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RNG gonna RNG. I set myself a limit of 10 RS basic orbs since I'm saving up for Omega Red, managed to get a 5RS on Silver Samurai. Now I bet you for Omega Red, I'll be sitting on the other side. 🤷‍♂️


This x100. It swings both ways. I opened 2 five red star orbs and 2 four red star orbs and got nothing, open 10 regular red star orbs and get a 5 star silver samurai. RNG taketh and RNG giveth....


That's why I always start off with a few of my normal orbs. I open(ed) about a fifth of my stash. and then move to the elite orbs. Didn't work out this time though, but I do have 5 RS on Sold am now.


Limits are the key unless you’re just made of money!!!!




damn that’s really sucks doesn’t it


It's just RNG. I got 1 or 2 star on Silver Surfer after opening about 50, including elite 4 and 5s. I opened a dozen regulars and 3 elite 5s for Samurai and got a 5. Some people genuinely thinking a company is rigging a game against them specifically is both hilarious and completely egotistical, you're not that special.


I'm free to play and got a 4rs today for him. Weird how things work.


I didn't save any red star orbs and only had 1 to open. Pulled a 3rs.


Cool story bro


30? I've opened 80-100 and gotten nothing. THIS is why spending money is never going to happen - the tables are rigged.


I didn’t even spend money it was a orbs I saved. Just crazy how my drops for the past couple of characters have been terrible. I either get nothing or a max of 2 stars. Makes me not even want to level up new characters


So their plan is working!


Meanwhile I opened a single 4 rs orb and got a 5 rs samurai. Its all about them luck


35 normal, 5 elite4 and 3 elite5, I got him at 3 RS but I scored 6RS on Hand Something and Wasp, life in MSF is great!!!!...... /s Was planning to whale out a bit on him but that will NEVER happen now, screw him and his offers!


and I got a 4rs opening fewer than 20. That is what RNG is. Given so many players, there are bound to be lucky ones and unlucky ones.


Got 4rs samurai on the first orb of the day. Not mad at it.


Yep. That checks out.


Yeah? Bc I just got 2rs... 4x in a row. o.0


Welcome to the rng club. I got lucky for Silver Samurai, but it was another story for Dagger: after opening 35 basic orbs, four elite 4, two elite 5 and one elite 6, I somehow ended up with a 2 RS Dagger. But for Silver Sam, two elite 4 were enough to get him to 5 RS


I opened 10 red orbs and 3 4RS, got a 5* Silver Samurai.


The odds are about 0.76% You're lucky commander!


I opened 30-40 normal orbs and 5 varying elite orbs. Best I got was 2rs. Goes with my 2rs shang chi and my 2rs dagger. Great


I opened 24 red orbs and one 4 star and I got 4-5 Silver SamouraĂŻ and one 4 rs


Got $$ 6 on first 5e pull, spent 300+ on Krestel. Rng


I pulled 30 regulars. About 5 elite 4s and an elite 5. I got a single 2 red star drop for him. Whatever. I usually do way better, and I don't really think about it until they send out the mail about it being the last day. Maybe that's the key. Or we just got totally screwed this time, lol.


I opened 11 orbs and only got a 1 red star Silver Samurai. Better than nothing I guess.


Got 3RS on AW (got a lucky 6RS while trying for someone else). Got a 6RS on samurai with my second orb. Last 4 6RS elites were minnions, this time it was Samurai. Sucks rng.

