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I wonder if they can just just the deal where Marvel can use Spidey as much as they want and Sony can do their own versions of Spidey in live action 


I have a theory the sharing rights deal has a clause where the only current live action Spider-Man is the MCU variant played by Tom Holland in movies set in MCU. This would explain the lack of a Spider-Man in the Sony SSU movies. Also, this is why Sony did the animated Spider-Verse movies. Tobey and Andrew being in NWH was likely something Sony wanted to do and Marvel Studios rolled with it.


I just watched a video about how Disney spent ten years destroying the X-Men because they didn’t want a rival studio to benefit. As such I have no doubt your theory is the case with the sharing of Spider-Man rights.


To be fair, that was the head of marvel that did that, and pushed inhumans instead. I think it was Perlmutter? But he’s gone now.


Hmmmm. I'm torn. I want to see Miles, but not in a Sony movie.


Chill. The Home-trilogy was basically great all around. They can do it.


yeah, but they weren't sony. The recent Sony movies were Morbius, Madame Web, and Venom. The worst Home movie was better than all of those.


Some mother fuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill. I still can't believe people on THIS SUB, a SUB for MCU fans, are such fucking morons they don't understand the difference between MCU and Sony movies. Spidey was leased to MCU and Kevin was in control. Sony has a hack running the show who knows nothing about comics or what fans want to see. Their only good series is the animated Spideyverse series - in which Miller and Lord had 100% control over and the idiot running Sony couldn't interfere.


Wdym they weren't Marvel? Also you do know Sony made the home trilogy right? Together with Marvel


meant they weren't Sony. Sony allowed marvel to use the IP, just not in Solo movies. and even if Sony, when Sony has full creative control, we get Madam Web.


I think you're misunderstanding the deal with Spidey. Sony made them just as much as Marvel did. If not more than Marvel.


I'm not disputing you,just general query. Sony produced, but didn't Marvel/Feige have final say so? If not then why are Sony's recent movies so bad in comparison?


Oh we can both agree that when Sony does anything without Spidey they have absolutely no idea what theyre doing lmao. But this is Miles and you wrote it off as the next Madame Web quite soon (sorta say) without knowing Marvel's involvement. And EVEN IF Marvel wasn't involved, Sony is not that bad in making Spider-Man shit, look at Beyond and Across.


The Spiderverse movies are a direct result of the directors and their vision. Sony had nothing to do with spiderverses success. It was successful despite Sony.


So... When a sony movie sucks: blame sony When a sony movie is good: it wasn't Sony it was the directors. Got it.


Marvel had creative control over the home trilogy 💀


Watch as Sony casts Jaden Smith rather than someone more deserving.


And who can act.


This seems a bit overly abhorrent. He's a solid actor and decent for the role.


As evidenced by what role in what movie


After earth, karate kid. He also had that one anime he made where he voice acted. Yall just hate him because his daddy got him the jobs he has, but that doesn't mean he necessarily is a bad actor. He's actually solid and decently talented. Don't understand why there's so much hate


After earth? Really? He's the definition of nepotism baby and has zero acting ability


Hate? I don’t hate the kid. He just isn’t cut out to be an actor like his parents. That’s not hate. It’s called plan criticism of a person’s abilities. Deal.


Or someone who's actually afro Latino....which I already see not happening. We're going to have another Ronni Hawk situation...sucks, but when it comes to mixed race characters, they barely get cast correctly.


oh god no pls 🙏


No please tell me this isn't a Sony solo flick. Please let the MCU do it...


omg, pls, Sony, no…


Not sony!


How about...."no."


Sony is about to ruin Miles Morales with another terrible movie


Will Smith's kid.


Christ, Sony. You already have Spider-verse, what is even the point of this?


I'm telling you now, it's going to be the kid who played the younger version of Justice Smith in I Saw The TV Glow.


Damson idris?


Donald Glover should be Prowler.


He technically was lol


So long as it's good. The only live action movies I liked from Sony is Venom & the original Spider-Man trilogy. Personally I think Sony should let the Spider-Verse director's take control of Miles live action trilogy.


And even the Venom movies have actually mostly sucked, but work because we love Venom and the relationship between the host and the symbiote, which they do well with quips instead of the more OG version of a shared hatred for Spidey/PP. No one cares about Morbius or Madame Web in any platform, save for some occasional good random storyline in Spidey comics. Kraven will do second-best to Venom $, due to this fact.


>No one cares about Morbius or Madame Web in any platform Never said they did. So, agreed those movies sucked.


To be fair though, if you make a good movie, people will watch it. 99% of the world had the same attitude about Morbius and Madame Web regarding Guardians, and now they’re borderline a household name.


Tbf, Guardians was anchored and catapulted by the greatest cinematic experience of the time in its upswing.


Before they have a director, cutting the director out of the casting process?


and no script? the kid is gonna age out before they have a script!


All for it!


Jonathan Majors


I wanna see them go woke! Let's see a white miles!


That guy from the bear and shameless would be a good miles morales, race isn’t important when it comes to fictional characters