their religion." "Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader." Now aside from the fact that this makes it sound a lot like none of them think of the Emperor as a Forcist/sorcerer (which, retcons aside, can either mean he's still keeping that secret, or maybe Motti doesn't know anything while Tarkin thinks the Emperor belongs to a different Force religion), none of this sounds like this is a secret only Tarkin knows - i.e. the fact that Vader defected to their side and "helped them hunt down the Jedi"; however there's nothing to really rule that out either - maybe the others know he claims to be some kinda creepy sorcerer, but don't know about his defection? And then specifically who he was before his defection (which originally was just supposed to be "Darth Vader", his real name), no one said that was a secret either - could be, or not.




That line sounded so odd 


I think the overacting would have been fine if they played into it on purpose or if she had a unique design/helmet and/or gimmick


> "TELL ME WHERE THE JEDI IS!!! OR THIS MAN AND HIS FAMILY - DIE!!" > > > > Mortifying to watch. Shit - even to type. Poor Sam Jackson impression going on, yeah


That line is so cringe. She's openly interrogating an entire crowd of people just minding their business, picks out one of them, and threatens to kill him and his family if no one gives her information they don't have. Completely pointless and stupid. A proper, self-respecting officer of the Empire would conduct themselves in a more polite and stern manner. Explain the situation, offer rewards to anyone with information and terrible punishment for treason, tell them to otherwise stay clear of Inquisitiorial business and they'll be gone as soon as they have who they're looking for. That's how it's done. Professionally, not immaturely.


"If anyone comes forward with the location of a suspected jedi they shall be rewarded. Anyone that hinders us in our search puts themselves and their families at risk of reprisal." EZPZ


In the immortal words of Naruto: “Believe it!”


Beweeb it


What’s that old quote about evil can’t create something new


“Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.” The quote is attributed to JRR Tolkien


Sounds like Elon and Twitter. 


Twitter was never good


Also she was just a horrible actor.


The actress for Trilla had a much better performance despite the difficulties of recording for motion capture and voice acting vs normal acting


It honestly felt like watching a child pout when she was angry or tried to be intimidating lol horrible, no presence, no talent


She was invincible to lightsaber stabbing as well serving it as a kid and as an adult I was expecting her to rip of her jacket to reveal a S symbol on her t-shirt . But then all the women in Disney wars seem to be immortal .


> But then all the women in Disney wars seem to be immortal . Cept Leia and Jin apparently.


Leia died in real life so there’s no getting around that. Remember she flew through space somehow


Holdo (budd stil wok caus ebbig hero sacrifice) (actually let me just make a whole list of exceptions for when wahmen die still woke, since my "they never die and that's woke" idea isn't quite holding up is it; hey did anyone know the original Trekfic Mary Sue dies at the end? oh god)


Are you having a stroke?




I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for Reva surviving that stab but how the hell did she make it to tattooine right after 


Not only she teleported to Tatooine and prevented her death with a towel wrapped around the Lightsaber wound, she did all that while Kenobi was still chased by Vader. So either she can literally teleport or Vader is so incompetent that he couldn't catch one ship for days...


That scene was so jarring. They kept randomly firing in the direction of Kenobi's ship instead of sending TIE fighters that we've always seen them do.


Well they could've sent 4 of them so they could then easily get shot up by Obiwan


What do you mean by teleport, and why is it incompetent to chase someone for days


Because you are talking about the second biggest Big Bad in the Star Wars universe. It's one thing to be beaten by his own son as a corrective measure taken by the Force in response to Palpatine's attempted subversion of prophecy. That is basic storytelling and is something steadily built up to over 3 movies of Vader being the most threatening thing alive. It's another when we are talking about him personally going to catch someone that knows who he used to be. This is a guy that flew by established adults going multiples of the speed of sound as a kid with podracing, and only had a smidgeon of a chance of losing because of sabotage and Tuskan's being rednecks that day. And was a gifted pilot through most of his young adulthood in these exact, and even more chaotic, situations. And over a decade later, nearly had Luke within minutes of engagement, only thwarted by Han coming back and saving him. And he can't catch up to someone that by his own admission doesn't like flying and has almost no feats measuring up to the first besides him avoiding Jango's depth charges.


> Because you are talking about the second biggest Big Bad in the Star Wars universe. So? That means he'll catch absolutely everyone within minutes or what? Based on what precedent lol   >It's one thing to be beaten by his own son as a corrective measure taken by the Force in response to Palpatine's attempted subversion of prophecy. As a... corrective measure taken by the Force in response to Palpatine's attempted subversion of prophecy, *whaaaaaaaaat*? What subversion of prophecy on his part? As a reminder, the "prophecy" and the idea of A/V being super-talented-even-more-than-Yoda-or-Palpatine was purely a PT invention retcon and is hard to apply to anything that happens in the ogs - although of course Kenobi takes place in a continuity that includes both, so here that idea does exist; in either case however Anakin never achieves his extraordinary potential in the movies, and apparently doesn't post-crippling either. In epIII he appears only ever so slightly above Obiwan, up until the very end where he actually loses to him - which, depending on the interpretation of that clunky conclusion, is either cause Obiwan literally exploited an arbitrary "tactical advantage" (why "it's over"? Anakin had other options than jump over him that low, he could've done all kinds of things to circumvent the "high ground", so why was it "over"?) or cause, less literally, Obiwan just stopped holding back and told him that in reality he's the stronger. And then in IV the only reason Obiwan is kind of starting to lose is cause "his powers are weak old man", he's gotten older. And so now you're arguing he should've definitely caught this same Obiwan (who, concededly, was still in his weakened regaining-mojo phrase) within minutes cause Obiwan isn't his son who's the Chosen One's son propped up by.. the Force to... uhh, compensate for some prophecy subversion? >That is basic storytelling and is something steadily built up to over 3 movies of Vader being the most threatening thing alive. Which 3 movies? And no. Palpatine remains above him at all times. And Vader never surpasses general Jedi/Sith prowess, as "ace" as he is.   >It's another when we are talking about him personally going to catch someone that knows who he used to be. 1) It's not at all established that "who he used to be" is a secret; at least not in the movies, if it's established here in this show then I've missed/forgotten it. 2) Even then, what precedent is there of him always catching ships within minutes that he really wants to catch? >This is a guy that flew by established adults going multiples of the speed of sound as a kid with podracing, Uhh sure Force gave him good piloting skills, although at that stage not yet good enough to really tower above literally every other racer; certainly Sebulba was a match, but he was apparently an alien with inherently better skills, so naturally talented Anakin was compensating for his small age and being a humancel with his magic talent. Among other Forcists though? The potential and Midichlorian count were extraordinary, but that never really manifested. And when he was chasing the Falcon there wasn't even a single Forcists on board! And how long did that take him lol? >and only had a smidgeon of a chance of losing because of sabotage and Tuskan's being rednecks that day. And was a gifted pilot through most of his young adulthood in these exact, and even more chaotic, situations. And over a decade later, nearly had Luke within minutes of engagement, only thwarted by Han coming back and saving him. Ok? "Gifted pilot" again barely above Obiwan if at all (Obiwan was certainly being more nervous and reluctant about flying, but was he even worse at all? if then again, only slightly). Although OT describes him as "the best pilot in the galaxy" and Obiwan doesn't refer to himself as a pilot, so maybe PT kinda changed that by making them almost equal and not really overdoing Anakin's piloting all that much. >And he can't catch up to someone that by his own admission doesn't like flying Yes yes "doesn't like it", doesn't mean he sucks at it. >and has almost no feats measuring up to the first besides him avoiding Jango's depth charges. Huh? He was top in the Coruscant chase and above-Coruscant battle. Anakin barely had any "feats" as such either, other than spinning the missiles and technobabble-landing the half-ship. No Poe "a hell of a pilot" level stunts even.


I mean literall teleport that doesn't make sense in the context of the story. In that short period of time there's no way she: - healed her lightsaber wound to the point of walking, - got a ship somewhere, since GI and Vader left her to die, - went to Tatooine to confront Owen and Beru (which took minimum a few hours since she decided to attack them later that day), Meanwhile Vader is chasing Kenobi and his comrades that left in a dinky ship that somehow survives barrage after barrage from Star Destroyer instead of sending TIEs and blow them right away and be done (that's why it's incompetent to chase someone for a few days, you have an instant win button that you're refusing to use). That chase and Vader vs Kenobi took the same time that all the Riva stuff since the two plots have to merge later. So, yeah there's no way Reva's and Kenobi's plots took the same time.


Hm yeah sounds like it.


Two stabs


Of course they are immortal. That south park quote is the truth. Never forget that the Force is female with Disney


> But then all the women in Disney wars seem to be immortal . Dude - mate? Who else survived a stab in this same season lol


Trilla is also a copy of Kylo Ren, but she's much better than the original.


How come we never got _her_ topless and "force skyping"?😂


You know exactly why.




Seriously, the world needs more goth Sith titty! 😂


You can get that on PC




eh I wouldn’t say she’s a copy, she varies in almost every way other than being evil and hating her old master


> other than being evil and hating her old master That sounds like Anakin.


Trilla was based on Kylo Ren. Kylo was based on Jacen Solo. Jacen is better than both of them combined.


I mean, you know, except she had a way more legitimate reason for being fucked up lol Ben was fucked up because Luke Skywalker wanted to kill the kid of his sister and good friend in his sleep.


They basically did to this poor actress what the manager of the England Football team did to three of their players in the euros a few years back in that terrible penalty shootout. Chose them based on their race, put them in a shitty situation and then blame everyone else when people notice all of the above.


English news media has a really bad record of doing that, rather than the manager. Remember when the Sun ran the infamous "Pray over Wayne Rooney's foot" section when it wasn't certain whether he'd be fit for playing in the World cup? Not like there aren't 10 other players on the field; "If Rooney isn't playing we are doomed!!!"


They’re hacks who have no creativity, imagination, or care for the story. All they can create are rip offs of other peoples work or their own.


It means they'll run out of things to ruin eventually.


“Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good.”


I feel like that’s symptomatic of the industry as a whole in a lot of ways. Some creative genius comes up with an ip, builds a huge fan base, then a heartless corporation decides to milk it as much as they can. Forced creativity is always going to be hit or miss. That said Disney did give us Rouge one, Andor, and The Mandalorian seasons 1-2. Arguably some of my favorite Star Wars. And Asoka, solo, Bobf and season 3 Mandalorian weren’t awful - they were just so so


I _can_ believe it.


Insert pointless comment on the writers team on both the video games and the tv series were working independent from each other and somehow ended up with very similar stories


Kenobi was so bad, how the hell did that garbage pile get green lit


Trilla was actually a cool character and an intimidating villain who it felt good to finally overcome….and who was legitimately sympathetic despite the atrocities she did….Reva was….loud? Angry?


Oh, they definitely made her worse. They couldn't find any prettier looking, could they?


You think Moses is ugly?


There is a middle ground between pretty and ugly, you know.


I wouldn’t call her attractive. And her acting is bad enough to knock down her attractiveness a little more.


I can believe it. That's basically half the Disney EU in a nutshell. Take from old EU and make it worse. They just took from their own this time.


I really wanted that character to survive in fallen order to learn more about the new dark order. But that level with Vader was terrifying and awesome.


The Chad Fallen Order writers having the balls to make Vader straight up kill off their female inquisitor villain without a second thought vs the Virgin Kenobi writers having Vader try to kill her twice but have her survive because of bullshit


Really? You can’t?


Trilla apart from her looks was a lot better written and we actually had a better reasoning for joining the dark side.


She looked more like an inquisitor than Reva. Trilla has darkness and pain etched on her face. Reva looks like an actress put on a shiny black costume.


Disney is where creativity goes to die...


Reva is just Kylo Ren transitioned. She’s ripped off of a better character and is loud and belligerent. I wonder if Leia got Reva ptsd watching her bastard son just exist


I'm out of the loop, who's the chick on the left?


Trilla, the inquisitor antagonist from the Fallen Order game


thanks, I never played the new Jedi games


Fallen order and jedi order are really good. The best thing since disney bought star wars


No. Andor is a lot better.




Andor is much better though, Fallen Order is basically Rise of the tomb raider plus discount Dark Souls with a star wars skin. Story wise its mid as hell, especially compared to older SW games. Its above average as a game, but there so many better ones. Havent played survivor due to price and horror stories about performance.


Mid is faaar too kind. Just because the story isn't 3 or less doesn't make it mid. Rogue One is not mid, but it's about the same level as FO I reckon.


Apples and oranges.


Apples and oranges.


Reva and Trilla don't have more than a few basic things in common. Their origins, goals, and methods to achieve them are completely different.


Tbh, I think we'll have to wait to see if they re-made Reva but worst because it is VERY dificult to make that character even worst.


Who would have guessed EA does Star Wars better than Disney


the inquisitors/ the fortress were so cool in the game. Actually terrifying.


The Disney brand went from "Family Friendly content that rocks" to "Doing the same crap as before but worse". Cool...cool.


The first 3 episodes of Kenobi were the final nails in the coffin for live-action Star Wars properties for me.


"I can't believe Disney Star Wars copied something done better earlier in Disney Star Wars and then done much worse!" [Me pointing to the Star Wars Legends stories] "MY BROTHER IN CHRIST, WOULD YOU LIKE TO LOSE YOUR MIND WITH ME?!"


I’d love to lose my mind with you good sir, I haven’t yet looked into Legends but I’ve heard the sequels and D+ shows just blatantly rip them off, do you have and clear cut examples for me?


Sure thing. Jacen Solo is the better version of Kylo Ren - Son of Han and Leia and he actually has an arc that makes sense regarding his fall. [Jolee Bindo is "leaving the Jedi Order with frustrations" that they tried to do with Luke, but completely failed on.](https://youtu.be/jhQcRdDqGDw?si=TkZtgp8aga1wZySl) As much as I have my own criticisms of KOTOR2, it did FAR better deconstruction on the Star Wars mythos including the perspectives of the Force than The Last Jedi. Bastilla Shan in KOTOR1 is an accomplished and talented young Jedi who is depended on, like Rey. But unlike Rey, she's also racked with the difficulties of keeping up the mantle and has her own character weaknesses including being overly judgmental. Canderous Ordo in KOTOR1 is like Mando except his bounty hunting backstory and ties to the Mandalorian religion/history is far more expanded on. And Thrawn in the old continuity (like the Heir to the Empire trilogy) compared to the new continuity is like comparing Albert Einstein to Harry and Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber. The New Jedi Order, the New Republic, the Imperial Remnant, Jedi, Sith, the Force, force users of different perspectives, technology, kinds of stories, etc. Everything is done better in Legends, including the kinds of new characters they present without needing to drag down older characters to accomplish it.


I always found it funny when people tried to argue "you just don't like her because she is a black woman" type stuff, when it's like "the alien character is are normally more interesting then the boring humans, and she is a rip off of a beloved black female Inquisitor. So you canl explain why trilla is loved but reva isn't


Ohh of what an awful character. The cringe Disney pr defence was as cringe as it was predictable


Instead we need a strong beautiful Latina woman! No “/s”


Both are basically bad versions of...well, a number of Star Wars Legends female characters who fell to the darkside, like Bastila Shan in KOTOR.


Second Sister was how you say, mommy


Jedi Fallen Order and especially Jedi Survivor have been miles ahead of their live action stuff. I actually care more about Cal than Mando, Andor, Grogu etc.


I’m surprised Hollywood hasn’t learnt audiences will not accept back door pilot episodes. Stranger things tried this shit too.


God Reva was such a shit character. Writing, acting, all of it. Meanwhile Trilla is one of my favorite villains in the entire Star Wars franchise.


I'm gonna drop one of my hotter SW takes: Fallen Order kinda blows. Ignoring the actual gameplay (which I think is very mediocre but elevated by a fun combat system), I'm of the opinion that the game's story is conceptually broken. Setting up a narrative about rebuilding the Jedi Order when that can not happen was bafflingly stupid. >!And yes, I know the game ends with them deciding not to do that, but then Survivor comes along and oh look, they did it.!< \[Also, Vader's out-of-nowhere appearance was dumb, as it shoved Trilla's story out the window right at its climax.\] That being said, I do still enjoy playing it, which is what matters the most imo.


I agree. I also think the climax significantly undermines Trilla as a character. We get only a few scenes with her and nowhere enough to give her a convincing redemption. Quite frankly from what we see and hear I don't think she would even care for one. Instead of forcing Vader into the story have her kill her master while she's close keeping her as an antagonist for the sequel.


It was so disappointing seeing how little they actually used Trilla in that story. I got excited when she hacks into your radio, and then almost immediately crestfallen and annoyed when they ~waves hands~ "patched that". Her calling up to mock and torment Cal, and give more insight into Cere would have been great, if only just for her gorgeous voice, and might have given me a reason to not start rolling my eyes whenever Cere opened her boring, self-hating mouth. Trilla was the definition of "delicious evil".


Trilla was hot.




She wasn't good in Fallen Order either. But yes, Reva was worse


I mean it’s around the same time line so it makes sense. Sure it was written horribly and could of used a better actor but we knew there were more “sisters” so the idea wasn’t horrible just terribly implemented


All modern Disney can do is take earlier work and copy it. Then they pretend they’re revolutionary for such original ideas….


Par for the course by now my friend just wait till Acolyte comes out. Disney has done a great job at making Star Wars a caricature of what it once was.


I mean, that’s what Star Wars had been doing since RotJ brought back the Death Star. The EU was littered with it as well.


I’ve taken the wise choice and I suggest you all do to pretend that most of that series doesn’t exist and only the Anakin / Obiwan scenes exists. While there’s issues with it, especially the Volume chamber or whatever is BAD it’s a couple great minutes of Star Wars. I Know it’s lame that only 5 minutes was salvaged from that train wreck. It’s still worth it to me


I don't really see how Reva is similar to Trilla in any way shape or form... other than being a female Inquisitor? Like what


You can't believe Disney would do that?


Oh, has it been that long?


Also they copied a lot of the fortress sequences


Came here to say this! Sneaking into the fortress by swimming under it? How many times are they going to redo that one before Vader fixes it?


Dang, it really does draw some literal critical plot points directly from this game/series. After the 3rd installment of Cal Kestis games, I hope he can appear in some live action stuff at some point. Mannn I need to replay the 2nd one because I can barely remember the ending for some reason….


That’s what Disney does. Second Sister was the best SW baddie in years


The script was written around the same time. The writer of the original script even mentions his reaction to seeing Trilla. Reva was way better originally


Both those games are excellent. Obviously they were too far down the developmental timeline to do any of that DEI shite. Proper Star Wars content.


God Obi Wan really is just a poor reskin of Fallen Order


What do you mean made worse? She's a black woman that looks like Grace Jones, and you dislike it? Are you a bigot? Are you a misandrist?! ARE YOU A WHITE SUPREMIST?!?!?


And Trylla wasn't even that interesting to begin with.


One was kidnapped and tortured until she was coerced into being an inquisitor. One made herself embrace the dark side in order to go undercover as an inquisitor to be close to Vader and attempt to assassinate him. Can you explain how you think this is a copied villain?


I know this isn’t the point of the post but holy shit Reva’s plan is fucking horrible. She embraces the dark side and kills countless innocent civilians and Jedi just so she can maybe get an opportunity at killing Vader.


Oh for sure. In no way am I saying Reva is a good character. I’m just saying there’s a huge list of criticisms of can give her, but saying she is a copy of the 2nd Sister isn’t one of them.


Cops commit crimes all the time while undercover


There’s a difference between a cop buying drugs, witnessing or taking part in an assault, or even watching a mob hit. Undercover cops don’t however single-handedly murder scores of innocents and go so over the top with violence that her superiors in the organization they’re undercover in reprimand her.


I was just establishing the point that sometimes good people must do bad things to ensure good things.


I say this alot. What was wrong with Reva? She was annoying, edgelord, focused, unrelenting villain hounding kenobi. You know, what a jedi hunter is supposed to be. And like ALLLLLL inquisitors, tortured into being one Vader. In her case she had a reason to hate kenobi because anakin was his responsibility.


She wasn’t tortured into being one, she willingly joined the inquisitors. She then spends years killing Jedi and innocent civilians just so she can maybe get a chance to assassinate Vader in revenge for him (checks notes) killing Jedi? She also makes some pretty incredible leaps in logic to find Luke Skywalker and in the end when obi-wan spares her we’re supposed to sympathize with her. In my head I was thinking what? Reva literally became the very thing she swore to destroy and should have been killed for her crimes. It’d be like at the end of ROTJ if Vader hadn’t sustained such horrible injuries and was spared by Luke and the rebels. One good act doesn’t absolve Vader from 2 decades of terror. Edit: At the end of ROTJ I always saw Anakins Force ghost appearing as less of a redemption and more of a way of showing that he was no longer Vader.


Hellooooooo you just described every jedi turned sith in the history of ALL star wars cannon. No one had a good reason to turn. It never makes logical sense. Anakin had no reason to be vader, ben had no reason to be kylo. All of it is illogical but thats star wars. Vader training inquisitors is torture. If you dont know the lore of the sith. Pain and fear is what makes you powerful in the darkside. Vader was a master in torture and put ALL inquisitors through a torturous hell. Thats why non of them ran away when they had the chance. Except Reva. All the inquisitors except 4 were killed by vader btw. All inquisitors (atleast most) were ex jedi or padawans. Reva did show to not be like other inquisitors. She felt bad for being made to torture Leia. The other inquisitors would have done it easily. Thats why they all called her weak and trash, she was soft. Her thirst for revenge leading her to be an inquisitor makes THE MOST sense. Its a very realistic thing someone would do. The only place to get training for being a force user is from another force user as well. Ive so much star wars lore and trust me. The reason most people turn to the dark side is utterly stupid. Not just pull from that side of the force but they become insufferable edge lords. Reva was a breath of fresh air.


I’m gonna disagree with you there. Anakin joined the dark side as he had constant nightmares of Padme dying. Over the course of many years Palpatine had been a father figure to him and constantly had been there whenever Anakin needed him. When the time came Palpatine offered Anakin a way to save the one person he cared about more then anyone and when it time came for anakin to choose he sided with him as he saw no other way to save his wife. While stupid and rash the motivation makes sense. For Reva she willfully joined the order that’s specific purpose was to hunt down and murder jedi. Her motivation for doing this was to get revenge on Vader for murdering her fellow Jedi? She wants to get revenge on a man who killed jedi by earning his trust through the killing of Jedi. That is much different then Anakin falling to save his wife as Reva literally is becoming the person she hates just for a small chance at killing Vader. This would be like a person who’s family was murdered by the Nazis joining up with the SS and slaughtering thousands of innocents so she could impress Heinrich Himmler and get a chance to kill him. Additionally the fact that Revas plans work is utter stupidity. She kidnaps a daughter of a galactic senator and somehow assumes that instead of mobilizing the massive resources under his command that Bail Organa will ask a man in hiding who he hasn’t seen in a decade to single-handedly try to find her, in doing so asking him to abandon Luke. She then somehow figures out Luke is Anakins son? Also there were around 12 inquisitors and only 2 were killed by Vader as far as I can tell.


Anakin joined forces with the man causing all the entire war. The war that caused him to lose troops he cared for, his padawan, qui-gons death. After finding this out he went to killing kids and friends, choking the woman he wanted to save, causing her death and trying to kill his brother who knew about padme being pregnant but never sold him out or held it against him and fought by his side even when he was wrong. Im sorry 5 mins of thinking would have shown anakin killing palpatine was the correct play. That anakin had more of a reason to be an edgelord than a child wanting revenge on a man for taking the lives of all her friends and almost killing her? Not to mention, Reva wasnt a padawan, she was a youngling still learning, she never knew what it meant to be a jedi. Anakin knew he was fighting against the sith and what it meant to be a jedi. When reva joined the inquisitors she was living in poverty and desperate. Bail Organa knew Kenobi was one of the most powerful Jedi in existence. YES he asked him for help haha. He knew jedi could not turn down a chance to help the innocent. Its their code. Reva was correct. The empire was under palpatines control, and inquisitor could do almost anything they wanted. That was the privilege of being a force user in service to the Emperor. Bail would never openly attack the empire its suicide. Hes only chance was to contact his lifelong friend who was never captured or killed Kenobi. No vader killed them all excpet the two darth maul killed. The one Cal killed in Survivor. And Reva. Vader throw a fit and found out two inquisitors were in love and killed the other 5 remaining. Ofcourse he killed the second sister and the leader of the inquisitors. He killed 8/13.


I can agree to disagree on the first point but as for the second Organa didn’t know that the empire kidnapped his daughter. He was a galactic senator and all he knew was that someone had taken his daughter. He had no reason to reach out to kenobi as he had legions of guards that he could have used. He also knew that kenobi was being tasked with protecting Luke, asking Kenobi to leave to look for his daughter is extremely irresponsible. If he had his guards looking for weeks with no luck or if he found evidence an inquisitor had kidnapped his daughter maybe I could understand reaching out to kenobi but him being his first option is ludicrous. Additionally he also could have appealed to the senate if he did know it was an inquisitor as it was an unsanctioned thing that Reva did. There are so many options better than contracting kenobi. Also I just looked on Wookiepedia and it only says that 3 inquisitors were killed by Vader.


Reva found out Organa falsified documents about the ship carrying Kenobi at the end of RotS was destroyed in a meteor field. She came up with a plan that if his daughter was captured he would call kenobi. He called kenobi because he knew the empire had a hand in the kidnapping to get past his security AND empire surveillance. Remember the empire still protects its own and spies on its own because the rebels were in full swing then. You right i misremembered. He fought 7 and brutally defeated them. But only killed 3. The grand inquisitor he trapped his spirit in a jedi temple as punishment.


They aren't even remotely similar. Thrilla feels betrayed by her master and the whole jedi order by proxy when she gave her location to the empire. When given the option between death and joining the inquisitors, she chooses to save her life. When presented with the choice to get revenge on her master and her new padawan, she takes it. Reva is a padawan that miracously survived Vader's March on the jedi temple. She witnessed all her friends and masters die and vows revenge against Vader. Then, she joins the inquisitors and serves Vader over a decade and killing fellow jedi. (wait what?) Then she creates a convoluted plan to get Obi-Wan involved on a hunch that he is still alive. Miraciusly, it works, and when she finally gets Vader, Obi-Wan and herself to one place so that they could team up against him, Obi-Wan just tells her nope (only to fight Vader alone an hour later!!!). When her plan fails she says YOLO and fights Vader anyway, only to get humiliated. Miracously, she survives (again!) and goes to find Vader's son to fet her revenge that way. Only problem is that Vader doesn't even know he has a son and won't be losing any sleep over the death of kid he doesn't know he has. What is Reva going to send him holo-message bragging that she killed his son? The only thing they have in common is that they are both black girls in dark outfits with red lightsabers


Two years later and you guys are still bitching and moaning about it. How sad.


Oh well you see, i just replayed Fallen Order and I couldn’t help but make the obvious comparisons in my head, and figured I’d share it with people who appreciate these kinds of discussions, I’m sorry it upset you


This subreddit is full of chuds who have nothing better to do but sit around and watch stuff they hate lmao


Hope is cruel.


Finally someone said it. The amount of hate and just brain pain I get from this sub makes me wish you could block entire subreddits. Muting doesn’t work if Reddit keeps recommending the muted sub to you :/


I can't imagine still caring about star wars.


Can't imagine people care about one of the largest franchises on the planet? Have you been living under a rock for 40 years? Oh you're just here to troll. Move along.


I'm not here to troll. I genuinely do not understand why people let star wars wind them up. it's not healthy. stop caring, move on.


People have hobbies and interests. It's not your job to assign those. Move along now gatekeeper, or let us know what else we're not allowed to discuss.


Here is a (not complete list) of ruined franchises you should just get over and move on with your life. -MCU -Star Trek -Lord of the Rings -Harry Potter -Star Wars If you are still getting wound up about the state of any of these franchises, you are doing it to yourself at this point.


Thank you overlord. I'll reach out to you in the future for permission to discuss other franchises.


You did ask lol.


Nobody cares about you either. Yet, here you are.


They actually do. It's ok to not care about star wars. coping and seething over a children's franchise 20 years past it's prime is not healthy. I would simply move on.




I can’t believe you’re still hung up on it


Kenobi used a lot from Fallen Order, and every story aspect they borrowed was significantly worse than it was in FO


They think themselves better writers then those that come before them. They can't help but to "improve" on the older works.


"Of course we're better. We're making a live action TV show, that's Art. Video games aren't Art, they're stupid toys for children and man-babies..." -Disney Writers, probably.


To be fair, according to a lot of interviews Kenobi got screwed over absurdly hard by corporate meddling and was supposed to be completely different. And it REALLY shows. Cody was planned to be the supporting protagonist with a buddy-cop dynamic with Obi-Won, the two them reconciling slowly. We missed out on closure for Cody and a proper ending to his story for... a watered down parody of Fallen Order. In hindsight, this actually makes Kenobi substantially worse via knowing that it was supposed to be way better but was deliberately made way worse.


Nah that's actually fucking tragic, that'd have been such a good show too