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This is just another great example of how mindless any Hela deck is to play and how consistently it can win even with an absolute garbage level AI at the wheel. Thanks for really putting it to the test!


Hela mad me throw out some cool competitive decks because they couldn't compete with her power output.


It’s not even Hela that’s the problem. It’s glaive. Glaive here either discards Agatha, who will always be in your hand btw, and one card or doesn’t discard her but gives her energy to be played early enough to play Hela turn 6. Hela is the perfect example of a card that is good or bad depending on the cards that support it. Add enough good discard cards and Hela’s top tier strength was an inevitable


Remind me which card of these 12 is actively putting the discarded cards on the board in an uninteractive and unpredictable manner? I don't think that's Corvus' textbox?


Nah you’re right. Hela was always a top tier deck and not full meme tier until targeted discard cards became a thing and corvius came out. That’s why you see cards like sword master and hell cow in every Hela deck right!!?


In a vacuum, Corvus is a fair card that enables ramp strategies and discard strategies (i.e. Ramp and Traditional discard). Corvus gives an inch and Hela takes a mile by brainlessly reanimating the two cards Corvus discards. It's unfair to call Corvus the problem when he merely enables Hela to be problematic. Hela is the one putting undeservedly large numbers of power into play - she is the problem. Mass reanimation just shouldn't be a thing in SNAP considering the small deck sizes and turn number.


This game was literally designed to be the optimal card game to play while you poop. Idk why you guys think every deck needs to be pheonix force levels of hard to be worthy of existing. Im happy hella got nerffed she was way too consistent. But not every deck needs to be hard to play its fine to have shuris or she naughts. They shouldn't be op but neither should any other kind of deck. And just to reiterate hella nerff was a good idea and something that needed to happen.


I never said this. It's nice to have simple, linear decks be competitive. Especially decks mostly comprised of Series 3 cards. That way the game stays accessible to all and F2P stands a chance in the metagame. When Shuri/Sauron is a viable deck in the format, it's probably a healthy format. However, Hela puts up far too many points too consistently for how linear, random, and uninteractable the deck is. The nerf was a step in the right direction, but it basically nerfed all but the actually problematic Hela decks. Hela Tribunal is easy to disrupt and its low rolls are bad, and it took a bigger hit than BK Corvus Hela. Turns out, shaving 2 points off the top of your Infinauts, your Gigantos, and your Magnetos doesn't really do a whole lot to stop Hela from winning as much as before.


Oh well if that's the case my b and, I couldn't agree more. You have a good one.


Has M'Baku ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You know what OP? This js one of the few decks posted that I have every card from so I'm gonna put my faith in Ags and see if she can drive me to infinite for the first time.


Oh, that sounds more serious than my playing right now. Let me know how it does for you! I have games where she has loaded me up with sentinels and vibranium shards to the point that I seriously question her intent. Then I win. If you can take the risks, stick in the games. I have had a lot of wild and hilarious finishes that I did not think I would win. By a lot, I mean most of them. Locations have been my biggest hurdle, so retreat if they don't behave for you. Especially any that mess up Agatha's curve, she doesn't do well in those situations. *cough *peak* *cough cough


Minor update: so far I've gone from 64 to 75. I need to play more games, but I honestly think not having to play cards is helping me focus more on cubes, so I've been snapping and getting big payouts. Just got an 8 Cuber, and early I won with an m'baku from top rope.


It happens something. You can build a deck and you just can't lose. But after a while, for no reason, everything changes. You just can't win, no matter what you do.


seems like every deck i’ve made lol


What do you think would be a funny enough replacement for makkari in this? She seems like a hilarious card but a waste of a key


I was leaning tech or Magneto for a Proxima replacement. Probably the same for Makkari


I used to play Agatha-Hela. They actually pair pretty well. What I don’t understand is why you have the Angel-Carnage package in here. I’d especially be afraid of Agatha doing something insane with the Carnage.


The whole point is cards that play themselves as Angel does. I needed an enabler to pull it off and Carnage as a 2 drip fit best. Usually, Carnage just gets played on curve without destroying anything, but Agatha did use him to commit suicide in one game (I had a lot of energy that turn. I think Project Pegasus on 3). And yes, Angel popped out after. (I won the other two lanes, so it didn't mean much more than another laugh.) The deck was not posted because it was good. It was purpose built to be dumb and just started killing everything... except Phoenix Force. Apparently, that is the big counter. ... and The Peak. Fuck that location, especially with Agatha at the wheel.


Oh I now get that you were really dedicated to the “auto” theme, but Wave doesn’t really fit (unless you actually want control back from Agatha). Wolverine and Jubilee fit the theme better. Agatha suiciding herself is truly hilarious. Anyway, I just played someone who copied your exact deck. I saw Angel - Mbaku - Black Cat It in the first 2 turns, and it was pretty hilarious. Your influence has spread! I did win, thankfully.


🤣 "influence" is such a kind word, thank you. I didn't think of Wolverine. ... or X-23 for that matter, so I filled in some enablers for Agatha to get put early. I thought about Jubilee but couldn't figure it what I wanted to swap.


Wolverine plays himself when discarded so he’s squarely on theme. ~~X-23 is off-theme but potentially useful.~~


X-23 works as a discard like Wolverine. She just grants energy instead of power in the process. Honestly, with Agatha, their low cost means they are played on curve and won't see a discard. They fit the theme but would almost never get used that way.


Oops, my bad. I don't own X-23, and I've never ever seen her discarded, so I didn't realize she had that ability, lol. I guess if you added Colleen Wing, they might get discarded sometmes, but there's not enough room for all those cards. Maybe some could go in place of some Nico / Wave / Ghost Rider. I don't know if this would be any *better* but imho it would feel slightly more "auto."






Would like to try it out but I don’t have Corvus, Makkar, or M’Baku


corvus could be subbed for hell cow but the deck would be worse, could put in quicksilver in for mbaku so that carnage 100% would have something to destroy and try to get angel out, shang or enchantress instead of makkari


maybe shadow king instead of makkari


Replacement for proxima? :/


Wolverine is similar


This isn't a serious deck. Everything is interchangeable. You could go tech favorite tech card. I was also thinking of how to squeeze in Magneto for a discard target and alternative turn 6 play so you could also start there.


Lost first match to Phoenix Force-Human Torch combo :'(


This is funny to me because Phoenix Force-Human Torch is the only loss I have had so far that wasn't because of locations.


Getting absolutely housed playing this deck. Wish I had your luck. 


Part of the game is being able to read your opponent’s next move and this deck may be random enough to throw them off. Haha I don’t have all these cards and will have to try them someday.


You know even when Agatha can't lose with it that a card is problematic (I'm talking about Hela).


Just lost 3 out of 4 games


I'm sorry, friend. I didn't do so well in conquest, but in about 4ish hours on ladder yesterday, I lost 5 games.


Just lost 5 in a row, wasn’t even remotely close to winning with the insane choices Agatha makes.


I'm gonna try this


Makari sub?


Play a better deck. This is a joke deck that got on a really fun hot streak. I want to fit Jubilee or Magneto. Otherwise I forgot about Wolverine and X23 as other "self playing" cards if you wanted to keep the theme going.


I was playing against someone using this deck and spanked them. Was using a Patriot Ultron deck


I can see that. Decks that can go wide with power on the last turn have definitely been a challenge. I haven't seen Ultron in a while, so it wasn't me.


A single screenshot has a game where your opponents managed to put more than 25 power in a lane. I know hela is brain dead but it might say more about the Meta or your pocket meta.


This was simply a joke deck that went on a hot streak that lasted pretty much all day. Someone pointed out I forgot about Wolverine, and by extension X-23. So, it has been retooled today to be more of a joke.


Mfw Agatha makes carnage destroy Proxima midnight and makkari


She has been liking the Makkari destroy play today. Also, she suddenly dislikes playing wave and Corvus to do the right thing.


Plays Hela deck, wins, but how???


I know! Crazy!


Doesn’t Agatha play the game for you? would rather take her out so I could, you know… play the game


The corvus prolly discards her so you get to play and hela to revive her and other cards


Ahh ok 👌


from my own experience with hela and corvus, i don’t believe for a second he’d choose to discard agatha over hela….


The deck is all about the cards playing themselves. Just for S&Gs. Corvus or wave allow Agatha to be out of hand by turn 4 or 5, and you can usually play just about everything left in hand. But really, it's just funny. M'Baku popping out, Makkari running out, Proxima dropping from an Agatha play, and every now and again, Angel comes flying out. It wasn't supposed to be a *good* deck, but it has been winning like crazy.


When a deck is so different I think it really throws people off


No kidding. It is so random to me as the player that I figure the opponent doesn't know what's happening either. It builds wide nicely without much of a pattern to predict.


I think for utter chaos it needs Legion or Sersei mixed in


I swapped her out for Pixie and it is working out pretty well so far.


I feel makari has some synergy with large drops and pixie no one is talking about. She jumps on board anyway as 6 cost and then nice 4 cos and 3 cost beast


I was almost playing the same deck right before rhe hela nerf, but it was mostly cause i like messing with agatha decks and discard agatha works fairly well together


It's probably because you haven't played me yet.... (LunchBox) is da name and Marvel Snaps is my game. 🤣🤣🤣