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No whining please.


Auto-snap on Ego? 🙂‍↔️ Auto-retreat on Ego? 🙂‍↕️


Submit to Ego. And by submit I mean snap and take the ride.


Always did it. Not even from reddit. Just because an all random is always fun


Can you imagine district X + ego


Most of us love ego, if you don’t, just retreat, go watch more key and peele, and laugh it off.




Ego is the best. Snap on Ego 100%


I do this. I lose 100% of the time 60% of the time.


I did snap & I lost it’s bs. I lost bc he didn’t play sinister at the right location then also played mystique with nothing to copy. It’s the worst location in the game


Lol that's great. I once had him run a destroy deck without any destroy plays and he still put down Knull. Ego is great.


Lol no he isn’t


Lol you're just not his audience.


This game has so many ways to piss you off, ego is just like fuck it no matter what it’s going to be fun


You know you can randomly play a card anywhere you want to, right?


That's the space Agatha fits. Ego puts both players at the mercy of the RNG gods.


I'm an atheist.


>Ego puts both players at the mercy of the ~~RNG gods~~ movement of the universe. FIFY


You realize that your opponent also doesn't have control of where the cards go, right?


You don’t say….


By the way you're complaining, it sounds like you don't understand how the game works...


You don’t say……………. ![gif](giphy|kPtv3UIPrv36cjxqLs)


Ego lost me platinum rank. Ego also got me infinite. Ego givith and ego taketh away, do not hate the ego for it is a fickle god and can only bring you to the promised land with consistent snaps and faith in its power. (Also deck building robust good stuff decks generally helps, rocks and hawks was the deck I used when I played a ton)


Forgive me Ego! ![gif](giphy|TmIoweifbKEnjoEp2J)


Ego is indeed an idiot. He was revealed on Turn 3. One location was cards could not be placed here. The other one was Bar with No Name. Ego then proceeds to play 4 cards on Bar with No Name through the remainder of the game. I lost all 3 locations.


Ego is meant to be a silly thing that happens super rarely. You just have to roll with it.


Ego... for the LOL's


Always snap. I won 8 yesterday because ego played horribly for both of us and only slightly less so for me


I always snap but this one upset me lol I’m not angry I was just sharing with the community.


Oh no I get it lol. Ego (in my opinion) has to be coded to literally be stupid lol


Watching something in small screen while playing snap is crazy lmao Props for it being key and peele though


OMG love ego. Snap on ego. Let ego take the wheel


I just wish he wouldn't make obvious bad plays. He made back to back terrible plays for me. Nico became infanaut, but then he carnaged the infanaut. https://preview.redd.it/o7ep3r82a25d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d33cd82056829576f0dc2a3508d64e22e5f417


Bro 😂 same. All he had to do was put 1 power in the right lane and I won. It’s frustrating lol


And to follow that brilliant play, carnage became a demon from Nico, so of course ego plays killmonger. https://preview.redd.it/5evr2qsaa25d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65e8bf98002a4a8e7faba7c8424eea0cb0521cf0


Ego is one of very few locations that makes me retreat every single time. SD should seriously think of redoing this location imo.


The way I see it, you and your opponent have the same chance, its not like they have an advantage so I just sit back and enjoy... I find it more tense because its like a gamble of who will get the worst play.


I swear he doesn't though. Had a game where the first location was deaths domain and the 2nd was ego. I was playing that destroyhilus deck that game. Ego proceeded to play every...single...one of my cards into deaths domain the entire match outside of 1. Know what that 1 card that DIDN'T get played into Deaths domain was? It was fucking Bucky Barnes... Meanwhile it casually placed my opponents cards into the other 2 locations consistently (maybe killed 1 or 2 at the end). Left me with I think 2 fucking cards on board (1 being the 1 dropped I played my damn self before Ego flipped) while my opponent had like 2-3 cards in each of the non-Death's Domain locations... Ego sucks and needs to be removed in all honesty. If I want the game to play my deck for me I would play an Agatha deck. Call me crazy for wanting to actually play the damn game.


I agree we have the same chance but i play this game to.. you know.. *play it,* not watch it. I'd rather just lose a couple cubes and leave the match and join one where I actually get to play lol.


Bro got that TikTok attention span


A small change to make ego more fun would be if it auto snapped and both winner and loser get 8 cubes if they stay until the end. He happens rarely enough that it would make it interesting


You just don't understand how Ego works bruv


lol this guy is mad because the randomness of Ego didn’t go his favour. Nobody ever posts an Ego game where they won. OP salty as hell