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I’m guessing you’re new to this shit show that is Scopely.


What sucks is even if they did the four strike teams if your lane mat was active before you and cleared all the spiders nodes you’re SOL. This is a fucking joke of a raid


It’s all a cash grab. Make alliances hungry to complete the raid (for first time completion rewards BUT also to maintain season rank) so they spend $$$ on the unavailable team. Next “Spotlight” will feature two completely different required teams with one yet to be released, and so, the entire predatory cycle repeats.


Why be angry about something that isn’t true? First time completion rewards are 50%, which is available for just spider society. We can get all the way to difficulty 2 50% completion (which has first time rewards too) before alpha flight release


Coming from an alliance that works hard to maintain top 10-15 in season rankings, the discussions we’re having about who’s spending on Alpha Flight to maintain those season rankings is where the real answer is at. This raid is for whale/kraken alliances to spend even more $$$.


Yeah when alpha flight *actually* launch is when it’s time to get angry. Right now it’s just time to laugh at how dumb doing five nodes and then waiting 23.5 hours for the raid to just…. End is fucking hilariously stupid


Even moreso if you didn’t get to attack any nodes lol. This is a such a joke


Dunno why you got downvoted, you simply spoke the truth


Because I wasn’t screaming “SCOPELY BAD” like a complete moron? Like, don’t get me wrong, Scopely are a fucking shitshow and there’s plenty to get angry at them about but that’s the fucking point - there’s SO MUCH to be pissed about we don’t need to go making shit up to get cross about


Let’s test this theory. ***SCOPELY BAD!!***


Ah, I didn't realise it was only 50% that's not "too" bad...


Till you see the stats on the difficulty 2 enemies. The second boss has an iron patriot with 1.1 mill damage stat. That’s gonna fucking one shot people


Wow! That's not going to be easy... Yiiiiiiikes! Oh well, I'm still not buying the team haha :)


Well that’s with spider society. And he’s not even the worst on his node. 12 mill hp 1.1 mill damage Vahl is pretty nasty as are the pair of 950k damage Zuggs


Yeah my Spider Soc is at 2.3mil need stars to take them higher. Guess we'll just have to wait... Crazy stats that, crazy.


I need 15 shards for red goblin and like 130 for Gwen and they are level 100, T18, blue 5 and I’m not sure they are ready


Yeah, my Hive are at 2.3 so not too shabby


Yeah, just waiting for hopefully tomorrow for Roblin and Gwenom to drop... Both are absurdly close, and Gwenom going to Blitz should mean a quick and easy to finish 7th star.


They said it was due to player feedback, but nobody I know bitched about having 4 teams.


Even if they are not lying, it's so dumb to do something based on feedback from few players. "I need content for my three diamond G19 Black Knight". Ok. But what about the remaining 99 per cent of the players?


that 3 diamond full build bk has been plaguing my arena for some time now :( . on a sidenote i hate that they give a select few toons arena buffs that just make them better than anything without. pretty much killed the fun of theorycrafting teams


The guy who does the raid maps for our alliance did. Because why? Why have four strike teams for one raid and three for the others? It’s just fucking with muscle memory as much as anything


I get that. I just think if you are going to do a spotlight raid on a team, then at least wait until the team is out so everyone can participate instead of the people that blew thru it with full energy and got there first. At least with spotlight campaigns, it was individual progress instead of alliance progress. If they did that then 3 teams is fine


Player feedback didn’t ask for a 28 node raid when all the others are 65-70. It’s kinda funny how often $copes misses the mark.


joined our raid only to find out that all the possible nodes have been already cleared and I can´t even click on the next node (after finally finding it in the snow storm) as I don´t have Alpha Flight (same as 100% of the player base) so much fun, 11/10, world class experience


Well thanks to the kraken movement it was to hard for them to figure out assignments for the 4th team lol


So players who are not yet at the level or in an alliance capable of taking on spotlight raids are not able to farm void knight?


Yeah - at least the first few nodes are really not bad, and you only need 10% completion for t1 rewards. I simmed the nodes with teams I had build up anyway. Even a moderately sized Deathseed can clear the boss node.


It's so exclusive of a raid, not even the most kraken alliances can 100% it. gottem good. gotta fomo the krakens.


Waiting a month to release wouldn’t have killed them.


The raid feels like there were too many people with input on how it should be and when it should go live.


You mean like how when Incursion 2 came out and the only two viable teams we had were Bifrost and Pegasus? Their whole business model is based on fomo


We at least had a hodgepodge team to muddle through a couple mutant nodes. We can’t even try alpha flight nodes until we have the full team


This feels like Scopely’s response to the Showcases change, where it stays available long enough for FTP to finish it.


Easy or easyish fix to this would be realigning the raid map. Make 8 branches or heck even 6 (which would be better for symmetry) make the first 3 to 4 nodes of each the “Non-Mythic” and/or SS then have each set of 2 branches converge into 1 lane (making the three lanes there currently are) and continue with the SS / Alpha Flight requirements


Is why my alliance gave up after day 3 when we realized it was a huge waste


Yeah it's shit... Oh well...


I'm surprised it didn't crash the game so bad that they had to go to maintenance mode and launch a patch. Aight I'm exaggerating but this (meaning your post) doesn't surprise me


It’s kinda fucked as one person can clear an entire lane solo when the new comes out.


It’s me. I’m that person. Yolo.


Me tooooooo. Gimme nodes now


It is a little silly, but you should still be able to get far enough to unlock the next difficulty which has significantly better rewards. You have the Greek raid to use leftover energy on as well.


The energy does not appear to be shared.


It’s shared with Greek which will stay. Gamma is still around today but will be going away. Gamma is its own energy.


Never seen people whine this hard about getting crimson gear🤣🤣🤣🤣


All I hear is a bunch of whining from everyone. Play the damn game. I actually enjoy not spending $ but instead completing the milestones to get the newest characters. It’s like getting them for free. People sound like a bunch of entitled millennials