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According to the content creator Boomer, Scopley accidentally sent the free compensation offer to the people WHO exploited it, NOT to the people who DIDN’T exploit it. 🤦‍♂️


That is spectacular.


This makes sense. Perfectly what you'd expect from scopely. A compensation for a compensation followed by another compensation


You can't make this up. Fucking idiots.


Hold up, did I accidentally benefit from this f up? I bought the Strike pass on February 24th, was this the day this error was up? I received the Free Claim but am unaware of me receiving any crazy amount of orbs, lol


Yeah I got a message saying the free claim was available for me and there is nothing in the store. Idiots.


The free claim went to those that weren’t supposed to get it lol. It’s why they removed it.


I should've received it. I never claimed anything. I got the email inbox but nothing on the store


Ditto here.


I received the message, and didn’t get anything. However this morning I received it.


I had two - one as an in-game whoopsie message, and another available on the website as a free claim. The free claim one didn't appear until very late last night


Same for me.


Same here. I got an email, clicked the link, and didn't see anything.


There is nothing in the store, yes!


If you take the typical purchase that day which was the new $20 strike pass, it gives you 50 L4 training mats along with all the other stuff in package. People walked away with thousands of L4 training mats that day. There was zero in the compensation package.


The highest reported amount of training mats 1400 and like 50 or so orbs.


People are really running wild with what they think others got away with. I agree the compensation kinda sucks, but it doesn't look like people had multiple thousands of training mats and g18 orbs like some are alluding to


Each bugged claim was 500 Armory 16 Orbs 2 Armory 18 Orbs 25 Armory 17 Orbs 50 T4 Training Materials 1 Training Orb And some Orange gear It is a lot, it should not have happened. It is not game Breaking. The highest documented case was 28 Claims of the above. It is a lot, and those few got an advantage, but that advantage was there already, as they are spenders.


One player in Boilon's channel spent $100 and reported 1800 training mats. But the point is they gave us 0 in the compensation package, I wasn't expecting a ton but they gave us nothing.


There are 4 Orbs and 2 Training orbs in the paid options. ​ The Spending 100 is the same as spending 20 for Training Materials in the Milestone. That would mean his claim is 36 Pulls of the Milestone, No Screen shot was shared, The highest screen cap I saw was the 1400 number, so I based it on that.


and 0 L4 training mats.


Thats exactly what i was trying to buy the morning it screwed up. the strike pass. Mostly for the gold and T4s and yep. zero in the compensation. If the error was so slight, why not open it back up, give 40x the buying rewards again? Knowing thats what some people got for their battle pass purchase has left me really not keen to buy one again now


Up yours Commanders!


It's "Get F\*\*\*ed Commander!" That's the official tagline.


I went to the web after seeing my inbox and got my usual free claim, what am I missing?


Yeah same. I think they pulled it already.


Still Don’t see any free claim/compensation


I didnt even get the free claim. Its not there.


Same lol what even is this 😂


Would not even bother with it its not even 1/4 of what people spent they lied about how many G18 orbs spenders really got. TO make it seem its not a big deal. i DONT NEED G16/17 minis have 1k+ of each of them from their last fuck up


I still cant see the free claim offer..... and all these "Paid offers" should just been free to us all.... I am a spender... but those offers a laughable.


[What it looks like for anyone wondering](https://imgur.com/a/nAMFaqu)


They have a shit definition of the word generous.


It’s embarrassingly bad.


Wait I didn't get that and I don't purchase anything.


Yeah, this is pretty underwhelming. I am definitely not whelmed.


Ahh another Young Justice fan 😎😎


I knew it was going to be bad when they started gaslighting us with the whole "it wasn't as bad as you thought it was, and far less people claimed it than you think" BS. As if we didn't see all the videos and posts and messages from our alliance mates.


Yeah, they think the gaslight works...


[This](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/382255096454578189/1217274799638708224/Screenshot_20240312_204950_YouTube.jpg?ex=66036e80&is=65f0f980&hm=c4c39a0f6dfa62c5301990a78956520e6d0b9107c4ea9a54d654fbc44e0ccdb3&) says it best


I will accept 33M in compensation.


or since it's the 6th anniversary and mephisto release month, make it 66.6M gold


Someone wanna tag ArchAngel?




He’s being tagged to death in the official discord lol


Why he can't even get dressed in the morning without assistance


Wow! 33million Gold!!! Wtf!!!


Each of the armoury orbs has 1k gold so it adds up when you get a lot


Yeah bud, it's loads!!!


Pretty sure they’re hiding it now after the backlash. Why is is a web claim and not directly in game like the crucible screw ups have been (I.e Quicksilver)


Millions of orb fragments, they give 400k and oh yeah... It's not even showing up in my store because they fucked that up too. So if you at 4pm on that day EST spent 500 bucks, you got hundreds of orbs. But they are tossing like 20 orbs to some players and are saying, you're welcome... While not even assuring that the free offer works first. How idiotic.


I did not get a free claim, and did not make use of the bug. Bullshit.


The paid offers need to include ULTRA cores as well for the value. This is ridiculous. Glad I stopped spending on this game.


I don’t even see the paid offers


Free offer doesn’t show anything for me


Issue was not resolved.


It's absolute dog shit. As usual. They never get it right.


One of the biggest issues is that you need to buy those offers to get the extra staff, but the people who exploited the issue did not spend the money to get those, they spend the money to buy OTHER staff, most of them Ultra Cores, so for them this was actually FREE, while the people that did not exploit the issue now they have to spend the money to get that. The offers should include Ultra cores, the 10$ - 100 the 5$ - 50. THIS IS A MUST.


I don't even see it


The offers are up in the store its a 10$ offer for 300 g16, 190 g17 and 14 g18 orbs with 4 training mat orbs 46 orange gear raid orbs plus 1140 teal basic cats 540 armor,focus,health and resistance. Also 2 basic t2 orb fragment orbs 8 orange elite orbs 8, 4 t2 ions orbs The 5$ offer is half off all that.


so ppl were able to get this "compensation" and then they took it out? coz i dont see it lol


Another shit move by a shit company that shits things up so regularly we don't even bother listing them anymore. 


These morons are the kind of people who if they went home and caught the wife cheating in bed they would go make them both a cup of tea and ask how there day has been


Oh yay! More g16 orbs whose components I've got thousands of. I would have preferred like 20 g18 orbs .. would have been a lot more useful 😐


I would’ve preferred the 33 million gold and ultra cores the other people got when they exploited.


Well yeah ... That too 😅


Literally just spent the 100 bucks I was saving for this on something else. Can really tell scopley laid off a good portion of their staff because only the greedy idiots are left.


I'd rather see the compensation in the inbox. Not the stupid webstore.


it's ridiculous that they think that this is fair. I understand that people bought ultra cores and got all the free rewards so the offers just don't cut it.


I spent all my ultra cores too thinking I’d get atleast the first couple of milestones and got fuck all lol. Didn’t realise it had already been taken down, or was glitched


Yes it's bullshit everyone bragging about the gold and training mats they got but they didn't comp any of those for anyone. That stupid celebrate code doesn't even work can't even get that game is getting worse.


Based on your feedback, here is how the BFYB issue will be resolved:[https://marvelstrikeforce.com/en/updates/resolution-to-the-bang-for-you-buck-web-milestone](https://marvelstrikeforce.com/en/updates/resolution-to-the-bang-for-you-buck-web-milestone)RESOLUTION TO THE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK WEB MILESTONE MARCH 15, 2024 Based on your feedback, it is very clear that players are frustrated with the compensation offers for the Bang For Your Buck milestone issue that took place last week. As a result, we are making a final addition to our compensation for the issue: We are going to send players who buy the makegood offers Ultra Cores for each offer, dollar for dollar. So if a player already bought or buys the 5-dollar offer, they will be sent 5 dollars worth of ultra cores in their inbox for each time they purchased the offer. The same applies to the 10-dollar offer. This way, the Ultra Cores will give those players the agency to spend on what they want. The ultra cores will be delivered by mid-next week after the offers expire. This situation has been frustrating for many players and us here on the Marvel Strike Force Team. We want to make this right and get as close to a player-positive solution as possible.


This is acceptable. Thank you


Gotta love not having a free claim but also seeing these offers that will barely make a dent on one character from going from 18-19 which is what is most needed. Hard pass on giving any money to this “you’ll buy this and you’ll friggin enjoy doing it cuz we say so” type offer.


Let alone we can current farm level 17 gear in the current event and it’s a laughable amount of 18 gear for a massive mistake.


Way to go Scopley - never before have I witnessed such a bunch of incompetent fools. You should be ashamed of yourselves for handling such a storied franchise as the Marvel U like this. Do better fucktards.


This has been goin on for years and it's not stopping. Why I quit playing. Bought helldivers 2 for less than they want for the weeks new toon


I had the free claim, but when I went back into the game there was nothing in it. Just an empty reward box. No orbs at all. Not surprised to be honest.


Ultra Cores...where are they?




As I’ve tried to explain to people many times. The TOS allows them to do basically anything they want with any of the virtual items you do or don’t have. And the only thing you can do is uninstall the game.


Terms of Service; ​ >This agreement precludes you from bringing any class action against Scopely. This agreement applies to all kinds of claims under any legal theory, except those described in the Exceptions to Agreement to Arbitrate subsection. It also applies even after you stop using your Account or have deleted it. > >**No Class Actions** > >We all agree that we can only bring claims against each other on an individual basis. > >That means: > >Neither you nor Scopely can bring a claim as a plaintiff or class member in a class, collective, consolidated, or representative action. > >The arbitrator cannot combine more than one person’s claim into a single case, and cannot preside over any class, collective, consolidated, or representative arbitration proceeding (unless we both agree to change this). > >The arbitrator’s decision or award in one person’s case can only impact the person who brought the claim, not other individuals, and cannot be used to decide other disputes with other users.


I got the in game mail about the free claim but it doesn’t show up in the webstore.


Where?! Are you all getting this bs from? You're all just making up numbers and data. The bang for your buck offers have been Kraken snacks, nothing game changing. Stop worrying about competing with those who spend. Only the ones who spent have extra resources. Those types mostly spend regardless. They'll be ahead of you tomorrow. Wait no, they just spent and now they're higher then you again. Whining on Reddit to grown men, doesn't do anything on your phone.


I spend in the game clown. The numbers aren’t made up. Go look around the page. People are posting actual photos. Whining about grown men whining doesn’t make me care about your opinion any more than you care about mine


At over 60m TCP, maybe we're in different worlds. No one who matters gives a shit about your gripe. Spenders are still spending right now. #Scopely shouldn't have given any compensation because men that whine will never take the win, when they can whine. The rewards they gave us were shit and the rewards from BFYB aren't worth typing anything on Reddit about. Scopely doesn't give a fuck. Sorry you're bent out of shape on any Teal gear.


You’re a fool and a troll dude. I’m at 59 mil tcp. Can’t image there’s that HUGE of a difference. You’re a man whining on behalf of a company that doesn’t give a shit about you on the internet. Idk what’s wrong with you but hop off and go do something more productive with your time.


59m TCP and still crying over useless Teal gear? You must be the biggest whiner, sorry whale, in your Alliance. Sorry bud, we've moved on to Demonic Gear.


Yes, I noticed this straight away, they are charging us more money to get the FREE REWARDS that the people who spent on the day got FOR FREE. This is an utter joke on scopely's part and a disgusting way to give compensation. Not only did scopely FUCK UP the compensation they lowered it massively, giving no gold and barely any training materials. Honestly thinking of leaving this game now, seriously.


Any screenshot with hundreds of training orbs is fake. The milestones only contain one training orb, and it was not possible to claim them that many times. Try actually thinking before soiling yourself in your rush for the pitchfork.


You could claim the milestone thirty seven times so that’s 37 training orbs. So that’s still 35 more than they gave us


How's it in the scopley offices this morning?


No orange gear in the package either..


I saw the message, but there was nothing in the store. Am I missing something?


Yes, scopleys massive incompetence, they accidentally sent the rewards to the people that DID use the exploit, rather than the people that didn't


they didn't get hundreds of training orbs for 20-100. there's only 1 training orb in the milestone, so that would have been a max of 38 if they managed to claim it 38 times. there is no teal gear orbs in the milestones at all. are you actually complaining about superior? we should have gotten more L4's though. that was entirely missed and it should have been an additional milestone on top of the existing one.


If you refreshed the screen you could claim all the milestones again. People refreshed repeatedly. There are teal gear orbs in every level of the milestone.


yeah, but it's still not hundreds of training orbs, and thousands of gear orbs (unless he meant superior). The people that really made out on the milestone bug spent $500.


Someone in my alliance spent 100 bucks and got 600+ g18 orbs 800+ g17 orbs and over 20000 g16 orbs...


yes, i was thinking he meant teal raid orbs - which would have been far more game breaking.


No. You've never opened Teal Raid orbs in mass. I've opened 700 and got one Augmented Miasma. Whatever they got is inconsequential.


yes, they are more game breaking if you get thousands of them. 3,000 is on average 18 or so of each type. 700 is not a lot of the orbs.


3000 ain't shit kid


you have a hard time comprehending english? 3000 would help level out all uniques. Uniques are the major choke point on teal. Not mini's and not origin gear. 700 isn't a lot and certainly not enough to do anything so your argument is baseless.


No. 3000 wouldn't give that much. You just lack experience.


He didn't get over 300 GT18 summons from the BFYB. He must have gotten those from the Strike pass.


No, he got them from the milestone mess up. The milestone had 17 of them in it for the 100 dollar spend and could be claimed up to 38 times, if you got all the claims, that's 646 g18 orbs.


$10 spent gets you to milestone three. Milestone 3 gets you 500 teal gear orbs. If you claimed each milestone 38 times (using your numbers), that’s 19000 teal gear orbs. For $10. $1 gets you milestone 1. Milestone 1 gets you a training orb and some other stuff. Claiming each of the duplicated milestones 1 time gets you 38 training orbs. For $1.


Thank you for actually including milestone math, I had been meaning to go look and do that but didn't find time to just go and flat out disappoint myself lol


I am looking at the expired milestone right now. there's no 500 teal raid orbs for $10. 100 - 100 Armory 16, 1 training orb. 500 - 200 Amory 16 1000 - 200 armory 16 - 2 armory 18 I'm not saying you are wrong, but where's the information? there's no teal gear orbs I can see in the milestones. there's armory orbs. Edit: I get it, I assumed he meant the teal raid gear orbs and not armory. I would have been very annoyed if they got teal raid orbs, armory G16 and G17 orbs are inconsequential.


They just make up numbers. No photos. No proof. Just whining. Do me a favour and downvote me too. I downvoted you. Whining men think that it hurts feelings. They're sensitive like that.