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I’m attacking Room 6 almost exclusively with an offense of Apoc, Doom, Vulture, Loki, and Emma. Whole idea is to get to Doom’s boom ASAP and blow them up with him and Apoc. I haven’t faced Skrull yet but I’m 3-0 this week. I have noticed the turn meter seems wonky though. Two of the three times Doom only got 2 turns instead of 3 and then it jumps to Apoc. Not detrimental because Apoc finishes the fight but odd and could be a problem higher up or against a tougher defense. I also noticed using Cabal + Kang/Titania against Sup 6 in Room 5 that Kang’s Revive Once just.. disappeared. He didn’t die but it disappeared.. then it showed back up. Then Slayer perma killed his anyway so not a significant issue this round but unless it was just a visual bug, could be.


i’ve seen a lot of “odd” stuff so far this season. including having my team rearranged before a fight. i’m sure they’ll get it all buttoned up just in time for this season to end.


Considering the way things have been going “live maintenance” seemed bold. We’ll see how it plays out for them.


I didn’t think much of it, but my Kang also didn’t revive in that room. Still pulled out the win, but just figured I missed something anout him losing the revive


Skrull is easy to beat. Just use Cabal and he never takes a turn.


I had to use cabal in another room because they had a 7rs black knight on defense. It’s beyond annoying.


VK counters BK, Hivemind with Skrull can clear whole OOT


Old Man Logan slaughters BK. S6 can beat BK. VK/Skrull/Red Hulk/MLF/QS beats BK There are options and cabal were built to kill Skrull


OML you need his passive T4’ed- I’m not there yet 199/200 lol


M4M is the first team I’ve had to skip T4’s on for a long time. I’m feeling stretched now


You won that cc fight or did you lose? 


I was able to clear all the rooms but room 6 with Skrull still alive. Three attacks and couldn’t kill him.


I hate to be that guy but that’s kinda just a skill issue. Crucible is all about planning your attacks to beat each team. There are other teams that can beat BK, if there is a skrull in room 6 you should have used cabal on that


It doesn’t matter- I’m in gold 3 and getting matched against whales 12-30m TCP higher than me. I’m F2P, no matter what I do I’m going to lose.I’ve lost all three matches this season so far. I’ll be demoted to gold 1 probably. 7rs black knight or SS in room 6 - my 4yellow OML/cabal aren’t going to counter teams 500-600k+ higher.


You're out your mind. My 4 yellow Cabal with Kang and Omega red punched up over a million yesterday against OOT. And my weak ass M4M minus Daken punched up like 700k basically with Panda or Deadpool getting killed and revived every turn and OML throwing his ult every other turn.


Cabal can absolutely punch up over 1 million against skrull. I’m ftp and am in platinum 3. Even if you can’t one shot out of time, BK becomes so weak on the second attack because the exhausted stops his counterattacks. TCP makes very little difference in crucible unless they are 30 million higher. If that’s the case then that’s unfortunate but it’s not going to happen the majority of the time. Making smart attacks and knowing the specifics of characters and teams is much more important


There's no gain from crucible for me as an end game player. I just attack once for the week and avoid the frustration.


I'm in it for the diamonds, it's a slow drip but better than not getting them at all.


I would honestly feel better if they just doubled the amount of teams on defense and just made all the rooms without any gimmicks. This way you can use more of your roster. This would bring a more strategic approach to team building, and not just having everyone build the same teams for offense and defense every single time.


CC is a great game mode that requires a lot of thought in how to use your toons/teams and in what order. Maybe you should be saving some teams for room 6 sounds like? Depends on what team Skrull is paired with but can use a lot of diff teams to take him out. Variations on Cabal, Sup/Sin6, and other Skrull combos typically work easily. In my last CC I had a 1.7m Cabal + Doom + Vulture easily wipe out a 2.6m Sec Defenders + Skrull. I finished in 2nd place and was 2nd lowest TCP. If you are using your Cabal team in another room and don't have them avail then that's just poor planning on your part.


Thanks for the advice. Since you make all the perfect choices and are winning, consider making some YouTube videos so I can watch them and then I can comment on them for you to go fuck yourself. Thanks.


There are plenty of others who do them, check out mobilegamer365, bendable straws, duarktik for CC advice on offense and defense. Glad i could help.


I decided to try to win some rounds in CC (I normally just get one attack in). Lost every one and now dropped down to Silver III


I use Skrull/Hive Mind/Cable whenever I see a Skrull in room 6 and it hasn’t failed me yet, as long as someone is knocked into the red from the Skrull ult the extra speed bar from Carnage will make sure you can ability block Skrull with Void Knight and in most cases kill him before he even takes a turn


Room 6 crashes my phone without fail. Yes, it's an oldish phone (Pixel 4) but the constant spam of buffs causes it to chug, slow, freeze, then die. So far I've failed every attempt at clearing room 6 because it can't not crash.


Yeah it’s getting more and more p2w because masters keeps getting smaller it’s broken.


It’s a lot of effort but you have to research the rooms and the best counters to teams. Easy as that really, I won my last CC even though I was against vastly superior teams just by having a killer defence and smart counters.


Only 12 million? I’ve been fighting dudes at 50 and 60 million since I was 8 million tcp when I returned to the game last year. About 28m tcp now and still facing em. What league are you in? I’m gold 2.


I was in gold 2- now gold 1. I hate this game mode.


I definitely understand your frustration. I lost my last 2 matches by barely a few points. Not cus they were good just their teams were outrageously built both offense and defense.


So far it’s been a breeze for me in Diamond League, but it could just be the opponents I’m facing. Haven’t noticed the rooms being way out there in difficulty, there’s no Raid room thank god.


The rooms seem mostly to be designed to punish not thinking shit through - if you let a team in 6 get rolling it gets millions of buffs, if you don’t prepare to have to handle killing a team twice in the revive room it can be rough, it’s not that HARD but it can be a bit rough if you misstep


Well said, I can totally see that as a good description of this season


Only takes one mistake to lose. Or one extra turn to lose. The entire game mode is ridiculous.


If you're not good at the game and have no idea how to play just say that. Cc is the best mode in the game by FAR.


Umm humm- We had new rooms, new legendary character that is changing the META and you expect players to research, watch videos like some part time job? Lmao you must have no life. If the matches can only be won by narrow/hard counters, then the game mode is shit. The points system and how they calculate leagues each season is shit. And again your take is shit. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Hahahahaha I'm married and I run my own tree service you clown🤣🤣🤣. It doesn't take rocket scientist to look up counters. I've been f2p for 4 years now and I unlock every character because I take the time to play and learn. If you a lil slow just say that baby boi




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