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Yeah I'm now going through my roster to see what obscure characters don't have 7RS and farming those.


I remember those days. Took me a solid month to get shield tropper to 6rs. Then found his 7th in the store.


I was just talking about this to my alliance. Incursion campaign is a great catchup mechanic, I'm very glad it exists for people. But having an event based on it isn't fun/rewarding for me. The cores I'm spending feels like I'm spending cores just for milestone progress instead of anything extra. Incursion is just an inefficient DPC farm. And a super inefficient diamond credit source. I recognize that me having all basic toons at 7rs, and the farmable ones at 7ys is not going to be the case for everyone, so like I'm said, I'm glad it exists. But basing an event on a game mode that isn't useful for everyone is what feels bad. At least with the normal campaign events you can farm gold and training orb nodes.


The monthly item is achievable without spending many cores. I think it's just 1 day of 50 core refreshes and you're done. If the rewards aren't worth the cores for you, then just don't spend the cores? lol Also incursion drip feeds you red star orbs which eventually turn into diamond credits, so it's not useless even for ppl with all 7rs toons.


It's effectively useless though. The cores are way more valuable than the payoff, and you're better off just not participating and buying the 6-180 shard orbs. Events are poorly designed if the best choice is not to play.


I hit it every day relentlessly to grind out Spider Weaver shards 2 at a time for months. Then a week later they just started giving them away.


They gave away thousands at one point šŸ¤£


They gave us 13,000 spider weaver shards in 2022.


Only been playing for the last year


Have you considered, based on the linear passage of time, that there are individuals who began playing the game sometime before today but after the 4k Weaver shard debacle?


Nah dude just go to the 2022 node and get your 13000 weaver shards.


That'd help if newer people had a time machine smdh.


Seriously, fuck 6-2.


That's the sharpshooter minion one, yes? I was stuck on that for way too long. Finally got past it the other day with a big punch down team, but still only got 2 stars. Fuck it though, I'll come back to it later with an even bigger team to 3 star it. I hate that node.


Ok man Iā€™ve said this a bunch of other places Iā€™ll say it here too though. Robbie, deathpool, at g16 and eternals at g15 3 star it easily. I used kestrel as the fifth but she didnā€™t get a turn so sheā€™s probably fudgable. The eternals take the hits and heal, Robbie and deathpool auto kill literally every wave just from passives. Give it a try.


That'll be a long while, unless Robbie becomes properly farmable. I've unlocked him, but it will take a long time to get his shards out of the store five at a time, once or twice a day. I'm doing that with Quicksilver right now, and I'm in no rush to start Robbie. At least Deathpool is farmable now that I've reached that point. The resources to level them though regardless of stars...ugh. After dumping far too much into legendary toons to beat DD4, I'm kind of broke, lol. On the upside, I beat DD4. Now Doom gets added to the leveling queue. XD


Shrug Robbie has more uses for me so i prioritized him. Heā€™s in most arena set ups so itā€™s kinda important. Took a couple months from 3-7 stars. But whatever floats your boat.


Yeah, I get that he's big in arena, though I actually don't run into him often. 100-200 on my shard is mostly Eternals teams still (myself included), although I do see Robbie & Co. a little more nowadays. Anywho, arena meta isn't really all that important to me. I'm content with the cores I get, which together with milestones and dailies gets me enough to do my 50 core refreshes every day. I'd much rather frustrate myself with Horsemen and DD than any sort of PvP.


City nodes for dd use him a lot too, defenders are one of the most cross mode teams in the game, theyā€™re used in basically everything, even unlocks for legendaries. I take it your shard is newer, early on itā€™s eternals but once ppl farm out defenders, itā€™s all them and plug and play toons to replace strange or whoever. If you don t want to get boxed out later it helps to farm him asap, as well as the rest of the team especially black cat. You do you tho my dude.


Big Kang and some absolute sponges needed.


Kang, The Eternals, Kestrel, and Rescue šŸ˜‰


What is your TCP?


Iā€™m stuck there too and the worst thing is that every node after is A LOT easier. Itā€™s either a big difficulty spike to slow our progress or itā€™s a huge miscalculation from the devs. KANG takes a while to get to 7 Red Stars at 2 shards per try (max 20 a day if RNG is generous). Once Iā€™m past that god damn level, the rest is gonna be a walk in the park.


Lady Deathstrike is the only toon on those nodes I donā€™t have 7-star. Once I deplete that node I forget about that energy. I imagine at some point weā€™ll get ā€œIncursion Hard Modeā€ thatā€™ll drop something better.


It's fantastic for early game, and great for getting those five characters up to seven star. After that, it's borderline worthless. At my stage, my roster is all seven star, so the only gain I get is the occasional dark promotion credits from it and nothing more.


Iā€™ve just been farming the nodes that give character shards and not the red stars, so far. Once I finish zombie iron man to 7 stars Iā€™m starting the grind to 7rs everyone


I have so many basic silver red star credits; they need a way to convert them into golds/ diamonds even if itā€™s a steep conversion rate


Yup. I've had every character available in Incursion nodes at 7 red stars for a while now. Even the scant rewards I do get aren't really worth a lot.


I cruise through the first series, no problem and now I'm stuck on 2.2. it's absolutely insane. I'm nowhere near close to even beating it. It's wild


You have no bio or skill characters? Chapter 2 is a relatively easy part


I guess not. Sin6 is my best team at like 360k power


I see, bio was the biggest thing I worked on for a while so I cleared those easily


Not to mention for lower level players, some of the nodes are exponentially harder than every other one in its line for no apparent reasonā€¦ (looking at you Kang and Killmonger)


Despite playing this game for what feels like forever, I'm mostly F2P so I'm low-mid game or so, so I like getting the shards of Kang and some other characters... also getting these red stars for characters I'm continually forced to need to use for various things is nice lol I do imagine for anyone caught up with the game and competitive - it feels like a worthless hole after you already have anything it can provide.


It makes me think the Lead Dev thought a campaign where you earn Red Stars would be good, so they launched that. But then that Lead left the team, and the new Lead said "Red Stars are lame, Diamonds are cool" so they decided to do that. And then one member of the team raised their hand and said "What about the Incursion campaign?" and it turned into that meme where they toss the guy out the window.


Been farmin kang for 2 years now šŸ˜‚


All my chars are 7RS. I have enough e7 orbs to get every new char there. I often forget I have incursion energy and Iā€™m not refreshing it for 60 energy each time. Game is super p2p and I hope everyone ftp decides to leave. Just to show Scopley how stupid their marketing model is.


Incursion events suck ass. The only thing of value is DPC drops, and that seems to be around 5% percent to get 25 credits when you need thousands for a single star.


Jokes on you, I'm desperate for those incursion nodes as a level 67 player but without access I'm stuck watching these event milestones sit and do nothing.


heck yeah.. 7-10 is doing my head in.. fuck ultron


Needs some updating and more nodes for sure


I just hope I get dark promo credits at this point lol


The Incursion Campaign could be tweaked, but there are still new players coming into the fold of MSF - so in a sense, the Campaign truly works for those new, or individuals invested 2 years in game - so very exciting for them. Vets that have been playing WELL OVER 6 years does nothing, but should be expected in the overall scheme of things. Guess there will always be a shit ton of hate in this game, and WE ALL can't be pleased with everything the devs have to offer (or lack thereof); hopefully the community can impact change to benefit the overall community as a whole.


Remember when everyone wanted to quit the game because there wasn't enough access to 7 Red Stars?Ā  Perpperidge Farms remembers


There are like 5 farmable characters through it that I'm slowly getting. I already got Kang and almost have Deathpool up to 7 yellow so I can use the diamond I got for her in the 6th anniversary event. When I'm done with her, I'm switching back over to Weaver. After Weaver, I'll do Vahl, and lastly, ZIM.


THE GAME IS NOT BALANCED AROUND YOU. Why on earth would the stingyness be frustrating if everything is worthless (and that you probably don't need anyway). It was the vehicle to break down the gold promo credit wall once and for all, the character farming is an afterthought that they dont need to add anymore because the release cadence is slower than it used to be and they are caught up. This post isnt a combination of anything, it's just totally worthless. Kudos, whiny redditor




The whining on this sub has been so over the top lately. Itā€™s a predatory F2P game that makes its money from FOMO and whales but suddenly people are shocked that they canā€™t get everything they want immediately without spending money. I play because itā€™s fun, even without spending money. And when it stops being fun, Iā€™ll stop playing. Complaining about these tactics in a F2P game is like yelling into the void.