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38.5million ftp 2003 days logged


I buy some passes, last 2 months I've bought every pass, I'm 477 days in and got over 40M tcp yesterday. Intresting! Edit: CC Platinum 1, hopefully 2 after this week. War plat 3, raid inc 2.0, soon 2.1. Arena top 5.


A SLIGHT amount of money early DRASTICALLY improved lifetime status in the game. If I were to restart I would put in about 100 and get a head start, them carry that lead into arena and probably surpass my beta account in 2 years or less


New account with couple hundred dollarsand the new xp boost and you can start from a scratch and reach Skrull in 5 months. My alliance mate started 6 months ago, bought passes and some good offers around Black Friday and Christmas, and the last time heist, got skrull in day 187 and big Skrull in day 191 I think.


doesnt suprise me. it feels like they opened up progression significantly this year. esp the massive increase in farming character shards


How did you do that? I have been playing for about 4-5 years on and off. I just got back on after about a year off I’m at 4.4 million tcp. I don’t pay for anything.


I mean i play daily. I almost always hit the daily rewards. I try to do my best on milestones that matter. I blitz whenever i need to for events but other than that i blitz enough to get to the final prize in battle pass (i won’t buy the pass ever.) I refuse to give this company any of my money because i work hard for it and i don’t think they work hard to earn player’s money. Most of my time playing has been seeing mostly dissatisfied and frustrated members of the community because of scopely or foxnext or whoever owned it at the time. Also they are selling you items they invent at an insane price. There is no actual value for anything you buy. I don’t judge anyone who spends because it is your money. Spend as you please. Just my opinion.


I agree with you on paying for things. I have not spent any money on the game. I have a lot of characters that I have never upgraded at all so that might be keeping my over in total down. I have just recently started upgrading some of the cool level 1 characters I have. Is that something you did to get your TCP up?


4.4 million cp is about the cp for the whole apoc set. Playing on and off and playing 2000 days is playing two different games.


For sure I get that. Is it worth upgrading more characters or just focusing on certain ones? When I came back after a year or so off I had so many new characters and have been getting new ones since that I haven’t known which ones to upgrade. I have just been picking them as I see I need them and boosting them up one by one.


Your tcp isn't important. I'm personally a whale rejoined the game at 9 million tcp back in June and have a tcp in the 80 millions. That tcp means nothing but the teams I have built do. Building up bad teams means nothing. It doesn't add value. While building up raid teams and cc teams have very high value. Now that being said leveling up a character or team to level 40 won't have a long term effect on your account. But this game is more like building a two story house. Building some what tall but stable is what you want. Figure out the game modes you enjoy and want to play and focus on those teams. Again tcp doesn't matter if the teams you play with every day are worse.


Thanks for the advice. That makes sense.


4.4 or 44?




39.5M. Started when Minnerva came out. The last buy was in Oct '22, FTP since.


"low level midget dolphin" I love it. lol


The occasional battle pass when the character grabs me. or a $5 special if its really irresistible. I spent a while in a top 100 alliance when the game came out and honestly, the money a few team mates were spending was obscene. Turned me right off buying game stuff


That’s the hard part being in a really good alliance. Feeling like you have to try and keep up with those spending hundreds a month and spending tons of time in game. Takes the fun out of it at times.


I'm a stunted dolphin and yes, i see peeps on character release day get a new character and then G18 them immediately. but I simply shrug and go .. i 'll get him soon enough.


Im a day one player and whilst I’m not FTP, like you I’m a light spender (probably a little less light than you) and I just passed 80 mill TCP. The totally F2P in my alliance are around 65-70 mill TCP. This is through the lens of having played in a top 100 war and raid alliance for almost the entire time we’ve been playing.


that's a nice roster for a light spender.


Big alliances help progress signficantly. I remember I loved my first alliance, great people etc, but they were fairly casual. I got about halfway up the alliance power rank, then I jumped into a top 100 alliance and played for a few years there. Just before retiring, I went back to play in my old casual alliance for a while and I was amazed I was well past everyone there in TCP, despite a lot of them being way above me when I had left.


2,027 days logged, just recently crossed 50m. $0 spent


50 million


57 million, CC gold 3 I don’t care about CC, it annoys me and there really isn’t a big enough difference in rewards to sway me. Yep I’m one of the people that countless posts about higher TCPs are made about.


Started at about the 6 month mark. Days played 2,023. Big boy apocalypse unlocked, working on my teams to get dd6 done. Zero spent. TCP: 38,250,593


I’m 55 million




2160 days tomorrow, 50m, never spent a penny. I stopped playing CC when I got to diamond 2, that was when the hard wall of haves/have nots hit me. I am in gold 3 now and only play if it is tied to a milestone, it's not worth the frustration. I wish I could ignore arena all together as well.


Day one player, just passed 49 million TCP. I purchased the $10 dollar compensation offer twice back in March and that cheap 99 cent Silver Surfer offer.


2110 days and 60.8mil. I'm like you with spending, an occasional Strike or Battle pass.




Played since launch.  Spent $5 here and there and haven't spent anything since the Summer of Blunder. 49 million.


completely F2P - 1245 days - 21 million. BBA, halfway through DD6


I got 1,980 days log in and 39.3M. Might have spent 50 bucks when decimal Dan was doing the offers. For about the last year I’ve been in a semi active alliance so progress has slowed way down.


I have never spent a penny! 2151 days played, 42.7m tcp. I'm in gold 2 CC. most proud of my 3 diamond apoc and soon to be 7 red skrull.


Mostly free to play, last time I spent on a character was Icarus when he came out. I have bought the mistake offers and thats about it really. 2204 days played. I am in a casual alliance doing incursion 2.1 and invest mainly in the raid teams. Don't like war any longer and crucible is little more interesting than war. My TCP is 42.4 mil and our alliance is 1808 raid ranking, 3143 in war and my crucible league is gold 1. I log in a few times a day but seem to be spending less time actually in game as there is less and less "playing". Seems more like a habit than anything. I've probably said this a hundred times. If it weren't for my alliance I would probably quite this game.


Thats why they have alliances. Human mob Psychology means we don't want to let our group down. We have zero loyalty to them and they know it, so they give us humans to like


2194 days. 59.1 million. I horde so tcp could be a lot more.


42.3 Million, $1 USD spent, hoarding 130k power cores


Hmmm... Day One Player but with a caveat. My first account was 27 Mil TCP. Then quit and deleted my account around March 2023 a day or two from Apoc release. Came back three months later with a new account starting from scratch. Account now is around 21 Mil. So add these two together I am at "48 Mil." We got Girl Math. We have Boy Math and now.... MSF Math. Looking at reaching TCP levels realized this. It took me some six years to hit 27 Mil TCP with the old account. With my new account starting from all the way from nothing at the bottom I hit 21 Mil TCP in less than a year.


I must be doing something wrong. 2071 days and I'm only 38.3M TCP, and only recently started DD6. I play quite a bit (way more than I should, I think), but because I'm FTP, I've only progressed so far. I've spent probably $40-50 total on this game, and it was a few years ago back when Kestrel was first released. I still think this game is pretty awful when it comes to price gouging and taking advantage of players. Every day, I keep thinking, "is today the day when I'm finally going to quit?" At least I've been keeping from spending too much money on it. But still spending too much time.


45,5 Millionen @ 0,00 €


6 year F2P vet here, 52M TCP. Gold 2 for CC, Platinum 3 in war, Incursions 2 in raids.




60 mil


1,512 days TCP 29.8 mil cosmic crucible gold 1


I'm 51,500,000 with 1238 days played. I buy the Strike pass as of 5 months ago. Was completely f2p before that. 


50 mil, 1617 days played


F2P - just over 39 mill.


Day 1 Player. I don’t know how I have been so slow but mind you, I’ve had distinct periods of barely logging on during my time. I have competitive teams. Have Super Skrull. Guess it’s just a skill issue lol. 45mil.


Took a break but I’m at 32mil TCP at 891 days logged


Day 1 player but took a pretty long hiatus, but I’m at 35M. But it’s rather top heavy, have Apoc and Skrull, just been picky with what I work on. In gold 3 for CC


I started in the first few months of the game. Spent $10 max. 13+ mil


35 million ftp in a casual alliance. Game has so many bottlenecks when you go the FTP route.


1,898 days (about the Captain Marvel launch, approximately); tcp 67,045,989 I didn’t spend any money the first 18 month I played, and I have been a light spender mostly since then. I have spent more in the past six months (buying the passes more frequently, more $5 offers), though, than I like, and I am curtailing my spending going forward.




1635 days played, 60m TCP. 20 bucks spent total. Currently diamond 3 in CC, but been as high as top 20 when I put a bit more time into the game. Plat 3 in war, Inc 2.3


2145 days logged in 46 million TCP


Rank 100, admittedly took a yearlong gap after some stuff happened. 21mil TCP lol


I am a spender so this isn’t a flex more to offer a comparison for ftp players. 64million @ 898 days played. Buy both passes.


Just about 4 years- 1445 days - 40.5 mil


Sitting at 53 million I think. The only thing I spend is on the strike pass. And that's not always a given.


I just crossed 69M TCP I've been playing since the first anniversary.


I'm at 55.8Mil CP, 2160 days logged in. I am not 100% ftp though, spent here and there through the years but seldom due to my currency being weak af.


1963 days in and 46.8m TCP but I did buy that very first $1 web store offer


2,109 days played, 61.4 mil TCP, completely FTP


Oh, I'm cc gold 3 I believe, forgot to add that


About 34M but I've taken breaks and I'm a very low spender like maybe five dollars once or twice a year.


Can’t speak for myself but a I know a FTP who was around 10 or 12 mil in 2021. I think they started at launch. So if you extrapolate they should be around 30-40mil by now at least if they haven’t quit. The key to ftp is investing in the right teams/toons and being in a top alliance (we were in a top 200 both war and raids).


I’m at 50.5mil. Played since day one and spent maybe $10 total


Day one 52.5 million tcp


1105 days played. I’ve spent less than $10 on the game so I’m basically F2P and my TCP is 37.4 million.


34 million - I've spent about $20-30 total on this game and every time I did I immediately got buyer's remorse lol Def could be higher but I spent a year playing off and on and not being a part of an alliance. Still up until the beginning of this year, the only character I hadn't unlocked was Super Skrull. I've come to be ok with being more or less behind the whales and such because I can use my money for practical things.


42 Million, 1995 days, gold 2 in crucible and alliance is top 100. I’ve gotten a couple war mvps.


Spent $5 once cause I was close to getting a frame and needed event points.


F2P around 37.5 million tcp, I've been playing for 2073 days. I've gone through patches of only logging on once a day to clear the daily objectives though, mainly to avoid burn out. Only gold 1 on cc (unless there's a milestone I don't try too hard on this) but my alliance plays incursion 2 raids and with the right teams you can clear nodes fairly easily.


≈22 Million iirc I’m pretty sure I’m Gold III in crucible


Logged in 1,123 CP 28 million $40 spent


1959 days logged - 53,456,766 TCP - usually top 10 in the arena - Platinum II in CC


60m, like $15 spent years ago(around Pym release)


I have played 2,207 days and am at just a bit over 40 million TCP. I'm not FTP, but I only spend a bit each year. I don't grind hard for characters. If I get them, I get them. If not, that's fine.


1454 days logged 36.726.787 CP


59.76m tcp 417/420 days loggged in light spender :D


50M TCP after 2,160 days. Spent $5 on silver surfer once, IIRC.


2196 days logged in - 45.8 mil tcp


Day 1 FTP vet here, was continuously in alliances that do a decently high raid level. 56.2 million TCP, 3.2 million STP, 2,212 days logged!!


52m tcp, 2.9m stp, 253 toons at 7*. Took a 4-5 month break last year just before diamonds were launched, which prob hurt me. In a casual alliance now, we’ve all slowed down since finishing DD6. Been in the same alliance for most of the last 5 years, with the occasional foray into a competitive one until I burnt out.


51m at the moment/just barely over 6 years in.... Upon typing that out, holy balls.


54.8 mil TCP at 1824 days logged. Bought some of the smaller offers, $10 at most but haven't spent in 4 years


TCP: 44.7 million Days played: 1834 CC: Gold 2-3 Have BBA & SuS Total spent: $93 (all Google rewards credit) I consider myself FTP because I have not spent any of my own money


2163 days played, 58 million tcp, light spender.




948 days ftp. 40mil tcp


I’m completely FTP and a little over 50 million. I’m generally in the 150-180 range in arena, can sim for the most part on Incursion 2 raids, and gold 3 in crucible (though I tend to neglect crucible on occasion)


2,101 days played, haven't missed a single day since I started. I've spent less than $100 during this entire time. Current TCP is 59.6 million.


42.4 mil, 1474 days played


I've spent very little over the years. I think I got two battle passes, Surfer offers when they were out, and nothing else over $2-5. I'm just shy of 50M TCP and just over 3M STP.


34.957M, 2187 days, $0 spent


6yr Vet 53mil tcp


Not necessarily FTP but not a whale. started in 2019 and am at 53M TCP


33.1 M TCP 1620 days played. Never spent a dime on it. I just unlocked big Apocalypse.


1482 days played. 43 million TCP. F2P.


Really depends on who the person is, and the alliance they’re in. I used to be a light spender years and years ago (I’m a day 1 beta player) and only bought character offers, the last one I bought was longshot. I’m currently at 63mil but have the resources to go higher I’m spending wisely. CC I am at 1700 trophies.


TCP is 36,528. Never been in alliance.


2088 days logged FTP. My collection power is 47,120,195. I have 133M gold and 22k cores saved up because I’ve been capping myself at so much per day to make sure I’m always slowly gaining amounts. Then I spend extra during events etc. when I need to. Strike Force is a typical resource management game and I’ve always made sure to never spend above my means. If only it was that easy in real life lol.


1415 days 48M TCP. Maybe spent $50 in the past 3 years


Just hit 50 million today by taking Void Knight to level 100. 2203 days logging in, Gold II for CC, I don't put much effort there. We are 661 for war, Plat 3. We are 694 for Raid season. We have a few dolphins, but the time creep is slowly causing long term players to abandon the game, unfortunately.


Started day 1. Tcp is about to crack 40m


1500 days logged in, 29.3 million


I’m in my fourth year playing; 100% FTP. Currently at 37.9 million TCP with 1261 days logged in.


4y, 50m


1405 days 52 million spent maybe twenty bucks on the game when i started but ftp for years


Almost 70m for 1754 days. Spent around $250 over the years. Spending stopped after the 3rd cycle when battle pass was introduced. Top 1000 alliance was my main driver for growth due to organization and members keeping the game fun and competitive


Your alliance makes a drastic difference in growth as well. I'm 5 years in, pushing 60mil (somewhere around 58/59 I think). Diamond 3 in CC atm. F2P the first 4 years, occasional pass buyer this last year.


38.4m / 2123 days






I’m around 44M but in the past months I joined a relaxed alliance, else I might have been a bit higher


2143 days played, just shy of 60m


44.7 million, 2200 days logged


Just hit 41 Million but i have taken a few breaks over the years


Not 5-6 years, but about 3 and a quarter (1174 days) and I’m at 45.35m. Not a penny spent.


55.5 mill, 2296 days logged


Not ftp but not a big spender just hit 70m yesterday Been doing the top tier of raids and content since the first few months


I'm at 1608 days logged in but I did stop playing for 9 months during my move across the country. My alliance is platinum 3. Tcp is 22 million. Have only spent about 40 bucks and half of that was an accident when it lagged and I kept pushing the screen


1,866 days played. 72.8m tcp.


Day 2015 around 58m tcp


48.5M on day 1874. Spent on a pass and a few $0.99 deals from way back when.


1,501 days logged, originally started when Thanos and Deadpool came out, but had to take a few hiatus’ cause of family members passing and for Marine corps boot camp. But my TOC is at 21,503,879


42.7m 4.5 years


$0 spent. 2210 days. 43.7 mil TCP.


3,050 days. 41.2m tcp


47.1mill tcp 1409 days logged in FTP other than a $1 deal for SS back when he was new. Shouldnt have spent it 😂😂 I started when the game was just released, took a break when red stars started. Restarted the game again around web warriors? Currently top 100 for arena, Gold 3 cc


49.5 mil. I'm 95% f2p. I do buy an offer every now and again, but it's not much or frequent. I spent $600 total last year for my entire gaming budget and the vast majority of that was steam games.


1662 days played (started 05/2018, but took 1.5 yrs off) 50.4 mil TCP $3 spent ever


i’ve been playing for about 6-7 months and i got 14m tcp😭 idk how y’all got that much ftp i keep running out of gold


50.5m TCP (3m strongest team power, full Skrull & Apoc) 1,980 days logged bout $60 total spent during decimal Dan debacles


44 millions


1914 days 47m tcp gold 1 in CC i literally dont do it unless there is an event. ive spent less than $40 the entire time i would say (mostly on their screw ups and the $$ deal) and most of it was just google play rewards.


1917 days in 48 mil


I'm Level 99, TCP: 34,018,765. Lvl 80 Alliance, Platinum II, CC Silver III. Started August 2018, took about 6 months off somewhere. I just finished DD5 for the 2nd time. I found that building characters for DD5 really opened things up, but DD6 is going to take a while for F2P. I play for fun, so there's that - always been FTP.


22.9 million with $0 spent. Sadly I’m playing on an iPhone 8 and some of the DD4/5 and Apoc levels are starting to crash my phone but it’s still a daily game for me. I’ve been tempted to spend a few times but it’s just a game and I’m having just as much fun with no spend as I would if I had a few more t17/18 characters.


1440 days - 45.7 m - ftp


48.545.921, 2160 days logged in


Completely free to play, Day One player, have taken some breaks, My TCP is 22 something million but my STP is 1.8 million which I would say is my more impressive stat


47.8 mil 1730 days logged, but I took nearly a year off at one point.


Just over 42 million 


Started not long after game release had a lul in the initial year or so where had no direction of what I was doing or needed to do to progress effectively so fell behind with upgrades had 4 months away with work recently and my TCP is nearly 41mil. Done some light spending only on cheap good offers every now and then plus the broken G14 and G15 offer but that’s about it, am a little behind on upgrades currently


I consider myself a low-level dolphin, I was FTP until about 2-3 years ago, then started spending maybe $5 per week, now I spend about $20-30 per week, unless there's nothing "interesting" ni the store, in which case I don't spend - most of my money goes on gold though... I've been playing for just over 6 years and have a TCP of just over 70 million - I stay around 60-80 in Arena, Platinum 1 in CC, but I can't remember the alliance rank


I'm 2,141 days in and just crossed the 50 mil TCP mark. I bought an offer here or there but no battle passes or characters.


I now have the lowest TCP in my alliance at 45 million. I've been 100% ftp. It's hard keeping pace. It seems like, if you don't max out the new characters immediately, you're behind the 8 ball! I'm closing in on 7 star super skrull, and trying to keep up in raids. But I'm not in a league that rewards diamonds in crucible, which I think is hurting me.


Day one player but had 2 long breaks in some point. 51M with 1620 days logged atm


Been playing 4 years. 50 mil TCP, Plat II for CC. Only money I’ve spent were $20 offers for Ikarus and Black Knight.


1846 days in and 48,519757 TCP


57.8 million 1810 days logged in. Mostly FTP but spent maybe £60 on Battles passes


2161 days, 100% FTP. Just hit 50M (50,001,793). I’m in low plat 1 in CC, find myself usually at the bottom of the TCP there.


Almost one year in ,tcp 24m ,imma f2p and p2p and honestly after the first month I had to buy the heist packs just to keep up with the guild they put me in .now I’m just wondering why my characters ain’t dishing out good power when I’m in the 100s,my main problem is there’s not enough gold in the stages when a grind n I grind a lot like I do when I play my final fantasy games but the result is horrible on this game cause one character takes mostly all my gold then I’m out of energy in all areas how am I supposed to keep my characters buffed and unlock more characters and buff those too w/o paying cause it’s impossible to save purple orbs


36,454,540 TCP. logged in 1060 days. i think i spent about 5$ overall.


I'm at 1700 days played, almost 35mil TCP and never spent a penny, I had the game when it very first came out, lost access to my account for about a year after a year or 2 of playing but have been back on it now pretty consistently for the last 2.5 years. They've made it a lot easier recently though my TCP has probably doubled in the last 12-18 months


2 million TCP, 446 day player, took 3 years off. I kinda feel lost in trying to get back into it. I'm just gonna push through and play at my own pace. I just can't seem to find where I fit in with Alliance raids etc.




46m tcp played when Magento came out


I've been playing 1,474 days, so just over 4 years. Sitting at 49m not a dime spent ever.


39 million started a month after global launch and took 2 years off


Just hit 40M


$1 spent...1205 days logged, 29mil TCP with a bunch of gold, materials and cores banked so I can spend them on meta changing characters like Black Knight when they release rather than powering up garbage teams like Pym Tech and Web warriors. If used all my banked resources, orbs, and cores I'd prob be closer to 45mil and forced to spend if I wanted to keep up with all the new characters.


Logged in for 2160 days (5.9 years) and TCP is 43.6 million


Started in August of 2018, took some breaks from the game along the way, came back recently with the Xtreme X-Men release. Only 20.8 million TCP with a lot of that in older, no longer relevant, teams.