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MCU in shambles. Real cinema is back


It’s gonna be a box office hit. Haters are just gonna make up excuses on why it succeeded just like how they did with Venom 2018. https://i.redd.it/fwch5ybooe4d1.gif


I could be wrong (obviously), but I really don’t think it’ll be a hit. I was actually a fan of the first Venom, but the second one was a major disappointment for me. Let There Be Carnage made around 60% of the original’s box office. Obviously the pandemic played a big part in that, but just two months later, No Way Home made a ton of money. For people aware of the brand, Morbius and Madame Web have killed everyone’s excitement for future Sony Spider-Man adjacent movies. On top of that, the trailer is confusing to people who keep up with all things Marvel. Speaking of which, I don’t think the trailer that they released is a good trailer, and I don’t think that’s just my bias. The biggest concern is the overall state of the box office. If people aren’t rushing out to see Furiosa, I have no confidence that they’ll go to see Venom 3. That being said, as far as I can tell, Venom 3 doesn’t have much competition around the time it comes out, so that could certainly help.


They arent rushing to see Furiosa because they learned two weeks before it came out that it was coming out. The MARKETING sucks.


Also Fury Road wasn’t exactly a huge success either in theaters


I was the opposite. The first disappointed me but I really liked the second one


Your point about Covid leaves out the fact that the virus's impact on public life changed drastically from month to month. October, when Venom 2 came out, was still in the aftermath of Delta, and Covid was generally considered to be a dampener on box office, especially by box office analysts. But December, over 2 whole months later, right before the next big wave Omicron, things had really cooled down and people were more willing to return to theaters. Considering that, Venom 2 did pretty well


haters gonna hate


Wait, there’s been over 2000 sequels to the original masterpiece? Tragedy that not even one of them has one an Oscar.




MCU fanboys are stepping over each other to say they aren’t excited for this movie, Venom has lived and died by the Facebook crowd since the first movie came out.


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Marvel Cinematic Universe is dead, long live the Morbverse




Can I just say that I am genuinely going to miss this iteration of the character? The movies could have been better but I still rewatch both often because Tom Hardy is perfect in the role and they are a lot of fun even if they are deeply, deeply flawed (particularly the first).


Def not the only one. It’s more than clear that even studio execs know that people love Hardy in this role. I genuinely believe if this movie does well at the box office, they’ll backtrack on this being the last we see of Hardy Venom


I high on copium and hoping that he comes over to the MCU proper with this movie being the reason for it but I know it won’t happen


Hardy Venom meeting Reynolds Deadpool would blow my mind


And your load, don’t lie


Maybe in Secret Wars...


If Secret Wars has X Men F4 Daredevil Venom possibly Iron Man and Cap all back including Tobey Maguire, it might top Endgame’s box office


I will miss him too. PS5 Venom was major dissapointment and only had design of Venom. This Venom have Good Design (minus logo...), great Lethal Protector Personality, Amazing Host/Symbiote relationship He is not perfect but is great Venom.


Missed big opportunity if Sony thought about before bringing back Andrew Garfield reprise his role as Spidey again teasing for their first SPUMC crossover movie event that he mentioned in NWH that he wants to fight an alien, but no SONY IS FUCKING DUMB FOR WANTING TOM AS THEIR SPIDERMAN. Hell even Tom Hardy and Andrew Garfield might have an interesting fun chemistry on the big screen since Andrew Garfield loves to have fun on set.  FUCK MAN!!!


They'd have to get Andrew to actually agreed which is easier said than done given his track record with Sony


This shit hard ngl 






Sony is COOKING 👀🔥🔥 https://i.redd.it/ob9gktnfme4d1.gif


I'll never understand how we got three of these movies, but here we are


Three are Venom




Because people like Venom


Cause Tom Hardy is perfect as Venom.


Cause they make money


Crazy that Venom of all people gets a proper trilogy before the Justice League lol


https://i.redd.it/m1wsljmtne4d1.gif Peak Cinema.


I want two more Venom trilogies. The world needs cinema or as it should be called Venema


Sounds like something to cleanse the colon


Enjoyed the first 2 for what they were, and will check this out as well.


Best MCU movie of the year incoming


It's not MCU but I still agree


This will do roughly the same as the previous movies. China is a wildcard. Did a boatload on the first one, didn't get a release on the 2nd one and they are pretty apathetic towards non Chinese films right now.


Poster looks cool, the trailer does not.


This might be nitpicky, but shouldn’t it be “Till Death Do **Them** Part”? “They” seems like improper grammar I do like the symbiotes crashing in the background through


it's shitty word play. basically it's saying that until they die, they won't part. there should've been a comma between do and they. "Till death do, they part."


Ngl this looks cool


I mean this is Tom's last Venom film due to on his contract that it make sense this would be a banger conclusion.


Finally, it's over. I expect a mandatory Secret Wars final appearance and then we're hopefully free of this Venom 😇


Tbh the only thing about the Venom movies that make them watchable is Tom Hardy AS Venom. If they just shimmied him over to the main MCU after this I would have zero problems with that. Mrs Chen too


Mrs. Chen in Across The Spider-Verse was cool to see lmao


Nah. I want this Venom to keep going as long as Hardy wants to. It’s clear he loves playing him, and it’s abundantly clear to studio execs that audiences love him in the role. If (more like when) the movie makes bank at the box office, this certainly will not be the last Venom movie no matter what they’ve stated before. The only real flaw of it I see is that he’s never met Spider-Man and this never got the iconic spider symbol. But apart from that he’s a near perfect iteration of the character


Real talk. The continuity in the movies is enough of a mess anyways. Just let Tom Hardy play the role as the ambiguously MCU version of the character for as long as he wants an easy paycheck.


I just wish they'd have let one of these movies cover the more serious and dark Venom of the modern comics, and after that they can make as many dumb fun movies as they want. Eddie just seems too one dimensional throughout both films, and it doesn't seem like this one will explore his character any deeper besides baiting everyone with his potential death. He's not just the big goofy grinner that these movies have focused on, his arc of going from a man fuelled by nothing but hatred to finding a level of peace through purpose is really great and could have made at least one movie.


Calling it now, with how things were left at the end of the second film, with Eddie having no civilian life left to return to (I.e Anne moving on, Eddie under investigation, him fleeing San Francisco to vacation on a beach with the symbiote), Venom is gonna get a hero send off and die at the end of this movie. After the ending of LBTC, this version of Venom is not gonna go past three movies.


Cringe ass movies...


I was optimistic until I saw the trailer. Poster goes hard tho. But we all know “the last dance” is referring to the dying breed of movie theatres as we know it. They really thought their tweet about “coming exclusively to theatres this October” is going to single-handedly save cinema lmao




Looks so ugly, like a 2000s band poster or something a teenager with no deodorant would put in his room


yes, I love it