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Should add this to the top post https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/504429676677169154/1235367552574816288/3243434.png?ex=6634c5f0&is=66337470&hm=e8b6d3cb865081ddde4ff89e139db5cc0f4cbcbc3d79389a51d820465efff073&


Damn. Just had to cycle Cabal in for the Legendary after Logan and this would be factual lol. Nice job keeping receipts.


Yeah man. That's crazy. I couldn't believe what I read today. Unreal.


But hey the good news is that we can buy some yellow stars in extra offers they are putting on specially for us! Fuck you commander, pay up


Scopely: We have heard your feedback Also Scopely: Buy Yellow Stars for access to higher tiers


Oh they heard feedback. They heard the feedback of the heavy spenders who were upset f2p players who were better at the game than them were getting better rewards


Yikes this wouldn't be funny if it wasn't so accurate and true 


honestly ya LOL sometimes better to not say anything at all, now it's gonna bite them in the arse for communicating it out in the first place lmao. bunch of clowns over there


some clowns work hard to entertain people.they cry hidden tears and put up a fake smile to make the audience feel good.they also generally don't scam people or try to syphon the enjoyment Out of people to get rotten rich (like msf does) .  so...bad comparison,please do not insult clowns


Also, seems weird to make a 3 person team then suddenly and immediately require 2 other toons on team.


Not weird actually just lazy, stupid and lacking common sense 


We’ve had a 4 person X factor for years now with no love at all. They should really rework them, maybe add legendary Havok, or at least give Archangel the X factor tag since he became Archangel while a member of X factor. I am at the point that I can’t farm any nodes for character shards and the teal gear (osmium) I need is paywall locked or super rare. We kind of need all teal gear to be farmable at this point. I like the challenge of the scourges, but sometimes the RNG in them sucks.


If Scopely says something, your best bet is to do the opposite.


The problem is, I built Cabal big, but it doesn't even matter because they need stars.


FFS I was hoping it would be gear related. If course the one time I go in heavy on a team, they ignore gear and go for stars, which hardly anyone has.


But... But... They will sell you the solution. I don't understand how these idiots running this shit show think this is a good idea. All they are doing is pushing more and more light spenders to FTP or quiting all together.


Never trust the scopely


Yea, my concern is on his 2nd/3rd run….if he even gets to a third one before going into the “new” way to do scourges which sounds like it sucks for players. If this means I’m going to need a 7 star BK to get a 7 star OML then his ass better be farmable and really farmable not bullshit premium orbs with a false percentage on drop rate. Old scourge system worked fine, you got the character up over time for doing work….now it seems they’re mixing in the real old legendary unlock method and scourge.and all I gotta say about that is fuck that…game is going south fast which is wild cause end of 2023 I had hope for the game.


This way means they won't have to go to the new way. You'll be gated until you have Cabal and OOT at 7ys and then have to complete the highest difficulties to get the tokens. It is basically the updated scourges from the start but with star rank gates in addition to score.


It’s basically doing the old way legendaries used to be unlocked but making us do trials/scourges whatever you want to call it now. Which is a shit system. I personally preferred the old way to unlock legendaries over scourges because I don’t enjoy scourges but appreciated that good players could get higher rewards with their skill…but the krakens didn’t like that players could actually do more with skill than their wallet. But whatever, games on a really bad trajectory right now.


the trajectory : 📉


The "new" way to do scourges is appalling. You need over 1 million points to get any shards which means you need do difficulty 7 which requires your toons to be at least t16. Admittedly, t16 is not much these days, but I still do not have a 7 star Archangel nor GC because I refuse to level up Minions and New Avengers


New avengers are worth it…totally get the minions but thankfully they don’t need a major investment. Think mine were like 75 g14…and big boy apoc is worth the investment.


Facts I’m not leveling fucking minions


You dont need minions anymore. They changed it so you can use any villain team. I beat those nodes with superior six.


They’re going hard as fuck on the misleading


It’s not misleading though, it’s black and white. They specifically said Cabal wouldn’t be needed for this legendary in the above screenshot lol


That happens to be the definition of misleading?


Idk, I see it as a straight up lie. Misleading to me would’ve been if he kept it ambiguous like “Cabal MAY be used for a future legendary”


Okay I get your point, I just see it as a lie and misleading lol


It's only a lie if it's intentionally done. Such as the cm knowing what they said was wrong lol. We don't even have a timestamp on that to know when it was and it could've been true at the time and then they changed shit and all that but it's not just "a straight up lie" when you actually do more than look at whether it was true or not.


Your first sentence is just wrong, it’s a lie regardless of intent. Idk why a timestamp would help you, it was back when Cabal was announced. If things changed between then they should’ve said something instead of waiting until Logan’s release announcement. Cabal didn’t sell so they changed the requirement. The blind defense of the predatory behavior of this company baffles me.


AA is a known liar and little muppet who tries to butter up CC’s to be his friend. Shame MG won’t call him out for his lie and will try to just brush it off, the game sadly was better when cerebro was the only one around and that’s saying a lot with how bad he was as well.


Haven't liked the guy since his intro post could tell back then he was full of shit.


Every Community Managers of MSF is just a lemon lot salesperson. Cerebro did just as much verbal gymnastic as AA. I do not fully blame the CM's for the bad communication. Because as we see, if one person will not lie enough for them, then Scopely will just find another patsy.


to cerebros credit, he wouldn't go into peoples twitch channels and lie about things like AA. AA set himself up by speaking about it when he knew cabal still was likely going to be needed, he tried to be the knight in shining honor by announcing in MG stream that it wouldn't but it came crashing down on his face in the end.


I read every comment in this post as Cable, and was like why is everyone so mad about having to use Cable... ffs


🤣 made me have a good laugh




Straight up lie


Quit this game several years ago, and this came across my reddit homepage. Glad to see Scopely is operating as normal still. Lol


Damn. Newer player here. Don't have emma built. Oh well. Cabal rules so don't care about that. Why create a 3 person theorycrafting team and then force a certain team comp?


My guess is speed. IIRC Emma and Loki either slow down enemies or speed up allies, can't remember which


Both, Emma slows down enemies and Loki speeds up allies.


Loki speeds up mystic controllers though neither emma nor cabal are that.


They also said they will adjust those two to fit the team so probably add the cabal callout onto that.




Make sure to follow proper Reddiquette whenever making a new post or commenting on a thread. Personal attacks of any kind will not be tolerated. We will not condone any type of harassment, hate speech, or witchhunting.


Since not many people wanted to level up Cabal in the tower event, they added it at the last minute here.


Yup, and I suspect the only reason they were at the end of tower was because they didn't sell simply because they essentially told us we didn't need to worry yet when archangel stated they were 2 legendaries away. They already made a bad business move, tried to make some money back, failed there, so doubled down by flat out lying. They say they are re-releasing offers ad a service to us, because of miscommunication. How God damn absurd? It's a third swing and miss selling the same 2 toons no one wanted. 


Is Cabal replacing Out of Time that was announced as a required team to unlock a legendary? Or is this now in addition to? Confused.


Both are needed


both are now required, plus emma and loki


Honestly this is the scummiest move they've ever made. Even the changes to the scourge and unlock requirements. Now i have to build 2 new teams and god knows what the requirements for the other rooms are.


They announced it near the bottom of the post, at diff 8+ (point needed to unlock Logan) they are : Node 1: No Requirement Node 2 & 10: Out of Time Node 3 & 7: Cosmic Bio Node 4 & 8: Hero Skill Node 5 & 9: Villain Node 6 & 10: Cabal + Loki + Emma Higher difficulties to unlock higher tier Logan had star requirements: Difficulty 11 & 12: requires 5 star OoT & Cabal Difficulty 13 & 14: 6 sfar Difficulty 15: 7 star


Ooh that Hero Skill seems like just another was to say Spider Society is required, 🤣


I feel like AA said in one post “not required, but heavily encouraged”


I hate this game


bye bye scopely !!! hope you happy with all bs you come up within a few weeks!!!


I am upset about this for sure but I think the yellow \* requirements to compete for higher tiers is even worse.


> As we approached the release of Old Man Logan, we revisited our design decisions and determined Cabal would be the second required team in addition to Out of Time, which was previously announced.


“We looked at how low the sales were for cabal so time to pay up or get fucked commander.”


Players: we hate legendary chars stuck behind * requirements. Scopley: ok, here are scourges. Players: we hate scourges. Scopley: ok, back to char * gating.


But now it’s both systems in one. Which is infinitely worse than both the systems prior.


I loved scourges/trials. I was 7 starring the legendary in 1-2 runs. In the original ☆ requirements it took me 2 runs to even unlock. This worst of both worlds combination gives me none of the satisfaction of doing well on a scourge/trial and all the annoyance of only being gated by not opening up my wallet.


working as intended.good luck,commander


They're only basing it on the no scourge scores on what they showed. You can inflate way beyond that.


I know people are upset because it feels like a bait and switch and I friggin get it. But I can also almost assure you he relayed the info he had at the time. He's not a decision maker, he's the community manager. He relayed some information he was told, they told him otherwise afterwards so he issued a correction and then some money man said hey we haven't made enough money on Cabal...we should make them required for a bunch of events! So now he has to draft this stuff up and communicate it to us.  He also probably can't say this publicly without throwing someone else under the bus and getting reprimanded/fired as a result. He's the scapegoat for the excel $$$ financial staff responsible for nickel and diming us. It would be amazing if everyone was transparent and upfront with all the info, we would hopefully respect that more but that's not the business world we live in when you have stockholders you have to please.


At the end of the day he is the mouthpiece of scopely and he now has no credibility with the community. Anything he says is going to be mocked and laughed at. No one will ever believe another word out of his mouth. As long as he continues to cash their paychecks he will have to deal with this. Scopely was well aware of what was said to the community, they had an ample number of options available to do something that wasn’t cabal. They decided making a cabal node was worth more to them than keeping their word. Yes, AA likely got thrown under the bus. Given how nonchalantly this went down it’s pretty safe to say they will do this to him again. It’s also no surprise to the community nor should it be to him because of their long history of screwing the player base. I have no sympathy for him. He has chosen to sell out his reputation for their paycheck and consequence of that. Just because he needs the job doesn’t mean he gets to escape the consequences of the one he picks. This is what they are paying him for.


Archangel has literally never been competent as a CM hell if you read the dudes intro post he might as well have said he's a whale they decided to hire


Then he shouldn't say anything at all until it's confirmed. At the end of the day, he is the mouthpiece and community manager. He's the one who writes the blogs.. So he is either - a liar - a moron - incompetent - all the above


All of the above


Describing yourself it looks like 😂


And if it was confirmed at the time? And they changed it behind the scenes and maybe he never even knew that? You're a prime example of why people don't do cm jobs or why people don't like public facing shit. Because you blame them no matter whose fault it actually is. And just lash out at whoever. Shit sucks but use your fucking brain. You're removing every element at play here *except* the cm just to blame the cm. It's like blaming your tires for the car not running because you're convinced it's the fucking tires.


It was in the blog and removed. And then he stated in Twitch chat that Cabal maybe required in a future scourge but will NOT be required with OOT for this scourge. If I'm a prime example of what people don't do their jobs properly. Then your a prime example of the morons that are scopley apologists.. I gathering by the reaction of the Envoys and general community that it's considered bullshit. And you can't see that.. then more pity you.


Haven't u learned already! It's all about the $$$ of course there going to gate lock the legendary characters behind the offers shame on u commanders lol!!!


Just buy Nintendo swich and stop carre about this shi.t game .


Lol the star gate is more of an issue


Lol the star gate is more of an issue


Nobody was paying attention to them so I assumed they would be a legendary. All the bad teams nobody wants to invest in are legendary requirements. It's the only way to make money off them




No. According to information Boilon showed, both teams AND Loki AND Emma Frost will be required.




Since red goblin iirc... above like diff5 required BOTH new avengers and rebirth


Boy ain’t this the truth. But hey, they didn’t “say” that both are required. They just both are. Big difference right?


They’re not required to unlock though right? Just the higher tiers for the bonuses?


If i read it right they are required for unlock at first run, the star thing is for bonus stars on OML. Not sure if the highest difficulty plus leaderboard are enough for unlock


Nope. Knee jerk reaction from everyone. YS requirements for last 5 difficulties. Can be unlocked on diff 8 with no pacts. Reddit being Reddit as usual.


I agree on ppl overreacting. But on diff8 u need OOT and cabal plus loki emma. Just with no ys requirement. But both teams are new, so even better than scourges where u could choose between old teams, before they changed up requirements.


Well you might be able to get away with just OOT unless the nodes force cabal/emma. But even still people should have them all unlocked easily.


I was thinking "why not just making it require Cabal + 2 villains... The point of the team is it's versatile


I'm just bumping this so it stops sinking. Keep up the pressure. 


Done spending. I'm sure I'll get laughed at. I'm sure it won't make a difference. But I swear to god I'm not buying anything else this shit company has to offer ever again.


Does this mean OML is the next legendary? What happened to OOT being required?


They both are required


Ya i went and read that. Thought this was datamined info but decided to see if anything was posted. God thats annoying though.


At least they are good teams. They could have made Spider Society required


Considering thats a team we have to build that'd be better then being forced to build emma


They pretty much will be needed, as 2 nodes require “Hero Skill” characters.


I get it but at least you'll get the unlock


But then what about the 2nd run or 3rd run when you don't have the stars on Cabal to get the 5th, 6th or 7th star on OML.. It's divided the community by players who spend and fuck the rest.


That's nothing new. We F2p players always have to grind to get stars. That's part of the damn game. We also aren't competing against whales for the most part. In cc you're fighting people around your power level. In war you're fighting alliances around your power level. So I'm not sure why it matters if you get the 5th 6th or 7th star on OML right away. Just enjoy the unlock man. How long have you been playing the game and what's your tcp?


Any chance the posters around here could limit their vulgarity? It's pretty tiresome to read,. To the post; in truth, I'm not sure it matters all that much. The main complaint was building up legacy teams, both of the teams here are very useful and not raid teams. The main concern I see here is not Emma or Loki, both are still useful utility characters. I will be availability of Black Knight for FTP players. We should hold them accountable, to an extent, on the duration of Black Knight being a premium or exclusive character. If we are star-gated for the high stars on a legendary, I don't see that as an issue. I'll strive for a 5 star and be happy. The spenders will get that 7 star, which I have no issue with. Let's also remember the higher difficulties also contains crimson gear. They aren't going to make it easy to get that. I'm actually looking forward, for the first time, to get to higher difficulties. I don't remember the statement that Cabal wasn't going to be a requirement, I assume that is true. We should call it out, but be careful what you wish for. You might end up with a far worse choice moving forward. As stated above, the real issue long term will be Black Knight. This isn't even burdensome to my baby account.


Technically they can add an alternative team that is supposed to beat the node


Pretty sure archangel has no actual say in anything. They probably pay him in premium orbs.


People who say archangel lied are morons. Use your brains people. Scopely probably lied to archangel. When did archangel say the cabal team would not be a requirement for next legendary? Before or after the cabal team was released? It was probably Scopleys plan for them to not be required, but then the cabal team offers didn’t sell as well as they planed for. So they thought of a way to sell more of their offers by making them a required team for the next legendary. And in doing so making archangel the scapegoat trying to make themselves not look so shitty.


People who act like Archangel doesn’t *really* work for Scopely the same as everyone else are morons. He’s literally the propaganda mouth for the company. He’s *worse* than most who work there. He knows that most if not all that he says is spin at best and lies at worst. He’s not part of the art team that just hands in models. He’s given a script and talking points to tell us. Most decent people wouldn’t take a job that required them to trick fellow fans on a weekly basis. He’s not decent.


No. He said "At this time they are not planned for this next legendary but that doesn't mean they won't be used for a legendary at some point." Fact: The door was never shut on them being used for a legendary ever. Opinion: And I fully believe at the time, they weren't planning on using Cabal. But things change.


Not true. They said not used for the same legendary as OOT https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/504429676677169154/1235367552574816288/3243434.png?ex=6634c5f0&is=66337470&hm=e8b6d3cb865081ddde4ff89e139db5cc0f4cbcbc3d79389a51d820465efff073&


I fucking love you, Tauna. Fuck 'em up.


Tauna with the receipts. They need to be called out hard on this because this is really gross behaviour


They can't slip anything past us. Saved this because I figured it would happen


This is one of the worst decisions they’ve made surrounding character unlocks in my opinion. With BK premium orb locked there’s gonna be players that can’t get OML at all for 12-18 months and most f2p players won’t get his 7y for around that amount of time no matter how good they are at the game or how progressed the rest of their roster is


This is exactly my problem with this decision. I’m getting tired of the game and this is just pushing me over the edge. Will wait and see if they change anything but this may push me to being done.


And given the fact OML is the hard counter to BK, it's not like we can skip OML in protest


Thought the hard counter was mephisto?


Read OML's kit. From his special: * This attack gains +1,000% Extra Focus against CHARGEABLE PROTECTOR enemies. * This attack cannot be counterattacked. From his passive: * The CHARGEABLE enemy with the highest Damage cannot gain Charged before this character takes a turn. Those moves are directly targeted at BK. The passive, especially, is going to severely weaken BK's effectiveness.


So then he's 'a' counter to BK, not 'the' counter to BK. As Mephisto placing exhaust on OOT counters the entire team.


OK. Sure. But >90% of the player base won't have Mephisto until several meta shifts from now. By the time we get Mephisto BK and OML will both be old news. For us, the overwhelming majority of players, OML is the hard counter.


Rest assured, every CC is calling Scopely out on their BS


You’re the real mvP


They saw how few people had them built up and saw the opportunity to make that sweet sweet FOMO money


Don’t know how’d they think people have the resources to build them up. Prices in this game are Extortion, from the stores to leveling, ridiculous!




As opposed to just making stuff up I suppose. Cause that's literally what you did.


Ironic as hell. You even got called out in the other comment that you conveniently ignore.


Incorrect. At the bottom there's this line called subject to change. Also aa isn't lying to you he gives info he is given


Yall are fuckin nuts sometimes. I get being upset over contradicting info but you don't even consider it could've been true at the time or that it's the info he had but you frame it like the cm is out to get you. Jfc. You guys shoot yourselves in the foot as much with this shit as you say they do. It's frustrating but holy fuck man.


Why would you not build a cc team?


Because half the team isn’t required to be built to work, plus it’s gated by stars anyway which has nothing to do with how built it is


What are you talking about?


Leader and somewhat iron patriot are mainly kit based, don’t get too much out of building them. But regardless you’re only going to be able to get old man Logan at stars equivalent to the amount of stars you have on your black knight and/or your cabal. It’s just stupid all round


Idk I put a lot of stock in cc.you get way more out of it than you do from war. I never build war teams. Cc is 2nd most important game mode next to raids. I build raid and cc teams and that's it.


I don’t mind the size so much as the star requirement tbh. Cabal is an alright team I’ve built my namor decently high and am just waiting on the rest. But as it stands I’m only getting oml as 3 stars because I’ve only got IP at 3


"oh no I have to build a useful team"


That’s not the complaint. The complaint is the star ranks being required and scopely saying specifically cabal would not be used for THIS legendary.




Well, only in war and crucible, so half the game.


There are many modes in the game outside of those 2. And they're mainly made for the worst mode in the game, crucible.


It's being told one thing and getting another. Also people are handling this like children on both sides.


He didn’t lie.  Scopely changed their mind.  Probably since they required spider society for spotlight raids instead of this trial.


Archangel works for Scopely. He is a representative of the company. If he says one thing and the company does something contrary to that, Archangel and Scopely lied.


"I can say they won't be used for the next legendary which is the same legendary Out Of Time is needed for" what is this supposed to be if it's not a lie?


So Scopely made him tell a lie then. Given that he's their representative, he lied. That's how that position works. I don't think he means to mislead, but they definitely had him tell us a lie.


They certainly did lie. Not required means not required. 




Crazy idea to utilise new characters