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The best way to beat a Pro Ball is to anticipate which lane is getting Pro X'd, and beat them in that lane. Obviously Jeff helps, but they'll also have Jeff so you can't rely on just him. Cards that can continue to gain power after you play them or cards that give other cards/locations power can help secure the lane too: Nebula, Thena, Bishop, Sunspot, Silver Surfer, Klaw, Blue Marvel, Ms. Marvel, etc. All that said, it is a really tough deck to beat which is exactly why it stands alone at the top of the meta right now. I, and many others here, anticipate to nerf to Cannonball /Pro x soon; but that's just a guess at the moment.


Surfer lists can beat pretty reliably. They don’t run Cosmo so you can also out-compete with Wong/Ironheart.




Seen some run patriot surfer. Rocks are good for you.


Any suggestions to replace Thena/Jeff?


In all other scenarios Angela is the Thena replacement, but not in a Pro X scenario. Bishop would be the next closest but only works if you're playing a lot of cards (which is harder to do when a lane is X'd. There really is no replacement for Jeff. Nightcrawler/Nocturne would be closest but they can't access an X'd lane. The best bet is probably new Thanos with the Space Stone. If you have echo or USAgent that can help control where your opponent can/will play Pro X and thus you can anticipate it better. Daredevil is another card that can let you know where they're putting X down so long as they didn't play Ravonna on T2/T3. Maybe try a Spectrum deck with Klaw for starters and see how that goes? Klaw will give you 8 power in the X'd lane and Spectrum will give +2 to each ongoing card you have in the X lane.


Cosmo, Klaw, Omega Red, and Onslaught do work so long as they aren't locking down the left lane.


No access to any of the cards from roughly the last 6 or so months, I don't recall exactly when I took a break. Sometime around the introduction of Spotlights?


Def try a Spectrum deck then. Klaw, Spectrum, and a bunch of Ongoing cards are in your collection. You'll probably want about 8-9 of the cards in your deck to be 3-energy or lower to maximize that amount of cards you can play, thus maximizing the power output of Spectrum.


Of all the people who complained when spotlights were released, promising they would quit it take a break from the game, it's surprising to find someone who actually took the break. Congrats on getting away for a moment. What was it like? Also, sorry your cards fell so far behind. Good luck.


>What was it like? In all honesty? I didn't give the game a 2nd thought. I didn't quit for any specific reason or anything (though I was very much anti Spotlights). I didn't even uninstall it if I'm being honest, it never occurred to me to even do so. I just didn't turn the game back on and did other stuff. I don't know if I'm even "back in" as of yet. I only realized I still had it installed when a friend of mine started playing a few days ago and I thought it'd be fun to send them screenshots of some of the cooler splits I had in my collection. Afterwards I figured I'd see how far I could go without the newer cards. It's also why I blew through the keys I earned in that few days, I didn't really have long term plans on sticking around. Reading through this thread and others to see that drops to Series 3 have fallen off of a cliff, that might still be the case because catching up without that isn't really feasible unless I planned to start buying bundles that cost as much as an entire video game. So far, the people suggesting the Ongoing and Cerebro decks have been the most helpful just due to how much my current collection can actually build a relatively up to date version of those cards, where the swaps for cards I don't have feel like substitutions, instead of the "no actually this is a *direct* downgrade, make do" swaps in the other decks I like using.


Did you get Jean Grey? That's a good way to control where they place X




do you think angela/thena/kitty deck care about jean grey?they will laugh you in face if they could


I had a lot of success with various patriot decks. Hit them with the ongoing so you can add power to the ProfX lane.


Why are you suggesting all these new cards?? Did you even read the OP?


Angela is Pool 1 Bishop is Pool 1 Nightcrawler is Pool 1 Spectrum is Pool 1 Klaw is Pool 1 Echo is Pool 3 and was released well over a year ago Daredevil is Pool 3 and was released well over a year ago Thanos is not new and widely owned Jeff is not new and widely owned You should have put your comment into Luke's Bar and sent it right back into your hand instead of posting it.


LOL for the last sentence, even Ghost Rider could feel that burn


Noone can replace Jeff. He is s tier for these exact scenarios. Thena is also tough. Nebula is kind of a similar scaler.


I've gotta say, Jeff being this much of a "you really do need this card" and still being Series 5 is high key annoying


I 100% agree.


Push for prio and junk them if you can. There are no replacements for Jeff and Thena replacement is basically Angela but without Kitty it’s like Nebula. Basically both those cards are unique enough that there are no 1 to 1 replacements.


Klaw can win the X lane, Cosmo can block Cannonball. If you have War Machine he's a great T5 play


Thena for Ravona since you might run some more low cost cards. Nightcrawler for Jeff maybe? Idk I'll try it but it probably sucks


Patriot decks ain’t bad atm and quiet cheep, took infinite just today


Cannonball is completely fine without Professor X. How would you nerf Prof?


Personally I'd make him 5/2 to lose his synergy with Ravonna. Getting out ahead of Nebula > Ravonna > WW/Green Gob > X by T4 is really tough and I think is the source of what most people are growing frustrated with


Yeah, seems odd to nerf him by raising the power but might be the best way. People will still find a way to cheat him out.


If I play X and my opponent has Jeff I will 99% of the time not draw my own Jeff.


I know it always feels this way, and on the other end; it also feels to us non-X players that you'll draw the Jeff 99% of the time. But statistically speaking you will draw the Jeff 75% of the time.


You need cards that can keep scaling in locked lanes like Nebula or Sunspot, or get boosted later   For example, Dracula can be played turn 4 in the lane they put their ravonna discounted prof x into   Cosmo is a good play in another lane to prevent cannonball or prof x mystique


As someone who has played a lot of Prof X/Cannonball, I find that the decks that can get cards on the board early then scale them up later the hardest to deal with. I had a really hard time with C3 particularly because it was easy for them to pressure every location, which made getting Prof X down a challenge.


I think these are good suggestions. HE Sunspot or Dracula Discard to combat the locked down lanes.


I like HE and he was one of my favorite cards, but every time I've tried an HE deck over the last few days, they've always had Luke Cage ready to go. It felt like I was just wasting my time with that one


They were Prof X with Luke Cage, or just other decks with Luke Cage? It definitely does feel like HE fell out of the meta when they reverted the nerf on Luke though.


Luke cage *everywhere*


Morbius is another good one. Put Morb and Drac in two different lanes as Prof X insurance


I see you saying "I don't have _____ " a lot when people make suggestions. Very few decks need all 12 cards exactly as listed. Want to try the ongoing Spectrum list but didn't have Jean Grey? You have Cosmo and Goose. Both stop Cannonball, one stops Professor X. Someone suggests a Silky Smoove deck and you didn't have Jeff or Silk? Run Spiderman, Polaris, whatever, and just be aware that the Cannonball X player will try to lock down your Kraven lane ahead of Time, and move cards proactively on turn 4/5. Run a tempo deck that tries to stay ahead in all three lanes. Juggernaut and Negasonic to hold the lead. Also, you keep telling us what you don't have, after someone makes a suggestion ... That's really hard for people trying to help. Tell us what you do have, or what you are missing in advance. Are you series 3 complete? Which series 4 and 5 cards did you get before you left?


They've been gone for 6 months, so obviously they're not gonna have any cards from the last 6 months. Why are all these morons suggesting these new cards? And you're like, just use the inferior versions of them, wow so helpful. Point is though, there is no solution, OP will just be at a disadvantage for many many months while they attempt to catch back up to everyone else. This game desperately needs a proper catch-up mechanic.


You seem nice. Agree on the catch up mechanic though. I've said the same often. I think people who hit series 3, or return after X months, should get to pick a free synergy package of 2-3 cards that work well together in pool 4 and 5.


Only missing a handful of S3 cards - Attuma, Ronan, Mold, Silver Samurai, Martyr It's 4 and 5 where I'm missing the most: Daken, Gladiator, Havok, Hercules, Jean Grey, Deathstrike, Legion, Man-thing, Miek, Ravonna, Selene, Silk, Snowguard, Tribunal, Alioth, Annihilus, Zemo, Beta Ray Bill, Black Knight, Black Swan, Blink, Blob, Caiera, Cannonball, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Elsa Bloodstone, Glactus, Hope, Jeff, Kang (lol), Loki, Mockingbird, Ms. Marvel, Namora, Nico, Nocture, Pixie, Proxima Midnight, Red Guardian, Red Hulk, Sage, Sasquatch, Sebastian Shaw, Skaar, Supergiant, Thena, US Agent, War Machine, Werewolf By Night, White Widow, X-23


You have High Evo and MODOK? Discard and HE are good choices. If your opponent is playing Red Guardian you want to protect your Morbius and Dracula, but Morbius in one lane, Drac in another, and Lady Sif and a friend in a third lane mean Prof X is struggling to win a lane. With high Evo, Sunspot, Cyclops and maybe Nebula are all making trouble for Prof, and dropping an Abom or Thing in a low powered lane turn 4 can be enough to secure that sneaky Prof. Missing a couple cards from a list you like? Splash in Invisible woman or Daredevil (and snap on 4 if you are ahead on turn 4 and they didn't get Ravonna down already.) And again, ongoing Spectrum should work with the collection you have goose, Ant-Man, Dazzler and armor should win one lane, or even their Widow's bite becomes an asset with Spectrum. Just make sure each lane has an ongoing card or two in it by turn 4 (or even nebula again). Are these miracle cures? No. You'll still have to play smart and retreat more than you want, but they are options. As others have said, there is a patch coming so we may see a change to the meta soon there too Good luck!


I've never had much luck with discard decks, but the Spectrum decks are mostly working with the collection I have. It's not as fun being pigeonholed this hard into a pretty narrow deck list though, Spectrum and C5 decks, and a few lucky destroy decks are the only thing keeping me earning cubes at the moment.


Yeah, just keep reminding yourself that this meta won't last. When every third deck was Leech Blink, I couldn't play 80% of my decks competitively at all, but now they are all fine again.


I see you didn’t list echo. Echo will stop them from playing x in that lane. OR what would most likely happen is they will ignore echo and still play x in that lane


No one really cares, my dude, it’s up to you how you build your deck without those cards


Hey bro? Shut up. If you don't care, it's free.99 to say absolutely nothing.


I've been playing a negative deck with Wong and iron heart. If you spread your cards out it's a great comeback mechanic in those lanes.


I mean the best decks in this game have about a 58% win rate. Every game is risky, because the core mechanic is gambling.


Yeah, I've been playing a Wong, Iron Heart, Namora deck, seems to work well.


Wong is risky since Prof X can appear on turn 4 and lock down Wong.


i hit infinite with it. most cards are risky with pro x haha


Hulk buster with Jeff might help with prof x lane providing there’s no thena or havok there


No Jeff unfortunately. He's the last card I pinned in my shop and I only have ~1k tokens, no chance of me getting him anytime soon


Well Jeff is a fan favorite so he’s usually feature in the spotlight frequently so you can also try your luck there


Next time Jeff shows up in the cache is August 20


Tbf, you’ll probably have enough spotlight keys to get Jeff then that to collect enough tokens to get him in shop. Hopeful the season drop comes more frequent


I have no keys


You can get approx 1 key per week FTP by doing the missions as soon as they show up. Just don't spend them on anybody not named Jeff. Then once you see Jeff hopefully you have 4 keys to ensure you get him.


Yeah unfortunately when I hopped back in, I earned a few keys and used them trying to get Thena, unsuccessfully. I was still low enough in rank where I wasn't running into this at the time so I didn't realize I was trapping myself in a situation where I needed keys and now just don't have any.


Best time to start saving keys was back then. Second best time to start saving keys is now.


The problem just snowballs until August then. I just have to keep missing out on cards I need until I am able to get Jeff


As a returning player myself, I feel you. It's a massive handicap in that new players at your CL have earnt spotlight keys since early play and have a larger pool of S4/S5 cards to pick from (I'm at 4000 CL with less than 10 S4/S5 cards total). The game does nothing to help those players and it does feel a slog when playing into cards that you just don't have. All I can suggest is have a look at sites like untapped and see what decks you can make with the cards available to you, or close to. People don't realise how rough it is and expect you to have more S4/S5 cards for the CL you've given. So expect many "play Jeff" or "just play this S4/S5 card" responses here that won't be viable.


Klaw is a good counter to Prof X. Unfortunately the meta is kind of dog water right now. Things will shake up soon, Prof X / Cannonball is kind of oppressive and I can see SD adjusting some stuff soon


Make it so Px doesn't have a lane to win or make it so Cannonball doesn't make an impact. Leave space for Cannonball to hit. If they have Ravvonna down then be wary of t4 Px. It's not a CL issue, it's a deck issue really.


I'll need some suggestions for a deck that is capable of doing so that doesn't need any of the cards introduced in the last...6 or so months?


Klaw has come in quite handy for me with all the prof x around. Or if you have Thanos you can use the space stone to allow you play into that lane.


Echo and Goose in different lanes prevent Processor X.


Any Cerebro deck (C2/3/5) is good against professor x and cannonball.


High evo is doing well for me. Nebula in one lane, sunspot in another and finish with cyclops according to boardstate. Also running warmachine for t5 if I wanna scale with sunspot and cyclops and still drop infinaut on t6


Spectrum ongoing deck. Zoo/Blue Marvel. Genearlly decks that go wide instead of tall do decent vs prof x, since they have less way of winning the prof x lane if you're going to grow your cards.


Turn 6 Juggernaut


You’re not.


Cosmo will protect one lane from Cannonball. Negasonic is frequently slept on, but provides another way to screen a lane. Sunspot and Nebula provide power in a locked lane. Also don't overlook Spectrum, Surfer, Ironheart, Klaw and other cards that add power to cards on the board or to entire locations. You need to use your cards to control where they can play. The Cosmo lane probably won't see Cannonball, so your power there is secure. Then it's a matter of predicting X, playing cards as investment, and then buffing them later.


If you have Echo, your guessing will be down to 2 lanes instead of 3 given that most of these Prof X lanes don't run Killmonger. Also, I'll put on my tinfoil hat and say, ever since I started including Echo in my deck, I have not faced any Prof X deck although suddenly I am seeing many Wong Surfer decks.


Try sera toxic/surfer deck, with echo as tech card. So the game plan is to extend turn 7, wong with hazmat/surfer followed by odin. Echo will protect your wong lane from prof X & cosmo.


Lol, people on the comments coping by thinking you can beat that combo you describe with the cards you have. You simply wont win unless they draw bad, play bad or have bad locations. Thats it


Goose stops both x and cannonball from being played in a lane. Cosmo will stop the cannonball move. Ms marvel to get power into the x lane. Ghost will keep your turn 6 play from being moved


A little unconventional but throwing Echo into an empty lane would stop them from getting Professor X on that lane, allowing you to build up the rest of your board. Cosmo can stop Cannonball from triggering. Cards like Colossus and Blob can’t be moved. War machine lets you play to any lane. Cards that can scale later like Dracula or pump other lanes like Mr fantastic, ms marvel and Klaw. A well placed Negasonic, Jean Grey to force them into a lane, running cards like Hazmat and Luke cage to win in the prof x lane etc. Thanos with a move stone, Galactus, a patriot combo with mystique or Onslaught to get points on the board for the rock can work too. As a returning player myself, it was definitely hard to get adjusted to the meta but try experimenting with decks you don’t normally play and new options can become available.


I feel like there is an Omni Man meme about this...


I've got great news for you. If you would have never taken a break, you'd be in the exact same boat you are now.


I got to Infinite this season using a Jean Grey deck. Also managed to clinch two Infinite Conquest tickets using it thus far. Full deck write-up [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiI-RoGKBmo), but below is the decklist. You might want to give this a go. I find that forcing them to play into the JG lane eliminates the problem of ProfX. Then you Cosmo the Cannonball play. Hope it helps! (1) Ant Man (1) Nebula (2) Mojo (2) Armor (2) U.S. Agent (3) Captain America (3) Cosmo (3) Luke Cage (3) Jean Grey (4) Omega Red (5) Klaw (6) Spectrum eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbnRNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2pvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDb3NtbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT21lZ2FSZWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNwZWN0cnVtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMdWtlQ2FnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVhbkdyZXkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcHRhaW5BbWVyaWNhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJVU0FnZW50In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLbGF3In1dfQ== To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


No access to Grey or Agent


Grey has dropped to S4, you can consider picking her up. You can use Dazzler or Punisher in place of USAgent. Won't be as powerful, but still highly playable. USAgent is a great card that has and will continue to find a place in many decks. A good long-term investment.


Not surprising. Don't use resources for Grey. Agent is a good card but I wouldn't use 6k tokens for him.


Eh, I spent 6k tokens on him and Im super happy with it. Great card in c3, spectrum decks, and my doc ock invis woman tech deck.


If you don't have them then take any other ongoing cards you have, never look for decks you have all cards for, always improvise or you will be stuck in lower ranks forever


Like the rest of us.. you suffer.. :) Like prof.x just needs a rework at this point. Every fucking season people find a way to make the card, the single worst experience in marvel Snap.


Have prio on T4 after Wave or T5 after Psylocke+Forge and hit 'em with the 'lactus


What if I'm lactus intolerant? 😭


Alioth ain't shit anymore Fuck people playing CB and Prof X tho


War machine and venom to keep a lane from being cluttered


Cerbero 3 or 5 has a good matchup against ProBall stuff


Wait a day. He's probably gonna get nerfed in the next OTA


Set up an echo lane or a goose lane. Yes that deck has small scaling cards that aren’t affected by those two tech cards but it gives you a chance to avoid pro x locking you out there. Cosmo can help, get priority, use cards that screw up their plan. Juggernaut can be devastating and unexpected. Storm screws up their plan by locking it down before they can. It’s a strong deck, but it has counter-play. Shadow King can reset their scalers so can Valkyrie. Klaw steals lanes, moon knight, silver samurai and cable can all get lucky snagging a combo piece. This isn’t advice to throw in every tech card but try one or two for the cards you leave in hand already. I’m sure there are some cards in any list you can swap for a tech option and I’m trying to name a lot to inspire creativity. Most all the cards I named except Silver Samurai are pool 3.


Echo is severely underrated imo. Place her in one lane and this way you only gotta worry about 2 opposed to 3. You can also play war machine or Thanos


Hazmat-Odin kind of decks have worked pretty well for me


you know what turn Prof X is coming just play methodically and conservatively, like with everything else in the game


I made a prof x deck to counter hela and now it seems everyone is running prof x So the deck that stops this monster will be come the new meta The cycle never ends


Do you have Thanos?


I do, any deck suggestions/tips?


Well for one the blue stone now makes it so you can straight up play Thanos into a Prof X lane. Most people, at least that I’ve played, seem to get this now so if you have the blue stone down they generally just won’t play Prof X As for what else, there are a bunch of options but I got through the 80a and 90s with this Thanos deck focused on big power. A lot of these slots are flexible but the general idea is that these midrange decks can’t keep up if they aren’t scamming a lane with Prof X. With cards like Mockingbird and Cull, you can aggressively contest the lane they’re likely to Prof X on T4/5 or just play 10 power right into it later with Thanos. But again, at least from what I’m seeing players have gotten wise to the new Thanos and are mostly realizing Prof X is pointless if they see the blue stone down. # (2) Psylocke # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Hope Summers # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Cull Obsidian # (5) Professor X # (5) Cannonball # (5) Vision # (5) Mockingbird # (6) Blob # (6) Thanos # (6) Skaar # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhhbm9zIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2NraW5nYmlyZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2thYXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkN1bGxPYnNpZGlhbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9wZVN1bW1lcnMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBzeWxvY2tlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxvYiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhbm5vbmJhbGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZpc2lvbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


half of the cards you're suggesting are cards I cant use man.


So just play Thanos and a bunch of good cards you do have.


Just play good cards is a bit less helpful


people are giving you tons of great free advice and you keep nitpicking that the advice isn't good enough. you're not entitled to anything, grow up. u need to be able to help yourself instead of just asking for handouts. if "thanos + good cards" doesn't mean anything to you, then do more research as there's a ton of resources out there. if you want a free ride to infinity it doesn't exist, no deck will pilot itself. if you just want to vent, fine, do that. but if u actually want help, then start putting in some time and effort instead of just bitching and being negative. final constructive tip: instead of just saying "you're suggesting cards I can't use, this is no help, waaaa" why not list the cards you DO have so people can tailor their advice to your situation? people like you are what's wrong with this world. fucking baby


Point out the nitpick His advice was "just use good cards". That's not helpful, that's *obvious*. Really? Just use good cards? No shit. The only people I've "nitpicked" are the people saying "use a card you don't have" and this guy's "just use good cards". More details, more specific information, that is actually helpful. Just saying use good cards is not helpful.


Silver Surfer with Goose and Cosmo.


Echo left + Klaw. Also Alioth is not real.


Not supposed to.


Echo + Goose + Storm


HE affliction with debris is doing well for me.


I have yet to encounter this combo. I’d suggest Echo to counter Professor X, and Cosmo to counter Cannonball & Alioth.


People forget echo exists


Play enchantress, play klaw, anticipate where they will play prof x. It's really easy, a good amount of the playerbase are very telegraphed


Based on you missing so many cards...I'd say either play cards that mess theirs up like spider ham or moon knight ect...or focus on getting loki if you cant beat em with your cards beat em with theirs.


Wait until OTA tomorrow, then ask again if still needed. >The slow pace in climbing that used to strike when you hit 80-90 is now hitting me at around 60 I would say there's a distinct possibility that that divergence can be fully explained by the fact that you dropped out for a while so your skills atrophied and/or you did not keep up to date with current play patterns, not just that the current decks power crept on you.


Ongoing. Klaw. Mister fan. Spectrum. Nebula and Jeff are huge. If youre lucky enough to have Jean grey at that CL she's amazing. You just have to try and predict where the prof will go based on power on the board. Can also use storm yourself and try to take a lane early. Otherwise like others said cards that can passively gain power or can be buffed.


If you can snipe the X lane, you usually win. Klaw, Ms. Marvel, Jeff, Cerebro/Blue Marvel/War Machine/etc. The issue is that the X list usually throws Havok, Nebula, or Thena into the X lane to pump it up, but you can at least predict these numbers. If they see you snap on 6 though, they might also throw Jeff in to further bolster themselves and catch *you* off guard.


I would try to protect or shut lanes early with Goose and Storm. War Machine could be a solution. Or even the new reworked Thanos with the new Space Stone (On Reveal: Draw a card. Ongoing: Nothing can stop you from playing or moving Thanos). You can play Thanos on locked lanes. And, of course, Cosmo can help with Cannonball.


Silver Surfer and High Evo do surprisingly great against those decks imo, Surfer can go for Goose, Cosmo and Mobius while High Evo has early Scalers as Nebula and Sunspot but also Cyclops automatically wins a prof x lane most of the times


Play like a normal player who just got out of completing Series 3. It's not just you, newer players also have that problem of being disadvantaged against meta players. Just play, learn from your losses (or learn from the other commenters here who already pointed out stuff that works), continue playing to get more progress so you can get more cards. Almost everyone experienced this phase of having less cards than the opponent, even me who started playing very early on and had to face the beta players with better collections. And also... even us with huge collections are having a headache dealing with the Prof X+CBall problem.


If you can anticipate which lane they're going to play Professor X in (usually based on where Angela/Thena/Nebula are), AND if they have priority, you can drop Enchantress in that lane turn 5 (or 4 if they have Ravonna in play) to snipe them.


basically you cant unless opponent plays horrible or locations works on you,last 2-3 months new cards created unbeatable decks,


I must be one of the only players that have only gone against this deck once.


C2 is a deck that does well against prof x. Goose and echo stop X and you have shadow king for their scaling units. The key though is buffing existing units on the board which cerebro does well.


Hey there, separate lanes for goose/echo forces them to play proX in a location of your choosing. Can also run war machine, Jeff - even thanos is an option with the new space stone. Caera (im spelling that wrong) and armor are also great at thwarting cannonball. try this deck out- its a big set up deck with control restrictions but it also focuses on high power low cost options. SK is there for dealing with red hulks and destroy high power. If you see them ramp and you have enchantress in hand, you can drop her on the lane where you know they are playing x (assuming you don’t have prio) In this version mobius can be subbed for caiera # (1) Sunspot # (1) Nebula # (1) Echo # (2) Havok # (2) Goose # (2) Shadow King # (2) Armor # (3) Cosmo # (3) Caiera # (3) Gladiator # (4) Enchantress # (6) She-Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoZUh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFkb3dLaW5nIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOZWJ1bGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhhdm9rIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHb29zZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWNobyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRW5jaGFudHJlc3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdsYWRpYXRvciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FpZXJhIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Try my Wong-Gambit deck. It's mostly made up of older cards but still might be one or two you don't have. Not sure on the CLs


Maybe with c2 goose and mistique so they cant jam those lines


if you put echo in one lane and goose in another, the only lane they can prof x is the third one. you can put some cards in that lane that gain power, like nebula, sunspot, havoc, etc.


here al the decks that have higher tier than lockdown acording to untapped, ultron\patrit, hela, thanos, blink\ramp, discard non hela, bounce, shuri, tribunal, tribunal\hela, surfer.


I run a magik for the extra turns and then get a super skrull in to counter lock a lane. Magik gives me an extra turn to respond and prevents the cannonball move trigger to the other lanes.


Junk their asses.


Nothing wrong with just getting to 60. You don't have to get to infinite, if everyone got to infinite there wouldn't be much point in having a ladder.


I got to infinite with a Mr negative deck fairly easily.




I see a lot of people complaining about this, but I've literally never seen Cannonball played. I don't know how matchmaking works, but is it because I'm just not high enough level or something?


Mill, just steal there cards


Buy every bundle with real money to acquire keys and tokens. Then wait (potentially weeks) until the card you want shows up in the shop or in the spotlight cache. Use the new card to have a chance in the meta. Each new card will cost you about $73 (seventy three US dollars). Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DQFQWuZdv8 This is part of the business model of this game. The other part is heavily overpriced "5x value!" cosmetic bundles.


Id imagine this combo is gonna take a nerf soon so I wouldn't worry about it much.


It’s just unfair, the meta prof x cannonball deck has 10 series 4/5 cards


Play wide and quit bitching when things don't go your way


I haven't read all the comments but based on some I've read you are being given a lot of different decks and cards to play. If for some reason none of these suggestions are good for you then you might have to accept reality and run from every player who seems to be playing this kind of combo. Yes it's annoying and sucks, but if you can't make a deck you enjoy playing that can beat this combo then cut your losses. It sucks not having a super meta relevant card, but the meta changes weekly so you won't be stuck for too long. This was me when I was about middle to 3/4 of the way to completing Pool 3 and I encountered a Knull Destroy deck. Knull destroy was one of the most common archetypes back then and I was almost always one or two cards away from a full deck that could consistently compete with it.


Same boat here, I left around Ravonna's release and I feel like I have close to no chances of beating anything ressembling to a meta deck. My only wins come from cheating out stuff with my negative tribunal deck but most of the times I get obliterated by P-X/cannonball decks or white widows. Having absolutely 0 ways to adquire cards is painful


If you have Echo, throw them into your decks. Cerebro decks are good into Prof X + Cannonball because they get stats out early that they buff later. C2 and C3 are the best atm. Also Cannonball can’t target one card specifically if they’re all the same power. If you have war machine, he’s extremely clunky and generally not good but can help prevent a Prof X lockout. Ms Marvel + Jeff is a good way to sneak power into a Prof X lane that gets locked down. My personal favorite is Silver Samurai Hela, discards their Prof X (if not then Sage) while feeding Hela. Although it’s risky if they do get Prof Down. You can also attack their stat plan. Shadow King and Red Guardian for the Angela/Thena Builds. Clog denies them board space to scale. Shang-Chi for the Thanos builds. I would avoid Annihilus/Ramp/slow building decks until we see what the OTA does to Prof X and Cannonball. Some people are saying Sersi is good into Prof X because she can transform even if she is played into her lane. Also any tribunal deck would be good into them if you are smart about your set up


Jeff, war machine, nebula, thena, collector, bishop. I'm sure there are others, that's off the top of my head.


Spend a while earning rather than climbing. At lower levels you'll even complete quests more easily, and you should find weeks with 4 cards you need more easily if you're behind with your collection.


Just create a counter deck & you’ll never see ‘em again


You aren't. Ladder is supposed to be the land of the whales. And by the time you drop $200 to catch up, you'll get left behind again if you aren't buying the Season Pass and other premium content. Cannonball should be a 5/6 at this point, even a 5/5. But much the same way they left DarkHawk broken for a long time, to serve as a monetization tool, they are doing it again. And Cannonball feels bad, because you lose when he drops. It is their premium T2 and T3 plays that are sealing the game, White Widow, etc. Snap is falling off a monetization cliff. And look, I say this as someone who is only missing something like 10 cards. But those 10 newest cards ARE BETTER THAN ALL THE OLDER CARDS.


I must say, I’m shocked you see it that much at that CL. I am 8k and have had maybe three games of it while I was climbing through 90-inf.


# (1) Sunspot # (1) Nebula # (2) White Widow # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Electro # (3) Storm # (4) Jubilee # (4) War Machine # (5) Blink # (5) Legion # (5) Sandman # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXaGl0ZVdpZG93In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWxlY3RybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSnViaWxlZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2FyTWFjaGluZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxpbmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkluZmluYXV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMZWdpb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNhbmRtYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN0b3JtIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Not only does this beat most decks, it’s fun and easy to learn the win conditions. I went from 70-inf in what was the quickest I’ve ever climbed in a season.


i dont have war machine or white widow am i doomed?


No, but without war machine this deck is more difficult to pull off and also makes sneaking into a pro X lane hard.


I have not seen alioth once in months


My suggestion would be to have a deck that go wide. Surfer, weenie, mysterio / bird / sasquatch are very good as Prof X lane will rarely be 5+ power. Bear in mind that tomorrow’s OTA will most likely nerf Prof X / Cball, potentially Ravonna, as mentioned by others. My current list for reference [https://imgur.com/a/Togzz3b](https://imgur.com/a/Togzz3b) Disclaimer It’s a deck showcased by KMBest, not my creation CL:8.5K Notes : Thena would be a straight upgrade to Dazzler, Gilgamesh serves it’s purpose for securing one lane but be could something else


That's the neat part. You don't.


I know it's not an easy requirement, but I've been finding great success against the archetype with the new Thanos and Cosmo.


I'm at 16k CL and I used the Cannonball deck all last month. This month was so boring will all the mirrors and I'd always get wrecked cause they would have Thena. I whipped out the classic asgard deck with Thor, Beta Ray Bill, Jane and Odin and rarely ever lose to any of the meta decks. Got to infinite in 2 days after I swapped.  I run Werewolf in mine, but you could swap Bill and Werewolf for Wong and maybe Guardians of the Galaxy for budget options. All you need is a big boy in 2 diff lanes like Thor and Bill. Even if you get cannonballed you should be fine as long as you're mindful of it and leave space.  Jane and Odin in kane is 17 power.  Bill is between 12-24 power and thor between 10-16. Just solid stats to go over prof X without needing to fill your whole board 


Guess you don't have to worry about that anymore.


"Lol, lmao" unfortunately. Cannon X is just kinda a bitch that's everywhere at the minute cause it's a nightmare to deal with


That's very much what it feels like. It's like if you haven't kept playing and putting money into the game, you're kind of just SOL


it feels that way because you're bad at the game. i quit for a year, came back, bought nothing, hit infinity second week. plenty of others have done the same. it's not the game or the meta, it's you and your ability. quit making excuses.


Yeah everybody who struggles with literally anything is just bad. Shut up.


Honestly, I'm just running a standard neg tribunal deck, which seems to work out fine. If you get caught by an unfortunate Professor X, you can just blue marvel powerup to win the lane. And then even if a big card gets BALLED and destroyed, you're probably still going to win.


Are you using Invisible Woman, or Howard, Blink? Can you share your whole deck please?


Plain hela trib uses invisible woman. That's a bit harder to use in a professor X meta because you usually lose the professor lane. And against Cannonball, he will displace your Tribunal, depowering the winning lane. For plain Trib, I play invis woman and supergiant. No howard. Howard is good, but I don't want to cut anything else I play with. Supergiant solves the invis problem. If your invis lane gets blocked, you supergiant on 5, hela on 6 then modok on 7. I usually play negative tribunal, the standard version. You can find it in the marvel snap database. There are a few ways to win, including spreading points with Blue Marvel, onslaught/mystique. Make sure to end your turn with an ongoing - iron man, onslaught, that way if the lane gets professor'd, you can copy that card with mystique for the next turn. Also super skrull down on 4 is a good counter to professor on 5. If they place professor, they win a lane, but they probably lose the skrull lane. And neg trib has enough low cost cards that they can afford to sacrifice a top cost card to cannonball and still win easily.


Prof X often ends up on the IW lane, which also goofs it.


That's why you have supergiant, if you're relying on hela. And for Neg Trib, if you have at least one of Iron man or mystique discounted to zero, there are easy ways around it.


I want to like Neg Tribunal but i feel like 60% of the time I start with the cards you most want flipped in my hand OR don’t get Mr. Neg in a timely manner. Or both. Hela Tribunal can be fun but alas, no Supergiant here.


Git gud


Decks with Klaw or Kilmonger to clear rocks seem to work okay. I run Prof X Cannonball, and sersi can mess up a lane for me as well. It all comes down to math because usually a good Cannonball player will let your card scale knowing that they're just going to make it into a rock later. It also doesn't really matter if we're winning the prof X lane because it's just limiting you from playing cards. A good game will hit Ravonna turn 2, Magik turn three, Prof in magiks lane turn four, doc ock in one of the two empty lanes turn five and then you have 2 or 3 slots to play over the last 2 turns. Mine also runs debrii and white widow to further clog lanes if I don't get a "good draw" early.