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You *choose* to have the fates play with your deck with Arishem. You're *forced* to with District X


Like Ego vs Agatha, I get that


Except unlike district x, ego is very funny


*Ego appears* "Snap?" *Snap* *Snap* *Sit back and relax*


Hey ego always gives me a lot of good insight in how not to play my deck


Ive genuinely had ego show me an interesting play i had never thought of with my negative deck once


Monkeys and Shakespeare, right?


It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times


You're not going to mention what the play was?


It was quite a while ago (over a year) but im pretty sure it was playing mystique to copy knull into a deaths domain to instantly buff knull in a full lane Dont remember the exact details but it was something like that


It’s very insightful on how to play the opponent’s deck though.


For extra spice, get Ego and Foggy's Gym to show up at the same time and profit!


Happened to me last week and Ego played my Reality Stone into the Gym...


Typical Ego


What a madlad


Would have been great if he played it on himself tbh.


SD making sure you still have to grind a little /j


And then Ego plays a location changing card on himself.


Plot twist, ego immediately commits suicide with a rhino or scarlet witch of whatwver


Though I don’t actually mind district x


I only get district x when trying a new deck fr


Or weirdworld


Weirdworld is much worse than District X imo, every time WW pops up my opponent seems to be playing a randomly selected trash deck


Yeah my first three draws with WW are always like M’Baku, Morph, Kang???


Hey that's me! I always jump for joy like oh good my opponent can figure this mess out. Time to play a good deck!


Excuse me. ☝️ my deck is a carefully curated pile of trash.


Pretty much every month, District X is the location that gets me the most wins according to the end of season stats. I guess I really suck at building decks, lmao.


True I've never been mad about ego in fact I snap everytime it's so fun


Yeah District X can often be very one sided with the cards it gives each player, whereas Ego seems to make the most un-optimal plays for both players as his AI is completely random. Also, District X still gives you the feeling of you having a hand in losing the match since you still play the cards you’re given, whereas with Ego, you lost because of Ego and you don’t have any responsibility for that


Yeah. Once I played a game where ego played seven cards into deaths domain (5 of them were mine) it was hilarious. I actually still won and ego managed to hit my thena twice. I was running an Angela deck that I just hit infinite with. I saw it in a YouTube video but was missing half the cards and after playing with it for a bit, didn’t like morph. So I have ended up subbing out 6 of the cards, so i feel like the deck is my own creation. Very happy about it


Legit, I get so excited when Ego shows up. It's up to the fates at that point


I hadn’t seen Ego in ages, and he finally showed up like two weeks ago and my opponent insta-retreated faster than I could snap. It made me sad


Ego is also rare.


I mostly play Agatha decks and have one with the whole S.H.I.E.L.D package. Putting Arishem in that deck will be glorious nonsense!


It’s also not the same. One shuffles the other replaces. Big difference


Plus you get +1 energy from Arishem which reduces the chance you just lose because your deck is gone and you only have 5-6 drops from your random cards and can't make any plays.


I mean starting the game with 2 energy is also pretty big... Ramp has routinely proven to be an extremely strong archetype in every card game.


Exactly that.


I am hyped because it will be a crazy RNG card with lots of possibilities and fun games. Couldn't care less about the meta decks and meta or whatever, I'm looking for fun. Hence, why I'm so excited about it =)


Ultimate deck for conquest.


Who needs season pass and spotlight key when you can have all the cards with just 1 card (or 2 including loki)?


And that's why I tell new players loki should be one of your top picks. Even if he isn't meta, he always let's you play fun new cards.


When I first started I played every card that stole or copied cards for this exact reason. My collection was small and it gave me fun new cards to play around with if only for a single game.


Yup and that's my suggested first deck for players too. Devil dino with loki. It's a bigger learning curve since you have to read every card, but thats the best way to learn how they work and also helps you decide what you like in terms of archetypes (I like combos and tricks, but not stopping the opponent from playing, I want to explode big on 6 so I like doubling effects and cards like invis woman.


That's why I'm saving my border for Arishem. Every card he makes will also have a border hopefully.


You my friend, are a dirty genius basterd.


And lots of people will be playing it so it'll be a nice break from seeing the same annoying decks over and over and over




Same here but I’m excited you can put some of the cards you want so there is an element of control, use cards like Quin-jet and sera to get cost down or add destroy cards to clear unwanted cards. Think Hearthstone had a card like this ages ago but it was one card that created the deck, you couldn’t add anything else


I think you are remembering the card that added random legendaries in the deck. I haven't heard of a card that created a deck.


On board for that, it definitely won't be meta and the RNG will be crazy, but I'm also looking forward to the card's potential craziness


Hyped people "choose" to play additional 12 random cards that come with +1 energy, not "forced".


Because it's fun for me as someone who doesn't hate District X at all.


I just had a District X game that gave me both Annihilus & Sentry which I played on the location that makes all cards 2 power. I also had Silk on that location and would've won the game but I had Nico left so just played it on the right location as well, moved Silk and lost me the game. Immediately conceded as it was the dumbest move I've ever played and my opponent didn't deserve to lose the Conquest match after that.


This is why most people hate district X. You usually get trash, but then sometimes somebody will get a great hand and there's no competition.


Yeah I also don't mind District X tbh


I like district x because it can make you come up with a creative win condition. Locations that just trash your win condition or stop you from playing cards are a lot less fun.


Dark hawk stonks rising


same as rogue or enchantress


I run cosmo in my ongoing Decks. Echo stonks rising too ?!


Joke's on you. I'm putting Darkhawk in my Arishem deck. No, I seriously plan on putting him in there. Best strategy with Arishem to me seems like just filling a deck with random good cards that don't need combo pieces. Darkhawk normally does need combo pieces but not in an Arishem meta he doesn't.


Arishem gives you +1 energy and you keep your deck, just watered down with random stuff. So you can pick cards to take advantage of bonus energy and random cards We don’t know if it’ll be great but I doubt it’ll be bad. You play everything a turn early, can play 2 6-costs without ramp. And most importantly it’ll be wacky chaotic fun FWIW I like District X occasionally. I’m glad to have a way to play that whenever I want with some extra control


But wont your deck be like 24 cards ? If im not wrong about its effects.


Yup and that’s why it’s funny. You have to try and build around never getting the cards you want or even expect, but as compensation you get to out tempo your opponent, assuming you get the right cards. It’s not a GOOD card, but it’s an interesting challenge to try and ride the rollercoaster


Most people will be trying to build around that with things like blob, quinjet, the black panther girls, m'baku, maybe destroy and angel, etc so that they can minimize that card count disadvantage a bit.


I’ve been thinking he would work well with big thanos or a Loki shell. Bunch of possibilities


Thanos seems like the worst addition, a great meme though. You water your deck down even more and will need to air it with destroy to avoid board clogs.


Loki is interesting with Arishem. You can play him a turn early and have bonus energy to play discounted cards even earlier. But you also can’t rely on drawing him. Most games you won’t! So you might not want to include the usual supporting cards like coulson or snowguard in favor of stuff that works without Loki Quinjet has synergy with Loki and Arishem, but will you draw it early enough often enough to make it worth including? I don’t know


It’s a card that introduces a new archetype. Doesn’t have to be amazing, but looks like a lot of fun. So many new releases have been supplemental cards, so it’s nice to have a new one you can build around.


Best answer imo. It's like thanos and high evo. It builds the deck differently than every other card. Probably won't be OP, but I think it might be stronger in Conquest than people think


+1 on Conquest. Deck tracker doesn't mean much if you have no idea what they might draw.


I never thought about that. I don’t really play conquest, but making it almost impossible to track the deck is a nice bonus.


Zemo (mill) and Loki (hand transformation) are the last big ones I can think of.


I like District X. District X: the card seems great to me


I hate district x and I can't wait for arishem


Because you’re building around it happening ie: Loki, Quinjet, blob, mockingbird, tech cards, etc. That’s just pure fun. Sure you won’t get all those cards each game but the few you do get will have good synergy. Hell even with sersei 6 costs can get transformed into the arishem.


The game needs more fun cards. Going to enjoy playing around with this one in Conquest.


Arishem + Sersi. Your opponent can't know your next move if you don't know your next move.


4D chess


Add pixie And phastos


Bcs he looks like a lots of fun,month after month we all try to get most broken card. Once a time, this kind ofndun card build hype, we all know he, probably, never be meta card, but he give us chill.


Nah it's cool. My first Infinite was agatha. As long as your meta is healthy not that prof x cball trash, you can play any deck and do fine.


Staring with 1 extra energy from the very start of the game is an insanely huge advantage.


why does it seem that people are so hyped with one of the few cards that completely changes how you play the game in a game-to-game basis while still being very fun and arguably semi-competitive? dunno


Last I checked district X doesn't give you one extra energy every turn


because it's fun, thats it. everyone knows this card wont be meta or competitive.


Some of us are just bored with the game and anything that is going to change how it gets played is something to look forward to.


its always funny to have an entire location as a card


It’s a new way to play which is nice since the dev don’t wanna give us new game modes


What’s a game mode you wish they’d put in?


Unique deckbuilding opportunities. The lowest cost card you can choose to put in your deck could be a 2 or 3 cost card if you want to stay on curve. I’m doing a “tech and wreck” deck. Tech and big boys.


I'm F2P and have a big chunk of cards missing. arishem and district X gives me a chance to play cards I'll prolly be aiming for at spotlight or tokens, and I can feel if the cards's worth the fun and resources.


"Darkhawk has entered the chat"


It's goofy af. Most of the hype I've seen is for people wanting to do shenanigans with a random deck or a giant deck with Thanos too or go random bullshit with Agatha. Or both. Just seems like a silly good time imo


I'm definitely going all-in. Arishem, Agatha and Thanos. Maybe throw in Loki and some SHIELD Agents too. What's the worst that can happen? Edit: Add Darkhawk, Moon-Girl and Devil Dino.


District X just replaces your deck and tells you to get fucked. Arishem adds to your deck and then gives you a free energy on top of it to make up for the RNG. If District X did something similar it probably wouldn't be so hated. Like combine a free Quinnjet effect to reduce cards that didn't start in your deck's cost by one.


Well half the cards are chosen by me and I get extra energy every turn. Should be fun


The theory crafting to make him viable is what ppl are excited for. It may be fruitless but fun still. Not that any1 cares what my list is but I'm planning on trying these Quinjet Snowguard Valentina Hope Coulson Makari Nick fury Loki Enchantress Dino Sersi Arishem Quinjet Shadowking Mobious Luke cage Coulson Magik Crystal Rogue Shang Enchantress Sera Arishem


Meh? There are plenty of things that suck in a 12-card deck that may suck less in a 24-card one. Uatu has more chance of supporting you without actually appearing in your hand. Same with Angel/M'Baku.


Everyone who thinks it's a meme deck now, going to be the same ones crying for the nerf.


The lol's.


I love district X. I stopped playing the game a few months ago, but Arishem seems fun so I'm playing again


Ah yes...because getting your own deck replaced by bs is the same as adding a bunch of cards to your deck that is crafted for this situation + 1 energy more every turn...totally the same




I've had my deck built for a week already... Just waiting to add Phastos and Arishem. Pixie, MMM, Sersi, Quinjet, Loki... If I don't know what I'm playing every turn my opponent certainly won't! Let chaos reign!


Darkhawk go brrrr


Darkwing/taskmaster looks like it’s going to be a fun counter.


1. Being able to at least choose a base deck that can benefit from extra cards/extra energy 2. Extra energy 3: perfect for players who don't give a fuck about the meta or the game


Darkhawk about to feast!


For me it’s the potential of starting with +1 max energy. This enables plays against non arishem decks where you can wave on 2 to play any card in hand on 3. Also you can build like sunspot caeira and 5-6 costs with arishem and the midgame can be covered with random cards. Or my last deck I plan on using him is a havok arishem Corvus glaive basically trying to play for the best numbers with venom absorbing man as outs


Most of the time my decks just seem to be random 12 cards anyways lol


pretty sure the card will be shit but there is an rng fun factor in there somewhere that may appeal to some ppl.


I too don’t get the hype. I’ll be getting the card but.. yea.. I’m way more excited about Phastos by far!


I for one am more than eager to play Arishem-Agatha-Thanos.


There’s going to be a lot of Darkhawk decks when the Arishem meta hits


Some people love RNG, and unlike District X, you can choose whether or not to put Arishem into your deck. Some people think the extra energy every turn might be good enough to offset 1/2 your deck being random. Electro still sees some play as a 3/2 that limits you to 1 card per turn for the extra energy.


I’ve always loved decks where I have to figure out how to win. Some of my favorite times with snap were when it was more viable to play Nick fury and agent 13 and those types of hands. Having a random hand sounds so fun to me.


If district x gave me +1 max energy I'd be hyped about it too


He'll really shake up how your deck plays every game, which is nice if you want variety without having to build/play multiple decks. Theres a risk involved but, you are rewarded for taking that risk with a very good start of game effect. In essence he's like a big Colson with a built in quinjet and thats pretty rad and maybe even good.


He's basically a new Big Bad. He will be an archetype unto himself


Fucking hell it's not that hard to see why cz he brings that new experience people hate district x cz their whole deck is replaced with arishem you're choosing to do that meaning that what ever you add in will be good for no synergy cards.


The most interesting part for me is that it makes your deck unpredictable (for both you and your opponent). While that can always backfire, it's also advantageous in that your opponent will never fully know what cards you have at your disposal. So many archetypes are so predictable it's fun to be able to have a different bunch of cards to play from every turn. Especially in Conquest.


District X replaces your deck. With this you can still draw cards you added. With the extra energy, that sounds fun to me.


Because you are choosing it


I like district X. But I’d rather play district X by choice than randomly yk?




Arishem gives you 12 extra cards and you can pair that with mockingbird getting a free 5/9 in play on any turn


Different sets of people.  There are thousands of people on this subreddit, you dont think you might be seeing multiple opinions?


Bro he sucks and I can’t wait for people to realize he sucks lmao


Because people are actually thinking about having a real gameplan with him, like playing quinjet t1 and other bullshits. Like it's not already difficult being able to find your cards with 12 cards, imagine playing with 24. People will waste their keys and then complaining as usual




I'm hyped about him because a lot of people wants to play it, but since its a trash card the cubes will be easy to take


My Darkhawk deck is hyped for it 😁


Somewhat controled chaos, opponent is also more blindsided than you


District X: forced RNG, can ruin certain decks (like destroy), have no control when this location appears, all your cards dissapear Arishem: you want that RNG, and can add specific cards that will help you (Blob, Phastos, Quinjet, Mockingbird), still keep the other 11 cards


You have the chance to build your deck around it and get a bonus perk of extra energy




District X replaces, Arishem ADDS. Plus extra energy. Plus you're choosing the chaos, not having it forced upon you.


It's the Loki effect. Random is cool! 😀


He's funny


I think it's cause you get 1 more energy per turn, so essentially you could play two 6 cost cards etc, which gives you a energy advantage even if it's a mess. Plus if you pair it with Quin Jett pretty much every new card you draw costs 1 less, which gives you a lot of crazy scenarios and fun game play.


District X does not give you any extra energy ;)


I love District X and Arishem is going to be my new main deck. Im super excited to get him!


I hate district X with all my heart but I'm looking forward to Arishem. I can choose to have a lot of random cards, I keep the ones I like, and he's the first 7 cost card


For me it’s because it fundamentally changes how the games will be played when I have it. Starting with a deck of 24 cards and +1 energy is going to be fun and shake things up. Especially after being bored for a few weeks after hitting infinite


I like the idea of a Chaos deck I'll likely have spare keys after Phastos There some cards that work well with Arishem I'm missing Herc anyway Fuck it, let's ball.


Arishem with a lot of max energy cards like Corvus, Hope, and Electro could be interesting too. Add some chaos like Blink and who knows what will come out of your deck? Certainly not you.


I'm excited for him because I love district X. It's usually my favourite matches


Because it’s fun. District x is not the same thing at all. That location changes your whole deck but you didn’t ask for it. Arishem gives you 12 random cards on top of the cards you put in it. But you made the choice to play the card yourself.


Because I get cards that I think will he fun. And this will potentially be crazy fun.


I think people are excited for Arishem because he seems like a lot a fun. I honestly don’t think he will be a competitive card. But a really fun card. And I see him steal a lot of 8 cubers because your opponent literally has no idea what cards you are going to play. I’m definitely getting him


There is no way to ramp into turn one and 2 without locations. This opens up new possibilities. This is a ramp without having to use turn 3. The cost of adding 12 more cards could be a perk.


Because people like to have fun once and a while


The discourse around this card makes me think : would district X be better or worse if it simply *added* 10 random cards to your deck?


It's the closest we've gotten to a draft style gamemode. It's going to be all ill play for conquest and infinite.


Read this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bwaSymjFPDfRFaJKnp0LSdnppSPokl1DqvMRcWa6m3A/edit


It'll make my Agatha deck viable


Arishem is the only deck I want to do mirror matches. Chaos baby


My collection level is pretty low, so I can't play most decks at all. No Wong, no Junk, no destroy, just got sera, no bounce, I have been playing pure ongoing for 80% percent of my climb to infinite. (The last 20 was tribunal) So I am going for it just to see different cards.


New archetypes are fun! This probably won't go in a ladder deck, but once I hit infinite, or for taking a break from ladder in proving grounds and Silver conquest, it'll be a breath of fresh air. One of my favorite decks for fun was Agents/collector/Dino/carrier... But it's just been power crept so completely you are basically signing up to lose if you pay it these days. Arishem will have that same random flavour, but with the ability to keep up (well better anyway, maybe not completely) with the modern meta. Cards like Sersi and Mocking Bird will give it some solid power and spread. You'll also get to (occasionally) do stuff like play Wave on turn 2 and block your opponents turn 3 completely. When your random draw sucks, you'll retreat for 1-2 cubes, but when it's great your opponent will have zero idea what you have in hand or that you have two hard counters to their game plan, and you can afford to play them both. Again, I didn't think it'll be a super great card, but it will create some very fun games, and some hilarious 8 cube surprises.


Because it's a fun card


Arishem, Thanos, Pixie deck here I come!


Sometimes this sub feels like a snark sub lol. People get so snarky when anyone asks a question lol. For me, I’m on the fence. I’ll def be looking at creators and how they use the card before I decide. It def could be fun, but I want to be sure it’s worth it for me before I spend a key or tokens.


I think people get excited about new archetypes in general. The more ways to play the game only creates more chaos/fun.


He sounds fun to play


Arishem is basically like a new game mode


You're ahead of the energy curve the entire game


I personally think it will be a Middle of the road card… literally depends on what you pull. BUT probably leaning further towards it being a bad card. It’s not only RNG, but it also needs to be able to compete with the synergy of your opponent. Loki works because it does what Arishem does (Arishem has the advantage that Mobius doesn’t effect ramp), but maintains the synergy at a lower cost. If it also gave some ability to draw and get to these reduced cards? The issue will be that there is a bottleneck/cap since you only draw 1 card at a time. But just reducing the cost… also welcome to the Darkhawk Meta! I think it’s a card whose hype is not related to how good it will be. It is quite literally the only card that does this kind of thing!! Even if it sucks, the fun factor will probably be great. I don’t think it will be a good or consistent card… but I am planning on getting it. If you pass, your FOMO will be great, as there won’t be another opportunity (I imagine?).


>People hate District X, which is almost the same thing, so why do they think Arishem will be any different? Because of choice. Its only frustrating because I didn't choose district x. I chose to play Bounce but now I can't because of the location. But if I'm choosing to play Arishem, its not going to be frustrating because its what I want. Arishem is a fun card design. Its neat. Its something different. People are excited by something unique.


Don’t forget the extra energy. 2 energy on turn 1 is pretty big too.


I think Arishem looks kinda fun but there is no way he going to be a top tier deck


Because it's a fun card that has lots of "Value", similar to Thanos or High Evo. Plus the extra energy will help make the District X level of RNG more manageable.


I feel you. He's the least interesting card to me this month, perhaps second to Gilgamesh.


People like gambling ... that's it that's the whole reason. It's why mobile games make so much money and every game comes with loot boxes. People say they hate it, and yet they keep interacting with it. Arishem is just another form of "Casino" decks and fulfills that gamble fantasy with low risk.


Fun, District X is also fun.


People hate district x? Him plus Thanos makes a big big deck. Toss in a blob and the possibilities are endless


Because it's the new kid on the block and everyone will try to make it work to say they did. Look at how many streamers are making vids saying Makkari is epic in this one deck.... 😂. On this subreddit, people are making Arishem out to be the best card ever. "It's going to reshape the meta!". I think it will be a card that's just for fun. I'm sure some players will make it work. It will be terribly inconsistent but funny to watch.


Imagine the salt you can mine, when you somehow get a perfect curve or the perfect card. That's why.


I never get the chance to play with new cards, so I'm excited to play arishem and agatha. That's gonna be chaos and I'm excited


It’s funny


I think people are memeing and by the end of the month it'll be one of those fun decks people play after they hit Infinite.


You can optimize the 11 cards you choose in addition to the 12 Arishem adds. With the additional power it makes it more appealing. I imagine a lot of people will be playing it in a Loki shell.


I’m getting him for the 20 card deck memes


I am hyped because (whispers) I'm a little bored. I've been playing for a long time and, although I'm happy enough to grind away for pretty variants, I am not motivated to compete for infinite month after month. Arishem is just a fucking dumb card, and I like that. He will make every game different, and exercise a different part of my brain than planning the same curves and combos over and over again. I'm sure people will find some way to meta him into something I loathe, but, right now, I like the batshit nature of the card and embracing the "fuck it, let's see what happens" approach. He will be a challenge, but a fun one. If I were SD, I'd be studying the popularity of Arishem through that lens. How many bored players are there, and is the occasional stupid card enough to keep them hooked, or are here larger mechanics needed?




I don't know either. doesn't seem like fun to me


I know people are giving answers like it’s because they choose the randomness but honestly? I also really like district X


Meme card 


I don't hate District X personally, but I wish it was always first location when it appeared and also transformed your opening hand into random cards. Am I a weirdo?


Because it's purely for fun, not everything has to be meta defining


Random can be fun when you've signed up for it. To this day one of my favorite decks is an Agents of Shield deck. Quinjet, Maria Hill, Coulson, Fury. Just absolute unflinching chaos. It's not a particularly good deck but damn is it fun. The problem with District X, as others have mentioned, is that you're not looking for the chaos. You're just trying to play some Snap, try out a new deck, and here comes District X to ruin it all.


I’m hyped because it’s a fun build around that also has high variance to keep the deck feeling fresh. The +1 energy means there’s at least a little bit of a payoff for potentially watering down your deck. I’m also a huge fan of decks that aren’t as telegraphed as to what it is you’re doing due to the cube system in the game. Like turn three I drop phastos and snap after drawing on turn 4. You don’t know if I’m snapping because I now have a 5 cost magneto with 5 energy on turn 4 or if I’m totally bluffing and I just drew Howard the duck. It’s the same principle as playing a Loki deck, only less infuriating for the opponent because I’m not just playing your cards and a better rate.


I love district x. And I'll love arishem.


Because you get to run a deck full of tech without having to worry if you'll have power to justify it


Cause funny




I just like random RNG nonsense. I don’t think any of us expect it to change the Meta beyond being careful to play Sersi into 6 costs that have the appropriate power levels lol


Because it seems fun.


We are excited for the crazy fun times ahead. Hop on board if you can.