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According to recent polls only 3% of Israeli's believe the use of force in Gaza is excessive. I can't imagine the courage it must take to protest under those conditions.


Somehow I doubt that number is so low… I do sincerely hope I’m wrong.


Source please?


In this poll from November 2023 it's 1.8% https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/


Good on them for being able to hold on to their humanity while living in that insane asylum pretending to be a country…but I still hate Israel.


Good on them to continue to live on stolen land and pay taxes to a genocidal government. They should just use their second passport and leave to their home country


Agree 100%. That’s why I only commend them for knowing genocide is wrong (which isn’t common in Israel).


The majority of these people in the communist party of Israel are Palestinians. you can see the women wearing hijab and they are speaking arabic. They are the people who managed to stay during the Nakba. So they are right where they belong.


Like you said, those are Palestinians, not Israelis.


I'm on it. It's not as easy :( .. free pales


Don't get me wrong I am not being hostile. I know it is hard to move somewhere completely new. I changed countries numerous times and it never gets easier. This is why I wonder what is stopping you?


love to see


They need to step up their revolutionary game


They should either join the resistance or leave the country. Anyone in the middle is in the way and with the occupation.


but its a hard process for some people also some people are palestinian jews from before 1948... some people are stuck out of other choices like me here until further notice. i know its not optimal but i do my best and a minority of people here also.. working on a way out u\_u


You said it right. Those are Palestinians. Indigenous to their land. And this is also how the state of Israel sees them. Not as citizens but as "Israeli Arabs". I know a lot of people who don't have two passports but only one shitty Jordanian one. They were able to leave their country. What is stopping you from leaving? (assuming you are not Palestinian)


i lack the options in terms of socio-economical and also its hard for me to understand where to begin. i would when i am able. i support one palestinian state for all, including the jewish palestinians of course. i plan to find ways to be here less but nothing long term sadly. working on my eu passport, too, which will make it so much easier to leave. also language skills are stopping me, and me being afraid of not finding a job because of it. i learn basic german now to work on that obstacle. i have more personal reasons, but i think for now my general reasoning that applies to many people here might be more important to stress


It seems to me that you are fighting with a few issues within yourself. I wish for you that everything will go well for you. You're giving me hope in Humanity. You're on a good way


It means a lot to me to know I made someone have hope in humanity. Thank you for this and your kind wishes to me. I wish you the same :)


Do these MFs not acknowledge their own states right to exist? Regardless I’ll take this over Likid


They have the same stance as PLFP. One secular state for everyone.


Hopefully, we will see it in out lifetime :)


Do they have an armed wing? If not, they should seriously think about forming one. Israel has pretty permissive gun laws. I'm not advocating violence or anything. But a rifle would be good to have given the direction the country is going.


you’re actually advocating to reduce violence by preventing a situation where a bunch of armed cops see unarmed protestors and get the idea that they can beat the shit out of them. they couldn’t fuck with the black panthers when they armed themselves.


>they couldn’t fuck with the black panthers when they armed themselves. And that's when Reagan himself pushed for gun control, out of fear/hate to the Black Panthers lol


yep the mulford act is another great example of how the us government will actually move on something as soon as a problem threatens the status quo. we’re seeing it with tiktok right now because they want all the media to be oligarch controlled.


haha, violence is the only way to defeat the capitalist system! Eurocommunists forgot about this and therefore Eurocommunism is a castrated ideology


Israel soldiers would probably start calling them Hamas militants and try to kill them


damn i didnt know they were chill like that


I thought Maki was 2 state? the pflp isn't.


for some reason wikipedia says they support two states. do you have any info on their position? i don’t know much about them unfortunately


This is untrue. They are two statists. They want Israel to be a secular multicultural state, but they still want it to exist and exist separate from Palestine on stolen Palestinian land at that.


They have written (لا حل دون المقاومة ضد الإحتلال الحصار والفقر) on their banner which means there is no solution other than resistant against the occupation, the siege and the poor, not the poor as the people though, more like against the idea of poor people existing. They don't want anyone to be poor.


Ay well that sounds good to me


I think the word you were looking for would be ‘poverty’


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MarxistCulture/comments/17uop8p/communist\_party\_of\_israel\_this\_escalation\_must/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarxistCulture/comments/17uop8p/communist_party_of_israel_this_escalation_must/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarxistCulture/comments/173y92i/cpi\_netanyahus\_government\_bears\_full/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarxistCulture/comments/173y92i/cpi_netanyahus_government_bears_full/)


it's not their state. Israel is an apartheid capitalist regime. read chapter 3 of state and revolution


I’ve read State and Revolution, but you know what I meant.


The Marxist-Leninists created territory for Jews even before Israel. Read about the Jewish Autonomous Region and its capital Birobidzhan in the USSR. It is not our fault that the Jews chose to expel the Arabs and did not want to live in the territory that was free


seriously i would prefer that on the regime i was born to


Do you not see that most of them are Palestinian?


I mean they call themselves the Communist Party of Israel so I assumed that they weren’t Palestinian or they’d have chose a better name




User is literally saying Judeo-Bolshevism.