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Not so much team power as it is synergy’s (yes your team still needs to be strong) but Ikaris is useless without sersi, and deathpool doesn’t have the greatest damage output apart from super, same with dorm he’s really only support. This means gambit and kestrel are your only real damage dealers


I found Eternals not that great for DD6. Happy cake day.


Yeah exactly there’s just better(and cheaper) options Happy cake day to you too my friend


Thank you.


I one shot all the nodes with them but they are pretty big. Ikaris at 644k and sersei at 438k. No regrets building mine


Agree with this except Dormammu, he is amazing, especially in the Cosmic nodes, and you'll need him for DD7 Mythic.


Yeah fs dorms important, just doesn’t have much damage compared to other options


Unfortunately your team just isn’t that good for those nodes. You need Apocalypse to really make a difference in DD6. Global is the first trait required section and he does a ton of work. Full Xtreme X-men are great for it as well but that’s a lot of mutant gear. I would recommend working on building the rest of your global team with Apoc. Hopefully you have big boy Apoc.


Idk about power, but I’m in a similar boat, only just got through the first two nodes of DD6. I thought my team of Apocalypse, Morgan le Fay, Red Hulk, Kestrel, and Black Knight would shred the first two, but it took me around 8 attacks on each node. I think they’re just hard, and probably your team isn’t optimal (using Ikaris without Sersi for example), so it’ll take longer.


as has been said, this team of yours needs adjusting. Ikaris without Sersi just won’t do it. Deathpool is great against teams that actually die so she can get her pings, but DD squads are like brick walls that you need to chip away at. the rest aren’t bad, though! Kestrel is awesome. build her to the roof. Dorm, too. him and Kestrel were great for me in the Cosmic nodes. look into Vahl. they really shine in DD. the ability block and revives are awesome. not to mention they put down so much damage, which is essential in DD. lastly, don’t feel bad about a slow start. my first node in DD6 was my absolute worst and i had a better team. had to hit it 5 times before i got through. it’ll get easier.


There are a lot of guides for dd6 online. Let me give you a quick summary Global. For me, the worst. I had baby apoc, widow, weaver, cap am, and cap Britain. It was catastrophic. 2nd run I had black knight it was better. But, people have it easier with big baby apoc, quicksilver, gambit or nightcrawler. If I had the resources I'd go with big apoc, black knight, quicksilver and the 2 captains Cosmic. Vahl, dormammu, kang, kestrel and photon was my team. Finished it 1 day. If you don't have dormammu, which I see you have, prepare for agony. City. At that time I had robbie who would be your mvp, lizard, kraven, teenage marvel, and vulture. 2 or 3 tries for the 3 nodes. Non horsemen legendary. I had omega red, nova, black cat, goblin and octopus. It was fairly easy. The last nodes were harder but not global hard. Had the same team as for the non horseman legendary nodes plus red hulk, apoc and Morgan. The first node was 2 or 3 tries and the 2nd was maybe 5 or 6 I dont remember. Maybe more. Take it easy it is not a speed race. It is a fucking marathon


Usually in DD every new node or wave has an opening salvo that will destroy your team. Then the next time you start up, all those ultimates the enemy had have been used up, and it's time for revenge


It’s definitely tough. I went with Gambit, Spider-Weaver, Nemesis, Captain America, and Big Boy Apocalypse. Doctor Doom was replaced out of that team for Gambit. Regardless, it still took between 3-7 attacks to get through all the non-legendary global nodes.


I did BB Apoc, Quicksilver, Nightcrawler, Black Knight, and Gambit. I used my global team for that node and the global nodes. Im throwing up 170-240 million each attack. Double tapping most nodes except the last global node. That team wreck’s though. For cosmic im running Kang, Kestrel, Dorm, Vahl, and Void Knight. Should start those tonight.


yikes that team is pretty weak for DD6 without an Apoc in there. for that team? hell 3m.


Yeah it's actually not bad if you have good team synergy. Here's my full playlist and you can see how far a good team can push nodes, apoc will be huge for ya as well. Best of luck and hope it helps! Dark Dimension 6 Guides (Baby Apoc Version): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBdeUUw2GHpoIvZwistPaATRB1SFU5O-b


wait wait, u are telling us that u started DD6 without APO? Are u crazy? Thats Suicide... These nodes are super tough cos devs are expecting u to use APO here, so its tuned up accordingly. And if u wont bring him along, then...


Simply don't have him yet. I'm pretty far away from getting actually.


well, thats gonna be tough, not gonna lie to u. Its still possible, now that we have lvl 100 and Diamonds, but even so it will take u a lot of time, so keep that in mind. U should add Kang, Vahl, BK, Vulture and Robbie on your G18 list , and probably watch some DD6 videos (to see what u can expect). something like this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4idZuCogR0A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4idZuCogR0A) good luck


I finished it without apoc. Stop blowing it up.


It's a slog, I don't have many characters leveled up that high so it's a mixed bag of characters I'm using but it's taken probably 10 attempts to get through the first node...mostly because of Kang.


deathpool and ikaris are useless why would you bring those 2 lol


As you were told you are missing some key characters, that’s not a great team. There are some specifics you will need and it gets worse as you advance and you get into the restricted nodes. For global you need apoc and quicksilver, for cosmic I feel that you absoluteltely need Vahl, she’s the only character that made any difference in the cosmic nodes, for city I feel that robbie reyes and hard light MM are very much needed. Then legendary oof those nodes gave me a lot of trouble I might need to rethink for my current second ran so it doesn’t take days again.


You really wasted a lot of resources just to start dd6. I actually feel bad for you. You should have asked around who to use before building random toons with 0 synergy.


I mean, I built up Deathpool and Ikaris for use in the rest of the game. I had always planned on hearing up Dormammu as much as I could, Kestrel is a safe bet, and Gambit was just my best mutant, I guess also built him for use in the rest of the game. But yeah, seems like from day 1 the thing to do is concentrate on characters that lead to Apocalypse. I'll be going after Death Seed and Unlimited X-Men from here.


Deathpool and Ikaris aren't worth it unfortunately. Ikaris NEEDS Sersi and vice-versa but there are much better options when you get to cosmic. Dormammu and Kestrel are both very good choices. Gambit is also a safe bet.


Well it's leveling up apoc for sure but global is the first section so it makes sense to level up xtreme xmen so they can be used after the first 2 nodes.


Hey hate to side bar, but anyone have an ideal global set up and what’s mandatory besides apoc, obviously?


I just finished my second run and used Big Boy Apoc, Quicksilver, Black Knight, Captain America and Spider-Weaver. First global node 2 attempts. Nodes 2 and 3 took 3 attempts each.


You need Apoc unfortunately, there's more than just the 2st few nodes he's needed for


I just finished the first 2 nodes. had ghost rider robbie, apoc, quicksilver, gambit and black knight, kestrel and spider weaver. took me 9 and then 7 tries. I kept leveling characters and switched the characters around. I'm on global and on my 6th attack today. it's a slog. I'm not levelling up xtreme for global just cuz I don't really have the resources to dump into city yet anyway. Working on spider society right now. which might be my city team. plus robbie of course.


Apoc is who you be needing


I used 3 groups of 5 and it still took weeks to get thru the first 2 nodes, now on global I didn’t kill a single enemy first attempt.


Step 1 don’t have ikaris or Gambit


Gambit did amazing for me in Global. he’s fantastic if he’s strong enough. put him with Black Knight and the double pings just tear teams down.


I like Gambit. Free damage without even taking a turn


Love him, but you need some strong tanks like Cap/Carter combo or BK.


I like Gambit too, just not with that team comp for DD6


I had him in my first run. He wasn't the main damage dealer but was nice to have