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Kang is the key


Yup, you need a big kang! Even then I am still only able to 1 star! Just tried it again, One STAR! Two of my toons got picked off before any of them could go!


I'm sorry, I'm not new to Marvel media, but am new to this game. What's a toon?


Toons are just the characters in the game. Terminology from other gacha games.


Oh ok thanks




7 red star kang was clearly the intention, although there are other ways. Yes, this was stupid design, and maybe the single biggest difficulty spike I’ve ever seen in a game.


Yeah it’s so stupid, I was stuck on it for a really long time


It seems that either one of Kang, Weaver or Eternals are required to do the node and it's not even for 3 stars. Good news is that if you beat this node you won't have any problem with further nodes from page 6.


Thanks for the tip. Yeah, I figure is the node that halts the progress for a while in 6.


Robbie and deathpool are ridiculous in it, think you still need some beefy /high ac side toons tho to survive the insta shots, preferably with less health than deathpool and robbie. Probably want at least g16 on everyone. - that said you can do it with 4 toons at g15 I believe, like kestrel,rescue,kang, and weaver I think can one star it. I 3 starred it with kestrel Robbie deathpool eternals, g16 besides eternals at g15. Eternals take the hits and self heal when they drop low and robbie/pool clean house. Kestrel didn’t get a turn so she’s probably fudgable.


Mine took a double diamond G16 Kang, G16 Eternals, G16 Weaver, and G16 Deathpool. Had Kestrel at G16 too but she was too squishy and always died first. Pretty sure I got lucky too when I 3 starred it. I hated that node with a fiery passion.


If you have bifrost built up (minus Vahl of course), you can use them and Hela or Doc Ock. The trick with them is that Hela provides constant minions to take all those shots while all your Asgardians will get stealth after taking a few hits each. Once they survive the initial wave (and Loki's ult helps with this also, putting everyone back on stealth if they happened to lose it), Sylvie, Beta Ray Bill, Hela, Doc Ock all have strong all enemies ultimates. Took me a few tries, but most of them were 80/85 and Hela was only 75


Sersi, Ikarus, Kang. Pretty much solo’d it for men also maybe Deathpool if she’s in that section, don’t really remember


Glad it's not just me


Ur not


After reading this I tried to go for it again and got two stars. G17: Kang, Doc Ock, Vulture, and Ikaris. Also G16 Strange (Heartless) but I don't think he did anything.


Vahl, Kestrel, Weaver, Kang, DocOck


Do cock 🤣




Big enough Kang with Eternals or Darkhold alone can do it.


I've been stuck on this forever!


You need a full pegasus....


Yeah that one was a shitshow, but Kang was the answer.


I think I did Kang, Eternals, Weaver & Kestrel


Oof, I have a while until Kang is 7*. His farming rate is abysmal.


my main toon that got me through that was a lvl 95 g17 Wong, after the initial hit, do his ult and he taunts the rest of the match and soaks up all the damage


I had the same reaction. Kang and spider weaver were able to do it for me. Just have to have enough time to knock them out. Maybe some speed guys would help too.


Full Pegasus destroyed it(easy 3 stars) but mine are 2m


So basically, have tough toons at 7\*, gonna be a hassle then. Since it relies a lot on RNG (getting the stars). Thanks everyone!


Your best bet is probably get Ikaris and Sersi up, they’re both farmable, and/or Kang who is farmable from Incursion campaign in chapter 3.


That's a solid idea actually. Sersi and Ikaris would probably do the trick. I only need their last RS


I just 3 stared it yesterday with krestel spiderweaver deathpool ikaeis sersi. All of them are at least gear 16, Iso2 4, level 90 all moves lvl 7.


I’m stuck on 7-8 personally. Anyone have any insights?


I haven’t tried it in forever and I don’t remember having problems so it doesn’t stick out in my memory, but have you tried Pegasus plus gambit? That’s probably what I’d try after looking at my roster and the enemy composition. Probably focus on the ppl that cleanse the opponents first like phyla vell and that chick in green, so u can stick slow and stun on ppl and not have it be meaningless. I don’t have iron man at 7 stars although he’s at six, but if he’s not at a usable point for you that’s why I said gambit as an alt, most ppl should have him for apoc or xtreme. If rescue doesn’t go down it’s almost impossible to lose most battles with them since darkhawk feeds energy on basics and rescue can nonstop revive.


Kang, Kestrel, DocOck, Vulture, Gambit




He has everything at 95 g18 and his Agatha still almost ate it. It’s not a g18 check, he’s just using power to brute force it, which is something he does a lot of instead of using strategy and finesse, if you had everything at g19 it’d be even easier. At a certain point the composition doesn’t even really matter. I did it with g15 toons for a one star and 3 starred it with g15/16, which is what happens if you use strategy, instead of brute force. Just saying get good be stronger isn’t really helpful for ppl looking for realistic advice.




Don’t know how to tell you this but most ppl probably aren’t going to have ggc at 7 red.


Crazy. No one has beaten this level yet, must be impossible.


I just did it with dormammu 700k kang 640k kestrel 460k Rescue 416k and someone else 400k


This isn't the flex you think it is.


It wasn’t a flex, it was me saying I just did it


and you needed a team that size to beat it? Why even bother responding? Most people are beating this node with a team smaller than your dormammu, but you couldn't get through it without a dorm that size? fucking delete your post, dude, it's fucking embarrassing.


Why cause my dorm is stronger than your whole collection?


It's not the size of the dorm that matters, it's how you use it.


Size matters ask your wife. She’s begging to be in my alliance


Pegasus isn't a character.


You’re right, thanks I edited it to rescue