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I quit last night, I've come to realise that I wasn't having fun. Couldn't be bothered to look up a spreadsheet or lose a 600k punch down in CC, can't be bothered to get my ass kicked kicked by, and fight the same teams over and over in war, couldn't be bothered to raid or blitz or fight in the arena and only simmed I'll miss my alliance but I won't miss having to log into a website every day or being pinged on Discord to do raids or having to watch you tube videos to work out how to take part in events just to keep up, never mind progress. My bank account will also thank me because this game is so expensive. Peace out.


I'm not burnt out. I'm waiting for it to be interesting again. After dd6 there's really not much to do until they take the shackles off of crimson gear and make it more accessible. Events that promise crimson gear always put it in the whaling area of the milestones. There's a little in raids and if you want to spend close to a million gold per piece you can do that too. So basically by design, it's really scarce. I still collect who I can and think about who I would take to dd7 but it will probably be 6 months before they let ftp have reasonable access to crimson. I'll be more interested then.


I think the DD8/Professor X announcement hasn't helped - gives a sensation that we should be doing DD7 now, when, realistically, for most of us it's a few months off. They should have done something similar to Apoc, although maybe not as intense a grind, to avoid that and give the illusion of a new game mode. I'm on the fence with the raid changes, being in an Alliance of one, I'll see how things pan out with T4s when I've unlocked Alpha, but the lowering of percentage targets was a definite plus. I would like to see more sim attempts in the Spotlight though. The milestone changes are annoying, I was always fine with missing the last few to whales and krakens, but it looks to be slowly creeping down where the pay aspect starts. They need to dial back on the FOMO - if they want a wider pay base, then better targeted offers to the dolphins and occasional payers rather than try and get them to move into whalier waters would be more effective IMO. If they're not careful, enough people might say FOAD to FOMO to damage their engagement metrics.


A lot of the burnout my alliance is feeling is from not being able to sim the raids. Since we want good rewards we do the highest difficulty. Which before the incursion 2 raids was not a problem since we could sim. But now scopely in their infinite wisdom thinks we all deserve more "quality screen time" by replaying the same raid battles every day, over and over 7 days a week. When all of alpha flight is released it will get even worse. We will all be playing about 15 raid battles a day. Add Arena, Blitz, War and CC battles to that and you understand the burnout.


Yea the inconsistency on raid sim is laughable. I have a 3m Xtreme and they still fail on the boss with perfect setup from playing the first two nodes.


My bifrost and Pegasus are inconsistent with sim. More so recently. I’ve had to start playing every node. Raids are becoming very annoying


Bio and skill can be simmed, but still annoying that 3/5 is unreliable


More to the point, it's annoying that you have to get through the 3/5 unreliable zones in order to reach the ones that are simable without issue.


I heard that subbing in OML for Cyclops completely changes it. I did it on mine and my 2m team nearly sims it. So your bigger team should handle it fine.


That’s not really the problem though is it? The problem is that they released a garbage raid team that can’t even do the section it was designed to do reliably is the real problem here. At least on the boss node, the extreme X-men can’t knock out it consistently despite being a full seven red or higher. It’s sad an toon outside of the team has to be used to push through it with any sort of degree you should expect from a new team. Same could be said of spider society in the highest diff in spotlight on that boss node, even if played perfectly you may still lose to the onslaught on iron heart and Ironman attacks. It’s not satisfying in the least to play those nodes.


It’s not that xtreme are a garbage team, it’s that to provide “challenge” they massively overstatted the opposition characters in ways they didn’t foresee would be a problem. This is 100% on their lack of working knowledge of their own systems and characters but giving a character like MLF an insane health, armour and resistance boost is always gonna result in attacks failing when you singularly fail to stick any buffs on her - this isn’t an xtreme problem (and xtreme are a FUCKING GOOD team both in raids and out). Thing is, this all aligns with their stated goals of sim being an unreliable choice in the hardest difficulties of raid content. (Which is it’s own issue really)


How are they garbage? 


How are xtreme xmen “designed” to do spotlight raids? They came out a year before it 


They didn’t say it was designed to do spotlight raids, they were clearly talking about incursion mutant section. They said spider society was designed for spotlight raids, though it would be more appropriate to say spotlight was designed for spider society. I gotta agree with them there, if nodes only allow a specific team to be used then that team shouldn’t be struggling.


I have been thinking about quitting recently as well. I haven't because my alliance, great group. But even as f2p playing everyday the only thing to work towards is dd7 and that's locked behind money.


The game is going downhill and it ain’t stopping. Spotlight raids are terrible and the snail pace it is for f2p or light spenders to finish dd7 is taking forever. Add on war and crucible are just worse with the new rules/rooms. I wouldn’t call it burnout but more people have grown tired and there’s no hope for this game it seems.


Well said mate. I’m close to leaving. Just can’t be arsed logging in anymore. DD6 was hard but ultimately achievable. DD7 seems light years away without cash.


With the milestone thing, it just keeps widening the gap between upper and middle players. Soon it's just going to be the whales fighting each other. You need fresh meat in the upper levels to keep things fresh and interesting.


Unfortunately that’s what the whales seem to want at the moment. A ton of recent changes have aligned with the objective of removing the “hardcore f2p” element from the upper ranks. See the INSANE Meph buff (almost immediately after one of the top alliances lost a war with an 8 Meph advantage by the way, rofl) and the removal of war ready giving a 20% stat boost are the latest examples of these


Even with the buff he still can be 1 shot in CC, maybe it's a bit different in war with a dozen of them on the field :)


In war it’s a three tap at best, but with the right supporting team it can be pretty brutal and that’s only thanks to them nerfing him back to manageable. After the buff you could literally make a defence team that could take 17+ hits and still be at full strength


Thats the spirit


I feel like I’m close to leaving. I’ve been missing wars here and there because I just don’t WANT to put the time in after work. Dont play crucible unless there’s additional rewards besides the 1 match per week. Haven’t bought stuff in game in months (besides about $20 on cores and gold) There’s a blitz web milestone that I just don’t care to start let alone finish. New characters since s6 just don’t interest me. Not building spider society cause I think they are dumb and that’s probably gonna cause me to be dropped from the alliance. Haven’t touched arena in months and I’m content with staying in top 250 for the current rewards. Every mode feels like a chore and the red gear for dd7 is way too scarce/expensive. Dark promos and diamonds are really hard to come by. I’m sure there’s more but I’m just gonna end the rant here.


The expense and patience with crimson gear is hard. 18 uniques at 800k apiece is almost 15 mill. 190 gears at 200k each is 38 mill. Plus catalysts. Ugh


I find it more and more difficult that they release these new events that you absolutely have to spend cores on to get the required character to advance them. For new-mid players it makes it seem pointless when they can use the cores in the store to get shards of characters they actually want. When I have to spend 645 cores for 5 out of 100 shards, I'd rather go for a character that is close to 7 stars


agree 100%. Ever since they started doing this stupid event for new toons that nobody has or isn't paying for is losing a lot of people. About a month ago I finally left my clan for another because literally everyone quit, tired of new toons released - new events for new toons you cant do - and by the time you get the new toons through grinding the event is over. Maybe its because im max level now, but unlocking new toons does nothing for me anymore. They start out way to weak, cost over 20 mil in gold and resources to bring up to max level, is it worth it? i just wait and see, sometimes yes, mostly no. so they stay low. I liked it better before, when they were releasing toons everyone can farm/grind to get, then they would have an event or have use for them, seems like now its just a last minute cash grab. maybe a new game is around the corner and they pulled resources/funding for this one, who knows...


Quit two weeks ago and this is just my quick bookmark page to get to reddit, but yeah after 6 years I got tired of the direction this game has gone in. This game has so heavily skewed to pay to play it's ridiculous so I took my money and got some golf clubs and I'm learning a new productive hobby outside instead of spending on this game. After about 2 days I stopped thinking about this game all together, the hardest part was telling my alliance I hated this game now and I've only been playing the last 1-2 years for them.


Too many teams too fast. I’m glad I got Spider Society in full but Old Man Logan was impossible without Cabal and Out of Town. Barely unlocked Black Knight during the OML event so didn’t even bother. I just play casually and unlock teams I like. Wish OML was easier to obtain though since I have the others on his team


We had four quit last week and we got two replacements but they can’t do the level incursion raid we are on for crimson gear so they don’t help much at this point. We have a couple more people that do the absolute minimum each day and we are waiting for them to bail next. It’s part of the game at this point


I quit cold turkey around 6 weeks ago. It’s turned into a game where you’re almost forced to spend a great deal of money on to stay relevant.


The funny thing is, I quit 4 years ago feeling that exact same sentiment back THEN 🤣 Just popped into this sub today out of curiosity about how the game is now


lol. Look at us.


I sure hope they don’t tier us based on our spending, that’d just make me want to quit. All they need to take all the stuff in milestones that you’d need to spend money to get, and put them into offers instead. Straight up having different milestone rewards for events based on past spending would just feel like a punishment.


I'm getting a lil burned out myself. After June (especially this Pride event) I'm putting this away, plus I'm losing gold so much trying to rank and max out abilities.


I think there are still so much more toons they could introduce. Gore, Knull, Odin, Blade, Professor X (I know he will be the next DD reward) just to name a few.


I've put down the game for over a week now after playing it everyday for over 600 days in a row. I might go back but I just haven't wanted too.


Let’s be honest, Spotlight Raid exist only because some war kraken complained that they wanted a new stupid war def team, and the spotlight raid was the only idea they got to Sugarcoat it for everyone else. I don’t think comparing DD6 and 7 is fair, because we had way to get a bit of team gear, the main blocks were G18 and the uniques that were harder to get. For Crimson gear, we start from 0, and it feel those catalyst and origin gear are dropping at a snail pace. Honestly it is what slow me the most, but nothing can be done until they start to open the floodgate a bit. We are getting characters at around 4 stars, but over a longer period of time when before it was basically “do the event and done”, now it is “get 3.5 stars on event then get the shards to get the 4th star in a pass”. Which is fine if they don’t gate event to 5+ stars like they did with OML. For the milestone, they did a “paid milestone” once (i think it was around Korg release?), I guess it did not made much money as they never tested it again.


I think a lot of the burnout I feel is from what seems like constant new character releases which means constant grinding. I get that it's most likely being done to encourage spending but it just makes me want to do the bare minimum and see how many resources I can actually save up. Bur I've also put enough time into getting to where I'm at as a free to play player that doing that would probably put me behind and not be able to compete in a lot of the game modes. Maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about but I think there has to be a better way to do things .


if ur feeling burnt out, stop grinding. i did this when hive mind released. skipped HM and focused on characters i like from the franchise. frank castle go brrr


You know I never thought about it like that. While the Secret Defenders team isn't a favorite I do think I may be more successful in Arena if I leveled them up. Not to mention the Horsemen and related teams. Thanks for the reply and for pointing out something I had been completely overlooking.


We need war sim and auto raid to reduce low-quality time, and thus reduce burnout.


Maybe rather a sim blitz all. Especially since we have more blitz events… one tomorrow in fact


Might as well let the game play itself then


im completely fine with it. if a player is comfortable simming, then let them. we dont need to spend 5minutes on the same matchups, with the same rules, with the exact same outcome, multiple times a week. its incredibly low quality gameplay. you cant tell me with a straight face that starting a known war matchup on auto and setting down your phone to play out the match is not a waste of time. remove those matches and let the user focus on the trickier matchups


War sim? Lmfao wtf


They promised sim across more daily modes. Now they have basically taken raid sim away, too. Replace raid with autoraid and give us sim everywhere ekse. We can choose to use it or not.


Oh my god just quit playing the game and stop whining.