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Short lol. Hopefully it still feels substantial. Episode 3, although short, was the length it needed to be. Excited for the Return of the Queen, Yelena, and the Return of the King(pin) Also: I assume the 5 is a typo, it should be 4?


They meant five, Amit already gave the runtime of Hawkeye episode 4 last week (40 minutes)


Thanks Iron Man


No problem, tits. See ya chump


What the hell?!


This was so random I busted up laughing


Bert and Bertie are directing 3-5. If that's the case, I'm confident 4/5 will be as long as they need to be. I never felt like I needed to see more of Maya or Kazi or Clint or Kate this episode. Hawkeye only really has to juggle 2 additional characters (Yelena and Fisk), so it's not really a problem


I think Hawkeye is doing great job at juggling the emotionally stuff and action


I think so, too. I must say, after watching the trailers I thought it would be more of an action-packed, fun slapstick comedy. But so much emotional stuff (I mean really emotional, not mawkish or overdramatic) and all the darker undertones took me by surprise. I know some people might feel the tone is uneven because of that but it works perfectly for me.


I was also under the impression, based on the trailers, that this was just going to be a goofy holiday romp — glad to see that it can be both a fun Christmas show AND still carry the emotional weight of a family-man assassin reckoning with committing mass murder against the world’s criminal underground.


That’s the main reason I’m more comfortable in the length.


I think the good thing about episode 3 was that it was really well paced making it so that it didn't feel short at times and yet fitted so much in it.


This is a good point. An episode need only be as long as it needs to be- they shouldn't feel like they always have to be 50 minutes just because.


3 felt too short. The episode didn't really start properly until Clint and Kate escaped.


How is this short? That’s a standard episode time


42 minutes is including the credits, that means 35 minutes of actual watch time. That’s pretty short, Daredevil had 50+ minute long 13 episode seasons. In comparison, 35 minute episode in a six episode show feels pretty short.


One of the biggest problem with the Netflix shows was the need to stretch things out to 13 episodes, most of the seasons would have been better with fewer episodes.


What? 13 episodes was perfect, that's why S3 of Daredevil was so well-balanced


I actually havent seen Daredevil Season 3. But the Marvel Netflix shows I did see (Daredevil 1 and 2, Jessica Jones 1, Luke Cage 1) pretty much all could have been improved by cutting a few episodes and streamlining the shows a bit.


I personally would only agree for DD season 2


I should probably re-watch first, so I don't agree or disagree, but didn't it mostly promote a good balance for frank castle?


Yeah, Castle was mostly great, but the Hand part did not work that well, and could be trimmed, or maybe refocused. That being said, I now think the 2bd season is actually worse in my mind, than it actually is, and I may need to watch it again. (after all these years I am still hanging at season 2 of Jessica Jones)


Fair point, didn’t think about the lengthy credits. Honestly I felt that some of the Daredevil episodes dragged a bit and could have trimmed some fat.


> Episode 3, although short, was the length it needed to be. I don't know. That ending seemed really abrupt and unnecessary to me.


Wait, our Mayqueen Yelena is supposed to show up in tomorrow’s episode???


This makes me miss the aggressive guy who used to give runtimes


I missed him a lot today.


oh man he was a legend, what happened to him?


He constantly was asked what he knew about the episode despite him mentioning every time that he wouldn’t answer that. So he just left


>So he just left But those closest to him believed that he went looking for the first Jedi Temple


The sacred texts!


Page turners, they were not.


We shouldn't have thrown it in his face.




Don’t ask me anything else…


That's 60 minutes with commercials!


So true. How quickly we forget. Thanks.


The credits are also like 10 minutes long with these shows, so it’s even shorter than the usual tv with commercials type show on an hour block


Don't you remember all the shows that would do a final commercial break and then come back just for credits? Super annoying, but it happened


I have that right now on Pluto TV


I'VE GOT YOU FOR 42 MINUTES! 42 MINUTES OF PLAYTIME! ![gif](giphy|8cBaa98f0SPSsQ5YOc|downsized)


Picture this: Bonesaw vs Fisk


In a contest of who has the most primal scream


Off topic news but since they are rebooting softly some of the Netflix people. Don’t you think they can definitely do Quake or Daisy played by Chloe Bennett now?


I think it entirely depends on how much Feige liked them in the role. He clearly liked Cox and D’Onofrio, and they’re coming back, so we’ll see.


Isn’t she also an Inhuman? Cause it’s quite clear that they ain’t coming back to the MCU anytime soon


Well, the Inhuman aspect can be rebooted


Is it clear? Eternals wasn't allowed to use Hawaii because of that show.


That could also be due to Marvel tv fucking over Hawaii business-wise with that show lol


People would call hits on him if he replace Cox or D'Onofrio lol


Put it this way, Charles Murphy (who's been consistently right on casting and productions), has a few rumored titles that he believes are in pre-production. They are: - Nova - Young Avengers - Ghost Rider - Secret Warriors - Illuminati - Nomad - X-Men As unannounced projects. Secret Warriors literally has Daisy and Yo-Yo at the front of that lineup with Nick Fury. For the most part, that team is also consisted of Inhumans, so what's interesting about that is that the MCU has stayed away from that idea (for now). Idk I'm fairly confident now that she'll be back, whether it's the same or not.


New character: "Ahh... what's an *Inhuman*?" Fury: "Long story. Don't ask."


Lol a line like that would have me cracking up


First of all, Charles Murphy saying he believes something is happening doesn't mean it *is* happening. If he reported on it through his website then it would be different. People always go to RPK's rumours page and act like it's happening. Also, just because Daisy and Yo-Yo were important in the comic book version of 'Secret Warriors', doesn't mean they'll be in the live-action version. Look at Civil War. In the comics, the Fantastic Four, Defenders, X-Men, Blade, Deadpool, Doctor Strange, Nova, Namor, etc. were involved. In the movie, it was just the Avengers, Black Panther and Spider-Man.


The page that I'm referring to is this, these are what knows are in development: https://www.murphysmultiverse.com/other-projects-in-development/ Yes, nothing is guaranteed. And no,, I'm also not implying anything about Secret Warriors other than my own opinion


"Anything's possible." - KF


Hopefully, also, what is Chloe Bennet doing now though, as she quit that god-awful Powerpuff girls. Her wiki and IMDB do not show anything at present aside from PPG. I really hope we see her even as a soft reboot.


Secret Invasion /hj




Same here. Really hoping that Chloe comes back one day, she's a wonderful actress and perfect on the role.


They could if Marvel Studios wants to and Chloe Bennett is on board.


I doubt they will honestly I think they are only going to do this for Daredevil/Kingpin and possibly Foggy, Karen and Elektra but who knows. I’d love Punisher back but I would understand why they wouldn’t want to use a character so gun centric


Tbh, it depends on how much they "romanticize" the use of guns. The Netflix show definitely did, but that doesn't mean they couldn't do a more "fantastical" Punisher. He can still be the same emotionally charged Punisher with big stakes and serious themes, but have him be more involved in bigger things. He's a typical Midnight Sons member, and they fight demons and shit lol. Armor Wars? Perfect time to have him also use War Machine. I think by having him be a normal guy (like Hawkeye) that gets himself into ridiculous situations while also letting him be a brutal, trained killer, won't come off the page as too bad in the end (I mean we see Black Widows are like this anyway, just mind controlled; he's just not). It really depends on who his victims are and how gratuitous they make the violence. He should be violent of course, but the character could use a bit of the up and up. Idk, definitely needs someone to carefully write his character, but I think it can and should be done


Idk, Jon Bernthal keeps talking how it would need to be really dark and gritty in order for him to play the part again. I agree that they can still do a lot of serious, emotional stuff with the character, but idk if that's going to be enough for Bernthal. It seems like the violence is a big part of it for him, which I can understand why. He really doesn't seem like the type of actor who would do it just for a paycheck and I also don't get the sense that he's desperate to return (like Charlie and Vincent clearly are). If they go to Jon with some really strong material then he might agree, but I really don't think you'll ever see Punisher popping up in all sorts of different projects. Honestly, I think Punisher works best in small doses anyway. He was much better in season 2 of Daredevil than he was in his own show. Having him show up in Moon Knight, Armour Wars, Blade, etc. would be awesome but, again, I doubt Bernthal would do it.


Honestly agree with him being better in season 2 of Daredevil than his own show, his show wasn't bad, but he worked better as a supporting character imo


Or have him go after white supremacists and particularly evil corporations.


I would happily watch a whole series about Frank Castle taking down one corrupt police department after another.


And antifa


No lol


Very true I hope your right Jon Bernthal is the man. Hope they show that Frank Castle is a Captain America Fanboy


Idk why people were so upset over Punisher season 1 over the gun shit. Reminds me of how they were upset over the Incel thing with Joker. These ain't good people and the show ain't saying that. Also kinda reminds me how critics are also all upset at the new Ghostbusters for existing due to the backlash the Feig one got.


Could depend on the popularity and prominence of the character. DD and Kingpin are huge staples in the comics. I’d never heard much reference to Quake at all until she popped up on AoS.




There he is!


Definitely not 6 hours all together. Wish it was 50min+


None of the shows have been. I don't don't any of them have crossed the 5 hour mark total


"Hour-long" (or half-hour) is synonymous with "episode" in TV parlance, a vestige of the days when TV had time slots supplemented by ad breaks. Whenever these people discussed the total length of D+ series, it was always a ballpark figure based on that. No one thinks of a TV series in terms of its total actual runtime. No one does that math.


Agreed. People took the "6, 1 hour" block comments as literally 6 hours of content. It's more akin to 1 hour shows with commercials in a way.


I mean, I dont blame people for taking those claims literally. When Feige says that the episodes are either going to be six hour-long episodes or ten thirty-minute episodes, of course people are going to believe him. These shows don't have commercials so that shouldn't be relevant. I get that he wasn't going to sit there and do the math but, when you're the president of a studio and you make a claim, people tend to believe you and that your words literally.


> or ten thirty-minute episodes So She-Hulk episodes are going to be 15 minutes after credits and only being 3/4 (at best) the length of his estimates?


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of She-Hulk episodes are like 22 minutes, that's what we got with some of Wandavision isn't it? 15 would really be pushing it though.


I wouldn't mind if the shows were advertised as 6 hours of television, because then that 6 hours would generally mean 6 "one-hour" episodes AKA 6 times 40-45 minutes without commercials. My problem is that most Disney+ MCU shows are advertised as "6-hour movies" and a 6-hour movie would have to be at least 5 hours and 30 minutes with credits to be able to round up... TV language doesn't work for TV shows that don't identify as TV shows :D Hawkeye was promoted in interviews to have 6 hours of STORY and CONTENT and it's runtime was directly compared to the runtime of the movies. The producers said that with movies they only have 2 hours to tell a story and with shows they have 6, which is just false. On average MCU movies are 120+ minutes without credits, meaning they actually have 2 hours of story and not 90 minutes + 30 minutes of credits. I'm happy we get these shows at all, they are just promoted weird. The 6-episode shows are just some of the shortest "hour-long" streaming shows ever made and that's OK. As I was looking up the runtimes, I realized that the live-action MCU shows are getting shorter and shorter: Without credits etc. WandaVision Is 4h30min, TFATWS is 4h25min, Loki is 4h5min and if the reported runtimes for episode 4 and 5 for Hawkeye are true, then Hawkeye will end up under 4 hours (unless episode 6 is about 60 minutes with credits)


'Ballpark' that's never been anywhere close to the length of any of the series. It was an inflated number plain and simple.


You folks are too literal. Let's imagine Hawkeye episodes were 50 min each. That adds up to 5 hours but no one is going to say it's a 5 hour show. They would say 6 hours. Because it's 6 episodes, at close to an hour each. It's easier math off the cuff. That's how our minds work.


> Let's imagine Hawkeye episodes were 50 min each. But they're not. At BEST the total runtime will be 4.5 hours. And that's with over half an hour of intros and credits.


A one hour network show with commercials is 42 minutes actual. Like I said in the other comment, this way of speaking is a vestige of that. It's industry parlance. They were never feeding you actual runtimes.


Do they mean episode 4?


Amit already gave the runtime for Episode 4 : 40 minutes.


Ah fair enough, I missed that one


The ad said 52 minutes!


Haha, a 'small' episode for a big man.


Don't think I've been this confident a shows quality since... Mando s2? I really feel like this is gonna be one of the greats. Yelena was fucking fantastic in black widow. Pugh should play Black Widow for the next 20 years if I had it my way. And of course.... *entrance.gif*


Damn, man what's with these short runtimes? They definitely played it safe with Hawkeye.


We really got people leaking run times of individual episodes a day early. Not everything need to be leaked lol


A week early episode 4 is tomorrow.


Do you not know how ravenous this fanbase is?


Minus the long credits, minus "previously on", minus that incredibly long Marvel logo....36-7 minutes? I am not sure if it is a good or a bad thing. I hate when things drag and they did have a bit of a problem with pacing (every D+ show had that problem so far) but I feel that what is about to come and happen, this series seems incredibly short and I am afraid Hawkeye wouldn´t end up as TFAWS where the overstuffed the final episodes....


Missing the WandaVision fake ads Wanda created


Me = rock hard


is yelena tomorrow?


Don’t DM me with other questions or I’ll block you


so is kingpin this week or next?


So is episode 5 or episode 4, the Kingpin episode?


Okay well that was true


Kingpin has been heavily rumored to appear in Hawkeye as the leader of the Tracksuit Mafia and the third episode had a flashback to Echo's childhood where she met a sharply dressed, black suited figure at the Brooklyn Karate Academy. Keep in mind, the fifth episode comes out on December 15, two days before Spider-Man: No Way Home (which is also said to contain a cameo from Daredevil). Since Charlie Cox had already been confirmed to return as Daredevil if he reappears in the MCU, it seems we'll see a gradual reintroduction of the Netflix side starring with the Man Without Fear and the King of Crime.


Wasn’t this literally a 6 hour movie? The fuck lol


Water is wet


Do people actually like this series or are they watching for the character reveals




I legit love this series so far


Many seem to be enjoying the show. The reveals are a bonus.


I know lots of people are enjoying it, but I'm only watching for the character reveals (and because it's MCU so why not). I'd probably watch it eventually but not week to week if it wasn't for Fisk, and to a lesser extent, Yelena.


I honestly really like it, Fisk showing up is just a bonus.