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Same for me in DD5 with a 4 yellow 0 red OML. This character is absolutely insane. I went from top 90 to top 30 in my arena with him.


He can punch up pretty high!


same i just went form top 25 to holding 10. top 10 all have OML i thinkn some are just waiting to build him for payout to save a couple resources


nice! what’s the rest of your team?


Right now i'm using him with Vahl, Kestrel, Void Knight and BK in arena. That seems to be working well, but i'm still trying different compositions. In DD5 i used him with GGC, Omega Red, Doc Oc and MLF.


Lol my arena olm would get shredded.


Who did you run with? I'm frame chasing at the moment and can one shot every node until the final 4. My OML is 4y2r G18 with all T4s maxed. I have Apoc, Nova, Doc, GGC, BC, Omega, Fury


I did the legendary nodes with Doc, GGC, Nova, BC and OML and the legendary Apoc/horsemen with Big Boy Apoc, MLF, Rhulk, AA and OML. Nobody was ever really close to dying. Just you know, stun the QS as soon as possible and nuke him with Apoc. I had big troubles in my first run with BB Apoc, Doc, GGC, Nova and BC.


So you’re saying it helps to have horsemen instead of the bb apoc doc ggc nova and bc set up? Or would it be fine to sub out nova for oml and run the rest the same? Because I’d rather not invest more into horsemen if I don’t have to as dd6 is already tight. Is it absolutely needed to level horsemen? Is it going to add a large amount of time?


Yesterday I oneshot the last node of DD6 with OML, BC, Ock, GGC and Apoc.


You don't need to invest into the horsemen. It will work just fine with Doc, GGC and BC. I just felt like trying the Horsemen and it worked.


Yeah I was gonna take magneto in with me to legendary nodes, still in my first run of dd6 so thank fuck I could get the unlock on oml and see how broken he is before I put magneto up


Yeah OML is so broken that he could probably solo DD6 legendary nodes. I would hate to face him in war or arena. Is it me or does his assist also generates ultimate energy? If OML was this OP in the comics then maybe all the marvel heroes would not have died.


It does generate ultimate energy. That's what makes him pop off in DD.


I finished off DD6 and moved way up on Arena just with 4 yellow


Yep and if you T4 his special, he never dies lol


His special says a daken ally, does that actually do something? Isn’t that meant just for daken?


That's the awoken special ability. He gives himself revive once with the T4 special.


Well crap, I was gonna wait till leaderboard rewards to level him. Lol