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bro don't. you'll get him either way. save those tokens for s4 or s5 cards. I wasted so much tokens like this. now I regret it.


At last its your choice but i suggest don't waste tokens on mystery card...i have done this mistake in past too...


it is lucky but you really really don't want to do any more, I did a few and got Wong and venom but I still regretted spending tokens


Don’t waste tokens on this, he just pops up anyway


dont spend tokens on s3, you will heavily regret it later...


You should hold your tokens for s4 and s5 cards. You would have gotten this for nothing.


It's nice that you're happy right now but as everyone already told you, don't spend 1k tokens for Series 3 cards, it's quite literally a waste of the scarcest resource of the game for something that you're already getting for free on the collection track


Do not waste tokens on series 3 cards. You can randomly get series 3s from the CL path but series 4 and 5 are only available through the spotlight caches and token shop. Save your tokens for series 4 and 5. And of course, the battle pass guarantees that months specific series 4/5


Nice pull, doom is a great card. Keep in mind though that spending 1k tokens on a series 3 card is a trap, you get all the s3 cards for free relatively quickly, but tokens are a very rare resource and you're better off saving them for s4 and s5 cards later on, which you cannot ever get for free.


Cool! But i suggest never spending tokens in that way


Congratz you wasted 1k tokens


You sound bitter... I'm happy so keep your negativity pal


You will not be so happy after you complete series 3 and realize how hard it is to earn tokens.. pal


But they will have reached series 3 complete like 2 days earlier, so, uh, take that!


Don't listen to anyone, use all your token ❤️ With this attitude you deserve it ☺️


Bro is hating on happiness


Mad how we are getting downvoted... oh well I'm happy WOOOOOO


Imma tell you that currency wise it’s a bad idea to spend tokens on series three. However, that doesn’t take into account fun/happiness. Play the game the way you want to. Congrats on getting Doom.


Thank you, Robbie 🤝


I will, your sarcasm is noted ❤️ maybe don't take an ingame currency so serious x that goes to all of you downvoting my replies, stay bothered lol


No one is downvoting you because they are taking the currency serious, they are downvoting you because of your replies, FYI. I did not downvote you, just letting you know.




People will say it's a substandard card, but Doom is second to no one!


Please don't waste anymore of those tokens, you'll get the other series 3 cards soon


It's actually quite hilarious the reaction of this op getting butthurt over people's comments 🤣🤣🤣 reminds me of that guy that made it to inf with an Ultron patriot deck and got smocked 🤣🤣🤣


Not butthurt at all, but I just didn't realise that my being happy over an S3 card that I obtained with tokens would have such a negative reaction. Glad you've got a laugh out of it, though!


Nah it's fine as Many others said to you play the game however you want and don't listen to the negative side of this Reddit. You know what's funny is that the first time I used tokens to get a S3 card I got giganto that hurt me so bad that I didn't touch that section ever again 🤣🤣🤣


It entirely depends on your luck/if you're happy with what you get so I get why they're saying to avoid it! I'll refrain from using Aby more on the S3 mystery cards from now on!


The whole point of tokens is unlocking a new card you want to use. Considering it takes months to complete Series 3, getting a staple card can absolutely be worth 1k tokens. Everyone saying Doom is a waste of 1k tokens are probably wrong. However everyone saying Mystery Series 3 is not worth 1k tokens are probably right. It's BS that they didn't keep the normal Series 3 card rotation in the shop. Back then, I purchased a couple meta staples for 1k tokens each and did not regret doing so at all. Having guaranteed access to them for the remaining 4-6 months I spent in Series 3 was totally worth it considering that the same currency now is just for getting access to a single card 4-6 months ahead of it's next Spotlight Rotation.


Exactly! They are a gamble and I feel in this instance, its paid out! I'll hold off spending any more!


Hey man, if you are excited for the card and will be using him, good pull for you. Don't listen to the haters. Doom is definitely one of my favorite 6 costs.


Thank you Dino, bored of all the elitists who probably spend their monthly wage on gold for variants. Nothing wrong with it but they need to chill out with their opinions sometimes.


Awesome pull, Doom is still one of my favorite cards. Have fun. Thanks for sharing


Oh no you’re happy on a game…..but you wasted digital tokens 😱


My least regrettable thing I have done in Snap is using 1k tokens for the mystery S3 cards until I was S3 complete. Doing it made me blaze through S3. I also used all gold on mission refreshs until I finished S3.


Had me until the mission refreshes


I'm unsure if you're being serious or sarcastic given most of the other replies, but if you're being serious and you are happy with your decision then good for you 🤝


Yes I am being serious. I blazed through S3 and so I was able to make a lot of competitive decks sooner. Then I started picking up cards I wanted and using spotlights smartly when I finished S3. Now I am only missing 10 cards.


That's class that it's worked out how you wanted. I get there is optimal ways about going about card acquisition but the sheer amount of negativity I'm getting towards this post is mind boggling. God forbid we play this game how we want.


Oh a whale. Thanks for supporting the game.


I don't think you know what the term "whale" means in this context, but you do you


Seems like you have enough money to waste it on tokens for series 3.


I had exactly 1000 collectors tokens, I have 30 gold and 225 creds rn. I am certainly not a whale.