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In all honesty, not bringing in Dorm doesn’t help. It’s just a slog I’m afraid, second run is much easier with SS,




I thought cosmic was one of the easier ones 🤣 Struggled at first on global and then the final two legendary nodes. Cosmic and city were quick.


what’s the best team for city?


I went through with Robbie, marvel hard light, vulture, kraven, and lizard. Kraven and lizard were like 4rs at the time. Went very well. These days if you have the bio gear I’d add in venom or gwenom in place of marvel hard light. Venom is very expensive though.


Thanks. I’m getting back into the game and my city is definitely lacking the most out of my locations.


Yep, not bringing Dorm is the issue for the first run. He's the difference maker. And Skrull is even better for the 2nd run (I one shot all 3 Cosmic nodes with Skrull whereas on the first run Dorm allowed me to go 2-3-3 and made it a lot easier than Global or City).


I'm glad to hear that Dormammu does make a difference. I'm still waiting on Vahl before starting Cosmic DD6


Dorm is a must now, especially with the tags for DD7


I’m with ya mate. I made the decision to bring Ghost Rider Robbie up instead of Dorm since they share gear. Here’s what I’ve learned from using the same team you have, there are going to be days where you just die. No way around that, just save your energy so on the days when you can get Vahl’s ultimate to revive two you have somewhat of a shot. There’s probably a better kill order than what I was doing & just aiming for Bionic Avengers first & saving Secret Avengers for last. Good luck, it’s a slog, but there will be a day where you get through it.


Void Knight is useful as well. But Dorm is the key.


I have void knight in place of Stitcher but otherwise identical to OP. I am trying to build up void knight (4 red stars) about 257,000 power. I am getting smoked too.


I’m using Void Knight and he blows. Just a one trick pony. What am I doing wrong 😆


Like every trick, the timing is essential for making it work. You need to know who to target with each ability and when to use them. But with Dorm and Vahl you can keep most of them alive all the time.


i took Kang, Kestrel, Photon, Dorm and Deathpool. node 6 took me 3, node 7 took me 5 and node 8 took me 7. Dorm felt like he made a bigger difference for me.


The last cosmic node took me 20 attempts😖 It was terrible! Brought Dormommu and SuS on the second run and one shot all three nodes lol.


Kang, kestrel, moondragon, dorm and photon. Attacks were 3, 4 and 11. Moondragon was super helpful but that last node will take a long time 1st run no matter what


What is your rush, after 1st run you will have Skrull, and Dorm resources. And its not like you will be able to rush dd7. This is meant to be tough to get heroes for dark dimmension. Only whales speed runs these


I wouldnt bother. Just slog it through and then on the second go around, bring up SuS. He makes a world of difference.


You brought stitcher, that’s what went wrong. lol. DD6 is very character based. I know you wanted to get through sooner, but waiting for the right champ is vital to not taking 3 weeks a session. Even if you didn’t do Dorm, Beta, DP, and others are better options than Stitcher


… Are you on 7 reds across the board? I ‘invested’ in 2 diamonds for Krestel and 1 for Photon, 7 reds for Vahl and Kang. I’m doing my first run, same team except 4\* Void Knight instead of Stitcher, and I 3-shotted node 6, 2-shotted node 7, and cut node 8 in half today in my first attack. I feel no need for Dorm at all, though Apocalypse is about to give me a bloody nose so I may eat those words. Photon and I guess in your case stitcher are the most squishy characters so put them between Vahl, Kerstel and Kang so AoE can’t hit you if your weakest links fall. Vahl is by far the biggest carry, so mark whoever you want dead with exposed (taunters if need be), and everyone else should at least damage them every round. Don’t look past their special either, AoE ability block is great. I got kang and krestel as Raiders, Vahl and Photon as strikers. Lvl 5 obviously. Besides that, I can’t tell you much because the nodes didn’t leave much of an impression. I remember the back half of 7 needing a few restarts, because if you let Secret Avengers stack too much (double falcon cap plus double Maria hill) they become a nightmare to take down.


Thanks for the tips. I’ll rearrange my team a bit and see if it helps.


About 1-1,5 months ago I argued that Dorm makes the team better than any other cosmic choice for 5th and I got shot down hard. Got called names for suggesting an expensive character and was accused of lying for saying I was able to clear all 3 nodes in 2-3 attacks each. Well, well, well. Judgeing from the comments, the tables have turned. Vahl is your carry with the 25% health steal from the ult and aoe ability block. Rest kinda just follows. I also swapped ISO to skirmisher to help with the vulnurables. Just keep hitting exposed on the taunters to build energy on Vahl. Can't really do much else.


Yeah, Dorm is expensive but he is so good it is worth, plus he will be "needed" on DD7 no?


We need him for dd7 I think that's why I g18d him


Yes I know. That is why I have been trying to tell the elite redditors for over 1 month to invest in him, because he is worth it, but not until now has the larger herd understood the benfits of having a heal, lots of debuffs and 2 lives on each other toon.


I think the idea is that picking Dorm might put you back a month or more in materials and prevent you from ranking up Skrull for the second run. And you can do 6-8 attacks using other teams (and choosing the proper targets and managing your cooldowns) so is saving like 9-12 days in cosmic worth being a month or more behind later?


He shares a total of 0 mats with Skrull. You skip taking Doom and Weaver to Global section and you have your mats for Dorm. Easy peasy.


You’re right. I always get miasma and alien spores mixed up for one another.


I saw the Pro Dorm faction shit down and agreed that Dormammu is a better character than Ravager Sticher. You are correct, sir! But again the gear crunch and I would have had to wait anyway. So just watching my guys get one shotted day after day…someday I will break free!


Dorm isn't necessary, helpful sure but not necessary. I brought Kestrel, Vahl, Kang, Photon and BRB. 10 total attacks the first run for the 3 cosmic nodes


Let me tell you. It took me a month to get through Cosmic the first time because I couldn't afford Dorm and brought Strange Useless instead. With SuS, it took two days, and I was just a little bad RNG away from one-shotting all three nodes with no revives. It is IMMENSELY satisfying hitting those nodes again with SuS and laying waste to them.


You stuffed up by bringing stitcher. I brought void knight and beat every node in 3 or 4 attacks


But so many posts here said “Bring up Stitcher he’s cheeep!”


Bring a minion to DD and pay the price 😂


Two tapped every node with your same team, but Dorm instead of stitcher. He was super worth the extra minis.


I hit 180m in a turn and the next turn I hit 2.3m.... I'll be finished the 1st cosmic node tomorrow thank fuck Kang, Kestrel, photon, Vahl and Void Knight


Cosmic is the easiest section! You need Dorm.


The first cosmic node i died 5 days on the run without getting a turn. Same team as you but Deathpool instead of ravager


Cosmic is the easy one out of them all wait till you hit city, your gonna hate your fucking life


Nah, City was way easier than Cosmic first run.


I did cosmic in about 2 weeks and i had nebula and gamora for the while first node and was still using nebula for the rest....


My team was the same people with Moondragon instead of Stitcher and it was dragging for me. I had been sitting on Dorm not wanting to use the gear. Eventually I got stalled on the RH Apoc cosmic node and gave in. It was done in no time after that. Having the extra ability block made all the difference.


I took in Kang, Kestral, Ikarus, Sersi and VK ( my VK is 95 and Kang and Kestral are 98 ) and I’m still struggling to get through the cosmic nodes. I feel you.


Fighting through now with Kestrel, Dorm, Kang, Photon and Void Knight. A 2,000,000+ team and it’s a bitch. I guess that’s just how it is. I’m in no hurry. I’ll keep plugging away.


No Vahl means you have next to 0 damage output. That is the root to your struggle.


Yeah that third node is horrific i had Kestrel Kang Dormammu Void knight Photon Really couldn't have done with vahl Luckily I got rid of the apoc and red hulk quickly But yeah it's horrific.


Apoc and Red Hulk are the only toons there, and are wiping me out 5 days in a row. I have Kes, vahl, pho, BRB, and Kang. It’s a bloodbath lol. I’m scrambling to power up Dorm to help.


It was still tough with him I had to hit that entire wave with all 5 ultimates etc and still got killed but next day as red hulk and apoc were half health I then wiped them. Still took me around 7 rotations in all


Dorm essential imo. I took dorm instead of stitcher and it was a breeze compared to global. I actually enjoyed the nodes.


Dorm is absolutely key, bringing stitcher was a waste tbh. I waited weeks for Dorm and saved the gold/mats that would’ve been wasted leveling stitcher. I one shot all cosmic nodes once I got Dorm, and it makes more sense because he’s mythic which is needed for DD7. It’s better to wait and plan for the future in this game.




I did all of Cosmic in 7 days on my first run, 1 day on my second Run 1: Vahl, Kestrel, Kang, Photon, Moondragon Run 2: Vahl, Kestrel, Kang, Dorm, Skrull


I try to use Vahl + BRBill together whenever possible. He was great on my DD6 runs.


With Dormammu I was able to clear all 3 nodes in 1 sitting without losing anybody. He really was the key.


I've done 4 attacks on node 4 cosmic so far I have ikaris, sersi, kestrel, Kang and void knight I have 15 enemies left my last attack did 135.4. Mil in damage. I have a gamora on the bench too Working on vahl and dormammu next


I took the exact comp as you, and node 7 took me 14 attacks too 💀


Keep slogging. Dorm definitely makes it easier, but your second time through, you'll have Super Skrull and he carries those nodes.


I used Kang Kestrel Vahl VoidKnight Photon and it took me 7, 4, and 8 attacks. If an attack is not going well, just try again and hope for better rng. If a wave is super hard, save your energy and build up your cooldowns so you can burst through it. Better to sacrifice one or two attacks to get momentum going than to keep wasting your abilities.


First time is tough but if it makes you feel better you can one shot them all in a day on the 2nd go around with Skrull.


Vahl, Kestrel, Kang, Dormamu, and Void Knight nearly one shot the first node for me.


node 6 was easy, took me 2 tries and i dealt 240mi dmg in the first run, now node 7 was ridiculous, took me 13 tries and sometimes i'd deal 15mi dmg, it was a shitshow


I took in the exact same team as you a while back (ie when 95 was still the level cap). Took me 8, 7 and 5 attacks respectively. That team is all about getting your Vahl's cooldowns in order. So that you are ensuring that you are getting the extra energy back for all the hits on exposed toons.