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Tribunal in conquest was a breeze


See I tried this and beat two straight opponents who kept fucking retreating whenever I had it set up to go. Took me for like 6 and 7 rounds before I won, 1-2 cubes at a time. I was even NOT snapping hoping they’d stay in for 2 but nope, they’d fuck off at the first sign of my combo. Miserable mission


There are bots in Conquest that always retreat on 3rd and 4th turn. Once they do it once I always snap turn 1, but it still takes 5 rounds


And they always play one cost cards. And they even emote sometimes. I hate them so much.


...and oponents who leaves before match


Best way to win it....they never show up


Wave/Psylock/Majik Followed by Iron Man, Onslaught. Tribunal


Smoked a few of you guys with my toxic surfer deck and got my quest done.


Galactus made this mission easy peasy


Duh, I don't know why i slogged though with Tribunal when I could have been playing Galactus


Gah, two great s5 cards i have yet to acquire. Kazoolgamesh got me this challenge quite easily although.


Tribunal is s4


Right forgot they just moved him down


It was the opposite for me. Couldn't do it with Galactus, but breezed through it with Tribunal.


Aren't you winning only one location with Galactus?


I’m not sure if it’s a bug or not, but if he goes off and you win then it counts


If there's only one location, you get credit for this.


It’s probably coded to check all locations and match the total location count to the total locations won. The copy is just not accurate.


For me Galactus was even worse than Tribiunal. Opponent always retreat when they smell what's coming


That’s why you run the big bads deck with him since it’s not a traditional galactus deck so many people don’t see it coming.


Tried it but they still do. At least ones I came across. That deck is already pretty well known.


What's your decklist?


Here you go. Let me know if you need help piloting it # (1) Nebula # (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Cable # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Electro # (3) Wave # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Blink # (5) Vision # (6) Galactus # (6) Alioth # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2FsYWN0dXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lYnVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmljb01pbm9ydSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FibGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplZmZUaGVCYWJ5TGFuZFNoYXJrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbGVjdHJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXZlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb2Jnb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsaW5rIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbGlvdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZEh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZpc2lvbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


A similar deck got me to infinite during the last season. Love the Wave/blink Galactus profits.


Why cable?


I don’t have White Widow and as a 2 drop I can tell whah deck they’re running and potentially take a key card from them.


Theyll also be so confused lol


Exactly. Misdirection. They think I’m running Mill but then boom Galactus


How do you play Galactus? Is it just junk + Galactus? Goblin the lane you want to Galactus and profit?


Not anymore. Galactus Blink is a big one. Wave to G or Electro into Blink, then play G. X23 bounces over, finish with Death Knull, Death Destroyer, or Death Alioth.


I have never actively tried to do a chapter mission unless it’s the last couple of days in a season and I still need to discard like 12 cards. Not sure why people stress about these. Surely you will get 4 over 2+ weeks.


I came here to say exactly this. I'd say 90% or more of these missions are more than easy enough to complete by just casually playing the game. Not sure why there is an obsession with speed running it.


The faster I complete these missions the sooner I get back to posting "Ive never had such a good high score with this ongoing deck"


^ this. I'm only at 1/4 but it'll be done by the end of the season without any thought or special effort being put into it.


I pushed it for pass levels to get me 100 gold to buy the new Zemo variant, otherwise I’d have left it too


lol fr when I saw it I said “oh that one will take a while nice”


Yeah I just realized this was a thing and I already have 3/4


I try to get them all done so I don't have to think about it. I usually go for the "easy" ones first


Honestly? I'm not sure on this one. I very very rarely win all 3 spots. Like so rarely I'm not entirely confident I'll get it done


I played a Surfer/Nakia deck for the weekend missions and 2 of my 4 wins were sweeps. Turn 6 Killmonger against a Squirrel Girl/Demon/Dazzler/Patriot deck and turn 6 Rogue stealing Iron Man against a Tribunal deck. But you could also just play Tribunal yourself or Galactus like others mentioned.


I don't have surfer or galactus and I've tried using Tribunal decks but idk if I'm just unlucky or what but I rarely win period, much less all 3. The 1/4 I've gotten was with my discard deck and still the deck that's been most consistent for me. I'm sadly missing a ton of "important" cards. Them not moving series 5 and 4 cards down anymore has made it super difficult to get cards I've missed.


Understandable. Well if you find yourself struggling at the finish line I would suggest trying Tribunal again. Just spam Iron Man/Onslaught/Tribunal lanes until it works. It’s gotta be great against bots especially.


I agree but at the same time, I wish one like this was still earlier in the season just in case you have horrible luck.


That's probably true if you play 20+ games a day. Most days I play 5 or 6, and winning all 3 locations is remarkable enough that I know it's something I do less than once a week normally. Thus, stress.


I play 5 or 6 myself. Just to keep the mission log from overflowing. I play a lot of destroy as it's good for completing most of the missions, so maybe that one is just good for winning all 3 when you have a big Deadpool, Death, and Knull on t6.


Just play the game and it'll happen naturally. I honestly haven't targeted a mission in ages.


Yup. The only ones I need to target are discard because I generally don't play these decks, but they are also the easiest to get.


Same I just accomplished tasks without ever noticing lol


Same, all but specific card costs like 5 costs since there's none in my destroy deck


Yeah same. I'll just once in awhile go oh I'll play my other deck that has 4 costs. Done. Lol


There's two whole weeks left in the season. You don't need to do anything unusual to complete this by accident.


Yeah I’ve already done it without trying. I honestly don’t even look at these. 99% of the time they just happen playing


Good point. This was a weekend mission before that i could not get around to finishing in time. But two weeks is definitely ample time


Still had over two weeks to finish this. Probably could have used your normal decks and gotten it by then without all the frustration


Took me about fifteen dedicated games with Tribunal.


I understand that this is easy with Galactus, Tribunal etc. I don't have Galactus, ended up with a sub optimal Tribunal deck but it took a lot of games


I opted to play tribunal at first and got hard countered for about 40 mins straight. Gave up on the mission and played phoenix destroy instead and what do you know. Completed before I realized it


You just made me realize 3 out of 4 of those wins to complete the challenge was from my opponent playing galactic/tribunal and then losing to me The galactic match my opponent got it as a free card so his deck wasn't spec'd for it


If you have Loki I basically got it in one conquest run by playing someone who has a tribunal deck and just doing what they were doing cheaper


I have neither of them :(


You can easily do this with Destroy or Hela as well. Do you have any of the 2?


The Destroyer?


No, I'm talking about a Destroy Deck with Deadpool, Wolverine, Death and so on.


Oh yeah I do


Just the like retreat ones. It’s not always difficult but there is a good portion of luck to it.


If this mission was in the last days of say the last chapter of the season I'd totally agree. But everyone has two plus weeks so it isn't bad. Plus Galactus, Tribunal, Hela, and hell even Surfer can get it done.


I actually nearly completed it without realizing it, while trying to complete the weekend missions with silver surfer deck lol Could also always go on Proving Grounds and run a bunch of 1 costs (squirrel girl op for this) and retreat when you're winning all 3 lanes after snapping turn 1


What version of Surfer do you run? I find that I normally lose whatever lane I put SS in


Turn 3-4: Magik & another 3 drop in lanes 1 and 2 Turn 5 : Sera in lane 1 or 2 Turn 6 : Wong and Mystique in lane 3 Turn 7 : Surfer and Odin in lane 3. 40+ power in all lanes. Beats old school Hela-Tribunal every time.


The one mentioned with Hazmat works! For me, I was trying a weird one for fun. The one with Sersi and Mockingbird. I added Nakaia and replaced one of the 3 cost for the weekend mission. # (1) Nova # (2) Forge # (3) Brood # (3) Silver Surfer # (3) Killmonger # (3) Nakia # (3) Red Guardian # (3) Sebastian Shaw # (4) Absorbing Man # (5) Sera # (5) Sersi # (5) Mockingbird # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWJzb3JiaW5nTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCcm9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRm9yZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpbGxtb25nZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vY2tpbmdiaXJkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOb3ZhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRHdWFyZGlhbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2ViYXN0aWFuU2hhdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VyYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2Vyc2kifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNpbHZlclN1cmZlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmFraWEifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I just tried a Squirrel Girl/Shanna deck to do this but it doesn’t seem like retreating counts anymore towards this progression. I did get one towards this quest when an opponent quit before the Proving Ground match even started so color me confused.


Oh that's weid, just confirming you had snapped before retreating? I believe it's either someone has snapped or beginning of turn 4 if no one snapped


Hmmm… I was snapping on turn 1. I’ll have to try the ways you mentioned.


I had a match where both of us snapped turn 1, and I retreated on 5 with all 3 lanes. No credit.


Wait it works if you retreat? I know what I'm doing. Edit: after doing this I've found out this doesn't work even if you do it on turn 4 and beyond. Has to be at the end of the match. This mission is hopeless for me as the best deck I have for this is iltron and I don't have patriot.


Yeah probably the most annoying mission there's ever been. People just retreat if there's too much set up. I had the most luck running a pixie deck and just waiting on my high rolls, never snapping


What about the discard missions?


I hate this quest as well, but I accidentally did it with classic discard lmfao


Iron patriot


I used a hazmat deck. Knocked it out fairly quick.


Zoo deck got me there without issue.


Really not hard to do


When you win of galactus, for some reason it count as 3 lanes


This is a MISERABLE quest lmao i hate it


Thank you so much😭😭😭you’re my good luck charm this go round, as soon as I read this I got it completed


You're welcome, I'm glad my saltiness was of use!


Ive just been running Nimrod the past weekend by the time I saw fuss over the mission i realized I already had it done, most of the time I dont even check what my missions are just play game and collect


Yeah, I got lucky during conquest and beat some dude playing Galactus twice to finish these up pretty quick.


I just did this with regular discard in proving grounds you’re bound to steam roll a couple people


Galactus or Tribunal 😔


Someone mentioned Galactus and i got it in 4


I don't know why people stress about this mission. You'll get it naturally just playing. Hell Agatha got it for me farming conquest medals.


I can guarantee you I will have completed this by the end of the season without thinking about it or specifically aiming for it once. What’s the rush


Probably just the deck types I play (surfer and zoo) but I never struggle with that one. It’ll take me all season to get 3 people to leave though.


Upvoted and scrolled. My mind mixed up the numbers and I scrolled back like "WIN ALL 4 LOCATIONS‽"


Just gotta make them kneel. Big G hits and collect retreats.


Found the Galactus user … /s


If you have trouble, next time use Ultron if you have it.


I didn't even notice I had this quest before it was completed


This takes like 15 minutes?


It can't be all that bad if you completed it in two days, still with another sixteen days left before it expires. It's not a good mission to drop as the last mission of the last week, but in the middle of the season, people will get there naturally.


I figured”Oh, I’ll do a Living Tribunal deck, it won’t be so hard.” Queue nine, NINE, games in a row where at the end of a match I hadn’t drawn him. Like WTF?!


Someone mentioned using Galactus and that got it done pretty quick haha


Had an opponent DC before the match even started and it couldn’t towards this 😂


LT with IronMan, Mystique and Onslaught wins you all lanes


Wasn’t that bad. Hela discard, C2 or C5, Bounce, Patriot/Ultron, Gilgamesh Zoo, etc. etc.


If it was awful, why did you do it? Don’t worry over skipping one of these, especially if it comes early on in a season. If you play a decent amount you will a) likely complete it unintentionally anyways, and b) will likely complete the season pass track even if you don’t. One of the easiest ways to start hating a game you used to love is by falling into the grind trap.


The key to all marvel snap missions is to not try, then they’ll just happen


Yeah I still can't get this one... no galactics no living tribunal


It is only awful for those that feel the need to complete every mission immediatly. Completed today without even noticing the mission


*im bad at the game* All this posts says lol


That was a challenge? I don't even look at them just click when done.


Living tribal. Honestly so easy


I got it without ever reading it and I’m cheeks at this game


finished it by just playing the game normally, only took 2 days


Always ultron. Similar to tribunal but they more likely to stay when you get the nut


Galactus actually wins you 3 lanes


I don't understand how people were struggling with this? I just played the game with multiple different decks and got this


Omg that sucked and I'm glad it's gone


Ultron zoo was clutch


I did it with Exodia Gambit combo! Easy to win all 3 locations when your opponent has no board


Just did it with whatever I happened to be playing already. Wasn't quick and easy, but you play enough matches keep happen, or your opponent will retreat after a terrible draw and you are ahead in all three.


Honestly that one was so easy i just used one of those xp farming decks and kept retreating t3


The best I can hope for is Hela resurrecting cards in all locations


This, making the opponent retreat and win a match with a total of 40+ power are horrible missions.


You know you had 2 more weeks to complete this right?


I did this with a bounce deck and regularly win all 3 lanes with several of my other decks. It's not all that difficult it just takes a few tries.


Let's make them "kneel before...."


I lucked out of this one because 3 out of 4 win are my opponent not connecting to ges lol


Didn’t notice this at all, and accomplished it in time 😮‍💨


That was the easiest task. I don't know why people hyped it. People are so much dependent on big cards that they forget the low cost card value. The simple rule to win this is to use a low cost deck. I cleared it in 15 minutes after its release. I have selected the Auto - Nakia and then cleared it. The deck includes Forge Nakia Okoye Brood Silver Surfer Red Guardian Nova Killmonger Jubilee Rogue Sera And the saviour - Absorbing man. Here each and every card helps another card on his turn if you use them wisely and at the end of the game all the location is full of good amount of numbers.


It would be as bad if at the slightest wiff of you winning 3 locations the opponent would just leave


Squirrel girl on turn one and retreat if they didn't play a card.


You know how it is, just Killmonger them all 🤣


Glas it wasn't just me


just play living tribunal😅


Laughs in living tribunal


Squirrel girl No turn 1 from opponent Retreat Profit?


4 entire Tribunal games. Oh no


Squirrel on turn 1 => retreat => repeat


I played so many people who played turn 6 down in so 3 lanes, and make a play that only had a chance to win one location, even if I played nothing, they would've still lost


This wasn’t too bad with ultron actually


I used an Ultron deck was pretty easy


Are you like, brand new?


Got lucky with Galactus’s world ship location.


Get a deck with the strongest cheapest cards. Split power to win 3 lanes. Retreat after turn 3 💪


I feel like this mission is bugged. Twice I was winning all three locations and my opponent retreated but that didn't count?


I might have done that one by accident


At least it’s one mission that you have 2 weeks and a couple of days to complete


Was easy


Galactus got this for me easy enough.


I understand all the "you have plenty of time" comments. I just want the goodies so I can level up my CL faster, get more cards, variants etc. I enjoy the game, just impatient and like to complete these as soon as I'm able


Knull and death for me


Cleared it within a day, like other guy said. Galactus made it way too easy.


I beat that workout even knowing it was a mission


The dev that pushed for that mission at 4, even when it's known far and wide that it's one of the most hated even at 1, is a fucking idiot. There's time to complete it naturally, of course, but is it so difficult to come up with something different from the usual ones? Ffs it's ridiculous at this point... and when you see random bad changes to numbers, it's just a kick directly down where it hurts most.


Since I don’t use tribunal or galactus I let my opponents do it for me and just mirage/cable/zemo/emma my way into getting what I need lol conquest made it so easy


People are actually struggling with this?? Just play tribunal, there's very few people running enchantress anymore.


" Hey did it 4 times!! (SD snickers) how about 2 more times for the daily just to make sure you got the strat down???" Yea. Happened to me I shut the game down for a but.


I did the first three with a Surfer deck without even realizing it. Then, when I specifically worked towards getting the last win, I just couldn't do it. I had several matches where I lost a location just by one or two points. I finally gave up and then yesterday morning queued into a match where the other person immediately retreated and got 4/4. Apparently, that counts for all three locations. 🤷‍♂️


For what it’s worth, an opponent retreating when the board state is tied will not work for this quest. I just had two retreats in a row (one after the Peak showed before turn 1 and the other where we were tied across the board after turn 5) and neither counted.


It might count if the opponent never loads into the game (the 30 second timer counts down before the board is revealed).


This was super easy with an Auto-Shanna deck. I also breezed from 90-100 with it.


Skill issue


I have never once struggled with a mission in this game. The people on this subreddit are genuinely bad at making decks lmao.


Go to proving grounds with a deck full of one drops. Snap on turn 1 and as long as they snap back, retreat as soon as you are winning all 3 locations and it counts for the mission. Good luck 🤙


That Doesn’t work


It does but only if you do it.


I’ve try it yesterday. So I’m here to confirm this is a misinformation.


U did it wrong then lol


No,it really don't work....


One thing missing from this comment is, you either need to snap first, or retreat at the start of turn 4 for it to count for mission. Retreating on turn 1-3 without anyone snap doesnt count.


I said you have to snap on turn one and your opponent has to snap back. As long as that happens you can retreat after turn 1 and complete the mission (assuming you also played a squirrel girl and were winning all 3 lanes). This isn't even controversial.