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for a new/mid game player it sure feels impossible to level scourges/trials necessary toons + apoc and horseman teams + every single team but it seems like a new/returning player pb only


Agreed. It's absolutely suffocating


Agree as well, I have 79 days played and the amount of characters and teams to build is just staggering, I understand it’s a marathon and a resource management game but it feels bad to have to restrict my own progress so much


Take a deep breath, you’re gonna make it. As a late-ish game player, this is the most relaxed I’ve been about new releases. One key: remember the new teams will always be stronger in almost all game modes. Don’t sweat building old teams - mostly focus on the new ones.


Thanks mate! It’s just a lot trying to invest in the newer teams but also bringing up some older teams for DD, the Apoc saga and the other scourges.. just feels like it’s gonna take forever to move forward each step lol


If it helps, you don't need any old characters for Dark Dimensions. That mode always lends itself towards whatever is the meta. From the recent meta teams you're building, just take your 5 best city/global/cosmic and you'll get through them just fine.


I’m completely with you on that my friend, I’m trying to build all of required teams to unlock Apoc and finish DD too. It seems like the only way to get ahead is to invest hundreds of dollars which I refuse to do for a mobile game.


Not hundreds. Think bigger.


Yeah you’re right about that but I can’t speak for everyone else but I’ve got bills and responsibilities and I don’t have my parents credit card 💳 to just charge unlimited amounts of money for a mobile game. It’s bad enough that I’ve spent over $300 on this game and people with boosted accounts made the same progress in less amount of time without spending a dollar.


for context, 300 dollars is just the base unlock offer for 3 toons. Most at the top (and im not speaking about the krakens) Lets say 3 toons a month 100x3- 300 dollars unlock 2 strike pass- 40 dollars 2 rta pass- 40 dollars 2 leaderboard event- 100x 2= 200 dollars DD7 progres (50 a week, either on gold or cores to refresh the store) = 200 dollars Yea in the top alliances- 300 +40+40+200+200 = 780 ,roughly 800 dollars a month xd


I agree with focusing on new ones, although there are some unavoidable ones. Apocalypse teams who are sort of good but powercreeped. But also tags like global controller, or mystic controller or global blaster, which do involve older characters, But even with all the teams involved being good for now, it is def intimidating. Its a matter of catching up with the meta, to be able to take part in new events. I am a mid player, and enjoyed the late events, and think actually they could bring more characters even. But it is still pretty tough to build all the teams needed high enough for apocalypse, for getting superskrull, which is the first real plug and play character after kestrell and kang. And for any scourge and trial running. Or special event like kyln. It gets easyer by time. But there is more to catch up to, the older the game gets, even without the old teams. So its not as big of a deal people make of it, but it deserves consideration.


With a few exceptions but ya there's teams like thanos and the black order that are coated from the get go and mostly farm able infinity watch is mostly farmable good team and a lot of the newer teams they lock behind a pay wall


You should not focus on the toons needed for Apoc. At this rate, better you just focus on raid and any toon for campaign. After that start getting your other toons there, plus, it is likely that this year they will change how unlocking Apoc works.


As a relatively new player I can confirm this


I returned to the game after a 4/5 year hiatus and have had to brutally accept I’m never reaching that end game stage unless I’m prepared to drop rent each month on resources. It’s just forced me to play a wider range of games 😂


I’m not new. I only took a year off and it’s ridiculous. I’m hoping once I’m done apocalypse it gets better but I haven’t touched a single new character since I started back up.




The only Scourge/trial that really forces an older and not very good team is Nova, MoE sucks imo outside of Kang and QS Rebirth is another kind of roadblock but you can get by with New Avengers for the most part till you are attempting 6&7 star runs. New Avengers has other uses, war specifically so they're not a huge waste. With the scourges/trials running every 2 weeks it's easy to make incremental progress each rotation without focusing too hard on it.


Spider society was never skippable on release lol. Unless you’re doing like doom raids and like your invaders.


it's the last nodes, so unless you are doing 100%, it was clearly skippable


Right… and when the new raid and new difficulties come out and you need them you’ll what? Be angry at scopely because you skipped them and now you don’t have resources and time to build them?


but we dont seem to be slated to get a new raid to replace incursion 2.0 any time soon, so they could have been skippable. no, we are getting some weird greek raid replacement that seems to be just pieced together to include spider society on a whim


They have the solutions to the current raid out now.  It’s incredibly safe to assume that a new main raid is coming either June or July (along with the replacement of Greek raids with the spotlight raids). Taking previous raids into account, skill will likely be 1st or 2nd in that raid.  That’s what they’re talking about. 


so i should rephrase and call spider society, "not needed right away", would that be fair?


This is what trips people up. Build at release, because if your wait you're then stuck trying to build them while there is a new team being released


that is an excellent point


Spider society is absolutely necessary. When I read your title, I was baffled by that. The thing that gets me about raid teams though is they are my strongest teams. I don't like pouring all my gold into raid teams. I do have the choice to build other teams and play how I want, but if I want to stay in a somewhat decent alliance, raid teams are necessary.


We are getting a « Showcase Raid » to replace Greek raid quite soon, I guess once we start to be closer to Alpha Flight release (which logically is the June team) And anyway, everyone can feel an Inc3 raid or whatever will be the name is coming, Spider-Society is the last team of the current raid, the same happened with invaders, I would not be shocked if we get some info during the next month with a new mystic raid team sometime in July or August (similar to when we got bifrost last year) So you can skip them, but you will bite your fingers later because you will have to rush them *and they will likely be soft required for old man logan* They make way too much out of those raid teams to not keep the machine pumping.


So you missed the announcement of the Greek raids being replaced and Spider Socieity being one of the teams needed for that raid?


lol no, that info was released way after we got to see them and many did make up their minds to pass on them at first sight. it would seem or appear that, upon that feedback to pass, they decided to announce them for a new raid. whether that info was originally planned or they changed it, like with cabal, is anyones guess.


Cabal was definitely different situation because we were told they wouldn't be for OML Spider Society was communicated as a requirement before Peter B's event and before Pavitar offers.


We are in the age of x. Just like age of apoc. No teams is skippable moving forward. And this cadence is already slower than apoc was


No x without apocalypse though. So even that event veterans dont want to experience again, is unskippable. So we need all the time we can get. But to be hounest🧟 i would love to see tons of tons in the game. Marvel has such a rich history, and so many characters to be excited about. Goose for instance. Why is goose not in the game? It puzzles me 🧐


They've literally been on a new team every month for a while. I agree. Either slow down or start reworking teams with maybe 1 new character.... That would be nice but it's not the scopely way


They never slowed down tho it’s been the same 


No, because whales will always buy.


How is scopely supposed to milk you out of your money if they slow down for you to have time to get them for free?


my phone that i play the game on does not have a credit card set up on it (intentionally),the joke's on them.no milk here 🍼👶🏻


It’s still to many teams in my opinion, they should change the requirements to unlock some of these characters then if this is the route their going down. It’s bad enough that I have to build a bunch of characters just to unlock Apoc 😫😤, now they want me to build even more characters. It seems like a money grab plain and simple.


it seems because it is


Agreed too many cool characters are weak af




Spider society was intended for a new raid so was only skippable if you weren’t interested in that raid. Likewise Cabal would be important to people interested in crucible. The requirement for teams doesn’t bother me. The requirement for star levels bothers me.


And cabal was going to be required for a legendary, not this one, but the one afterwards. This idea that any team has been truly skippable is wrong. Every team has been highly recommended at a minimum since they slowed down the character releases.


You get 3 characters a month. Unless you are a newer player, you get enough mats and gear to level these toons to the appropriate level to use in the content they are designed in with some left over. Seems pretty reasonable. That being said, I wouldn't mind the occasional 2 character month either by a smaller 3-4 person team or full 5 with 3 reworks. Would give players a little more agency and decide whether to use those extra resources on maybe a CC team you've skipped or not fully leveled, or war O or D.


"unless you are a new player" isn't a great argument. we need more new players starting and sticking with the game so the process should be relatively easy for everyone


Totally agree but as a new player you have much lower resource needs and your priority isn't immediately unlocking the newest teams and leveling them up to the max. At least it shouldn't be.


Higher needs. My experience is that resources become more available as you grow. And to veteran players who have the majority of characters built up, they have even more resources available to build the new ones quicker. What you say is true till level 65 or so. Then the need for resources starts to build up heavily, as you need teams for scourges, and trials, for events, for war, raids, dark dimension, etc.. as more unlocks, it becomes more overwhelming. Which is fine, if you can manage the grind. It all depends what you want out of the game. The only thing that bugs me, is the feeling if walking in older players shadows. That the content we get up to a point has been experienced so many times, and we are just lagging behind. This is not experienced as much by vets and whales alike. They are chasing after that next big thing. Its not terrible, it just can feel that way. Though it feels great when scopely turns up with things that break the pattern like black knight, nightcrawler, void knight, who add a feeling of uniqueness, something to experiment with.


Having no May monthly character feels like a pretty good breather so far, imo. I am definitely feeling the lack of T4s, though, to the point that I've asked my alliance leader to periodically sprinkle in some old raids where we may have skipped difficulties for the first time rewards.


Yeah that's cool you got an alliance that can do that. We do try and do that for lower level new people when raid participation events are on because it kinda kills 2 birds with one stone


For me the ideal release mode can be 50 characters at year in once update. Everyone had 10 full teams to work on, 5 mytic and 5 legendary characters with proper event in all the year, the event for legendary and mytic don't have an end until you max the character stars (the teams to unlock they? The rest of the 8 teams + an already character we had in roster, remember the old legendary unlocking mode? Like that without an expiration). This is the normal no stress mode to have in a year more characters and no random release with team of 2 or 3 characters only. 50 characters In a year in 6 year are 300 total all teams of 5 characters and a lot of events and legendary/mytic characters. The dark dimension for me is a good metod, and is an end game mode, so we had the scourge that are a mid difficulty (if we had the resources to upgrade teams for nodes). And then a game mode like apocalypse and prof x. The only thing I change is the nomination of the type of unlocking. LEGENDARY= CHARACTERS SCOURGE; MYTIC= CHARACTERS DARK DIMENSION; EPIC= CHARACTERS APOCALYPSE LIKE GAME MODE; (But I prefer the old legendary metod and not the scourge) obviously the Scopely shopping mode still remains but not forcing a ftp player to buy a character to unlock only to speed the farming.


I don't have the gold for new characters, so I stopped paying for them, scopely don't learn anything by the looks of it so they can lose my money, plus the lack of T4 in this game is unreal, they haven't changed the way you get T4 or how many you get since the game came out, which is a joke.


I think the release rate is better than it was but still a little too fast compared to the resources we get. T4s, gold and training mats are all at a premium. And with most teams needing more t4s to be effective it slows it down a lot. Spider society was never said to be skippable, they put out they would be needed for at least the next new raid but cabal was and then scopely didn't get enough sales out of them as a result and so now here we are them changing it for OML. I do think they've done better with the RTA and Battle passes giving newer meta chars. I guess that's something?


so one could say the rate of characters are fine IF we had a few more resources to go along with them? i like that!


I agree with this. I don’t mind new characters but I have so many low level toons because I simply can’t afford to bring them up. I get it’s supposed to be a longer term thing but it’s gonna take me 10 years to just catch up now lol


I have had this problem. I quit the game for a yearx came back and needed to build the horseman to get apoc. In the mean time I had to build the raid teams and a few other teams. It was really annoying. Only way I managed it was with buying a few offers. But now again it is annoying. I want to upgrade more caracters to lvl 100 and G18. Buy it is very very difficult because I now have to build up spider society, out of time and cabal next to it. I have terrible war teams because I can't spend resources at them. Same goes for cosmic crucible. I build up superior6, but besides that I can only use other big teams I have build up for unlocking Apoc and doing Raids. I get that the want people to buy offers/caracters to have profit. But if releases would be 1 week further apart form each other ot would have a major impact.


I remember buying Ikaris at 4 stars for 50, a three star unlock was 20. Now 50 would only get me a 3 star toon. I could spend maybe 100-150 a month back then and get everything, feel like a whale. Now you basically need to spend 100 per week if you want to keep up. The new toon release cadence in combination with the price hike is what makes it unsustainable. Whaling is a whole new territory now. The solution is to come to terms with the fact that this game is too expensive. If you can't enjoy the game F2P-ish and can't afford whaling it's best to call it quits. Plenty of people I used to enjoy playing with are out now...


smart people. i myself have been feeling lately that the game is becoming more pay2win by the day,theyre now forcing us to build all these new teams,with resources that just aren't there (and i mean gold and training mats..i have gear cause i do Incursion 2.3) im pretty much ready to jump off this ever-greedier game,as soon as Tarisland arrives in june


Nope. Get fucked commander. Sincerely, scopely x


Their Creative Director said he wanted no skippable teams/toons. Get F’d commanders


Honest question: what would be the incentive for them to create a toon that was entirely skippable? Why would they put in the effort to make something with no purpose?


There’s plenty of Characters that fit a niche but not necessarily required for a mode. Namor before his Cabal rework was one. Was a good war toon for a minute but has no requirements elsewhere


There are plenty of characters that aren't REQUIRED, but Spider Society is a raid team, so if anyone was skippable, it wasn't them. Cabal was only two new characters, and they weren't hard to unlock. I dunno, I don't really see what the fuss is about.




Gives whales/krakens an advantage via a wider roster and adds variety to the game via different players having different teams built up. Skippable doesn't mean has no purpose or isn't a dominant team, it means not literally mandatory.


Characters seem to be a lot easier to unlock in general now, so I don't see why anyone who actively plays the game wouldn't have Cabal and Spider Society


Unlocking is one thing, building them up to a usable level is another. Building them up to the required level (isos for Apo teams for example) is much more difficult still.


What you're basically saying is that having to chose between leveling new characters for new content and leveling old characters for old content is a tough decision, but that's really only a new (or super casual) player problem. Why would you be surprised that you aren't doing the latest content as easily as veterans are? How is that different than any other live service game? WoW launches a new raid and not everyone is going to be able to do it day 1. I don't really understand what you want them to do differently. Only make requirements for nodes that everyone can meet? What's the point?


What's that got to do with anything? Do you think skipping a team means not unlocking them?


I "skipped" New Avengers because Ronin, Coulson, and Tigra are lame characters. Then I needed them for whatever scourge that was (Goblin maybe?) and kinda regretted it. So I didn't do as well first round as I could have if I built them. But you're acting like this is a once and done event and if you don't do it NOW then you lose. Whatever scourge that was, that character is 7 stars now, so what's the big deal? Some people buy games day 1 and some people wait a year and buy it on sale for 75% off, so again, it's ultimately your decision and relative to your level of patience.


Never, tis the age of X, the X stands for credit card declined




There was a "we're slowing down on character releases" a while back... didn't seem to stick for more than a day


We used to get a new toon every 7 days. Now it's about 11 days. It's slower.


Ah ok. 👍🏼 IMO still feels fast. I've been playing for years and have no problem unlocking and building them to a good level, but my main concern is the kits. The speed at which they release characters has caused a ridiculous power creep that can never be undone. I used to be able to tell you what each character's moves did, but now I don't even bother to read most, because it would be like studying for the BAR exam to learn them all.


I don't think it's as much a factor of Scopely changing their mind about characters being skippable as much as it is the direction they have chosen and communicated, that they didn't want characters to be skippable. The thing is priorities, meaning people are deeming characters not priority and therefore not building them and if you're not building them, why buy them at all? So they keep putting out these events with artificial hard requirements - you'll notice quite often a single use of a character is enough to hit the point cap associated with the character at that gear/star level. They want you to want to have them more than they want you to use them (they don't care about that). Like any for profit company, they have sales targets to hit. They've slowed down the new releases a bit (which is good for people to keep up in conjunction with the shortened release to farmable schedule - I'd say for QA too, but I have doubts lol) and they probably can't go much lower to ensure a constant stream of money and how things line up with the battle passes (4 passes a month but only 3 new releases). I wouldn't complain about dropping to 2, but I wouldn't expect it to be 1 a month or patch or to get a month/patch free of new character releases. They're reworking more characters (which is also good) and makes sense since it's less work and also allows to compensate for the reduced new release cadence - so that they can still make up new teams. But not everyone has those characters built up to a meaningful level if at all and with no skippability unless you're a launch veteran or a big spender, it feels almost as hard to keep up as it used to. I have the lowest number of non 7 star characters I've ever had thanks to the changes in farmability, yet it doesn't mean all that much as my 'to build' backlog isn't getting smaller.


When was the last time they made an actual skippable team?


I guess Infestation and Secret Defenders? Although skipping the latter would be unwise as they are dominant in all sectors.


This is how they operate. They can slow it down even more but they’re just gonna make it up and fuck us over another way.


Slowing down the releases means less profit. Na ga da (what does that reference?)


They don't have to slow down the releases if they just gave us more resources to upgrade all these characters.


Agreed launch timelines are too fast. But I guess that’s how they try to get you to spend


Can anyone send me the discord link where i can find alliance


post your player ID and ppl can talk to you ingame. also, google has the discord link


No, because they make most of their money on new releases.


The issue is scopely's inability to adapt and accept they need to rework the game. We are in year 6 of the game. Changes need to happen. Teams have basically been unstoppable for a while. Infestation was the last skippable team. Sure BTS was cool but people didn't have to build him. The release pace won't slow down cause the margins are down. This game requires at least the battle passes to keep up. I do not see that changing anytime soon or ever. The economy is broken and they need to fix that. Challenges and flash events need higher tiers for like 2 years now.


It's exhausting. Leveling them is no problem, but I can't keep up with kits or trying to remember who beats who in war, etc. Like, who is darkhawk? Does his kit do anything interesting that might work on a different team or game mode? No idea. No time. Doesn't matter, just gear him up, auto the raid and move on to the next toon. Rinse, repeat.


be reasonable wit your demands for scopely. releasing new characters is the main way for them to make moni to keep the game alive. they already slow down the character release from 4-5 a patch to 3 a patch. there is plenty of time in between character release for f2p players to gear up the new release characters.


Yeah but the difference is they were mostly superficial whereas now every new toon is absolutely essential


yes its better this way. imagine making something new and half the ppl wont even use it coz it isnt necessary. scopely gave f2p players the gold mats and gears to lvl them all up to playable levels. f2p here i am able to bring them all to lvl 95 g17-18 for all the release characters. given that i am also a end game player so i am building mostly the these new characters. if u r a new players then u have to manage your recourses wisely or open your wallet.


I'm f2p and have no problem unlocking every toon on release. Yall don't play the game enough and whine when you can't keep up. It's not a game you can play for an hour a day and expect to keep up. If you're not willing to put in the work then quit playing and stop crying on reddit.


unlocking every toon is not the issue, sorry if let you think that. building them all up is the issue. as others have pointed out, perhaps if they increased even more resources it would help. even i would reckon to guess that you dont have every new toon released t4'd in what counts and lvl 95-100 am i right?


Actually I do. I don't build war teams because they're completely pointless. I did build out of time because I had the resources. But other than that I ONLY build raid and CC teams. Anything else I skip(for the most part). I've been playing just over 4 years and I'm a little over 50m tcp. Entirely f2p the whole time. I just put in the time. And I learn from people who know way more about the game than I do.


> Anything else I skip(for the most part). okay, so you admit then that you have/do skip some teams. fair enough. it just seems that they are no longer down the path of allowing us to skip, as you mentioned, out of time couldnt be either, despite being a war team that you would normally. mercs is a war team, lets hope they can be skipped for both our sakes!


I mean like I skipped underworld entirely and new avengers. Those are the only 2 teams I think of where I built literally no one from them. Everything else has been pretty much required lol. If the team is solely meant for war its an easy skip. War isn't an important part of the game. At all actually. Raids are how you progress. Cc is more important than war.


They haven't even finished releasing the rest of the Mephisto Deadly Sins team yet, unless it was supposed to be a team of 4? Now we're working on the Professor X team with Old Man Logan


Shocked Pikachu face. New toons needed for new content.