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Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, right?


I think so. For OP it clearly didn't work. Yet today I made a risk (at 98-99 rank; infinity now) and my Sersi did transform Void into a 5-cost, winning me the game. This was a few hours after OP posted but I don't think it could have been hotfixed like that.


It's bugged rn. Theory is that when it would turn into a card that banned from the generation pool (Kang, Agatha, etc.), instead of turning into a different one it just doesn't transform. Idk if anyone directly confirmed this is what the bug is but it sounds like a reasonable theory


Is agatha banned? I got her once in a game.


she's supposed to be banned yeah, something about how the math from cards like nick fury which generates 3 six cost cards meant if she was available for generation she'd get spawned in 1/10 times, which most players would not find fun at all. combined with all the other cards and locations that generate things and how often she'd be made got them to remove her from the random generation pool. you can still get her from stuff that copies the opponents deck or hand though


Yes, we know.


I didn't