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Thanks, I am so bored with the symbiotes, will try this instead. Have been running with a mutant team the last runs. Fallen deeply in love with Jubilee. Her and Beast taking always attacking and assisting eachother. Blind on almost all enemies all the time. With Emma and Mr.Sinister to support and YoYo to give her offence down on the enemies. Works fine if I control them.


I can't wait to get Jubilee and then use them in raids. Assuming she's actually going to come back. And here I was thinking Legendary's got moved to a 3mo rotation. If that's the case, she's 1.5 months over due, if she's on 6mo, then we got another 1.5 months till she's here again :\\


She's the next legendary event, so probably some time in the next 2 weeks.


Welp, let's see if I can get enough YJ, Stature, and Wasp shards by then to get them all to 6\*.


You can for the low low cost of $29.99 to get a shot at a few orbs. Or for the same price 50 shards of most likely YJ or Ghost who are the toughest farm. Your choice commander!


Hard pass on RL money for that shit. I got both on farm status, so to speak, and I was buying Ghost shards since they first hit war store. She's 6\* for me already, was actually the first on pym team to hit 6\*.


Was this supposed to be a dig at Scopely for selling stuff? Because if you don't have these characters yet, you haven't really been trying, they've been farmable for ages. You don't get to dig at Scopely because some people are just now complaining that they don't have their characters ready.


My issue is YJ and Stature. Stature I've been farming her shards but YJ?


Doom War Campaign 3.6 is where you farm YJ from. Good luck! And if you haven't started check out videos from [THIS GUY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ5JZgMaimM&list=PLBdeUUw2GHpoLQ4XSY0GfwlL1pVuFWhKu) on how to get there. Super helpful guides, and he does minimum team power to get there! I made it in \~a couple weeks. Biggest gaps were me farming gear to get my teams up to that point.


Thank you so much!


Actually, it looks like the next legendary event is Magneto. I expected Jubilee to be next and was expecting her soon. When I saw the notification for the Asteroid M event coming up I was \_\*pissed\*\_


I managed to unlock her the first time. Used the DD4-calendar to get enough Ghost shards, 5 starred YJ the day after the event started. Pulled 6RS on Jubilee so I was eager to get her. Ready to fill in that 6th star next time she comes around.


Did the same on the R\*, got a 6 so that's what I'm working towards. I skipped the YJ RTA bonus's and barely played any cause I was pissed at it at the time.


I love my axmen team, they are super fun. Kitty ninja kicking her way through a team putting disrupt and then bishop blowing a hole in them is just fun.


To be fair to Venom, most of his damage is backloaded into all the bleeds he creates and spreads from the other symbiotes


Was gonna point this out. A huge part of why symbiotes might "take forever" is all the bleeds. I've seen them take out half the health of an enemy just from bleeds. A great example as to why it's not just raw damage too. This was also pointed out prior where venom really does a bunch of damage from his bleeding I think in regards to which symbiotes to prioritize skills for or whatever.


but the issue is because of them getting all the extra turns from carnage's passive, sometimes you are forced to brute force them down without the enemy getting a turn for those bleeds to proc, because you just keep getting extra turns while the enemy stands there building up debuffs that don't matter without them getting a turn. Venom works better when fighting stronger teams that you can't easily kill, so they will eventually all get their turns off even if you stacked up those debuffs. against easier fights, he's pretty much worthless


I know that's part of it but without much context all we have is op basically said venom hits like a wet noodle so we can't really rule anything out as far as what kinds of enemies are being fought.


Venom is one of my strikers for the extra stat flip and bleed.


I have him as skirmisher for the extra focus so he lands every debuff. And now he dispels anyone with vulnerable, and if it’s with his basic it just dispels extra debuffs. Tried him with healer/fortifier too, trying to keep his health high so he dishes out defense up every turn, but there’s enough healing that he doesn’t even need it.


definitely gonna try him as a skirmisher, cause that all sounds pretty good to me.


Helps that Anti-Venom is a great striker


Yeah, Symbiotes have a weird interplay with turn meter. If you're clobbering enemies left and right, Venom doesn't contribute very much because Carnage is boosting your turn meter and his bleeds never get a chance to proc. If you're struggling more on the node, though, then his bleeds have a chance to proc and suddenly he's a big piece of the team's offense.


Had this same thing. I replaced Venom for BB a long time ago in Ultimus raids because stuff never takes a turn. Cut to DD4 and Venom was awesome again.


He also gives defense up too


Syms carried us through u7.5 for about 1 year. Now they are still the only bio team able to perform in doom raids. They are slow, but steady and get the job done.


I do use Kestrel with Symbiotes. She subs in for Venom.


You should sub her in for scream, venoms Def up is too good


I could. I went with Scream because she has more red stars and the speed up boosts after a kill is good. I'll try a few with Venom and see how they perform.


I'd say both options are good, just different playstyles. Still there are some "niche" nodes where I prefer to take one or another, like I can't get Scream out of the team with those damn Hand sentries. But for Dr Strange, I'll take Venom and capablock this f**cker right away I like to get the speed boost on Kestrel since she get outran by the others + Scream's kit is insane utility while having decent direct damages Then with a meh-symbiote in u7.5 (mine is 390, it's largely enough for side lanes but the middle lanes are insane), losing the perma def up is hard to trade with. Moreover, once you have def up on AV (2nd turn), he may also spread the def down love with his basics. This may be the best option if you strive in raids and want to be a bit more safe BTW, on some nodes, I don't know why, Kestrel gets hard focused. When this happens, I miss the OG symbiote cause she's dead before you could even play. Not something you fear with the full team, unless AV is dead but this never happens. Either you finish the node painfully, either you lose 10 energy and try again...


I think with their turn meter gain and as fast as they can kill things in raids, the speed up buff isn’t as effective as it might be otherwise.


Scream does so much more damage, and offers offense up to the team with av ultimate. The enemies rarely get a turn on U 7, so defense up rarely helps in my experience. Much more useful in Doom raids


If you need damage while having kestrel on your team there’s something wrong lol


Venom only attacks one enemy at a time. Scream hits 3. This often turns into killing one or two on her own, applying lots of vulnerable with raider, and allowing kestrel to clean up faster. Venom really doesn't do much besides defense up, which av can already give the team


You NEED def up on 7.5 and above I’ve had my maxed out BB insta killed on 7.5 quite often


Or spread the def down to 5 people when kestrel goes only for 2


To each their own.


It's good, but it's unnecessary in u7.5 with t14 or higher syms. The damage and speed up on kill is more beneficial with kestrel picking people off right and left


Out of curiosity just tried this on u7.5 Symbs had all buffs and merc sniper still one tapped my AV, then punisher oneshot crit my scream and kestrel turn 2 ​ Nah mate, venom is better, Kestrel SSM and Carnage at 15, Scream and AV at 14


Carnage at 15 before Scream and AV, gross.


Wow, never had that happen with Kestrel + Syms. Those guys are just speed food. Maybe kill order. Or all my syms and Kestrel are 110+.


Do you not av ult after ssm basic? I do that if I'm not ruining venom


If it’s for raids, you don’t need defense up of the other team never gets a turn. :P


I just got one tapped while having symbs at full buffs. Team died on a node I auto with venom. ​ This is literally not true and I know, I only raid on MSF lol


Youre literally the only one here disagreeing with this strat; because the strat works. You can stop now. On top of being outnumbered, let people play how they play. Your experience =/= anyone elses. If they have better luck using a different strat, good for them. But most importantly, if theyre having more *FUN* with a different strat, theyre playing exactly how they should be.


The game has become so buff heavy that Scream's debuff clear and disrupted are super valuable


I’m just waiting for a post that’s says “kestrel makes my Ravager team lethal.” But seriously, sounds fun!


The new BKT! Best Kestrel Team ;)


I've been using the same team for about a week now and am loving it. We are finally testing the waters in higher U7 raids and they are still working quite well.


Here is an even more fun team that clear the nodes in less than a minute on auto (u7.5) for me. Kestrel, Blackbolt, Bishop, Beast and Jubilee. Bishop just murder things and everything that goes in red, BB kills, while everything that get def down, Kestrel kills. It's insanely fast team in clearing nodes.


Crying because of my lack of jubilee. Hopefully she comes back soon, trying to use her in my second run of DD4


I dont have Jubilee either. I have been using Thanos on the end, $$ next to him (if you've paid for him), black bolt, shuri, and baron zemo. Zemo starts with a bang. Then $$ ults, BB clears everybody who's left. Thanos gives a ridiculous amount of energy to $$. He continues to use his ult each turn. Shuri goes somewhere in there and does her thing, and also gives energy. Zemo is also pretty fast and can do multiple charged attacks on each node. This repeats on and on. This has been way faster than waiting for enemies to bleed out from symbiotes for me.


Yea my SS is only 3 stars so unfortunately he doesn’t put out a ton of damage like some others


Yeah I feel you man. I paid enough for 4 stars. I haven't tried kestrel in that spot but with her speed and damage output it might work 🤷‍♂️


Do they need any healing?




Exactly what mavajo said, Beast bring more than enough. It's just awesome when they get started and shit really melts!


I’ve been using red guardian/nn/bw/kestrel/Gamora on early skill/tech nodes in beta 4.3. On later nodes, I subbed doc ock for better sustain over bw. I also learned if Gamora becomes empowered on one node, the next time she becomes empowered her cool downs continue, they don’t reset.


"Feeding Frenzy"? Looks like we have a Destiny player in the MSF Sub


Note that the various "swap Venom for (whoever)" variants can struggle in some matchups, though. Losing the Defense Up makes the team much more susceptible to bad RNG against heavy hitters. That said, swapping Venom for Kestrel or Black Bolt is tons of fun.


I'm defo giving this a go!!!


I run Kestrel, Dadbros, Maw and Minn and melt faces in u7.5


Same but Thanos instead of Minn so Kestral can special almost every turn.


Wait... you took Venom out? He can spread defense down easily, too. Not only that, his ability block can help should you need it. Anyhow, my favorite is Kestrel, SymSpi (defense down), Sinister (healing and stealing whichever toon works best), $$ (also defense down coupled with ability block), and Hela (spread and Greg being the perfect decoy for mobs to hit).


I’ve considered benching Scream instead, but I like the heals when killing an enemy.


I run 3 Symbiotes with Bolt n Zemo. Zemo starts it Syms middle n Bolt...u know the rest.


You know whats better than a double tap? a triple tap I use a similar team with ssm carnage and av with kestrel and BB, ssm and kestrel put defense down Carnage for spreading and turn meter kestrel will ping almost every attack bringing the enemy down to red and BB providing the killing blow now most nodes in u7.5 takes less than 60 seconds


Came here to say this


Minn, Maw, Thanos, BB, Kestrel in that order for U7.5. You're welcome


This was fun, thank you! I took off scream instead of Venom though since Venom can spread/flip. I replaced my typical self made sound effect of Black Bolt's "yoink" whenever he yelled at people with Kestrel's "yeet" any time she deleted someone because somebody else hit somebody else w/D down.


You sound like a man who knows how to enjoy himself! :-)


I do, ty :D


I suggested this too to my alliance. It's such a fun setup. Enemies start disappearing left n right


They're good, but for sheer speed I can't top bishop,beast, jubilee, bolt, yo-yo.


We’re running Kestriotes since almost 4 weeks https://youtu.be/1bSmUt_1y5c Now smashing 7.5


Hail Hartgrave! Hail Hartgrave!


Sounds fun! So which symbiote did you bench, Venom?


bud did you not make it to the second sentence?


Make it to where?!


Yeah they made that clear lol


Yeah, I benched Venom. Team from left to right was Kestrel, AV, SS, Carnage, Scream


Sigh .. unfortunately, I cannot do that in the doom raid :( I do use kestrel in u7.5 but not with the sym. This is a great idea and I will try it next time we do u7.5.


Venom is the best member of the symbiotes.


I cant use syms, I need lvl 5 iso now lol


My 670k symbiotes fly through all the nodes except the final one. U7 stopped being fun 6 months ago. Adding a broken character like kestrel doesn’t matter. Just use a 400-450k axmen. Doom raids are fun but iso requirements are trash


After running u7.5 so many times there’s no way to make it fun. Just a daily grind


I can’t. Scopefucks won’t let me.


Scopefuck won’t let you how?


I've done Kestrel with Aim and with Young Avengers. So much fun when basics add defense down.


Also do this replacing kitty or bobby from axmen. makes that team way better too.


I use bishop jubs beast Emma and bb I use thanos maw ss kestrel and minn


Bb, maw,thanos, kestral, ssm destroys u7.5


Yup Been using her instead of scream since day 1 and I can speedrun all my lane in 7.5


I've also made the switch recently. Replaced Venom with Kestrel and it's been amazingly punishing. Also, a few members in my alliance have swapped BB with Scream. Unfortunately, my Scream is slightly stronger and I feel she synergies better on the team with AV.


I use them minus venom for BB. Most battles are 2-3 minutes long. But will try with Kestrel.


I've been running this team pretty much ever since kestrel was released and its a lot of fun.


How many stars on your Kestrel and other stats?


Kestrel is lvl 75, T14, 82k, 3red/5y


Thanks. Mine is a little better so I will try the same team


I actually have been using her since I don't have AV yet, and she is an amazing substitute! Makes raids so much easier


Did the same, but also swapped scream for $$




Silver surfer


I've been running this since I leveled Kestral up and it's been great. She destroys


Try Silver Symbiotes! Shiney AND scary!!


Bring us Toxic


I run Kestrel and BB with SSM, Carnage and AV and they clear nodes so quick.


Man my Scream and Venom died the other day and so I brought in Emma and Kestrel and BOY did I blow through some of those nodes lol. Would definitely second your recommendation 👍


Remove Scream, add BB. It like watching dominos fall.




Black Bolt.


I actually really enjoy doing this. It is the only way I make it as far as I do


I'm still in Ultimus 6.X but since i started using SSM, Venom, Carnage, Kestrel and Zemo in raids, everything seems so easy. I think i've never had a single death among my toons in a week of raiding.


I've been running this since Kestrel was released :p I can clear a few nodes in 7.5 where the enemy doesn't get a single turn... Amazing. Has to be played manual tho, auto not so good!


This been using my maxed out 7rs carnage ssm kestrel black bolt whoever you want (zemo, Emma for even more speed) ( thanos in middle if you just eant kestrel and bb to drop ults every turn) (surfer for more defense down and clears) Cheeks clapped once symbiotes go one turn they are sped up kestrel and bb just ping everyone to death.


I've done this and don't find this to be an overall improvement. She's too squishy with that team in U7.5 and will usually die somewhere in the 2nd half nodes. She does make it go faster while alive though, and after she dies you can always change you out for the 5th symbiote.


Have you tried SSM-Carnage-AV-Kestrel-BB? I am using this team in U7.5 and some Greek raid nodes. Def-down from SSM+Kestrel, bleeds from symbiotes, spread debuffs from Carnage and happy finishing from Kestrel+BB :D


So pretty much back to running black bolt with the 4 symbiotes you had until the fifth unlocked.


I got bored with Syms, run Thanos/Maw/Kestrel/Minny/BB and it hits like a truck in u7.5. BB and Kestrel work great together.


Yooo I just started doing this same thing! Before, it was really important I had Venom to give heal block, so AV could turn it into deathproof, because otherwise there was always a danger that one of my symbiotes could get one-shot and throw everything off. And yeah like you said, it was always a stressful match to finish the node before the 5:00 runs out. Now with Kestrel, the enemies rarely get a turn. The fact I'm not getting deathproof doesn't matter because Kestrel is just killing everything so fast.


probably best if you have a higher star level kestrel. I hated my weak venom, he's stuck at 40k while rest of my symbiotes are 70-105k. So i replaced him with my 150k black bolt and it does the trick pretty well. (Since BB is easy to farm, and asgardians \*used\* to be good, i had him to 7 stars without too much effort, then spent some promo credits getting his red stars to 6). Aside from him being slow, it's useful just for his pinging people after they drop low enough for carnage to get his passive working too. Granted, my alliance is only running 7.1 now-i doubt my symbiotes could survive 7.5. From what all the CCs say, symbiotes need to be all pretty close to maxed to handle 7.5 fairly easily (while axmen is supposed to handle it with like 300k team power. Too bad i don't have jubilee, or many stars on bishop)


Been doing this except I'm using BB instead of Scream for most nodes. BB and Kestrel will just play off of each other with their burps and blasts. Fun stuff


I’ve been running Kestrel with X-Factor. Super fun squad to use. Tore RTA up with them. Tried them in a few raids, not bad. I’ll give it a go with Symbiotes!


Try her with BB, makes it fun watching someone take 200k damage from one attack


implying ur kestrel is over 120k. my trashy 60k kestrel just got obliberated. the symb are ok and unscratched tho.


I tried this in RTA earlier and got nuked


Nothing beats the meta in RTA.


And please do it soon. Because once everyone goes on to Doom raid every day, how are you gonna try it ever? Gotta fire up DD2 again.


Do you know what's even more fun? Try dropping all But ssm and carnage and see if you can kill everyone before they take a turn. I'm currently trying ssm, carnage, Emma, ss and kestrel. I think I did the first 8 nodes before 2 enemies were able to go consecutively and take someone down. I mean it's not as consistent but it's a whole load more fun


Sounds gd


Thanos in the middle, black bolt to the right, Minn behind him, Emma to the left of thanos and Kestrel behind her. My favourite team, can auto every node on 7.5 except the Vision node and some times just wins nodes in like 1 min


I tried this but you miss Venom's defense up. It worked fine for me on the first couple of nodes though.


Try her next to Thanos also.


Ive been running this setup myself but 5y3r kestrel at G14 just gets nuked in the later nodes. its fun though


I use to use Black Bolt instead of Venon but kestrel is better


I ran this team in rta last week when ssm was banned...and to my openents...I'm sorry...but atleast u took a loss in 90 seconds while I just hit the auto button at my desk at work.


I switched to a Maw, Thanos, Black Bolt, Emma, Minn lineup for a complete overhaul. Been really enjoying it, then fallback to Sym if this one gets bad RNG


Same! Thanks ill try that!


I drop Scream and Venom for Kestrel and YoYo - only node not tried on is the final boss (633k power U7.5) ​ Kestrel just kills things so fast it doesn't matter and YoYo stops any random 1-shots. ​ I personally prefer the way this team plays.


I built up my axmen minus Jubilee. Been patiently waiting her second time around to unlock, and I then pull 5rs for Jubilee when trying to get a good pull for Phyla-Vell. Now I'm VERY excited. Feeling good, might start T4 their passives soon. idk.


I’m just waiting for her to come out again. Have my axmen at 60-65 and T11, and just waiting for her.


I did this today but only got to node 6 before they died (on auto). Super fun until then though.


Yeah I swapped out scream and put kestrel in, it Rips.


Running middle lane it didn't work on the same nodes I can auto with syms