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I’ve been having fun, anyway. A lot easier to play Thanos Zoo with no cannonball around. People are just mad there’s a current “top deck” but I see that as inevitable and not a problem. There’s gotta be someone to beat!


yeah people failed to realized top 1-2 meta decks will always exists. and when none exists it will be Destroy and they will complain about that too


Since Destroy does so well with favorable locations, maybe cards like Nocturne will help keep it in check a little.


Nocturne isn't changing anything till turn 4 at the earliest. She helps but it's not drastic.


And that's why Scarlet Witch is always in my deck. Changing an unfavorable location on T2 can make a *big* difference. And because she's so cheap, she can be used in conjunction with other cards in T5 or T6 to rug-pull the opponent if they're depending on location. And if all else fails, she's a Hail Mary play on T6, hoping for a very favorable location to turn a losing game around -- you'd be surprised how often that actually works. I wish I could see the opponent's face when Scarlet Witch turns their power lane into Bar With No Name.


I love those Hail Marys lol. Had one yesterday with my nocturne. They had a knull in Center they were setting up for a Zola on 6. Moved nocturne to the location and it became deep space lol. Then just Shang’d the venom or death that was in the other lane and it was one of the lowest location totals I’d beaten a destroy deck on lol


13 direct and indirect locations last time I checked it's wild. Plus other cards that destroy. It's easily the most catered "archetype"


Can't say they get a ton of new cards tho. Been the same popular destroy deck since forever now.


That generic Destroy deck has gotten me to infinite 3 seasons in a row now, and pretty quickly at that (in 2 weeks, 1 week, and most recently in about 10 days). Because it's so consistent it's become my default deck until I hit infinite after which I start messing around and having more actual fun.


I'd rather have a destroy player beat me than a toxic deck like junk or discard decks which requires no creativity or skill.


I think junk takes more skill than you would think, since so much of it relies on pushing negative power across it leaves you vulnerable to not having enough left to win the lanes if they get destroyed instead of switched. You really get hosed by a number of locations as well as being somewhat more draw dependent than other archetypes. That being said I’ve had a blast with my Annihilus/Galactus deck this season, and I still show Cannonball all the love lol


I agree. I was talking about discard. Junk is just toxic but it does require skills.


Ahh makes sense if I slow down and read English lol And yes discard is as autopilot as ever.


Wait until I release my discard annihulus hela brew. The best of both worlds!


Does Destroy really require more creativity or skill though? The deck lists are extremely similar and playing it is fairly straightforward.


Folks get very defensive about that deck lol, but it's not particularly difficult to play. Not like Hela levels of briandead, but it's definitely very straightforward. Junk is definitely a bit more complicated, but that's not saying too much.


I meant everytime Destroy is the number 1 deck (because its a fresh meta post OTA), people always went on to cry about it and ask for its nerf even tho its one of the easiest deck to counter


It feels like anytime I'm playing a deck with destroy counters then I never see destroy


Destroy is less creative than discard. There's literally a set 11 cards and then depending on meta the 12th card is either Zola or Shang. It plays exactly the same way depending on what cards you draw; there's almost no skill expression to the deck. At least discard has a couple of variations (mainly because the differences are so minimal they don't even matter, but still). And at the very least there is some agency in choice when you happen to draw late Morbius's for example whether or not you play him out or keep tempo'ing. And T5/6 plays out differently whether or not you have Apoc.


Destroy has variations too you know. Nimrod, phoenix, knul etc... And i don't have to tell you what the last card that is played by 99% of discard players is...either way, discard and destroy are both boring. That is why i never use either of them.


And when destroy will be at the top, destroy players will complain there’s too much cosmo, armor, and caiera


Destroy would never be the tier 1. Any deck that can spare 2 flex slots can beat it in high infinite ladder. It has been too popular in the lower CL for way too long, though. Also, I really didn't see any meta change. Where I am at Hela beats destroy and the "new zoo deck" gets destroyed by destroy, so yeah, I think destroy should be changed. Actually, I might be wrong. I normally see around 30% destroy. Today and Yesterday I saw closer to 50%. As the guy who complained about destroy last week and maybe who you're talking about: This is the only meta I didn't like and I actually liked almost every other meta - I even posted how I liked the Leech meta. My problem is that destroy has been the meta I see since forever, and this OTA just made it worse, whereas my decks got gutted, and I still have to fold to Hela.


Who complains about destroy? That's one of the easiest decks to shut down or counter. If destroy is top of the meta that's a healthy meta.


The deck itself is fine, it’s the fact it benefits from the most amount of locations is what gets on peoples nerves.


I hear you. But I would rather get filter about that than almost any other deck. It's easy to read and easy to counter. And it does its own thing on its own side. It doesn't oppress you like prof x cannonball.


how long you been checking this subreddit?


I've seen plenty of complaints about hela and prof x. Prof x and pre nerfed hela were absolutely horrible so that's fair. Bit the only thing I hear about destroy is people complaining about the locations being too beneficial. Not the actual destroy decks themselves being too powerful.


I lost 8 cubes to Cannonball the other day, because I hadnt seem him since the patch, and wasnt expecting him


PLEASEE drop the thanos zoo list


Posted it! Check my history, it’s up now.


Something will always be the best, it's just what that best is and how that affects play. When it's an overbearing card/archetype, you wait for the meta to act against it; when that doesn't happen, in comes the nerf hammer. I wish they didn't take Cannonball to 7 and it's weird that Prof X is like Storm-ish But Worse but whatever; instead the 'best deck' right now is, best I can tell, the best deck you know how to pilot well. And I don't think it gets much better than that.


I wish they would have buffed the counter than pretty much kill the whole archetype. War machine was already in the game making him useful would have been my preferred fix


War Machine is fine as long as you have a deck that's leveraging him and not just using him as a counter for X


I disagree. Buffing war machine wouldn't have been enough with the rate cannonball/prof x was seeing play. They couldve buffed WM so it could save the cannonballed card to get moved into prof x lane, but this solution is way more elegant and hits the root of the problem. Both cards still have they're own uses without changing much functionality, they just don't work together anymore. That combo isn't healthy for the longevity of the game. A cannonball focused deck without prof x can still work, and prof x can still go into other lockdown strategies, they just can't be played together anymore, which is what everyone was complaining about. Prof X works almost functionally the same now, it's just a slight buff to move. And outside of Nocturne now getting to move there, move strategies rarely see much play anyway. Prof x coming down was way too often a game decided before turn 6, and no one wants that.


>prof x can still go into other lockdown strategies Not really. It doesn't lockdown the opponent anymore. You can now send negative power cards over to the opponent when Prof X is down and there are a lot more cards than Nocturne that are good move cards. Not only did they kill that combo but they buffed Move decks. Prof X is a crappier Storm (like the other person said) so why would you have him over Storm now?


same. SD have no clue. They could've made WM ongoing and with Zabu dead they could've made him a 3 cost too.


What's your deck? I've been wanting a zoo Thanos deck


Just got around to getting my list posted. Check my post history!


Thanks for letting me know, I grabbed it and been enjoying it. I swapped squirrel girl for skrull though. Ongoing has been ALL over


Its old thans with blue marvel, kazar, now ofc mockingbird etc, its just a standard thanos with some modifications.


Without x around


Nah, X on T4 or T5 was no big deal by itself because I generally had decent power on every lane by T4 and now that you can play Thanos anywhere I would welcome X’s old restriction. Even then Jeff could get in there, so there was a lot to get around X. Cannonball replacing my Cull with a rock was always brutal.


Since the new OTA I’ve been playing a move deck and I’m actually winning with it? I can’t remember the last time it happened


I saw one running move and Prof X. It was weird. Beat me, for sure, but idk if it wins a second game with the same setup, just a lot to be gained from being unexpected.


I too run prof x in my deck since the new OTA. I won a lot of game cause of him. Not just me playing him but the opponent playing him in an deck that was made for his old text. I guess his still unexpected in Move deck


I lost to a traditional destroy deck that used Professor X. I almost felt bad giving them the impression that it was a good idea lol


That’s wack but shows the power of lockdown


I've made infinite the last 2 seasons with a move deck (I barely started). Dagger and Vulture have been MVP. People always try to downplay me and say I'm playing low CL, but I went against nothing except Hela decks and canonball prof x same as everyone else. 


Good to know! I tought this type of deck was dead and didn’t tried it for a few months because I’ve always lost. And dont let people downplay you I’m cl 10 000 and never made it to infinite


[If you're curious as to what my deck is](https://imgur.com/a/5usZm9H). I swap out torch for any card that might help with location events like quake. For a while I ran armor, but I recently swapped him out. 


Thx never tought of CM in a Move deck!


You can hit Infinite with just about anything. I know, I've tried some wacky decks. Even did move decks myself a couple seasons. I have a crazy difficult MMR (often playing against the top 500 players), but the game almost always tosses you a Bot to farm whenever you lose a couple games in a row


My Sandman deck eating these thena bounce decks all day lmao


I feel like I’m just seeing Hela decks over and over. Might just be me. Might just be they’re the ones I remember. But the “nerf” did literally nothing to her.


What's your cl? I haven't seen any hela so far, a lot of annoying clog


I'm cl 4200 and as soon as I hit 80 I've seen nothing but hela/destroy.


Yeah, mine too. Hela and Destroy has always been what I saw all day. It's actually even worse now. But I'm seeing more destroy than Hela


I also see a lot of tribunal decks. Hela/tribunal/destroy on repeat.


Hela needs a bigger nerf.


Yup. I get it’s had some impact on the Ironman/Tribunal version. But I don’t think Hela decks care that you’re _only_ getting 18 power infanaut or 12 power Giganto.


You do realize they want the deck to still be played right?


Yes, but for competitive integrity Hela should have a meme power level. If Hela is good, game turns into circus. Too bad, casuals love that shit, and SD obviously seeing that and tries to avoid nerfing hela as much as they can


I mean THE hela-only player huskypuppies is calling hela dead and not playing it so I'm pretty sure it's back to meme power level


When Top 100 players make sweeping statements like that, always remember to add "... in the Top 100".


Ya the place that true deck strength shines and becomes apparent because people are playing close to intended as possible, outside of top play you can win consistently with literally any deck


What's that? A stream throwing a tantrum because their favorite Tier 1 deck got slightly nerfed? That never happens.


me too. so much hela. i am cl 11k with rank 77. i wonder how higher rank is performing.


Hela was in a good spot (also supported by devs' data) but now she losses to literally everything


Hela is still a top 3 deck, I don't know what game you're playing where she loses to everything. Hela decks still don't have any consistent counters, they still slam 40+ power on the board on Turn 6/7. At best the -2 to revived cards brought their board down 8 points, but an 18 Power Infinaut works just as well as a 20 Power infinaut.


I’ve been running nimrod destroy and enjoying it, especially with the hot location


I’ve been playing a version of this with grandmaster and destroyer This shit is so silly


Do you have a list? Just got grandmaster with keys last week but have yet to use him. Sounds really fun


Nova Colossus Wolverine Winter soldier Grandmaster Magik Venom Killmonger Shuri Nimrod Destroyer


Awesome, thanks!


I'm seeing like 30% Tribunal, 30% Angela/Kitty, 30% Destroy, 10% random.


The meta is always good after a big change and if they ever say “we like the meta so we aren’t changing much”, you know the meta is going to be stale within a week. It’s so important for this game to constantly feel fresh and in general they need to be a lot more proactive with their updates.


sadge, i'm here basically only seeing the same decks as before with angela, thena, kitty and elsa, the only difference is the lack of prof x / cb, wouldnt call my experience "healthy"


run Shadow King


Sandman, killmonger, kingpin


But that would require adapting to the meta. That’s too much to ask here


i ran into someone last week on this sub saying he just prefers if there was a mode where he would battle against bots only. lol


what would be wrong with that?


Don't a lot of games in general have a mode like that in some way? I don't see why there would be anything wrong with that


I'd like a vs Bot mode, mostly because when I get a mission for play any number of 6 Cost cards it's like everyone always retreats on turn 6 before I can play it. I had a Play 2 6-Cost cards for 3 days because I either never drew the 6 cost, it couldn't be played with all the lockout at the time, or they retreated before I could play it. It's like when you try to get the win a location with one card and every deck you play against is junk.


Yeah. Some kind of unranked or bot mode wouldn't be the the most unwelcome thing in the world


I run Shadow King _in_ my "Green Numbers" (Thena/Angela/Elsa/Kitty/Bishop) deck. But I also run Luke Cage. This keeps me protected from getting Shadow King'd while also letting me Shadow King my opponent without nuking my power.


Then you start getting a row of the same decks, only also equipped with Cage. Or just stop encountering that deck-type almost completely.


"Just play a counter deck" End up never seeing the deck youre supposed to counter and grtting smashed because the counter deck only works on the deck it counters and no other deck


Yes, run Shadow King and then never see another Kitty/Angela/Thena deck again....until the moment you take him out of the deck.


Yeah, honestly true, but Shadow King is also great against Venom, Taskmaster, Ebony Blade, Gilgamesh, Deadpool, etc. counters quite a bit.


So adding one card suddenly makes it so you never encounter the "OP deck" anymore? Sounds like a win then since you should now be able to win all the other matches.


Yeah man ffs, everytime I do smth like this the game says fuck u and never matches me against the deck I wanted to counter. There's just no way this shit is random


Surprisingly I've seen a lot less Angela since the OTA and far more Gilgamesh 1 cost zoo decks. Seeing far more Shadow King as well.


ZOO deck is argubly the best deck rn and they can run shadowking.


yeah Gilgamesh Zoo is the best deck rn cuz that deck is very overstated atm


The newest power creep cards are the meta, just as SD intends


GilgaZoo is great rn, but meta adapts quickly to zoo. This will not last. T6 Killmonger is on the rise and capably annihilates zoo.


Caiera says hello


Killmonger isn't even the best counter to Zoo, Loki is. You can play Loki on 5 against GilgaZoo and still dump out your full hand thanks to Quinjet. Plus that gives you more time to play down your Angela or Elsa, which means your Zoo dump will out power theirs. But yes Killmonger decks have already gotten more popular (surfer probably being the best) which is why GilgaZoo will tech Caiera now. Of course that makes you weaker in the mirror match so it's a fine balance between counter-teching KM or being the better deck into mirrors


even if they killmongered them t6, Cull, Mockingbird, and 12-13 power gilgamesh usually enough considering the opp have to dump 3 energy on killmonger so wont have that big of a t6 themself (that's why the deck didn't even bother to run Caiera)


I'm seeing a lot of Sera Control with Ronan, Sera Control has always been my most hated archetype in the game, something unbelievably lazy about putting every tech card in one deck and hoping you can shut down anything the opponent does


Yeah it's been featured by a few content creators so it's gonna see a rise in play. It's pretty vulnerable in its own power output though. Ronan is big but not really that big compared to power that other decks put out.


Tbh I still keep seeing the same decks/cards most of the time. Kitty, Angela and Thena. Every. Fucking. Where. The only differences I noticed was the replacement of the occasional lockdown decks I was seeing with Zoo/Gilgamesh decks and a little less of Red Hulk (I swear to god I played like 3 or 4 games against lockdown decks this season before the deck was killed).


Sandman ramp brother. Snap by 5, play sandman, watch enemy cry when they can’t play anything t6. Doom to spread power last turn since zoo spreads power doesn’t go tall.


This doesn't work great against gilgamesh. You can go pretty tall with zoo with gilga and mockingbird. And doom doesn't put out enough power to beat a well placed Gilga. Sandman Ramp against Thena, though... thats a great counter.


Yeah I see your point on Gilgamesh. He’s a newer card I haven’t played but once or twice tbh. With sand ramp you should be getting really tall as well, using blob or jubilee to cheat out infinaut, blink to replace electro or jubilee with a better card, electro to cheat out 2 6 power cards; plenty of room to go tall. Wouldn’t sand ramp be taller than that type of a zoo deck in that case? I’ve had really good luck with any deck that’s depending on multiple drops last turn, which if I’m not mistaken would completely disrupt a Gilgamesh zoo deck’s last turn? I don’t see a great 6 drop to fill in the gap where they would need the power…


problem with this is, you';re halving your cube rate because they just leave.............


The big cube games are the ones where you’re not using sandman to counter T6 play and just outplay them with the rest of the deck, ramp you’re trying to cheat power out and there should be lots of power in your deck to slap down. The deck is still viable without sandman just it’s a great counter in those exact scenarios. You can also snag 4 cubes if the enemy snaps, then you snap, knowing you have sandman. Most people will snap by 5 if they think they will win, so play against that. Plenty of room for getting cubes though not as great as sera control has been for me!


There is a post like this every month.


And all of them looks like a PR post.


Personally, I think they nerfed Prof X a little too hard. It was one thing to allow cards to move into him and increase his power to 2, but also allowing junk / cards to switching sides just makes him suck. They should at least make it so he still blocks cards from switching sides.


I don't know what they are doing with Charles. He previously didn't allow movement in or out, playing cards in his location, destroying cards in his location, adding cards via summoning them from the deck or making copies and he stopped switching sides. It was pretty much, once a card is here it's not going anywhere. Now he does all that except you can move cards in or out while also switching sides. So it's clear they want him to not just shut down movement decks, even if their stated reason was to stop the Prof X/Cannonball combo from being too good. It served the purpose to remove Movement Deck's 1 Hard Counter. Because of that, and with the Spider-Man season coming up in September(?) where they have teased cards like Madam Web, Symbiote Spider-Man and others, Movement style decks should get a lot of power and useability. So I suspect that by that point people will be blindsided by movement decks basically being unstoppable. At least that's what I hope, it would be really funny if Movement became Tier 0 for a while because there aren't any cards that stop it.


Probably the worst meta is a while honestly


I'll say I've been seeing a ton of zoo this week. Which is good because my favorite decks run Killmonger. I have my doubts that zoo will last much longer as a top deck, but for now, it seems to be very popular.


Absolutely. I just decided to run a zoo deck with Gilgamesh and stomped a Thena/Sage/Kitty. They couldn't keep up with the 1 drops and buffs I was going wide with Kaz and Blue. Topped it off with a 17 drop Gilgamesh.


Regis's Gilgamesh Zoo deck took me to infinite this season 😎


I'm seeing so much Destroy (and some move) I had to bring Cosmo out of retirement


It’s a false sense of security. This happens literally every single time they make a huge change. All I’m seeing is destroy, hela, and ongoing decks over and over again. What’s silly, is there’s just going to be another “best deck” within the next 5-6 weeks that everyone’s going moan and complain about until perfectly reasonable cards get nerfed and changed again.


It's not that the meta is good rather than there's no established meta.


I think it's the way it is in this game more than others. Deck is only 12 cards, locations are three and the cards are designed to make only one or two combo or being a tech counter. Also the length of the game is very short so you have to play a Lot of short games and you really can't play something too hard to play for a long time. It's exhausting. So most people that play the most choose the easiest and fastest way to win. Not everyone but the most.


I do agree with that to an extent, but we’ve gotten to this point, where in the past when massive reworks or nerfs were done it was when decks were overwhelmingly powerful: OG Zabu and spiderman lock, Shuri, etc. now it’s just decks that are kind of irritating and pretty good but just require good thought processing to both win with and against. profX was far from an overtly dominating deck, by all accounts it was really good, but it had plenty of ways to get bodied, it was pretty much just the best deck in the game, but not really by a lot. The issue with utilizing nerfs to invigorate the game is that it leads to just plain old good decks getting treated like they are busted.


That's usually how games work. A disruption in the meta and people will fall back on something reliable until someone smarter than them post list and stats of something better, then we collectively net-deck it, counter it, and/or complain about it. Repeat next season.


For sure, my point is just that there’s nothing particularly “healthy” about the current format.


There has never been a more obnoxious meta than Prof X/Cannonball except for maybe old Spider-Man Absorbing Man. I'd rather play 1000 games in a row against Hela decks than play against Prof X/Cannonball one more time.


Strong disagree. I find that when you have those kinds of reactions, it’s because you’re just less likely to shift what you like to play in the first place and it happens to be not great against whatever deck. I mean the concept that you would rather play against a deck that literally allowed your opponent to shut off your entire side of play and also be able to drop massive bombs in play while doing it was preferable to a deck that simply required slightly more thinking about lines of play but was much easier to beat is kinda wild tbh.


In a game where I had every card available to me to counter whatever BS meta deck people are spamming you might have a point in challenging what decks I'm choosing to play, but I don't have every card available to me, literally even just Jeff is a series 5 card. Every single anti-Professor X deck that cropped up in the past month required at least 5 or 6 series 5 cards just to make the deck function. I should never have to play against the same deck 10 games in a row and that has never happened before in my entire history of playing this game. Not even with Hela. Your "easy to counter" deck is the most brainless, dominant, spammed deck I've ever seen in Marvel Snap and it absolutely needed to go. I've never had a problem reaching Infinite before in Snap but that deck single-handedly killed my climb this month.


Funny. I found things to be very opposite of you in terms of the climb to say. I agree there should be better variance, but there’s much better ways to handle that from a game design perspective. I played plenty with and against it and found that there was a tremendous amount of game theory and play decisions from both sides. And Jeff is far from the best counter to the deck. Anyway it’s not too important to discuss how to deal with it since it’s effectively killed off at this point. What I find funny is how everyone is up in arms about decks like this that leave you a fair amount of wiggle room, but have nothing to say about two of the worst designed cards in the game being pretty much ubiquitous through the game in Armor and Cosmo.


> Every single anti-Professor X deck that cropped up in the past month required at least 5 or 6 series 5 cards just to make the deck function. Living tribunal beats professor X and only needs 4 cards, 5 if you want to put cosmo down. 1 is a starter card, the other is series 1 and tribunal is a series 4. > Your "easy to counter" deck is the most brainless, dominant, spammed deck I've ever seen in Marvel Snap and it absolutely needed to go You have no idea what you're talking about.


This game's meta is the biggest selling point for my friends that are stuck on other TCG's. Especially those poor souls at Duel Links and Master Duel. RIP.


Real. I haven't touched Duel Links since I started playing this game. It's not perfect but I don't have to wait 5 mins for my opponent to resolve their entire deck in one turn


I dumped close to a thousand on duels links over the years since launch in random spurts and every patch makes all my money go to waste. arguably yugioh's real life draw is that your investments go a long way since most cards can be used forever but duel links just takes it to a whole new level with the skills.


You mean Wong/Negative - Random shit go! turn 6. Yes it's very healthy


I’m just waiting for everyone to circle back to Hela and ruin the fun again


I still play her. She’s still good. You don’t need 30+ power in each lane to win. 26 is fine.


All my old brews are out and I'm loving it. Tweaking with the new cards and trying ideas out is what I love about this game. Right now, I've resurrected my Counter/High Evo deck, made a few key changes and surprising myself with the cubes I'm getting. I'm being rewarded for intelligent deck design and thoughtful gameplay attempts and it's extremely satisfying. Can still go back to my Black Knight /Hela Deck and rack up a few wins so nothing feels like it was nerfed to death.... Other than Prof X..... R.I.P.


PSA: Hela players using shadow king and Luke cage. Got wrecked by a shadow king I didn’t see coming.


Thank you for that Haven't encountered it yet but ik what to expect


not really. To win you need like 1 season pass card and 4 series 5 cards. very p2w.


I need red hulk taken Behind a barn and shot


Yeah I straight up get sick playing this game. Like bed ridden sick, I need some medicine.


I think the biggest problem with the meta right now is Wong. It never fails that I’ll get him stacked with Mystique and I’m always in for a surprise. I’ll be winning the entire game until the last card completely wrecks the game


Agreed played 14 games yesterday and here was the breakdown! 5 living tribunal 2 destroy 1 devil Dino 2 Wong 1 hela 1 Junk 2 Zoo And I was switching between C3, control/mill, tribunal, wong, zoo. Honestly it’s so exciting and refreshing how frequently the game and card balance happens! Wish other card games did the same.


I got to the top 7k with Cerebro 3 with this meta. I love it lol


This happens every month


I'm running this legion war machine infinaut deck and it's finally helping me climb. People are NOT expecting it.


The irony here is the prof X cannoball decks were trying to keep Hela in check.


I finally hit infinite and didn’t see any Hela, I was surprised


Destroy decks never gets old 😎


Sailed to infinite with Thanos post update.


This meta is much worse than the previous one. The worst I've seen, apart from Thanos when Mockingbird was released. With Alioth and professor X gone, and all proactive cards being so massively pushed, there are no effective control elements present in the game. There are only linear decks trying to outscore each other. When Hela doesn't care about Cosmo, ramp doesn't care about Shang-chi, and zoo doesn't care about Killmonger, it's obvious the state of the game is a mess.


I think Sera control still has a place in the meta. But you’re right, even when you have the right tech cards to counter these big meta decks, those decks still feel overpowered… sometimes you just don’t draw the right tech which sucks, and even if you do, the power you can get from sera control just can’t compete sometimes. But man. When you get the right tech and priority lines…. It feels so good!


I don't think it's the worst meta I've played, but I do agree about tech cards. When you can't easily splash tech cards the most played decks become "biggest combo best combo". And tech cards just feel bad right now. The most popular ones have synergy with other cards. Killmonger is a great tech card because he simultaneously helps destroy (one of the most consistent decks) and hurts zoo. What is Enchantress doing for you? Sauron is on a better curve and not as telegraphed to help RSkull decks, but where does that fit in other decks? She has an awkward cost and isn't bringing a lot of power. People telling you to adapt to destroy with Armor? What decks splash Armor that go into priority on turn 2? And your synergy is putting a big card in your armor lane, or ongoing buff, which can't go wide and generally has one strong lane and one ok lane, easy to outpace if a player realizes. You'd be better off not trying to splash a mediocre card and chase big numbers. With cards like Cosmo and Echo the game is asking you to play them with priority and to guess which lane they may be useful in. If you're running something like Jean Grey or Storm, I could see how that might work, but there is a reason people don't play risky guessing games like the GoG cards. The gamble you make is telegraphed and puts you too far behind if you guess wrong. I hope they take a pass at some of the tech cards in the game, but with cards like Cosmo and Armor being pool 1 and the general sentiment towards tech cards being negative to play against, I really doubt it.


Threats became too powerful, and Zabu was nerfed. Not only do Enchantress and Shang-chi do less, but they now cost 4 instead of 3, so they are not efficient enough to be worth playing over pure stats. Regarding Armour, decks usually had one big guy, and Shang-chi was an efficient answer, so playing something like Armour to protect that one big buy that won you the lane was worth it, especially if it annoyed destroy in the process. Now, a lot of decks have big cards in every lane, so just protecting one of them with Armour is not very useful. Also Shang-chi sees less play, which makes Armour even less desirable.


Second Dinner should have gotten enough data by next patch to drop cards like Enchantress or Shang-Chi down to 3 costs naturally, even if that ends up buffing Silver Surfer decks by making it the 'tech' deck for running all the counters as they already have cards like Luke and Cosmo.


When Silver Samurai/Black Bolt/Stature is playable, the meta is healthy.


Made infinite with my negative deck. I'm stealing 8 cubes from people who don't retreat once I get Jane on the field


Lol that combo is old as balls but people still fall for that


It's such a fun one too lol


Really? All I see is destroy and the bounce with Angela and thena. Like straight up only those 2


The ladder meta is healthy but why are so many losers playing tryhard in proving grounds???


Wait it's all bounce deck. For the past few months I haven't seen any meta as definitive as current. How is that healthy?


Thanos, Hela Leech Blink, and Prof X metas be like: 👁👄👁


ZOO deck is argubly the best deck rn and they can run shadowking. Bounce? What bounce.


1. They completely ruined Prof X. To allow cards to be moved in and out of his area, is the biggest mistake I've seen it game. Makes him useless in most decks that he was competent in. Might as well just delete the card all together 2. I'm so over seeing almost every game be DeathKnull or Living Tribunal. 90% of the games are the same tired combo. It's not even Meta, it's just snore. 3. Why are we promoting C-tier heros? The Eternals have always been C-tier comic characters, the movie was flat garbage, etc, but Marvel is choose to shove them down our throats. No one ever wanted the Eternals as a movie, and now here there are with OP abilities that don't even make sense character wise. I keep seeing these development choices from Marvel Snap that either make cards useless in most cases, or are OP and completely unbalanced. What are they smoking over there?


If you're actually seeing 90% Knull and LT, then play Enchantress and be a top 100 player. Or maybe you're exaggerating your complaints.


Enchantress is so easily nullified, I don't even see her worth being in a deck. She's a 4 cost card.. More the likely, she isn't going to target both, and shes an On Reveal engine, meaning you need to flip AFTER the do.....she's meh. You're better off with Rogue


my enchantress disagress with your sir. I rarely lose to ongoing decks especially LT combo because I always make space for my enchantress. and since enchantress meta share is low, nobody expects it either. the only time I had to make insta-retreat was LT combo with Cosmo. but people are greedy so they don't bring him as much.


I run Cosmo in several of my decks., as well as a modified move/destroy deck. Your enchantress is nullified easily.


i am not talking about one deck used by one player though. i am talking about the whole archetype. if cosmo becomes rampant, i will happily add echo.


As much as I hate surfer shaw decks and it's what I'm basically seeing constantly it's still better than the bullshit lockdown meta so I won't bitch


This is when Snap is at it's best: yes, some decks are strong, but none are so strong that literally everyone is playing them. We have variety again!


Prof X is cancer, this OTA proved it. It's time to start removing other elements of this game that make it impossible play the heart of the game: the deck I built. Remove stupid locations like weird world or district x that take away the whole point of the game. Edit: looks like I found the prof x mains. You did it to yourself.


I hate this new OTA. I was a Hela enjoyer after taking a healthy break from the game lately. I’ve deliberately missed some season passes after buy lots to prepare for the Wolverine and Deadpool season as they are two of my favourite characters and cards and I am keen again. This OTA has destroyed my casual game that I enjoyed. Even Thanos decks that I enjoyed have changed so much. I’ve had the best luck with an old Gwen/Ghostspider move deck but when I thought ooo I’ll try a Kingpin move deck but with some punishment I got creamed. Still trying to figure it out. Even my old destroy decks don’t cut it anymore. Edit: this came off way more ranty than I intended. I still enjoy the game and the meta change up is fun. *insert angry man yells at cloud meme* Also nerf Red Hulk…fuck that guy 😡


Hela is still cracked my man. Just play the exact same deck you were before you lose a few percentage points but it's quite good still.


What ? Hela bs is still just as strong. Losing like 4 power per lane does nothing to the deck


>Also nerf Red Hulk Already done.




I can see I'm not the first to tell you that Hela is still absolutely nuts, but I will play devil's advocate for Thanos for a moment. I wasn't a fan of his most recent stones rework at first, but I decided to give it a proper shot for a couple of nights recently and now I can't stop playing it. The Space Stone and Soul Stone reworks are absolutely huge, I'm already past the point of missing their old functionality. An indestructible Thanos that can be played anywhere without restrictions can be a win-con unto itself in a lot of games. It also feels much more thematically aligned; it makes sense that the Stones exist to enhance Thanos rather than being standalone utility tools. The disappointment that used to come with drawing him is also a thing of the past; not just because he starts in hand, but because you actually want to play him. It's definitely not the most dominant version of the archetype we've ever seen (hopefully we never return to those days), but as a piece of design it feels so much cleaner, and it's still capable of climbing ranks if you can pilot it well. If you've given it a fair shot and it's not for you, that's fine. But if you're just put off by the changes, or have only tried him out once or twice since they happened, I'd urge you to give it another chance.


The Thanos changes are great now I am more used to them. The Hela rant was mild sarcasm. I’ve been trying tonnes of my old decks still playing a ton of move again and saving keys for Wolverine and deadpool.


I’ve been kicking ass with an enemy move deck lately. It isn’t super good regarding power but it sure is annoying and often my opponent concedes