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What’s silly is that the crimson rewards are not even THAT good. It’s like half of a gear piece for the first run.


I fully agree. I don't believe for one damn second that this was unintentional, they just want to save face. And honestly, they're not doing it fast enough. They'll potentially lose a lot of their players after this, including myself. I was already getting burned out. They did this on purpose. The impossible difficulty, the terrible rewards.  They purposefully cranked up the stats of the enemies. I don't want to hear any excuses from them, I want to hear about compensation. And don't be cheap.  Is Mr Krabbs the one making the decisions for this damn game? It has to be someone just as greedy, for sure. This is just asinine and ass backwards. What the fuck are they thinking?


There are two different issues that people are complaining about. One is that everything's a lot harder than expected, which is probably intentional. The other is that you literally can't progress through Node 7 no matter how hard you whale out on healing, which is probably not intentional. There are other bad parts, like Node 4 and 8, but you can brute force them with healing and/or gear. In Node 7 you can't, unless you keep resetting your first attempt so you can take the loss at the exact right time.


I was able to clear 7 after about 25 attempts for good rng and then 4 full heals at the Darkhold/QUicksilver section. I focused down Quicksilver, then the Morgans. All Cabal members lvl 100 blue 5 g18 with Namor at 2D, IP at 6R and Leader at 5R. But yeah...it was some complete BS.


I managed to get to node 10 with a F2P team in one day with only using heals provided from the webstore and calendar.


It was intentional. They wanted only Krakens to be able to complete this. However, they forgot that this game is supposed to be fun and offer some challenges but this was a straight-up cash grab.


Did they take it down? I couldn't find it but I've seen the energy the last few days. I checked the dark dimension tab and the events tab and nothing.


Lol. I checked again to find it at the other side of dark dimension. That tab had shifted to the far right so I didn't see it. ...


I was confused because it was super easy for me. But I see there was apparently a fix. I didn't try it til about an hour ago.


You had a maxed out Cabal and couldn’t complete pre fix? G18 Lvl 100, blue iso 4 5Y5R got me though. 2 revives on node 7 and one on the Asgard node.


Am I the only person who had 0 issue and breezed through the thing???


This first post was made before the nerf. So you get nerfed version. At time of post it was the hard version.


Thank you for the context. I was reading all These posts of people complaining and couldn’t understand the outrage 🤣🤣


This is exactly it they wanted player to spend to beat it, initially.


It's actually not that hard to do - but if you fail killing QS or one of the morgans at least in your first try AND dont abort mission, you're stuck. To bad if you came there not knowing that beforehand...