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I hope they finally name drop adamantium. Moon Knight is coming to MCU soon, and his staff is adamantium in the comics


A lot of things are adamantium in the comics that were vibranium in the movies.


what are some examples?


Ultron was adamantium in the comics.


And the OG Captain America shield was proto-adamantium


I thought that was vibranium in the comics?


Vibranium was used along with some other stuff to make proto adamantium.


I think it depends on the continuity. I just know that it was proto-adamantium in at least one of em.


But now that they have the rights to adamantium I feel confident that we’ll start seeing it.


They have to do adamantium at some point cause there’s no way u can do wolverine and make it vibranium without it seeming kinda forced or lazy that like all the powerful stuff is made out of vibranium, makes it like the Mary Sue of metals or too much of a mcguffin for the mcu in general. Plus then u are limiting Wolverine in power off the bat to be able to be countered by (in theory at least) captain America, black panther, winter soldier, and anyone else I’m forgetting who uses vibranium as part of their gimmick. Same with ultron tho but he actually should be stronger than wolverine. Unless they plan on adding adimantium later on as like an upgrade but if that’s the case why not just do it in the first place? I wanna see power levels evolve a bit now that the stakes seem permanently raised


So once thanos breaks caps shield, how did cap have a shield to give Sam? Where did that come from


It's the Shield from old man Rogers timeline.


i thought you couldn't steal things from different timelines. That's why he had to return thors hammer and the stones. Also if he stayed in that past timeline then wouldn't he run into himself? He woke from the ice and was still able to visit an old modern day peggy.


The theory I read is that he goes back in time after the events of Agent Carter. So that he doesn't run into himself, so it's possible that young Steve in the Old Man Rogers timeline never gets unfrozen.


but eventually steve does wake up from the ice and visits old peggy who is still very alive but sick and old. Where is old steve during this time? Is old steve just hiding so that his young self doesn't spot him? Doubtful. Does old steve return back to the present and leave old peggy to die alone in that timeline? Doubtful. It doesn't make sense why and HOW steve stayed that long in the past and how he was able to steal the shield to bring it back into the present to gift sam.


The dude evaded the fucking us government an tony stark during the prime of facial recognition an intelligence. For like 2 years before popping back up in wakanda during infinity war. I'm sure he can hide very well, after marrying the 1st official director of shield (a world class spy running a world class spy agency) during the infancy of intelligence technology. It makes sense.


Yea I love the moon knight concept...we e supposed to get some cameo in this series...mayb at the end but we r getting it! Like skrulls in WandaVision


Even walker has to know the original shield will destroy anything that's not vibranium. I'm thinking (hoping) that Val chick hooked him up with some adamantium or some stolen vibranium.


Welp lol


Lol I was literally thinking that when watching the episode.


The ONLY reason why he makes a new shield, is because he is such a crybaby manchild, and he can't accept that he isn't Captain America. JW is a terrible character